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Iansan Best Build & Weapon Guide

Genshin Impact | Iansan Best Build & Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact | Iansan Best Build & Weapon Guide - GameWith

Iansan is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Iansan's, best support build, best weapon, artifacts, kit, talents, ascension materials, & team comp of Iansan for Iansan.

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Iansan Latest Information & News

Iansan Has Boosted Rates For Pick-Up!

Varesa Banner
Pick-Up DurationMarch 26, 2025 11:00 - April 15, 2025 17:59

Iansan is currently available with a higher chance of dropping from March 26, 2025 until April 15, 2025 in Varesa and Xianyun's banners! Iansan is an ATK Bonus support with Nightsoul mechanic. Do not miss this chance to get Iansan or her Constellations!

Iansan Tier & Review

4 StarElectroElectroPolearm
How To Get?
Can be pulled from all banners, including Standard, Limited-Time, and Weapon Banners. Higher chance of getting her if you pull from Limited-Time Banners where she is a featured 4-star.
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Iansan!

What Kind Of Character Is Iansan?

Iansan What kind of character

Iansan is a support for ATK-scaling characters that relies on Nightsoul points amount and her own ATK stat for her buff. Her Elemental Burst is the main focus of her kit since it has the buffing capabilities. Her Skill is a mobility Skill similar to other Natlan characters. Her buff relies on the displacement (movement) of characters.

Strengths & Weakness Of Iansan

- Powerful ATK Buff and ability to hold Scrolls set makes her a top ATK support at base.
- A flexible character that can be a side-grade of Bennett and at times can be an upgrade to Bennett.
- Requires movement for buffs so the buffs provided by Iansan is depending on the character used.
- Healing is minimal and mostly a bonus.
▼ Details about Iansan below.

Iansan Best Build

Iansan Is Best Built As An ATK-Scaling Support

WeaponCalamity QuellerCalamity Queller
Substitute1. Tamayuratei No OhanashiTamayuratei No Ohanashi
2. Favonius LanceFavonius Lance
BestScroll Of The Hero Of Cinder CityScroll Of The Hero Of Cinder City
Main StatSands: Energy Recharge or ATK%
Goblet: ATK%
Circlet: ATK%
Sub-Stat 1. Energy Recharge
2. ATK%
Sample TeamIansanVaresaFurinaXianyun

Stat Goals For Iansan


Iansan is an ATK buffer support who scales on ATK like Shenhe. Just like Shenhe, Iansan still needs both Energy Recharge and ATK so she can buff the DPS consistently and with a good ATK Bonus buff.

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Iansan Best Weapon

Iansan Works Best With ATK-Boosting or Energy Recharge Polearms

BestCalamity QuellerCalamity QuellerATK 16.5% (Lvl. 90)
- High Base ATK and ATK sub-stat is good for increasing Iansan's attack for her buff.
- Weapon skill can increase her ATK greatly when off-field.
Tamayuratei No OhanashiTamayuratei No OhanashiEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- This weapon is a good replacement for Calamity Queller, both are able to increase the holder's ATK when using an Elemental Skill.
- While it has a lower base ATK stat, the Energy Recharge substat is more than enough to make this Iansan's 2nd best weapon.
Missive WindspearMissive WindspearATK 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK substat and attack buff in Weapon Skill can greatly increase Iansan's ATK Bonus buff.
- Needs an Elemental Reaction to activate the Weapon Skill.
- The lack of Energy Recharge in it means artifacts will need more ER stats.
4thFavonius LanceFavonius LanceEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- The Energy Recharge stat is good for Burst uptime.
- CRIT Rate is needed to proc the weapon skill often for Energy Particle generation.
5thPrimordial Jade Winged-SpearPrimordial Jade Winged-SpearCRIT Rate 22.1% (Lvl. 90)
- High base ATK stat is good for Iansan.
- ATK buff in Weapon Skill needs seven (7) hits to fully max out.
- CRIT Rate stat is not important for Iansan since she is a support.
6thSkyward SpineSkyward SpineEnergy Recharge 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Good stat stick for both base ATK and Energy Recharge.

Iansan can use Shenhe's BiS weapon since they both need ATK to empower their buff and is often most of the time. For F2P options, Iansan can use any ATK-boosting or Energy Recharge polearms since both stats are what she needs greatly.

