Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Craftable Weapons List

Genshin Impact | Craftable Weapons List

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Genshin Impact | Craftable Weapons List - GameWith

Craftable weapons list is a list of craftable weapons in Genshin Impact. Guide includes new craftable weapons from Inazuma, Base ATK, stats & skill effects, recommended characters.

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Craftable Weapons - All Swords List

List of Craftable Swords

NameBase ATK (Lv.90)Secondary Stat (Lv.90)
Skill Effect (R1)
4 starPrototype RancourPrototype Rancour565Physical DMG Bonus 34.5%
On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK and DEF by 4% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. This effect can only occur once every 0.3s.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Sword BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starIron StingIron Sting510Elemental Mastery 165
Dealing Elemental DMG increases all DMG by 6% for 6s. Max 2 stacks. Can occur once every 1s.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Sword BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
KazuhaClorindeXingqiuBennettAnemo TravelerDendro TravelerElectro TravelerKuki ShinobuAlhaitham
4 starAmenoma KageuchiAmenoma Kageuchi454ATK 55.1%
After casting an Element Skill, gain 1 Succession Seed. This effect can be triggered once every 5s. The Succession Seeds may exist simultaneously. After using an Elemental Burst, all Succession Seeds are consumed and after 2s, the character regenerates 7.5 Energy of each seed consumed.
Crafting Recipe
White Iron ChunkAmethyst LumpNorthlander Sword Billet

Recommended Characters
AyakaKeqingKazuhaKaeyaAyatoDendro TravelerElectro TravelerGeo Traveler
4 starSapwood BladeSapwood Blade565Energy Recharge 30.6%
After triggering Burning, Quicken, Aggravete, Spread, Bloom, Hyperbloom, or Burgeon, a Leaf of Consciousness will be created around the character for a maximum of 10s. When picked up, the Leaf will grant the character 60 Elemental Mastery for 12s. Only 1 Leaf can be generated this way every 20s. This effect can still be triggered if the characcter is not on the field. The Leaf of Consciousness' effect cannot stack.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Sword BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
BennettDendro TravelerKuki ShinobuElectro TravelerNilouAlhaithamKirara
4 starFinale Of The DeepFinale Of The Deep565ATK 27.6%
When using an Elemental Skill, ATK will be increased by 12% for 15s, and a Bond of Life worth 25% of Max HP will be granted. This effect can be triggered once every 10s. When the Bond of Life is cleared, a maximum of 150 ATK will be gained based on 2.4% of the Bond when cleared for 15s. Bond of Life: Absorbs healing for the character based on its base value, and clears after healing equal to this value is obtained.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Sword BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
LynetteJeanHydro Traveler
4 starFlute Of EzpitzalFlute Of Ezpitzal454DEF 69.0%
Using an Elemental Skill increases DEF by 16% for 15s.
Crafting Recipe
Borderland Sword BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters

Craftable Weapons - All Claymores List

List of Craftable Claymores

NameBase ATK (Lv.90)Secondary Stat (Lv.90)
Skill Effect (R1)
4 starPrototype ArchaicPrototype Archaic565ATK 27.6%
On hit, Normal and Charged Attacks have a 50% chance to deal an additional 240% ATK DMG to opponents within a small AoE. Can only occur once every 15s.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Claymore BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starWhiteblindWhiteblind510DEF 51.7%
On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK and DEF by 6% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. This effect can only occur once every 0.5s.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Claymore BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starSnow-Tombed StarsilverSnow-Tombed Starsilver565Physical DMG Bonus 34.5%
Hitting an enemy with Normal and Charged Attacks has a 60% chance of forming and dropping an Everfrost Icicle above them dealing 80% AoE ATK DMG. Enemies affected by Cryo are dealt 200% ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 10s.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Claymore BilletCrystal ChunkStarsilver

Recommended Characters
4 starKatsuragikiri NagamasaKatsuragikiri Nagamasa510Energy Recharge 45.9%
Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 6%. After Elemental Skill hits an opponent, the character loses 3 Energy but regenerates 3 Energy every 2s for the next 6s. Effect can occur once every 10s. Can be triggered even when the character is not on the field.
Crafting Recipe
White Iron ChunkAmethyst LumpNorthlander Claymore Billet

