Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Liyue World Quest List

Genshin | Liyue World Quest List

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Genshin | Liyue World Quest List - GameWith

Check out this All Liyue World Quest List for Genshin Impact. This list includes all Liyue World Quest, their location, how to unlock, where to find them, and more!

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All World Quests In Liyue

Liyue Reputation Quests

  1. A Cliff-Side Hero's Past world quest
    A Cliff-Side Hero's Past
    How To Unlock:
    find Tang Wuchou at the top of the Cinnabar Cliff, and defeat him.
  2. A Little Game world quest
    A Little Game Quest
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Childish Jiang near the North of Mt. Tianheng
  3. A New Star Approaches world quest
    A New Star Approaches
    (Archon Quest)
    How To Unlock:
    Climb Mt. Tianheng
  4. A Quiet Day In Liyue Harbor
    A Quiet Day In Liyue Harbor
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Nervous An
    (AR30 required)
  5. An Adeptal Summons world quest
    An Adeptal Summons
    How To Unlock:
    To unlock the quest, go to Mt. Aozang after completing Chapter 1: Act 1.
  6. An Ode to Yonder City world quest
    An Ode to Yonder City
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Qingzhou in Wangshu Inn to start the quest
  7. and this treasure goes to world quest
    And This Treasure Goes To...
    How To Unlock:
    Defeat Treasures Horders & save Alrani near Lingju Pass
  8. Changchang's Little Friend world quest
    Changchang's Little Friend
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Changchang in Liyue Harbor after clearing Archon Quest Chapter 1 Act III.
  9. endless research world quest
    Endless Research
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Alrani in Liyue Harbor to start the quest
  10. Farewell, Archaic Lord world quest
    Farewell, Archaic Lord
    (Archon Quest)
    How To Unlock:
    Go to the Northland Bank and talk to the Bank staff.
  11. fishing for jade world quest
    Fishing For Jade
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Kun who is walking around at the center Liyue's Harbor.
  12. Hereafter: All is Well world quest
    Hereafter: All is Well
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Wang Ping'an at Pervases' temple
  13. Hereafter: Return to the Mountains world quest
    Hereafter: Return to the Mountains
    How To Unlock:
    1. Head back to Pervases Statue
    2. Talk to Wang Ping'an
  14. Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases world quest
    Hereafter: The Trail of Pervases
    How To Unlock:
    Go to Xiangling's Restaurant In Liyue
  15. Luhua Landscape world quest
    Luhua Landscape
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Vermeer near Luhua Pool
  16. Necessary Procedures world quest
    Necessary Procedures
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Ivanovich in Liyue Harbor to start the quest
  17. Nine Pillars Of Peace world quest
    Nine Pillars Of Peace
    How To Unlock:
    Collect 9 Stone of Remembrance.
  18. Of The Land Amidst Monoliths world quest
    Of The Land Amidst Monoliths
    (Archon Quest)
    How To Unlock:
    Go to Liyue Harbor.
  19. On the Stage, Behind the Stage world quest
    On the Stage, Behind the Stage
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Tea Master Liu Su at Heyu Tea House
  20. Perfect Shot world quest
    Perfect Shot
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Ji Tong.
  21. Return Of The Jade Chamber World Quest
    Return Of The Jade Chamber
    How To Unlock:
    1. Complete the Ganyu Story Quest and Fishing For Jade World Quest.
    2. Upon completing the pre-requisite quests, talk to Kun At Liyue Harbor.
  22. Says He Who Seeks Stone world quest
    Says He Who Seeks Stone
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Muning
  23. Share Not Your Treasures world quest
    Share Not Your Treasures
    How To Unlock:
    Interact with the Worn Letter located inside of the ruin to the South of Guili Plains
  24. Share Not Your Treasures world quest
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Xu at Liyue Harbor.
  25. Stolen, By The Rightful Owner world quest
    Stolen, By The Rightful Owner
    How To Unlock:
    1. Go to the Glaze Peak
    2. Go to the Treasure Hoarder's camp site and read the Weasel Thief Training Manual.
  26. Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering world quest
    Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Muning located at Glaze Peak
  27. the chi of yore world quest
    The Chi Of Yore
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Yan'er near the teleport point located in the South of Wuwang Hill
  28. the millenial mountains world quest
    The Millennial Mountains
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Wang
  29. The Missing Miner world quest
    The Missing Miner
    How To Unlock:
    Locate the Work Handbook in the Underground Waterway
  30. The Ocean Pearl world quest
    The Ocean Pearl
    How To Unlock:
    Get on the ship near the Liyue Harbor
  31. The Secret of Nantianmen world quest
    The Secret of Nantianmen
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Jiayi in Liyue Harbor's Adventurers' Guild.
  32. The Tree Who Stands Alone world quest
    The Tree Who Stands Alone
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Yuan Hong
  33. The Yaksha's Wish world quest
    The Yaksha's Wish
    How To Unlock:
    Interact with the Ruin Tablet in the ruin located to the Northeast of Jueyun Karst.
  34. There's No Restoring This Past Land Of Beauty world quest
    There's No Restoring This Past Land Of Beauty
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Zhiping.
  35. Tianqiu Treasure Trail world quest
    Tianqiu Treasure Trail
    How To Unlock:
    Talk To Lan at Liyue Harbor.
  36. Trails In Tianqiu world quest
    Trails In Tianqiu
    How To Unlock:
    nteract with Ancient Tablet in Tianqiu Valley
  37. Treasure Lost, Treasure Found world quest
    Treasure Lost, Treasure Found
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Soraya.
  38. Undetected Infiltration world quest
    Undetected Infiltration
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Yanbo at the Smuggler's Camp.
  39. Will Of Stone world quest
    Will Of Stone
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Jiayi
  40. Words Worth Their Weight world quest
    Words Worth Their Weight in Mora
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Jifang

