Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Emilie Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Emilie Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Emilie Build & Weapon - GameWith

Emilie is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Emilie's, build, weapon, team, tier, & guide for Emilie.

Table of Contents

Emilie Tier & Review

5 StarDendroDendroPolearm
How To Get?
Obtained through wishes (Limited)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

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What Kind Of Character Is Emilie?

A Dendro Sub-DPS That Increases DMG With Burning Reaction

Emilie is a sub-DPS using the Dendro element. She continuously damage enemies around with her Dendro Turret from Burst & Skill. The damage from Dendro Turret greatly increases when Burning reaction is happening making Emilie an amazing sub-DPS on comps with burning (Dendro+Pyro) involved.

Strengths & Weakness Of Emilie

- Amazing Dendro infliction off-field and works well with waves of enemies.
- Amazing personal damage and works well as a Solo Dendro.
- Has narrow AoE from attacks and is single target.
- Max Potential is locked behind Burning (Dendro + Pyro) Reaction.
▼ Details about Emilie below.

Emilie Best Build

Emilie Is Best Built As A Sub-DPS For Dendro

WeaponLumidouce Elegy Lumidouce Elegy
Substitute1. Calamity Queller Calamity Queller
2. Skyward Spine Skyward Spine
3. Prospector Prospector's Drill
4. Deathmatch Deathmatch
5. Missive Windspear Missive Windspear (F2P)
Best ArtifactUnfinished Reverie Unfinished Reverie x4
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Dendro DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate or DMG
Priority Sub-Stats1. CRIT Rate
3. ATK%
4. Energy Recharge
Best TeamEmilieWriothesleyBennettXiangling

Stat Goals For Emilie


Emilie is a character that gets increased damage with Burning reaction. She does not power up the reaction itself but instead increases the power of her skill if the reaction is present. Boosting her personal DMG and putting her as a Sub-DPS in a comp that has Burning would be the best use for Emilie.

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Emilie Best Weapon

Emilie Works Best With CRIT & ATK Weapons

Best Weapons For Sub-DPS Emilie

1stLumidouce ElegyLumidouce Elegy CRIT Rate 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Signature weapon for Emilie.
- Greatly increase ATK of Emilie and give Energy so you no longer need to invest in Energy Recharge with this weapon.
- Greatly increase DMG Bonus and the CRIT Rate.
- Burning must be used when using this weapon.
2ndCalamity QuellerCalamity QuellerATK 16.5% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly boost ATK of Emilie.
- Emilie's Elemental Skill easily activates the passive of Calamity Queller furthering ATK of Emilie.
- Slightly boost Elemental DMG as well.
3rdStaff Of HomaStaff Of HomaCRIT DMG 66.2% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT DMG makes it convenient to achieve good CRIT stat ratio
- Gain ATK bonus from a percentage of max HP
└ Gain another ATK bonus when HP is below 50%
4thStaff Of The Scarlet SandsStaff Of The Scarlet SandsCRIT Rate 44.1% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT Rate makes it convenient to achieve good CRIT stat ratio
- Allows you to increase ATK even when investing on EM so you can have higher Burning DMG.
5thPrimordial Jade Winged-SpearPrimordial Jade Winged-SpearCRIT Rate 22.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases ATK.
- CRIT Rate helps in Building Emilie.
6thSkyward Spine Skyward Spine Energy Recharge 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Amazing stat stick that gives ER.
- High Base ATK gives more damage.
Also gives slight CRIT Rate.
- Effect is not that useful unless you use Emilie as a Main DPS.
7thProspectorProspector's DrillATK 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases ATK and Elemental DMG Bonus.
- At higher refinements, this weapon can compete with 5 star weapons.
- Requires healing to happen to activate effects.
- Competitive against the 2nd option at R5.
8thDeathmatchDeathmatch CRIT Rate 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases CRIT Rate.
- Increases ATK but the buff depends on how many the enemies are.
9thLithic SpearLithic SpearATK 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Requires Liyue character to maximize buff but greatly boost ATK and CRIT Rate.
- Amazing if you are using Emilie with Xiangling and Ganyu / Chongyun.
F2PMissive WindspearMissive WindspearATK 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Amazing ATK Buff for additional damage.
- Also increases EM for greater Burning damage.
All Weapon List