All Weapon List

Iansan Best Artifacts

Iansan Support Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Support Build

Scroll Of The Hero Of Cinder CityScroll Of The Hero Of Cinder City★★★★★
- Increases Iansan's support capabilities by allowing her to buff Elemental DMG as well.
- Since Iansan can enter Nightsoul state, she can activate the additional Elemental DMG Buff for her teammates.
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige★★★★ ・
- Additional ATK buff to the team when Iansan uses her Elemental Burst.
- Can increase damage dealt by Iansan's Burst.
ShimenawaAny ATK%
GladiatorAny ATK%
★★★ ・ ・
- Any 2-pc set that increases ATK can be used while farming for complete Scroll set.

Recommended Artifact Stats

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: Energy Recharge / ATK%
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: Energy Recharge / ATK%
Sands IconMain: ATK% or Energy Recharge
Sub: Energy Recharge / ATK%
Goblet IconMain: ATK%
Sub: Energy Recharge / ATK%
Crown IconMain: ATK%
Sub: Energy Recharge / ATK%

Scroll Set Is Great For Any Natlan Support

Since Iansan can enter Nightsoul state and trigger Elemental Reactions, she can use Scroll Set to greatly boost the Elemental DMG dealt by the team.

Support Sets or ATK-Boosting Sets Can Work As Well

Iansan can make use of Noblesse Oblige for additional ATK buffs for the team. She can also use 2-pc ATK boosting sets if you want to purely focus on empowering her ATK buff.

Related Articles

Iansan Best Team Comp

Iansan Is Best Used As ATK DPS Support

Support DPS Support Support
- Varesa moves a lot during her rotation which can regenerate Nightsoul points easily for Iansan.
- The DMG Increase and Plunging Attack Bonus Damage buff that Furina and Xianyun provides does not overlap with Iansan's ATK Bonus buff, preventing overbuffing one stat.

Free-To-Play Party

IansanIansanGamingGaming- F2P Overload team.
- Since Iansan is an ATK-scaling support, she can be used with any ATK scaling DPS.
- Ororon can reduce the CD for Nightsoul Burst and allow Iansan to proc her healing passive more.
- Chevreuse can greatly reduce the Pyro and Electro resistance of enemies.
Best Teams for Iansan

Iansan Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Talent Materials For Iansan

Iansan 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Weighted Spike★・・・・
Thunderbolt Rush
(Elemental Skill)
The Three Principles of Power
(Elemental Burst)

Iansan Skill Guide & How To Use Iansan

How To Use Iansan?

Support That Uses ATK And Nightsoul Points To Buff ATK

Basic Rotation Of Iansan
Pre C2 Elemental Skill → Normal Attack → Elemental Burst
Post C2Elemental Skill → Elemental Burst

Iansan is an ATK-scaling Support that uses her ATK stat to buff the DPS. She is more similar to Shenhe compared to Bennett and Sara since Iansan does not scale on base ATK. The amount of Nightsoul points she has also affects the buff her Elemental Burst gives to the DPS.

The biggest advantage of Iansan is that her buff follows the character and is not restricted in one location.

ATK Buff Provided is Based on Total ATK of Iansan

Talent Lvl. 8 Lvl. 9 Lvl. 13
Max Buff+610+690+810
Needed ATK 2,260 2,5563000

Iansan's buff gives 27% of Iansan's Attack to team mates. The max amount of buff Iansan can give the character is also limited by the talent level of Elemental Burst. The needed amount to maximize the attack buffs Iansan provides is fairly high so make sure to build your Iansan properly.

Needs to have 42 or More Nightsoul Points

Methods to Recover Nightsoul Points While On Burst
- When the character on-field moves (height and distance is counted).
- When the on-field character consumes or recover Nightsoul.

Remember that the buff of Iansan greatly decreases when the Nightsoul Points is less than 42 points. Since Iansan recover points based on the movement of the characters, Varesa and other characters that moves a lot allows you to keep the buff of Iansan at best state.

