Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Kinich Best Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Kinich Best Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Kinich Best Build & Weapon - GameWith

Kinich is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Kinich's, build, weapon, team, tier, materials, talents, how to use, & character guide for Kinich.

Table of Contents

Kinich Tier & Review

5 StarDendroDendroClaymore
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes (Limited Banner)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Kinich!

What Kind Of Character Is Kinich?

A Skill-Based DMG Dealer That Is Boosted By Burning/Burgeon Reaction

Kinich is a Main DPS from Natlan that deals powerful Dendro DMG with Elemental Skill. He uses Burning or Burgeon reaction to quicken the charge of his Nightsoul allowing you to deal powerful damage frequently. Outside being an excellent DPS, he also excels in exploration especially with Constellation 1.

Strengths & Weakness Of Kinich

- Very powerful personal damage.
- Flexible teammates. So long as you have Burning, on the field he is basically powerful.
- Amazing at Exploration within and outside Natlan.
- Difficult to use when the enemies are faraway from each other.
└ Narrow AoE from Elemental Skill.
- Perfect supports for Kinich still does not exist.
└ With Bennett, he tends to go out of the circle.
▼ Details about Kinich below.

Kinich Best Build

Kinich Is Best Built As A Main Dendro DPS

WeaponFang Of The Mountain King Fang Of The Mountain King
Substitute1. Beacon Of The Reed SeaBeacon Of The Reed Sea
2. Serpent SpineSerpent Spine
3. VerdictVerdict
4. Ultimate OverlordUltimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword (F2P)
Best ArtifactObsidian Codex Obsidian Codex x4
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Dendro DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate or DMG
Priority Sub-Stats1. CRIT Rate
3. ATK%
4. Energy Recharge
Best TeamKinichEmilieBennettXiangling

Stat Goals For Kinich


Kinich is a character that deals powerful one-shot damage. An extremely high CRIT Rate is crucial for him to deal powerful damage. With Obsidian Codex, CRIT Rate requirement is reduced by 40% allowing you to focus on CRIT DMG. :p: He gains Nightsoul with Burning so using him with Burning teams will increase the frequency of his shots from a single Elemental Skill.

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Kinich Best Weapon

Kinich Can Work With ATK, DMG & CRIT Boosting Weapons

BestFang Of The Mountain KingFang Of The Mountain KingCRIT Rate 11.0% (Lvl. 90)
- Very high Base ATK greatly increases the damage of Kinich.
- DMG Bonus for Skill is also great for boosting the damage of Kinich.
- Works amazing with Kinich who is mostly placed on Burning or Burgeon team.
2ndBeacon Of The Reed SeaBeacon Of The Reed SeaCRIT Rate 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Gives high amount of CRIT Rate and ATK which is good for Kinich.
- Kinich can receive self damage often from Burning and Burgeon so activating the effect should be easy.
3rdSerpent SpineSerpent Spine CRIT Rate 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT Rate makes it easier for good Rate/DMG balance.
- DMG Bonus works well on increasing the damage of Kinich.
- Using Shields is recommended when using this weapon.
4thVerdictVerdict CRIT Rate 22.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Powerful but you need Geo to maximize the effect.
- ATK Boost and Elemental Skill DMG Buff helps in increasing the damage of Kinich.
5th (F2P)Earth ShakerEarth ShakerATK 27.6% (Lvl.90)
- At R5, it is competitive to other 5 star options.
- Increases ATK for more damage.
- Can be obtained for free through Crafting.
6thWolfWolf's Gravestone ATK 49.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases the ATK of Kinich.
- Since it has no CRIT stats, it would be difficult to create a balanced CRIT Rate and DMG.
- Conditional but effect can help the team of Kinich like Emilie which normally all scales from ATK.
7th (F2P)Ultimate OverlordUltimate Overlord's Mega Magic SwordEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl.90)
- Allows a smoother rotation of Elemental Burst.
- Decent weapon for its ATK Buff.
- The weapon is limited to version 4.3.

If You Do Not Have CRIT Weapons, DMG Bonus Weapons Works As Well

Kinich mostly require CRIT Rate for his one-shot damage. If you do not have CRIT options, DMG boosting weapons that increases Skill DMG or Dendro DMG is recommended because of the lack of outside DMG Buff for Dendro.