Liyue Non-Reputation Quest

  1. A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken world quest
    A Dish Beyond Mortal Ken
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Smiley Yanxiao.
  2. chasm spelunkers world quest
    Chasm Spelunkers
    How To Unlock:
    Use the lift and enter the minds of the Chasm
  3. Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help world quest
    Dimming Mushroom's Call for Help
    How To Unlock:
    Interact and Recharge Xamaran.
  4. First Miasmic Contact world quest
    First Miasmic Contact
    How To Unlock:
    Go to the first marked location of the anomaly.
  5. Garcia's Paean world quest
    Garcia's Paean
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Garcia
  6. Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm world quest
    Hydrological Investigation in The Chasm
    How To Unlock:
    Fish in Chasm to obtain Strange Object.
  7. Idle teapot talk world quest
    Idle Teapot Talk
    How To Unlock:
    1. Use your Teapot.
    2. Go inside the teapot.
    3. Talk to Tubby.
  8. Lost In A Foreign Land world quest
    Lost In A Foreign Land
    How To Unlock:
    Defeat the Electro Cicin Mage named "???" near the Glowing Narrows waypoint.
  9. Lost In A Foreign Land: Seeking world quest
    Lost in a Foreign Land: Seeking
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Katarina
  10. Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits world quest
    Meeting New People... and Foiling Some Bandits
    How To Unlock:
    Clear the campsite of the Treasure Hoarders
  11. Ministry Missions
    Ministry Missions
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to the Ms. Yu, the NPC for Liyue's Reputation System.
  12. Mycological Investigation in The Chasm world quest
    Mycological Investigation in The Chasm
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Khedive.
  13. Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm
    Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Khedive.
  14. Perils In The Dark world quest
    Perils In The Dark
    How To Unlock:
    The quest is automatically unlocked once you've finished the Heavenly Stone Debris World Quest
  15. The Chasm Charters world quest
    The Chasm Charters
    How To Unlock:
    Speak to Lan near Katheryne in Liyue Harbor.
  16. The Chasm Delvers world quest
    The Chasm Delvers
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Muning.
  17. The Chasm's Bounty world quest
    The Chasm's Bounty
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Muning.
  18. The Heavenly Stone's Debris world quest
    The Heavenly Stone's Debris
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Jiwu in the camp.
  19. The Tales Behind The Fan world quest
    The Tales Behind The Fan
    How To Unlock:
    Go to the Third-Round Knockout in Liyue.
  20. Valor's Afterglow world quest
    Valor's Afterglow
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Zhiqiong to start the quest.
  21. What Do Adventurers Do Again?
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Farewell, Archaic Lord
    - Talk to Lan
  22. Blackcliff Woes
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Of The Land Amidst Monoliths
    - Talk to Manager Kuan
  23. A Lone Ship In Guyun
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to Suling
  24. Pressing Deadlines
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Farewell, Archaic Lord
    - Talk to Clerk Zhao
  25. The Adventurers' Guild's Affairs
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete A New Star Approaches
    - Talk to Lan
  26. Overstretched
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to Qiaoxi
  27. Old Tastes Die Hard
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to Mr. Zhu