Emilie Best Artifacts

Artifact Set Choices For Emilie

Unfinished ReverieUnfinished Reverie ★★★★★
- Greatly gives ATK and DMG Bonus for Emilie.
- Because Burning needs to be constant for Emilie, a 100% up-time of effect easily happens.
Deepwood MemoriesDeepwood Memories★★★★・
- Gives DMG Boost and Dendro Res Shred.
- If you are using Emilie with another Dendro character that is a main DPS, you can use this for Emilie.
- It is preferred that other characters equip this however like Zhongli.

Recommended Artifact Stats

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate/ Energy Recharge / ATK%
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet IconMain: Dendro DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Crown IconMain: CRIT Damage / Rate
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / ATK%

Artifacts that gives ATK and DMG bonus works especially good with Emilie to increase her own personal damage. Elemental Mastery is not a priority for Emilie so focusing on ATK and CRIT Stats on artifacts is ideal.

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Emilie Best Team Comp

Best Team For Emilie

- Emilie with Xiangling and Bennett will produce constant burning and deal powerful off-field damage.
- Because of Burning, enemies will be inflicted constantly by Pyro allowing Wriothesley to constantly deal Melt DMG.

Other Team Comps For Emilie

Burgeon-Vape Emilie

Team Detail
EmilieEmilie FurinaFurina - Form Blooms with Emilie and Furina and let Thoma trigger to have huge AoE.
- Based on rotation, Vaporize or Burgeon will trigger.
BennettBennett ThomaThoma

F2P Friendly Team Comp

Team Detail
EmilieEmilie XianglingXiangling - In this team, you can trigger Melt with Chongyun while producing Burning with Xiangling and Bennett.
- Chongyun is flexible and you can select other on-field character.
BennettBennett ChongyunChongyun
Best Team For Emilie

Emilie Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Farm Routes For Lakelight Lily

Farm Route
Lakelight Lily Location & Farm Routes

Talent Materials For Emilie

Emilie 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Shadow-Hunting Spear (Custom)★★・・・
Fragrance Extraction
(Elemental Skill)
Aromatic Explication
(Elemental Burst)

Emilie Skill Guide & How To Use Emilie

How To Use Emilie?

Emilie Is A Dendro Sub-DPS That Utilizes Burning

Emilie is a character that deals Dendro damage using Turrets summoned from Elemental Skill and Burst. She is a character that boost personal damage with Burning reaction (Pyro + Dendro).

Because of this, she is often paired with a Pyro character. However, Emilie does not buff Burning but uses it as a trigger to increase her own damage.

Amazing Elemental Skill That Last For 22 Seconds

Emilie's damage source is mostly from the turrets called "Lumidouce Case". You will often use this skill and switch to another character. This skill lasts for 22 seconds and has longer duration than cooldown. Just using Skill is enough to completely use Emilie.

Burning Gives "Scents" That Gives Powerful Damage

Burning Effect: Scent

▲"Scent" appears when Burning reaction happened within the area of Lumodouce Case.

Once Burning is inflicted to opponents, "Scent" will be created. This will be collected by Lumidouce Case and increase its level to 2. A leveled up Lumidouce Case will have faster fire-rate and AoE. With the passive "Lingering Fragrance", a level 2 Lumidouce Case will collect 2 Scents and it will release a powerful attack that will deal huge damage. Thi

Elemental Skill Summary
- Lumidouce Case inflicts Dendro DMG to enemies.
- When Enemy is at Burning state, summons 1 Scent.
- Collecting 2 Scents will increase Lumidouce Case to Level 2.
└ Increases DMG and speed.
- Returns to Lvl. 1 if no scents is collected after 8 seconds.

