Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
La Signora Story & Real Identity

Genshin Impact | La Signora Story & Real Identity

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Genshin Impact | La Signora Story & Real Identity - GameWith

La Signora is a character in Genshin Impact. Guide includes La Signora story, Crimson Witch of Embers, Crimson Witch of Flames Story, weapon, voicelines, voice actor, weapon, and boss domain.

Table of Contents

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Who Is La Signora?

One Of The Fatui Harbringers

La Signora is one of the Fauti members, the 8th of the (11) eleven Fatui Harbingers and also one of the main villaines of the game.

Collecting Gnosis Of The Gods

La Signora has a goal to collect all the Gnosis of the Archons ordered by the Snezhnaya ruler, Tsaritsa. Up until now, obtaining all the Gnosis are still unknown.

A New Weekly Boss

The Witch of Ice And Fire

In the 2.1 Update it was revealed the La Signora will be one of the weekly bosses just like Childe (Tartaglia)'s Domain, The Golden House.

La Signora Boss Domain Guide

La Signora - The Crimson Witch Of Embers

Elegy For The End's Weapon Story

La Signora Story

La Signora fits the description of the said maiden mentioned in the Elegy For The End's item story. This might explains her attitude towards Venti in the first encounter with La Signora.

La Signora's Grudge

As the maiden mourns over the Knight's death, the maiden swore that she will seek revenge on all the people involved in the passing of his lover. The maiden succumbed to anger, abandoning her mortal life, and eventually became the known The Crimson Witch Of Embers.

La Signora - The End Of The Crimson Witch Of Embers

Warning: This section contains major spoilers!

The Vision hunt Decree

La Signora Story

La Signora appeared once again in the Omnipresence Over Mortals (Archon Quest) as she was the one behind the Vision Hunt Decree and deceived everyone including Tenryou Commission and the Raiden Shogun (Baal) about her major plan.

Omnipresence Over Mortals Archon Quest

Farewell To The Crimson Witch Of Embers

La Signora Story

After the Traveler and La Signora's duel, her arrogance angered the Raiden Shogun (Baal) and experienced the Shogun's wrath which makes her perished in to ashes.

Speculations Over Her Death

Some fans are speculating that her death in Inazuma is just for a show, and she will be back soon. What do you guys think? Tell us in the ▼Comments below

Voicelines About La Signora

Voicelines About La Signora
ChildeChildeI never got along with her, you know that. I guess there's not much more worth saying about her at this point. When you're a harbinger, you have to accept that death could come at any time... But don't worry about me. No matter what happens, I'll do whatever it takes to keep myself alive.

La Signora - Voice Actor & Profile

Basic Info & Voice Actor

RarityNoneElementCryo & Pyro
How To Get
Voice Actor (EN)
Voice Actor (JA)
Shouji Yui


Real Name: Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter
Affiliation: Fatui
One of the Harbringers of Fatui who's goal is to collect the Gnosis of the gods in TEYVAT.

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Blue 24

Ich persönlich hoffe man kann sie irgendwann spielen denn der Sarg ist ja eingefroren und somit konserviert vielleicht findet el dottore eine möglichkeit sie zurück zu holen das fände ich fantastisch ♡

Dead Signora 23

I'm dead everyone so i won't comeback anymore no matter what you hope for it's over.

PleaseComeBack 22

Signora, my beloved.

Anonymous 21

I really hope she comes back. She's my favorite character

Anonymous 20

Bruh the misinformation from the archon quest lol It's like reading is hard or something

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