All Weapon List

Kinich Best Artifacts

Artifact Set Choices For Kinich

Obsidian CodexObsidian Codex ★★★★★
- Greatly increases CRIT Rate and DMG of Kinich.
- Amazing for Kinich who constantly use Nightsoul's Blesing.
- Allows you to focus more on CRIT DMG.
Deepwood MemoriesDeepwood Memories★★★★・
- Gives DMG Boost and Dendro Res Shred.
- Better to be used by supports or sub-DPS than Kinich himself.
Unfinished ReverieUnfinished Reverie★★★★・
- Greatly gives ATK and DMG Bonus of Kinich .
- Because Burning needs to be constant for Kinch, a 100% up-time of effect easily happens.
- Requires Kinich to be off-field for a few time.
Golden TroupeGolden Troupe
Gladiator2pc. ATK
- Increases Skill DMG and ATK which is the main source of DMG by Kinich.
- Great set while you are still farming for 4pc. Sets.

Recommended Artifact Stats

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate/ Energy Recharge / ATK%
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet IconMain: Dendro DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Crown IconMain: CRIT Damage / Rate
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%

Artifacts that gives ATK and DMG bonus works especially good with Kinich. Since he also has a powerful one-shot damage, increasing CRIT Rate is also crucial to increasing his damage.

Related Articles

Kinich Best Team Comp

Best Team For Kinich

- Kinich requires Burning to quickly launch his powerful strikes so pairing him with Pyro is ideal.
- Xiangling and Bennett is one of the best off-field Pyro characters that you can use for ATK scaling teams.
- Emilie makes it so that constant burning happens and also provide powerful damage and energy for Kinich.

Other Team Comps For Kinich

Burgeon-Vape Kinich

Team Detail
KinichKinich FurinaFurina - Form Blooms with Kinich and Furina and let Thoma trigger to have huge AoE.
- Since there is Burgeon and Burning that happens in this team comp, Kinich's powerful attack still triggers fast.
BennettBennett ThomaThoma

F2P Friendly Team Comp

Team Detail
KinichKinich XianglingXiangling - A F2P friendly team comp that uses free characters or easily obtainable ones.
- You can opt to use Collei for a pure Burning team or Xingqiu for a Burgeon team.
BennettBennett XingqiuXingqiu

Kinich Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Saurian Claw Succulent Farm Route

Tequemecan Valley Saurian Claw Succulent Farm Routes

Talent Materials For Kinich

Kinich 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Nightsun Style★★・・・
Canopy Hunter: Riding High
(Elemental Skill)
Hail to the Almighty Dragonlord
(Elemental Burst)

Kinich Skill Guide & How To Use Kinich

How To Use Kinich?

Kinich Is An Elemental Skill-Based Attacker With Smooth Movements

Kinich is a character from Natlan that uses Nightsoul's Blessings to fight as a main DPS. At Elemental Skill mode, you will move left and right while attacking. After gaining points, you can shoot a blast of Dendro damage. This makes Kinich an amazing DPS that can easily dodge attacks of enemies.

When Nightsoul Points Is At Max, Use E. Skill To Shoot A Cannon

Max Nightsoul Gauge
Basic Rotation
1. Use E. Skill to link to an enemy.
2. While moving around the enemy, use Normal Attack (Gain Nightsoul Points)
3. Once Nightsoul Gauge is maxed, use E. Skill to shoot a cannon.
4. Repeat 2~3.

While on Nightsoul's Blessing, Normal Attack will gather Nightsoul Points. Once you obtain max Nightsoul Point, you can use Elemental Skill to shoot an attack called Scalespiker Cannon. This attack is very powerful and is the main source of damage of Kinich. The strength of Kinich depends on how many times you can shoot this attack while on Nightsoul's Blessings.

Gain Nightsoul Points Faster With Burning / Burgeon / Blind Spots.

How To Gain Nightsoul Points
Method To Get Nightsoul PointsPoints Gained
Obtain automatically per second2 points
Deal Normal attack to linked enemy3 points
After shooting, head to the Blind Spot4 points
Deal Burning or Burgeon damage to enemies (Every 0.8 seconds)7 points

▲Max point is 20 points (Not shown during battle)

You can increase the amount of Scalespiker Cannon shots you can deal while on Nightsoul Blessing mode by having a Burning or Burgeon reaction. Stepping on Blind Spot will also increase it greatly. With Burning, you can continuously gain Nightsoul Points so it is the most effective. Burgeon also works but it is more difficult to do consistently.

With Nightsoul Burst,You Can Further Increase Damage

*At the current, there are no Natlan character that works well with Kinich.
* Kinich will get stronger when Natlan characters that work with him is released.

What is Nightsoul Burst?- Happens when there is a Natlan character in the team.
- In itself, it does not have damage.
- Shortens the cooldown when you have multiple Natlan characters.
└1/2/3 characters is to 18s/12s/9s
Passive: Flame Spirit Pact- Every Nightsoul Burst, boost the cannon DMG by +320%.
 └Last for 15 seconds, 2 stacks.
- Shooting the cannon will reset the DMG Bonus.

