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Best Battle Pass Weapon Guide - Which BP Weapon Should You Choose?

Genshin Impact | Best Battle Pass Weapon Guide - Which BP Weapon Should You Choose?

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Genshin Impact | Best Battle Pass Weapon Guide - Which BP Weapon Should You Choose? - GameWith

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Best Battle Pass Weapons in Genshin Impact. This guide includes which Battle Pass weapon you should choose, the best choice, tier list, refine, rating and best weapon to pick.

Table of Contents

Which Battle Pass Weapon Should You Choose?

Things To Consider When Choosing

  • The characters you are building
  • Pool of available weapons you have
  • Do you have access to craftable weapons?
  • Do you need to refine your Battle Pass weapon?

It is difficult to give a blanket rating on these weapons, as ultimately the weapon you choose will depend entirely on what other weapons and characters you already have! Take a close look at what your team needs before making a decision!

Battle Class Weapons Ranking

WeaponRatings & Details
Serpent SpineSerpent Spine★★★★★
- Limited number of claymores with CRIT sub-stat makes this weapon shines
- Versatile weapon for DPS due to non-specific DMG bonus
- Could be on par with the BiS weapon of several characters
- An excellent sword that can be used by a lot of characters
- Most sword users utilize Skill & Burst
- Good for both on-field & off-field DPS
Ballad of the FjordsBallad of the Fjords★★★★
- Powerful polearm for EM-scaling DPS
- Has lower CRIT Rate than Deathmatch but its passive can be enabled easily
- Flexible weapon that can be used by any polearm character
└ Recommended for ATK-scaling DPS
- Significant CRIT Rate but its passive depends on the number of enemies nearby
The Black SwordThe Black Sword★★★★
- Flexible Sword that is useful for many 5 Star DPS.
- It boosts DMG and provides self-healing.
- Self-healing is very insignificant at lower refinements.
Solar PearlSolar Pearl★★★★
- Flexible and can be used by many catalyst characters
- There are many available options for 4-star catalyst that makes this at a lower priority
Scion of the Blazing SunScion of the Blazing Sun★★★★
- Only bow users that utilize Charged ATK can make the most out of this weapon
- Lesser CRIT Rate than The Viridescent Hunt but its effect can deal significant damage
Sacrificial JadeSacrificial Jade★★★・・
- The passive is restricting as it can only be maximized if the character is not on the field
- Few HP-scaling DPS catalyst users
- Has a very high potential for upcoming characters.
The Viridescent HuntThe Viridescent Hunt★★★・・
- There are many other better option for a 4-star bow
- Good CRIT Rate but its cyclone passive is underwhelming
Talking StickTalking Stick★★★・・
- Passive is situational which requires the wearer to be affected by an element
- Reliant on element self-application to maximize its effect
- Lower CRIT Rate than Serpent Spine

Note that if you have a 5-star weapon already, it is highly recommended to use that due to higher base stats than BP weapons. Also, choose a weapon that your characters can fully utilize.

Decent CRIT Rate Weapons

What makes the BP weapons great is not necessarily the passive effects but rather the CRIT Rate sub-stat. Having CRIT Rate weapon is convenient for achieving a good CRIT stat ratio and gives players the freedom on artifact builds, especially for DPS and sub-DPS builds.

Consider Craftable Weapons

Crafted Weapons

Before choosing a BP weapon, head over to the Blacksmith and browse for a viable craftable weapon. Not only it is F2P-friendly but craftable weapons can also be acquired with minimal farming and are often of comparable strength.

