Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Mizuki Best Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Mizuki Best Build & Weapon

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Mizuki is a character of Genshin Impact 5.4. See Mizuki's, best build, weapon, teams, tier, materials, talent, stat goals, how to use, & abilities for Mizuki.

Table of Contents

Mizuki Tier & Review

5 StarAnemoAnemoCatalyst
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes.
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Mizuki!

What Kind Of Character Is Mizuki?

Mizuki Is A Swirl On-Field DPS & Healer

Mizuki is a character that specializes in using Swirl to deal powerful damage. Her Elemental Skill allows her to deal increased damage on her Swirls. Her Elemental Burst pulls in enemies before summoning a Mini Baku that creates Snacks that can be picked up.

The Snack effect changes depending on the HP of the character who picked it up. It will either cause a healing effect or deal AoE Anemo DMG to nearby enemies.

Strengths & Weakness Of Mizuki

- Elemental Mastery scaling on her healing and Swirl DMG increase is good for her role as a Swirl On-Field DPS.
- AFK playstyle in her Dreamdrifter state is great for focusing on dodging enemy attacks.
- HP dependent effects of her Snacks from Elemental Burst if needing more damage instead of healing.
- Dreamdrifter state from her Elemental Skill makes her incompatible with Normal Attack proc sub-DPS characters like Xingqiu, Yelan, or Beidou.
▼ Details about Mizuki below.

Mizuki Best Build

Mizuki Is Best Built As An On-Field Swirl Enabler

Weapon Sunny Morning Sleep-InSunny Morning Sleep-In
Best Artifact Viridescent Venerer Viridescent Venerer x 4
Artifact Main Stats Sands: Elemental Mastery
Goblet: Elemental Mastery
Circlet: Elemental Mastery
Artifact Sub-Stat 1. Elemental Mastery
2. Energy Recharge
Recommended TeamMizuki Furina Ororon Fischl

Stat Goals For Mizuki


Mizuki is an on-fielder that mainly deals damage with Swirl. Since Swirl reaction does not do CRIT Hits and does not get buffed with DMG Bonuses, increasing the reaction damage by increasing the Elemental Mastery to the max will be the ideal build.

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Mizuki Best Weapon

Mizuki Works Best With Elemental Mastery Weapons

BestSunny Morning Sleep-InSunny Morning Sleep-In Elemental Mastery 265 (Lvl. 90)
- Signature weapon of Mizuki
- Greatly boost the Elemental Mastery of Mizuki enabling powerful Swirls to trigger.
- Elemental Mastery also boost the healing of Mizuki.
2ndA Thousand Floating DreamsA Thousand Floating DreamsElemental Mastery 265 (Lvl. 90)
- The Elemental Mastery from this weapon will greatly boost Swirl DMG.
- The ability to give DMG buff to teammates is also good for Mizuki who relies on off-field damage.
3rdSacrificial FragmentsSacrificial FragmentsElemental Mastery 221 (Lvl. 90)
- Elemental Mastery from its sub-stat is amazing for boosting the damage of Mizuki.
- Easily boost the up-time of Mizuki's Elemental Skill.
4thStarcallerStarcaller's Watch Elemental Mastery 265 (Lvl. 90)
- Elemental Mastery from this weapon is amazing for boosting the damage of Mizuki.
- While the DMG buff for the teammate is not possible to activate, it is still a good option for a stat-stick.
5th (F2P) Magic GuideMagic GuideElemental Mastery 187 (Lvl. 90)
- For a 3 Star weapon, it gives a high amount of EM comparable to 4 star weapons.
- Especially good at Electro-Charged comps.
6thWandering EvenstarWandering EvenstarElemental Mastery 165 (Lvl. 90)
- Since Mizuki will be built with plenty of Elemental Mastery, this will also be a good weapon to buff ATK of teammates.
- Best when using Mizuki with ATK scaling sub-DPS.
7th (F2P) Mappa MareMappa MareElemental Mastery 110 (Lvl. 90)
- Elemental Mastery from this weapon helps with Swirl DMG of Mizuki.
- Can be easily crafted at Mondstadt.