With the Passive Talent, Flame Spirit Pact, you can greatly boost the damage of the cannon when a Nightsoul Burst occurs. With one Nightsoul Burst, the cannon from E. Skill can have 1500% damage. However, since Nightsoul Burst does not happen often, this can only happen around 1~2 shots per Elemental Skill.

Elemental Burst Is Amazing For Continuous Damage

Elemental Burst summons Ajaw and it will continuously deal AoE Dendro damage. While the Burst cost (70) is heavy, it last for 15 seconds with a great sub-DPS potential. Since the cut-in is pretty long and takes time from E. Skill, using this is optional. It is okay to use this when it is maxed out.

Amazing For Travelling and Exploration At Natlan

With Elemental Skill, you can do additional jumps from the air allowing you to reach places normally unreachable. In Natlan, you can use the Skill twice when you have Pholiston. This makes Kinich a top-tier character especially when exploring Natlan.

Kinich Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Kinich?

Pull For A Dendro DPS

Kinich is a character that deals powerful Dendro DMG that is supported by Burning or Burgeon reaction. If you need a powerful Dendro DMG dealer, Kinich is an amazing option for you. He is also an amazing exploration character.

Best Constellation For Kinich

★★★★★C1: Parrot's Beak
After Kinich lands from Canopy Hunter: Riding High's mid-air swing, his Movement SPD will increase by 30% for 6s.
Additionally, Scalespiker Cannon's CRIT DMG is increased by 100%.
★★★★・C2: Tiger Beetle's Palm
When Kinich's Elemental Skill hits an opponent, it will decrease their Dendro RES by 30% for 6s. Additionally, the first Scalespiker Cannon Kinich fires after entering Nightsoul's Blessing has increased AoE, and its DMG increases by 100%.
★★★・・C3: Protosuchian's Claw
Increases the Level of Canopy Hunter: Riding High by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: Hummingbird's Feather
When in Nightsoul's Blessing, Kinich will restore 5 Energy after using his Loop Shots or after unleashing the Scalespiker Cannon. Energy can be regenerated this way once every 2.8s. Additionally, Hail to the Almighty Dragonlord deals 70% more DMG.
★★・・・C5: Howler Monkey's Tail
Increases the Level of Hail to the Almighty Dragonlord by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C6: Auspicious Beast's Shape
After Scalespiker Cannon hits an opponent, it will bounce between opponents once, dealing 700% of Kinich's ATK as Dendro DMG. If this Scalespiker Cannon triggers the buffs that Passive Talent "Flame Spirit Pact" or the Constellation "Tiger Beetle's Palm" grant to the Cannon, the bouncing attack will also obtain the relevant buffs.

Kinich Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Nightsun Style

Normal Attack

Performs up to 3 rapid strikes.
After using his Elemental Skill Canopy Hunter: Riding High's mid-air swing, he can perform a Normal Attack in mid-air before landing.
1-Hit DMG99%107%115.1%126.6%134.7%143.9%156.5%169.2%181.9%195.7%209.5%
2-Hit DMG82.9%89.7%96.4%106%112.8%120.5%131.1%141.7%152.3%163.9%175.5%
3-Hit DMG123.5%133.6%143.6%158%168%179.5%195.3%211.1%226.9%244.1%261.4%
Attack DMG

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to spin and throw his Claymore forward to attack opponents.

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG74.6%80.7%86.7%95.4%101.5%108.4%118%127.5% 137%147.4%157.9%
149%161%173%191%203% 217%236%255%274%295%316%
186%202%217%238%253%271%295%318% 342%368%394%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Canopy Hunter: Riding High (Elemental Skill)

Kinich uses his big-game hunting skills to either move swiftly or attack his opponent. When there is an opponent or object that can be attacked nearby, he will attach a grappling hook to the target and enter Nightsoul's Blessing with 0 Nightsoul points. If neither is nearby, he fires a grappling hook forward and swings in mid-air, and this Skill's CD is decreased by 60%. This skill can be Held to release. When it is Held, Kinich can aim the grappling hook.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Kinich

Kinich's Nightsoul's Blessing lasts 10s and generates 2 Nightsoul points every second. In this state, Kinich will hook onto a nearby opponent and perform a variable attack:
・When using a Normal Attack, Kinich will fire Loop Shots as he loops around the grappled target based on his current movement direction, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Dendro DMG and generating 3 Nightsoul points. Loop Shot DMG is considered Elemental Skill DMG.
・When Nightsoul points are at max, he can use the Elemental Skill "Scalespiker Cannon": Consume all Nightsoul points to deal Nightsoul-aligned Dendro DMG. When "Scalespiker Cannon" is Held, Kinich can aim this shot. After firing the Cannon, Kinich will try to grapple to its target.
While in Nightsoul's Blessing, after grappling an opponent or firing "Scalespiker Cannon," a Blind Spot will be generated next to the opponent. When Kinich enters this Blind Spot, it will disappear and he will generate 4 Nightsoul points. If the grapple connection should snap due to exceeding the maximum distance or some other reason, using a Normal Attack will establish a new connection with a nearby opponent before performing Loop Shots.
Point Limit