What Are World Quests & How To Unlock Them

Side Quests Found Around The Game's World

World Quests are Genshin Impact's version of side quests. By doing them, not only do players learn more about the world and get to know its NPCs, they also receive rewards for completing them!

How To Unlock World Quests

Increase Your Adventure Rank

Most World Quests are locked behind Adventure Rank progression. Some of them will not show up until player reach specific Adventure Rank or once they complete the Ascension Level quests.

Progress Through The Archon Quest

There are World Quests that are directly tied to the Archon Quests or the main story quests of Genshin Impact. Completing Archon Quests are the only way to unlock these types of World Quests.

Unlock New Regions

Some World Quests on the other hand can easily be unlocked so long as you've unlocked or cleared the fog in the area where they are found. Aim to unlock all waypoints and Statues of Seven in every region to see quests.

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Lepus Chapter: Act 1Amber 1Pavo Ocellus Chapter: Act 1Kaeya 1Tempus Fugit Chapter: Act 1Lisa 1
Lupus Minor Chapter: Act 1Razor 1Noctua Chapter: Act IDiluc 1Trifolium Chapter: Act IKlee 1
Leo Minor Chapter: Act IJean 1Carmen Dei Chapter: Act IVenti 1Astrolabos Chapter: Act IMona 1
Princeps Cretaceus Chapter: Act IAlbedo 1Aphros Delos Chapter: Act 1Eula 1Trulla Chapter: Act 1Xiangling 1
Fabulae Textile Chapter: Act 1Xingqiu 1Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act IZhongli 1Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act IIZhongli 2
Sinae Unicornis Chapter: Act IGanyu 1Alatus Chapter: Act IXiao 1Papilio Charontis Chapter: Act IHu Tao 1
Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act IYoimiya 1Grus Nivis Chapter: Act IAyaka 1Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act 1Raiden Shogun 1
Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter: Act 1Kokomi 1Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act 1Itto 1Acer Palmatum Chapter: Act 1Kazuha 1
Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act 2Raiden Shogun 2Divina Vulpes Chapter: Act 1Yae Miko 1Cypressus Custos Chapter: Act IAyato 1
Umbrabilis Orchis Chapter: Act 1Yelan 1Vulpes Zerda Chapter: Act 1Tighnari 1Lupus Aureus Chapter Act 1Cyno 1
Lotos Somno: Act 1Nilou 1Sapientia Oromasdis Act 1Nahida 1Vultur Volans Chapter: Act IAlhaitham 1
Mantichora Chapter: Act 1Dehya 1Sapientia Oromasdis Act 2Nahida 2Lagenaria Chapter: Act 1Baizhu 1
Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act IIYoimiya 2Felis Fuscus Chapter: Act ILyney 1Cerberus Chapter: Act 1Wriothesley 1
Diluvies Chapter: Act 1Neuvillette 1Animula Choragi Chapter: Act IFurina 1Rosa Multiflora Chapter: Act INavia 1
Grus Serena Chapter: Act 1Xianyun 1Cisoria Chapter: Act 1Chiori 1Ignis Purgatorius Chapter: Act 1 Arlecchino 1
Lupus Aureus Chapter: Act 2Cyno 2Rapperia Chapter: Act 1Clorinde 1Nereiders Chapter: Act 1Sigewinne 1
Where The Springs ReturnMualani 1YupanquiKinich 1Melodious ChantXilonen 1
As The Blazing SunMavuika 1Memories Flowing With ColorCitlali 1Tapirus Somniator: Chapter 1Miyuki 1
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