▼ Ideal Characters for Iansan

Characters that Works Well with Iansan

Have Healing but it is NOT enough to Sustain the Team

After triggering Nightsoul Burst, for 10 seconds, Iansan can heal the on-field character based on her Nightsoul Points. However, the amount healed is very low and only happens once every 2.8 seconds.

Amazing for Exploration

Iansan has a special Skill and Dash that allows her to sprint quickly. She is especially useful at Natlan.

Iansan Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Iansan?

Pull For An Attack Buffer

Iansan can buff the ATK of the active character depending on her Nightsoul points amount and her own ATK stat. She shares similar buffing capabilities with Bennett and will be a great addition to well-built accounts.

Best Constellation For Iansan

★★★・・C1: Starting's Never Easy
When Iansan is in combat and is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, she will restore 15 Elemental Energy for every 6 Nightsoul points she consumes. This effect can trigger once every 18s.
★★★★・C2: Laziness is the Enemy!
When using the Elemental Burst The Three Principles of Power, Iansan will also gain the Precise Movement effect from her Passive Talent "Enhanced Resistance Training" for 15s. Additionally, if Iansan is off-field while Precise Movement is active, she will also increase your current active character's ATK by 30%. You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Enhanced Resistance Training" to access the above effect.
★★★・・C3: Scientific Diet Planning
Increases the Level of Thunderbolt Rush by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
When the Kinetic Energy Scale is present, Iansan will gain 2 stacks of Surging Force after your current active character (excluding herself) uses their Elemental Burst. The stacks last until the Scale leaves the field, and Surging Force can be gained once per Scale summoning. Whenever Iansan restores Nightsoul points via the Scale, she will consume 1 Surging Force stack and restore 4 additional Nightsoul points.
Additionally, if her Nightsoul restoration from the Scale overflows, Iansan will gain 50% of the overflow the next time she restores Nightsoul points via the Scale.
★★★★・C5: We Can Push It Further!
Increases the Level of The Three Principles of Power by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★★C6: Teachings of the Collective of Plenty
The Kinetic Energy Scale's duration is increased by 3s.
Additionally, when Iansan triggers Nightsoul point restoration, if there is any overflow, she will gain the Extreme Force effect, which increases the DMG dealt by your current active character by 25% for 3s.

Constellation 2 & 6 For Boost In Damage

Constellation 2 and 6 increases damage and ATK that Iansan provdes. The rest of the constellation is also ideal because of how they make the buff more consistent.

Iansan Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Weighted Spike

Normal Attack

Performs up to 3 consecutive spear strikes.
1-Hit DMG47%50.8%54.6%60.1%63.9%68.3%74.3%80.3%86.3%92.9%99.4%
2-Hit DMG42.8%46.3%49.7%54.7%58.2%62.2%67.6%73.1%78.6%84.5%90.5%
3-Hit DMG64.4%69.6%74.9%82.4%87.6%93.6%101.8%110.1%118.3%127.3%136.3%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to opponents along the way.
Charged Attack100.3% 108.4%116.6%128.3%136.4%145.8%158.6%171.4%184.2%198.2%212.2%
Charged Attack
Stamina Cost

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG63.9%69.1%74.3%81.8%87%92.9%101.1%109.3%117.5%126.4%135.3%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Nightsoul State: Swift Stormflight

While in the Nightsoul's Blessing state: Iansan's Charged Attack will be transformed into the formidable Swift Stormflight, consuming a certain amount of Stamina to stomp fiercely down, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Electro DMG.
Charged Attack
Stamina Cost

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Thunderbolt Rush (Elemental Skill)

Iansan charges forward a certain distance, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Electro DMG to all opponents in her path.After this Skill is used, Iansan will regain 54 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state. Within 5s after this is done, using a Normal Attack will trigger 1 quick Swift Stormflight stomp from Iansan that will not consume Stamina.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Iansan

Continuously consumes Nightsoul points. If she runs out, or uses this Skill again, her Nightsoul's Blessing state will end. It has the following properties:
・Increases Iansan's Movement SPD.
・Holding sprint will switch Iansan to Rushing Thunderbolt mode, greatly increasing her Movement SPD temporarily. In this mode, Iansan can make flying leaps using terrain, or consume additional Nightsoul points to move on water or liquid Phlogiston while being immune to DMG from the latter.
Skill DMG286.4%307.9%329.4%358%379.5%401%429.6%458.2%486.9%515.5%544.2%572.8%608.6%
Point Limit

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

The Three Principles of Power (Elemental Burst)

Iansan's stomping foot shatters the very earth with Power, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Electro DMG. She then whips out her Limited-Edition Kinetic Energy Scale (For Workouts). When this Skill is used, Iansan will gain 15 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state. When the Kinetic Energy Scale leaves the field, Iansan's Nightsoul's Blessing state will end.