Mizuki's main damage source is from Swirl so weapons that increases Elemental Mastery would be the best pick for Mizuki. If you do not have a usable one, use the 3 star weapon, Magic Guide, is also good to use as an F2P option and is competitive to other options at Electro-charged comps.

All Weapon List

Mizuki Best Artifacts

Mizuki Is Best Used With Viridescent Venerer Or EM Artifacts

Viridescent VenererViridescent Venerer ★★★★★
- Increases the Swirl DMG by +60%.
- Also decreases the resistance of other characters to swirlable Elements making the Sub-DPS deal more damage.
Gilded DreamsGilded Dreams★★★★・
- Decent artifact to use for its Elemental Mastery buff.
- Can also buff the team's Elemental Mastery or ATK.
Gilded DreamsWanderer★★★・・
- You can use a combination of Elemental Mastery sets while farming for a whole VV set.

Mizuki is a Swirl character making her the perfect on-field user for Viridescent Venerer. This artifact does not only buffs her swirls but also increases the personal damage of the sub-DPS that will fight with Mizuki.

Recommended Artifact Stats

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: Elemental Mastery
Sub: Energy Recharge
Goblet IconMain: Elemental Mastery
Sub: Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: Elemental Mastery
Sub: Energy Recharge

Only Elemental Mastery & Energy Recharge Is Needed

Since Swirl is a transformative reaction that only scales from Elemental Mastery, you only need EM as main stat to your artifacts. For sub-stats, increasing Energy Recharge for high up-time of Burst is recommended.

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Mizuki Best Team Comp

Mizuki Works Well With Off-Field PECH Characters

- Since there are no NA or CA done during Mizuki's Elemental Skill, she works well with off-field characters that automatically deal damage without trigger.
- Furina will increase the damage of everyone and deal damage.
- Ororon will enable Electro-charged reaction with Fischl.
- With Mizuki's healing, Furina's HP drain is easily mitigated.

Other Team Comps For Mizuki

Mizuki Rainbow Swirl Comp

Team Detail
MizukiMizuki MavuikaMavuika - Citlali, Furina and Mavuika provides off-field damage for Mizuki to swirl.
- Mizuki will mainly be the on-fielder
CitlaliCitlali FurinaFurina

F2P Comp

Team Detail
MizukiMizuki XianglingXiangling - A team using Mizuki and F2P off-field characters.
- Pyro Traveler serves as a buffer and energy giver to the sub-DPS Xiangling.
- Lisa will provide extra off-field. You can use Bennett in this slot for more damage from Xiangling.
Pyro TravelerPyro Traveler LisaLisa

Mizuki Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Farming Locations For Sea Ganoderma

Sea Ganoderma Farming Locations
Sea Ganoderma Location & Farm Route

Talent Materials For Mizuki

Mizuki 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Pure Heart, Pure Dreams★ ・ ・ ・ ・
Aisa Utamakura Pilgrimage
(Elemental Skill)
Anraku Secret Spring Therapy
(Elemental Burst)
★★★★ ・

Mizuki Skill Guide & How To Use Mizuki

How To Use Mizuki?

Use Elemental Skill To Swirl Elements While Floating

Basic Rotation Of Yumemizuki Mizuki
1. Use the off-field ability of teammates (Burst or Skill) of the teammates then switch to Mizuki.
2. Use Elemental Burst then Elemental Skill.
3. Deal swirl damage to enemies.

Yumemizuki Mizuki is a character that use Elemental Skill to float and shoot Anemo attack to the enemies around the character. She mainly battles on-field so you need to use off-field skill of PECH characters to deal powerful damage.

Tip!Since Mizuki mainly deals Swirl attack, prioritize Mizuki's Level.

Buffs Damage Based On Elemental Mastery

Swirl Buffs
- Increase the Swirl damage of the team based on Elemental Mastery of Mizuki.
 └ 1 EM is to 0.45% Boost (at Skill lvl. 10)
- Effect above occurs when Elemental Skill of Mizuki is active.

Mizuki increases the base damage of Swirl based on her Elemental Mastery. This allows Mizuki to produce powerful Swirl damage to enemies. The buff also applies to other characters of the team allowing you to use a second anemo like Venti.