Recommended Characters
4 starForest RegaliaForest Regalia565Energy Recharge 30.6%
After triggering Burning, Quicken, Aggravete, Spread, Bloom, Hyperbloom, or Burgeon, a Leaf of Consciousness will be created around the character for a maximum of 10s. When picked up, the Leaf will grant the character 60 Elemental Mastery for 12s. Only 1 Leaf can be generated this way every 20s. This effect can still be triggered if the character is not on the field. The Leaf of Consciousness' effect cannot stack.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Claymore BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starTidal ShadowTidal Shadow510ATK 41.3%
After the wielder is healed, ATK will be increased by 24% for 8s. This can be triggered even when the character is not on the field.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Claymore BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starEarth ShakerEarth Shaker565ATK 27.6%
After a party member triggers a Pyro-related reaction, the equipping character's Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 16% for 8s. This effect can be triggered even when the triggering party member is not on the field.
Crafting Recipe
Borderland Claymore BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters

Craftable Weapons - All Catalysts List

List of Craftable Catalysts

NameBase ATK (Lv.90)Secondary Stat (Lv.90)
Skill Effect (R1)
4 starMappa MareMappa Mare565Elemental Mastery 110
Triggering an elemental reaction grants an 8% Elemental DMG bonus for 10s. Max 2 stacks.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Catalyst BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
KleeSucroseMizukiNingguangYanfeiNeuvilletteYae MikoShikanoin HeizouNahidaWandererLisaMona
4 starPrototype AmberPrototype Amber510HP 41.3%
Using an Elemental Burst regenerates 4 Energy every 2s for 6s. All party members will regenerate 4% HP every 2s for this duration
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Catalyst BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starFrostbearerFrostbearer510ATK 41.3%
Hitting an enemy with Normal and Charged Attacks has a 60% chance of forming and dropping an Everfrost Icicle above them dealing 80% AoE ATK DMG. Enemies affected by Cryo are dealt 200% ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 10s.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Catalyst BilletCrystal ChunkStarsilver

Recommended Characters
WriothesleyNingguangYanfeiMonaShikanoin HeizouWandererKleeCharlotte
4 starHakushin RingHakushin Ring565Energy Recharge 30.6%
After the character equipped with this weapon triggers an Electro elemental reaction, nearby party members of an Elemental Type involved in the elemental reaction receive a 10% Elemental DMG Bonus for their element, lasting 6s. Elemental Bonuses gained this away cannot be stacked.
Crafting Recipe
White Iron ChunkAmethyst LumpNorthlander Catalyst Billet

Recommended Characters
LisaMonaKokomiYae MikoShikanoin Heizou
4 starFruit of FulfillmentFruit of Fulfillment510Energy Recharge 45.9%
Obtain the "Wax and Wane" effect after an Elemental Reaction is triggered, gaining 24 Elemental Mastery while losing 5% ATK. For every 0.3s, 1 stack of Wax and Wane can be gained. Max 5 stacks. For every 6s that goes by without an Elemental Reaction being triggered, 1 stack will be lost. This effect can be triggered even when the character is off-field.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Catalyst BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
LisaKokomiYae Miko
4 starFlowing PurityFlowing Purity565ATK 27.6%
When using an Elemental Skill, All Elemental DMG Bonus will be increased by 8% for 15s, and a Bond of Life worth 24% of Max HP will be granted. This effect can be triggered once every 10s. When the Bond of Life is cleared, every 1,000 HP cleared in the process will provide 2% All Elemental DMG Bonus. Up to a maximum of 12% All Elemental DMG can be gained this way. This effect lasts 15s. Bond of Life: Absorbs healing for the character based on its base value, and clears after healing equal to this value is obtained.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Catalyst BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starRing Of YaxcheRing Of Yaxche510HP 41.3%
Using an Elemental Skill grants the Jade-Forged Crown effect: Every 1,000 Max HP will increase the Normal Attack DMG dealt by the equipping character by 0.6% for 10s. Normal Attack DMG can be increased this way by a maximum by 16%.
Crafting Recipe
Borderland Catalyst BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters

Craftable Weapons - All Polearms List

List of Craftable Polearms

NameBase ATK (Lv.90)Secondary Stat (Lv.90)
Skill Effect (R1)
4 starCrescent PikeCrescent Pike565Physical DMG Bonus 34.5%
After picking up an Elemental Orb/Particle, Normal and Charged Attacks deal an additional 20% ATK DMG for 5s
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Polearm BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starPrototype StarglitterPrototype Starglitter510Energy Recharge 45.9%
After using an Elemental Skill, increases Normal and Charged Attack DMG by 8% for 12s. Max 2 stacks.
Crafting Recipe
White Iron ChunkNorthlander Polearm BilletCrystal Chunk