Kinetic Energy Scale

The Kinetic Energy Scale will follow the character around, boosting the ATK of your current active party member in different ways based on Iansan's Nightsoul points.
・If Iansan has less than 42 Nightsoul points, the ATK bonus will be based on her Nightsoul points and ATK.
・If Iansan has at least 42 Nightsoul points, the Kinetic Energy Scale will switch to the Ardent Support! state, in which the ATK bonus will be stronger and based on her ATK alone.
Additionally, the Scale will log the distance your current active character (excluding Iansan) has moved so long as it is active, restoring Nightsoul points to Iansan every second based on the distance moved in the previous second. The Scale will disappear once her Nightsoul's Blessing state ends. It will also disappear after 1 second when you are not in a state of combat. While it is active, Iansan's Nightsoul's Blessing state will not end even if she is not on the field.
Skill DMG430.4%462.7%495%538%570.3%602.6%645.6%688.6%731.7%774.7%817.8%860.8%914.6%
Points ATK
27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK 27% ATK
Points ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
0.5% ATK
ATK Bonus
State Duration
1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Enhanced Resistance Training

After Swift Stormflight hits opponents, Iansan will gain the Precise Movement effect for 15s. During this time, her ATK is increased by 20%, and whenever she regains Nightsoul points through the Kinetic Energy Scale in her Elemental Burst, The Three Principles of Power, she will gain 1 extra Nightsoul point. Additionally, when your current active party member consumes or restores Nightsoul points, the extra Nightsoul points Iansan gains the next time she restores Nightsoul points via the Scale will be increased to 4. This effect can occur once every 2.8s. Precise Movement will expire when Iansan's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends.

Kinetic Energy Gradient Test

When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, Iansan will obtain the Warming Up effect for 10s. During this time, when Iansan restores at least 1 Nightsoul points, she will heal your current active character for 60% of her ATK. This effect can be triggered once every 2.8s.

Hard Work And Drive

After Nightsoul points have been fully depleted and Iansan is on the field, she will switch to using Phlogiston to maintain her Nightsoul's Blessing. While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, Nightsoul Transmission: Iansan can be used. When the current active character is sprinting or in movement modes caused by certain Talents, or at a certain height in the air, switching to Iansan will trigger the following: Iansan enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state and obtains 25 Nightsoul points. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own party. While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, Iansan will not take fall DMG when using terrain differences to make leaps.

Caloric Balancing Plan

While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, regain 10 Phlogiston when Phlogiston levels drop below 50%. This can occur once every 10s.

Who Is Iansan?

Physical Trainer & A Hero Of Natlan

Who is Iansan

Iansan is a fitness Coach from Natlan. She is also known as the hero of Collective of Plenty Tribe of Natlan. She is known to give healthy smoothies to people and gives healthy dieting advice as well.

Known Bearer Of An Ancient Name

ancient name bearer

During the Natlan Archon Quest, it was revealed that Iansan holds the Ancient Name Uwezu that means power. She tells the Traveler that it's odd that her Ancient Name means power since her appearance doesn't reflect it. But she found her own strength in another way.

Name References A Warrior Goddess

Iansan's name seems to reference a goddess from the Yoruba religion that commands Winds, storms and lightning.

Iansan Voice Actor & Their Notable Roles

Iansan Voice Actors

English Voice Actor: Katrina Salisbury

Notable Roles
YonaMy Little Pony
Nico NiiyamaKiznaiver

Japanese Voice Actor: Ohashi Ayaka

Notable Roles
Uzuki ShimamuraTHE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls
VodkaUma Musume

Characters With Same Role As Iansan 

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Character Tier Lists

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Sumeru FontaineFontaineNatlanNatlan

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