Can Also Function As A Healer With Elemental Burst

High HPLow HP

Elemental Burst of Mizuki summons snacks that you can pick up. Depending on the HP of the character, it can explode or heal. Even when Mizuki is off-field, this activates allowing you to use Mizuki as a healer.

- Gathers enemies in one area.
- Produces "Snacks" .
【Snack Effects】- Effect depends on the HP of the character who picked it up.
 └Above 70%: Explodes and deals Anemo DMG to enemies.
 └Below 70%: Heals HP of the character
  └If Mizuki, healed amount doubles..
- Snacks not picked up will explode after a certain amount of time.
- When Mizuki is at E. Skill state, the range of pick up is doubled.

Elemental Burst Works Well With Mizuki

The Elemental Burst of Mizuki works amazing with herself as on-field instead of others since this allows her to pick the snacks up at a distance the healing done to Mizuki is also greater. Elemental Burst gathers enemy as well making the Swirl deal more damage because of its AoE scaling.

Mizuki Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Mizuki?

Pull For A Swirl On-Fielder Or A Healer

Mizuki Type Character

Pull for Mizuki if you have a passive off-field character or need a healer. She can function both on-field and as a support healer.

For constellations, note that after version 5.4 update, Mizuki will be on the permanent banner and upcoming limited banners so there is a chance for you to get her constellation or Mizuki anytime.

Best Constellation For Mizuki

★★★ ・ ・C1: In Mist-Like Waters
When Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, she will continuously apply the "Twenty-Three Nights' Awaiting" effect to nearby opponents for 3s every 3.5s. When an opponent is affected by Anemo DMG-triggered Swirl reactions while the aforementioned effect is active, the effect will be canceled and this Swirl instance has its DMG against this opponent increased by 900% of Mizuki's Elemental Mastery.
★★★★★C2: Your Echo I Meet in Dreams
When entering the Dreamdrifter state, every Elemental Mastery point Yumemizuki Mizuki has will increase all nearby party members' Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, and Electro DMG Bonuses by 0.04% until the Dreamdrifter state ends.
★★★ ・ ・C3: Till Dawn's Moon Ends Night
Increases the Level of Aisa Utamakura Pilgrimage by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★ ・ ・C4: Buds Warm Lucid Springs
Picking up a Yumemi Style Special Snack from the Elemental Burst Anraku Secret Spring Therapy will both deal DMG and heal, and will restore 5 Energy to Yumemizuki Mizuki. Energy can be restored this way 4 times per Anraku Secret Spring Therapy duration.
★★ ・ ・ ・C5: As Setting Moon Brings Year's End
Increases the Level of Anraku Secret Spring Therapy by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★ ・C6: The Heart Lingers Long
While Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, Swirl DMG dealt by nearby party members can Crit, with CRIT Rate fixed at 30%, and CRIT DMG fixed at 100%.

Mizuki Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Pure Heart, Pure Dreams

Normal Attack

Performs up to 3 attacks, dealing Anemo DMG.
1-Hit DMG52.3%56.2%60.1%65.3%69.3%73.2%78.4%83.6%88.9%94.1%99.3%
2-Hit DMG46.9%50.4%54%58.6%62.2%65.7%70.4%75.1%79.8%84.4%89.1%
3-Hit DMG71.4%76.7%82.1%89.2%94.6%99.9%107.1%114.2%121.3%128.5%135.6%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina and deals AoE Anemo DMG after a short casting time.
Charged Attack130%139.8%149.5%162.5%172.3%182%195%208%221%234%247%
Charged Attack
Stamina Cost

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Calling upon the power of Anemo, she plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Anemo DMG upon impact with the ground.
Plunge DMG56.8%61.5%66.1%72.7%77.3%82.6%89.9%97.1%104.4%112.3%120.3%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Aisa Utamakura Pilgrimage (Elemental Skill)

Weaves memories of lovely dreams, entering a Dreamdrifter state where she floats above the ground, and dealing 1 instance of AoE Anemo DMG to nearby opponents.