Passive Further Increase Damage

Passive Damage
Effect Of "Lingering Fragrance"
- Every time a Lumidouce Case (Rank 2) absorbs 2 scents, AoE Dendro DMG is dealt.
└ 600% of Emilie's ATK
- Above is not considered Skill DMG.

With the passive "Lingering Fragrance", a level 2 Lumidouce Case will summon an AoE attack every 2 scents absorbed. It has a percentage of 600% and so long as Burning / Scent last, you will deal huge damage every 4 seconds.

Elemental Burst Resets The Effect Lumidouce Case.

For Emilie's Elemental Burst, she removes other Lumidouce Cases in the field and summons a Level 3 Lumidouce Case turret that deals more powerful damage and also resets the effect of the previous Lumidouce Case. This is like a restart of the Elemental Skill. Which is particularly helpful if you want to keep Emilie's on-field time as short as possible.

Elemental Burst Summary
- Lumidouce Case collected fragrances create a Lv. 3 Case
- After the duration, resummons the removed Elemental Skill.
After the duration ends, 1 Lumidouce Case will be recreated on-field
└ If there aren't any Case during the activation, A Lvl. 1 Case will be summoned.
- During Elemental Burst, bins cannot be created.
[Lumidouce Case Rank 3] (2.8 Sec.)
- Shoots Dendro attacks to enemies in the range every 0.3 seconds.
- Every 0.7 seconds, the target is chosen.
- Does not collect scents.

ATK Is Very Important To Emilie

Passive Rectification Effect
- Emilie deals increased DMG to opponents affected by Burning.
- Every 1000 ATK increases DMG dealt by 15%
 └DMG Bonus up to 36%. (ATK 2,400 needed)

The damage Emilie deals to Burning opponents will be increased depending on Emilie's ATK. To maximize it, you need at least 2,400 ATK.

Emilie Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Emilie?

Pull For Emilie If You Need Off-Field Dendro Sub-DPS

Elemental Skill Of Emilie

Emilie has a consistent off-field Dendro infliction making her amazing Dendro Sub-DPS. She summons turret that remains on the field for a long time so unlike Nahida, she is not weak against waves of enemies.

Particularly Shines On Burning / Burgeon Comps

Emilie greatly increases her personal damage when Burning is triggered. This makes Emilie a preferred pick as a Dendro off-fielder on comps with Pyro.

Best Constellation For Emilie

★★★・・C1: Light Fragrance Leaching
Increases the DMG dealt by Fragrance Extraction and her Passive Talent's Cleardew Cologne "Lingering Fragrance" by 20%. The latter requires unlocking said Passive Talent first.
Additionally, when nearby party members trigger the Burning reaction on opponents or deal Dendro DMG to Burning opponents, they will generate an additional Scent. This effect can be triggered once every 2.9s.
★★★★★C2: Lakelight Top Note
When Fragrance Extraction, Aromatic Explication, or Cleardew Cologne produced by the Passive Talent "Lingering Fragrance" (the last of which requires Passive Talent activation) hits opponents, those opponents' Dendro RES is decreased by 30% for 10s.
★★★・・C3: Exquisite Essence
Increase the Level of Hunter's Vigil by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: Lumidouce Heart Note
Aromatic Explication's duration is increased by 2s. The interval between opponents being selected as the target for Scented Dew is decreased by 0.3s.
★★★・・C5: Puredew Aroma
Increases the Level of Aromatic Explication by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★・C6: Marcotte Sillage
When using Fragrance Extraction or Aromatic Explication, Emilie will gain Abiding Fragrance for 5s.
While this is active, after Emilie uses Normal or Charged Attacks, she will generate 1 Scent, and her Normal and Charged Attack DMG will be converted into Dendro DMG that cannot be overridden, and the DMG dealt will be increased by 300% of Emilie's ATK.
The Abiding Fragrance effect will be removed after 4 Scents are created this way or after its duration expires. Abiding Fragrance can be triggered once every 12s.

