Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Dori Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Dori Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Dori Build & Weapon - GameWith

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Dori is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Dori's, team comps, talent materials, best signature weapon, tier, rating, kit, & best healer build for Dori.

Table of Contents

Dori Tier & Review

4 StarElectroElectroClaymore
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Dori!

Strengths & Weakness Of Dori

- Rare support capability that heals and recovers energy.
- Can perform 2 roles in Physical Teams allowing you to save more space for other characters.
- Requires a lot of Energy Recharge and HP to maximize skills.
- Weak personal damage.
- Elemental Burst is not flexible and is difficult to use.
▼ Details about Dori below.

Dori Best Build

Dori Healer & Bloom Bot Build

WeaponSacrificial GreatswordSacrificial Greatsword
Substitute1. Favonius GreatswordFavonius Greatsword
2. Katsuragikiri NagamasaKatsuragikiri Nagamasa (F2P Option)
3. The BellThe Bell
Best ArtifactEmblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate x2
Tenacity Of The MillelithTenacity Of The Millelith x2
Artifact StatsSands: Energy Recharge
Goblet: HP%
Circlet: HP%
Priority Sub-Stats 1. Energy Recharge
2. HP%
3. Elemental Mastery
4. Flat HP

This build focuses on increasing the battery potential of Dori while allowing her healing to be sufficient. The goal is to have 300% energy recharge.

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Dori Best Weapon

Dori Works Best With Energy Recharge Weapons

BestSacrificial GreatswordSacrificial GreatswordEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Increases Energy Recharge of Dori.
- Allows Dori to spam her skill allowing generation of more Electro Particles.
2ndFavonius GreatswordFavonius GreatswordEnergy Recharge 61.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Huge Energy Recharge Buff.
- Allows you to provide more energy for the team.
- Requires you to invest on CRIT Rate for consistency.
Katsuragikiri NagamasaKatsuragikiri NagamasaEnergy Recharge 45.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Great Energy Recharge stat stick..
- Make use of Elemental Skill to battery Elemental Burst.
- Obtainable for free.
4th The BellThe BellHP 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Amazing HP Stat stick boosting the healing of Dori.
- Able to provide shields and buff to team.
- Requires you to invest more Energy Recharge on Artifacts.

Energy Recharge Or HP Claymores Are Recommended

Dori's heals and battery abilities scales from her Max HP and Energy Recharge. Increase the potency of the support abilities of Dori by equiping weapon that boost them.

All Weapon List

Dori Best Artifacts

Dori's Battery Healer Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Healer Battery Build

BestEmblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate
Tenacity Of The MillelithTenacity Of The Millelith
Substitute 1The ExileThe Exile

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: HP% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: HP% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery / Flat HP
Sands IconMain:HP% / Energy Recharge
Sub: HP% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery / HP Flat
Goblet IconMain: HP%
Sub: Flat HP / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Crown IconMain: HP%
Sub: Flat HP / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery

Prioritize Increasing Energy Recharge over HP

Dori can already heal pretty well without putting much investments on HP but she have a very high burst cost. The amount of energy she provides also increases from Energy Recharge making ER the more valuable stat.

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Dori Best Team Comp

Premium Team

Main DPSSub-DPSSupportHealer
EulaEulaRaiden ShogunRaiden ShogunRosariaRosariaDoriDori
- Dori's role on the team is to provide Electro infliction and build Elemental Burst for the main DPS
- Raiden and Dori can work together for the uptime of super conduct and charging the Energy of the team.
- Rosaria can spread Cryo and increase physical damage for bigger damage from Eula. - Eula with her powerful Physical attack will be the main DPS in this team.

Other Characters That Works With Dori

EulaEula RazorRazor- Rosaria can be a viable replacement for Eula with a Physical DMG build, she won't be as strong since their Bursts are very different, but she can work
Raiden ShogunRaiden ShogunFischlFischl
- Fischl can provide Electro Resonance and Rosaria can boost Physical DMG.
- Kaeya will be able to apply Cryo well
- Works well with Eula's gameplay.
- Shenhe can also boost Physical Damage of a character.

Free To Play Friendly Party

DoriDoriLisaLisaDendro TravelerDendro TravelerXingqiuXingqiu
- Dori will be able to keep the whole team's energy up, increasing up time for Bursts
- Lisa works well with Dori because of Electro Resonance and will get boosted by Dendro traveler and Xingqiu.