・While in the Dreamdrifter state, Yumemizuki Mizuki will continuously drift forward, dealing AoE Anemo DMG to nearby opponents at regular intervals.
・ During this time, Yumemizuki Mizuki can control her direction of drift, and the pick-up distance of Yumemi Style Special Snacks from the Elemental Burst Anraku Secret Spring Therapy will be increased.
・Increases the Swirl DMG that nearby party members deal based on Yumemizuki Mizuki's Elemental Mastery.
・reamdrifter will end when Mizuki leaves the field or uses her Elemental Skill again.
Skill DMG57.7%62.1%66.4%72.2%76.5%80.8%86.6%92.4%98.2%103.9%109.7%115.5%122.7%
Attack DMG
Swirl DMG

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Anraku Secret Spring Therapy (Elemental Burst)

Summons forth countless lovely dreams and nightmares that pull in nearby objects and opponents, dealing AoE Anemo DMG and summoning a Mini Baku.

Mini Baku

Follows the current active character. At regular intervals, the Mini Baku will create 1 Yumemi Style Special Snack nearby. After a nearby active character picks up a Special Snack, if their HP is higher than 70%, the Snack will explode and unleash a Munen Shockwave, dealing 1 instance of AoE Anemo DMG to nearby opponents. Otherwise, it will heal the one who picked it up based on Yumemizuki Mizuki's Elemental Mastery. When Yumemizuki Mizuki triggers healing by picking up a Yumemi Style Special Snack, the amount of healing is increased by 100%. If some time passes without a Snack being picked up, it will explode and release a Munen Shockwave, dealing 1 instance of AoE Anemo DMG to surrounding opponents.
Skill DMG94.1%101.1%108.2%117.6%124.7%131.7%141.1%150.5%159.9%169.3%178.8%188.2%199.9%
Shockwave DMG
Pick-Up HP
Energy Cost60606060606060606060606060

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Bright Moon's Restless Voice

When Yumemizuki Mizuki triggers Swirl while in her Dreamdrifter state, Dreamdrifter's duration increases by 2.5s. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s for a maximum of 2 times per Dreamdrifter state.

Thoughts By Day Bring Dreams By Night

While Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the Dreamdrifter state, when other nearby party members hit opponents with Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro attacks, her Elemental Mastery will increase by 100 for 4s.

All Ailments Banished

When Yumemizuki Mizuki is in the party, party members have a chance to recover 30% additional HP when using healing foods that do not have reviving properties. The trigger chance for this effect increases with the corresponding character's Friendship Level. (This effect will always trigger if the Traveler is the character consuming healing food.)

Who Is Mizuki?

A New Character From Inazuma

Yumemizuki Mizuki is a character from Inazuma. She is a youkai that can slip through dreams. This is similar to the meaning of (夢見) ”Yumemi" which means to look through dreams. Mizuki is affiliated with Aisa Bathhouse.

A Psychologist & A Business Woman

"Hmm, how to describe this old friend of mine... Well, she's an intriguing one, but 'cute' isn't exactly the word I'd go for. Being the finest clinical psychologist in all of Inazuma, she has a remarkable talent for reading others' minds. Yet when it comes to her own, she keeps it so tightly sealed that even I struggle to fathom what she's thinking. If you ever have the pleasure of meeting her, why don't you try guessing for yourself?"
— Yae Miko

Mizuki seems to be a friend of Yae Miko. It was also mentioned in the Japanese livestream that Mizuki is one of the shareholder of Aisa Bathhouse.

Friends With Mualani & Yae Miko And Kokomi

Mizuki Relationships

Mizuki is also connected to Yae Miko as they are apparently rivals. Friends with Mualani because of their interest in Hot Springs and is in a strategical relationship with Kokomi.

Mizuki Voice Actor & Their Notable Roles

English Voice Actor: Naomi McDonald

Notable Roles
YinlinWuthering Waves
ShebaXenoblade Chronicles 2

Japanese Voice Actor: Aizawa Saya

Notable Roles
CoralieHonkai Impact 3
Yuzuki TachibanaTaishou Otome Otogibanashi
KisaraEngage Kiss

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