Recommended Characters
XianglingZhongliRaiden ShogunCynoCandaceMika
4 starDragonspine SpearDragonspine Spear454Physical DMG Bonus 69.0%
Hitting an enemy with Normal and Charged Attacks has a 60% chance of forming and dropping an Everfrost Icicle above them dealing 80% AoE ATK DMG. Enemies affected by Cryo are dealt 200% ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 10s.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Polearm BilletStarsilverVitalized Dragontooth

Recommended Characters
4 starKitain Cross SpearKitain Cross Spear565Elemental Mastery 110
Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 6%. After Elemental Skill hits an opponent, the character loses 3 Energy but regenerates 3 Energy every 2s for the next 6s. Effect can occur once every 10s. Can be triggered even when the caharcter is not on the field.
Crafting Recipe
White Iron ChunkAmethyst LumpNorthlander Polearm Billet

Recommended Characters
XianglingRaiden ShogunThomaCynoYaoyao
4 starMoonpiercerMoonpiercer565Elemental Mastery 110
After trigerring Burning, Quicken, Aggrevate, Spread, Bloom, Hyperbloom or Burgeon, a Leaf of Revival will be created around the character for a maximum of 10s. When picked up, the Leaf will grant the character 16% ATK for 12s. Only 1 Leaf can be generated this way every 20s. This effect can still be triggered if the character is not on the field.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Polearm BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starRightful RewardRightful Reward565HP 27.6%
When the wielder is healed, restore 8 Energy. This effect can be triggered once every 10s, and can occur even when the character is not on the field.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Polearm BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
MikaZhongliYaoyaoHu TaoThomaCandace
4 starFootprint Of The RainbowFootprint Of The Rainbow510DEF 51.7%
Using an Elemental Skill increases DEF by 16% for 15s.
Crafting Recipe
Borderland Polearm BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
KachinaYun Jin

Craftable Weapons - All Bows List

List of Craftable Bows

NameBase ATK (Lv.90)Secondary Stat (Lv.90)
Skill Effect (R1)
4 starPrototype CrescentPrototype Crescent510ATK 41.3%
Charged Attack hits on weak points increase Movement SPD by 10% and ATK by 36% for 10s.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Bow BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
AmberFischlGanyuVentiKujou SaraYoimiyaAloyTighnariSethos
4 starCompound BowCompound Bow454Physical DMG Bonus 69.0%
Normal Attack and Charged Attack hits increase ATK by 4% and Normal ATK SPD by 1.2% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. Can only occur once every 0.3s.
Crafting Recipe
Northlander Bow BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starHamayumiHamayumi454ATK 55.1%
Increases Normal Attack DMG by 16% and Charged Attack DMG by 12%. When the equipping character's Energy reaches 100%, this effect is increased by 100%.
Crafting Recipe
White Iron ChunkAmethyst LumpNorthlander Bow Billet

Recommended Characters
4 starKingKing's Squire454ATK 55.1%
Obtain the Teachings of the Forest effect when unleashing Elemental Skills and Bursts, increasing Elemental Mastery by 60 for 12s. This effect will be removed when switching characters. When the Teachings of the Forest effect ends or is removed, it will deal 100% of ATK as DMG to 1 nearby opponent. The teaching of the Forest effect can be triggered one every 20s.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Bow BilletCrystal ChunkWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starSong Of StillnessSong Of Stillness510ATK 41.3%
After the wielder is healed, they will deal 16% more DMG for 8s. This can be triggered even when the character is not on the field.
Crafting Recipe
Midlander Bow BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters
4 starChain BreakerChain Breaker565ATK 27.6%
For every party member from Natlan or who has a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the equipping character gains 4.8% increased attack. When there are no less than 3 of the aformentioned characters, the equpping character gains 24 Elemental Mastery.
Crafting Recipe
Borderland Bow BilletCondessence CrystalWhite Iron Chunk

Recommended Characters

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Anonymous 8

wow this is incredibly poorly thought out. for anyone reading this, use a different guide.

Kokomi 7

The crafting recipe for Tidal Shadow (Fontaine Claymore) shows a bow billet instead of a claymore one

Anonymous 6

level atk of weapon is wrong for most of them

LoneRider03 5

please add the latest sumeru ones

Anonymous 4

please add the sumeru ones

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