Emilie Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Shadow-Hunting Spear (Custom)

Normal Attack

Performs up to 4 consecutive spear strikes.
1-Hit DMG48.6%52.5%56.5%62.1%66.1%70.6%76.8%83%89.2%96%102.8%
2-Hit DMG44.9%48.6%52.2%57.4%61.1%65.3%71%76.7%82.5%88.8%95%
3-Hit DMG59.3%64.1%69%75.9%80.7%86.2%93.8%101.4%109%117.2%125.5%
4-Hit DMG75.1%81.2%87.3%96.1%102.2%109.2%118.8%128.4%138%148.5%158.9%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to perform an upward slash.
Stamina Cost

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG63.9%69.1%74.3%81.8%87%92.9%101.1%109.3%117.5%126.4%135.3%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Fragrance Extraction (Elemental Skill)

Creates a Lumidouce Case that deals AoE Dendro DMG.

Lumidouce Case

・Fires Puffs of Puredew at nearby opponents at intervals, dealing Dendro DMG.
・When nearby opponents are affected by Burning, they will give off Scents at intervals, and 1 Scent can be created this way every 2s. The Lumidouce Case collects nearby Scents. The Lumidouce Case will level up after gathering 2 of them, after which it will fire 1 extra Puff of Puredew when firing, while the DMG dealt by and DMG AoE of the above attack will also be increased.
・1 Lumidouce Case created by Emilie herself can exist at any one time. The Case starts at Level 1 and can go up to Level 2. If the Case does not collect any Scents for 8s while it is on the field, it will go back to Level 1.

Arkhe: Pneuma

At intervals, after Emilie creates a Lumidouce Case this way, a Spiritbreath Thorn will descend in front of her and pierce her opponent, dealing Pneuma-aligned Dendro DMG.
Skill DMG47.1%50.6%54.1%58.9%62.4%65.9%70.6%75.3%80%84.7%89.5%94.2%100.1%
Lv. 1 Lumidouce
Lv. 2 Lumidouce
Case {br Duration
Skill CD14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s14s

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Aromatic Explication

Guiding the fragrances collected within the Case, Emilie converts them into pure Dendro energy, creating a Level 3 Lumidouce Case and stowing existing Cases away. While it exists, the Level 3 Lumidouce Case will not gather nearby Scents, but it will continuously cause Scented Dew to descend, attacking opponents within range and dealing Dendro DMG. During this time, 1 drop of Scented Dew will descend every 0.3 seconds, and 1 opponent can become the target every 0.7 seconds. When the duration ends, a Level 1 Lumidouce Case will be recreated. If a Lumidouce Case was stowed away when using Aromatic Explication, then the Case that was stowed away will be deployed instead, and its duration will be reset. While Aromatic Explication is active, the Elemental Skill Fragrance Extraction will not create a Lumidouce Case.
Lv. 3 Lumidouce
Lv. 3 Lumidouce
Energy Cost50505050505050505050505050

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Lingering Fragrance

Each time it collects 2 Scents, the Level 2 Lumidouce Case will consume Scents and release Cleardew Cologne that deals AoE Dendro DMG equal to 600% of Emilie's ATK to opponents. This DMG is not considered Elemental Skill DMG.


Emilie deals increased DMG to Burning opponents based on her ATK, with every 1,000 ATK increasing DMG dealt by 15%. The maximum DMG bonus that can be gained this way is 36%.

Headspace Capture

When the Lumidouce Case created by Emilie is on the field, all party members gain 85% Pyro RES against Burning DMG.

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Anonymous 5

Solid and easy gameplay. Not a core character, but a S tier character that can be used with the usual SS tier subdps or Wriothesley, without much knowledge. First try with 4* weapons, can be done in 9:07:

Anonymous 4

omg i got her!!!!

SigmaAnonymous 3

Skyward Harp? Aight I'll pull for Emilie

Anonymous 2

skyward harp??????

Anonymous 1

Last Update: 14 July 2024
This is strong dps.

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