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Hail To The Almighty Dragonlord

Unleashes the power of the Almighty Dragonlord, K'uhul Ajaw (on a limited, conditional, restricted, contractual, partial, temporary basis), dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Dendro DMG. Ajaw will unleash his Dragon Breath at intervals, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Dendro DMG. If Kinich is in Nightsoul's Blessing when this is used, this Blessing's duration is extended by 1.7s.
Skill DMG134%144.1%154.1%167.5%177.6%187.6%201%214.4%227.8%241.2%254.6%268%284.8%
120.7%129.8%138.9%150.9%160%169%181.1%193.2%205.3%217.3%229.4% 241.5%256.6%
Energy Cost70707070707070707070707070

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

The Price Of Desolation

When Kinich is in Nightsoul's Blessing state, opponents hit by his Elemental Skill will enter the Desolation state, and when affected by Burning or Burgeon reaction DMG, they will restore 7 Nightsoul points to him. Nightsoul points can be gained this way once every 0.8s. The Desolation state will persist until this instance of Kinich's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends.

Flame Spirit Pact

After a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, Kinich will gain 1 stack of Hunter's Experience that lasts 15s. Max 2 stacks. When Kinich uses Canopy Hunter: Riding High's Scalespiker Cannon, all stacks of Hunter's Experience will be consumed, with each stack consumed increasing the DMG dealt by this Cannon shot by 320% of Kinich's ATK.

Repaid In Full

When Kinich is in the air following Canopy Hunter: Riding High's mid-air swing, he can consume 10 Phlogiston points to perform another mid-air swing. While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, he can use Nightsoul Transmission: Kinich. When the current active character is sprinting, in movement states that result from specific Talents, or in the air, when you switch to Kinich: Kinich will perform one of the following actions depending on the conditions met:
・ When facing a Coilgrass Sigil that can be interacted with: He will fire a grappling hook towards it to move.
・When there are nearby opponents and you are in combat: Kinich will use Canopy Hunter: Riding High in the direction of the opponents.
Otherwise, Kinich will fire a grappling hook and swing, prioritizing valid Coilgrass Sigils as grapple targets. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own party.
When interacting with Coilgrass Sigils and other items that Yumkasaurs can interact with, "Canopy Hunter: Riding High" will be converted to "Yumkasaur Mimesis," which causes interactions with such items to follow rules applicable to Yumkasaurs, and which will not put Canopy Hunter: Riding High on CD.

Swift Envoy

While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, interacting with some harvestable items will increase your own party members' Movement SPD by 15% for 10s. Additionally, the location of nearby resources unique to Natlan will appear on your mini-map.

Who Is Kinich?

A Saurian Hunter From Natlan

Kinich genshin impact

There are various new species that is encountered in Natlan. Kinich is a Saurian Hunter who catch them. Once he locks on a target, Kinich does not let them escape.

Kinich's Name Represents Power

Kinich name is based on a Mayan God named Kinich Ahau, who is also known as the God of the Sun. Kinich's name is said to be represented by strong animals such as eagle, deer, or any other animals that represent power.

Kinich Official Art


Kinich: Fiery Pursuit Official Character Trailer

Kinich's release date is just around the corner! You can check out Kinich's amazing character trailer on the video above.

Kinich's Voice Actor & Notable Roles


English Voice Actor: John Patneude

Notable Roles
ReiPokemon Masters EX
Genri SayoBeyblade X

Japanese Voice Actor: Sugiyama Noriaki

Notable Roles
Sasuke UchihaNaruto Shipuuden
Ishida UryuuBleach

Characters With Same Role As Kinich 

Best Characters With Same Role

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Anonymous 7

Mavuika > Xiangling

Anonymous 6

I just wanna say who ever is writing for Kinich should write for older characters too! Having Artifact Set, Weapons and Team as well as state recommendations is amazing, especially ER that is HUGE!!

Anonymous 5

With nahida it's better to go for burgeon than burn
Yayao or baizhu, Emilie is good in burning

Anonymous 4

Is Kinich, Xiangling, Bennett and Nahida a good comb too?

Anonymous 3

this guy made me broke.

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