Battle Pass Weapon Details

NameBase ATK (Lv.90)Sub-Stat (Lv.90)
4★The Black SwordThe Black Sword
Support: -
510CRIT Rate 27.6%
Increase DMG dealt by Normal and Charged Attacks by 20%. Additionally, regenerates 60% of ATK as HP when Normal and Charged Attack score a CRIT Hit. This effect can occur once every 5s.
4★Serpent SpineSerpent Spine
Support: S
510CRIT Rate 27.6%
Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 6% more DMG and take 3% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.
Recommended Characters:
4★Solar PearlSolar Pearl
Support: S
510CRIT Rate 27.6%
Solar Shine
Normal Attack hit increase Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG by 20% for 6s. Likewise, Elemental Skill or Elemental Burst hits increase Normal Attack DMG by 20% for 6s.
Recommended Characters:
NingguangKleeMonaLisaYanfeiYae MikoShikanoin HeizouWandererWriothesley
4★The Viridescent HuntThe Viridescent Hunt
Support: B
510CRIT Rate 27.6%
Verdant Wind
Upon hit, Normal and Aimed Shot have a 50% chance to generate a Cyclone, which will continuously attract surrounding enemies, dealing 40% of ATK as DMG to these enemies every 0.5s for 4s. This effect can only occur once every 14s.
Recommended Characters:
ChildeVentiGanyuKujou SaraYoimiyaAloyTighnariFischl
Support: A
454CRIT Rate 36.8%
If are there at least 2 enemies nearby, ATK increased by 16% and DEF increased by 16%. If there are less than 2 enemies nearby, ATK is increased by 24%.
Recommended Characters:
XiaoArlecchinoXianglingHu TaoRaiden ShogunCynoRosariaEmilie
Support: S
510CRIT Rate 27.6%
Northwind Wolf
DMG dealt by Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst is increased by 16%. When an Elemental Skill hits an opponent, its CRIT Rate will be increased by 2%. When an Elemental Burst hits an opponent, its CRIT Rate will be increased by 2%. Both of these effects last 10s separately, have 4 max stacks, and can be triggered once every 0.1s.
Recommended Characters:
4★Talking StickTalking Stick
Support: A
565CRIT Rate 18.4%
The Silver Tongue
ATK will be increased by 16% for 15s after being affected by Pyro. This effect can be triggered once every 12s. All Elemental DMG Bonus will be increased by 12% for 15s after being affected by Hydro, Cryo, Electro, or Dendro. This effect can be triggered once every 12s.
Recommended Characters:
4★Ballad Of The FjordsBallad Of The Fjords
Support: S
510CRIT Rate 27.6%
Tales of the Tundra
When there are at least 3 different Elemental Types in your party, Elemental Mastery will be increased by 120.
Recommended Characters:
CynoXianglingHu TaoRaiden ShogunThomaCandaceRosaria
4★Sacrificial JadeSacrificial Jade
Support: S
454CRIT Rate 36.8%
Jade Circulation
When not on the field for more than 5s, Max HP will be increased by 32% and Elemental Mastery will be increased by 40. These effects will be canceled after the wielder has been on the field for 10s.
Recommended Characters:
NahidaBaizhuYae MikoNeuvillette
4★Scion Of The Blazing SunScion Of The Blazing Sun
Support: -
565CRIT Rate 18.4%
The Way of Sunfire
After a Charged Attack hits an opponent, a Sunfire Arrow will descend upon the opponent hit, dealing 60% ATK as DMG, and applying the Heartsearer effect to the opponent damaged by said Arrow for 10s. Opponents affected by Heartsearer take 28% more Charged Attack DMG from the wielder. A Sunfire Arrow can be triggered once every 10s.
Recommended Characters:
LyneyGanyuTighnariAmberSethosKujou Sara

How To Refine Battle Pass Weapons

Claim The Weapon On Battle Pass Again

Battle Pass Weapon Refine

Just like a typical weapon, BP weapons can be refined to further improve the passive effects. However, it could take a lot of time as you need to wait for the next BP to claim a duplicate BP weapon.

Check The Latest Battle Pass Event Here!

How To Unlock Battle Pass Weapons

Reach Level 30 Battle Pass

Battle Pass Weapons

To be able to choose for one of the available BP weapons, you need to increase the BP level up to level 30. There are several ways to gain a BP level and most of them involve doing in-game activities such as completing daily and weekly content.

Check Out The Battle Pass Guide Here

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Petrrixx 6

Deathmatch has 8 % crit rate at base, and more crit rate than the others at lvl 90. It scales better and is in fact the best 4 star weapon in the game.

Anonymous 5

When would you normally receive the BP bounty weapon that you chose? Is it at the end of the BP period?

Anonymous 4

very outdated. this post is from patch 1.0.
theres been 13 new characters released since this. of which 4 are polearm users.
this polearm should not be 2 stars.

iClone101 3

Deathmatch is a viable weapon on Zhongli, Xiao, Hu Tao, and possibly Rosaria. This page needs some serious updates.

Anonymous 2

Xiao can use Deathmatch as well now I think

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