Dori Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Farming Locations For Kalpalata Lotus

Kalpalata Lotus Farming Locations
Vissudha Field Map
Yasna Map
Apam Map
Devantaka Mountain
Vimara Village Map
Gandharva Ville Map
Kalpalata Lotus Location & Farm Route

Talent Materials For Dori

Dori 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Marvelous Sword-Dance (Modified)★・・・・
Spirit-Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon
(Elemental Skill)
Alcazarzaray's Exactitude
(Elemental Burst)

Dori Skill Guide & How To Use Dori

Recommended Rotation for Dori

Recommended Rotation
1Use Elemental Skill to gather Energy.
2Use Elemental Burst and switch to your main DPS.
3Fight with your Main DPS until the Elemental Burst is over.
4Repeat from number 1.

Uses Of Elemental Skill

Gather Energy & Deal Damage

Dori has an easy to use Elemental Skill that tracks opponents. More than damage, it is mainly used to gather Energy for Elemental Burst.

Uses Of Elemental Burst

Continuous Healing & Recovery Of Energy

Dori will summon a genie and it will give energy to the character close by while healing consistently healing the character. The amount of Healing scales from HP and the amount of Energy scales from the Talent Level of Elemental Burst.

Produces A Line Of Electro

Elemental Burst

There will be an Electro that connects the genie and the character that is being healed. Any enemies that will be hit by that line will be hit by Electro Damage. It has a pretty narrow AoE but it is great for producing Electro reaction in Superconduct Teams.

Dori Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Dori?

Pull If You Need An Battery & Electro Healer


Dori is one of the few characters that has the ability to recharge the team's Elemental Burst. If you often use characters that are energy hungry, it is recommended to pair them with Dori.

Best Constellation For Dori

★★・・・C1: Additional Investment
The number of After-Sales Service Rounds created by Troubleshooter Shots is increased by 1.
★・・・・C2: Special Franchise
When you are in combat and the Jinni heals the character it is connected to, it will fire a Jinni Toop from that character's position that deals 50% of Dori's ATK DMG.
★★★・・C3: Wonders Never Cease
Increases the Level of Alcazarzaray's Exactitude by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★★C4: Discretionary Supplement
The character connected to the Jinni will obtain the following buffs based on their current HP and Energy:
- When they HP is lower than 50%, they gain 50% Incoming Healing Bonus.
- When their Energy is less than 50%, they gain 30% Energy Recharge.
★★★・・C5: Value For Mora
Increases the the Level of Spirit-Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★・・・C6: Sprinkling Weight
Dori gains the following effects for 3s after using Spirit-Warding Lamp: Troubleshooter Cannon:
- Electro Infusion
- When Normal Attacks hit opponents, all nearby party members will heal HP equivalent to 4% of Dori's Max HP. This type of healing can occur once every 0.1s.

Constellation 4 Gives More Healing & Energy

Constellation 4 of Dori increases the Healing and Energy Recharge at a certain conditon. It is a notable constellation but not required.

Characters With Same Role As Dori 

Best Characters With Same Role

Character Tier Lists

All Characters

Characters By Rarity
Characters By Roles
DPS ListSupport ListHealer List
Characters By Element
Characters By Nation
Sumeru FontaineFontaineNatlanNatlan

All Playable Characters

List Of All Characters
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Anonymous 11

Dori is actually an amazing healer and you don't need to spend much time or resin on her, you just need HP/HP/Healing Bonus and some energy from substats. I've been doing 15k HP per tick

Anonymous 10

Dori F tier :3
Horrible stereotype problematic design
Boring gameplay
Bro wears turkish men's traditional clothing and looks like a dam kid ☠️

Anonymous 9

New strong Dori team available: Dori - Faruzan - Kahuza - Wanderer

Scaranonymous 8 can activate Dori's Burst before casting Raiden's burst. So Raiden when under the burst mode, will be healed from incoming damage. Raiden is immune to electro-charge when Burst. Dori heal also FULLY RECHARGE your Raiden' Burst.

Scaranonymous 7

....However, Dori is S-Tier if combined with Raiden whose energy recharge below 220% or Raiden that is not using Engulfing Lightning. It will activate electro resonance so your Raiden and whole teams have their burst quickly full under 15 seconds combat.

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