Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
La Signora Boss Recommended Team & Location

Genshin Impact | La Signora Boss Recommended Team & Location

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Genshin Impact | La Signora Boss Recommended Team & Location - GameWith

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La Signora is a weekly boss in Genshin Impact. Guide includes La Signora boss, The Witch of Ice and Fire domain, fight guide, how to unlock, location, weakness, drops, & more.

Table of Contents

2.1 Version Updates
Raiden ShogunRaiden ShogunKokomiKokomi Kujou SaraKujou SaraAloyAloy
Inazuma Guides:
All Boss Fight List & Drops 2.1

La Signora (The Witch of Ice And Fire) Details & Weaknesses

La Signora (The Witch of Ice And Fire) Details & Weaknesses
ElementCryo & Pyro
Recommended Element Pyro
Not Recommended Element None
Attack Range Short to Long Range

Showdown Against A Fatui Harbinger

Showdown Against A Fatui Harbinger

As one of the Fatui Harbingers, La Signora is a formidable foe that has stood as one of the main antagonists in Genshin Impact. Fight against her to finally close her chapter and get materials, artifacts, and other items.

Released In The 2.1 Update

La Signora and her Weekly Boss domain was added as part of the 2.1 Update. However, players can only fight against her once they have cleared the domain requirements.

2.1 Update Release Date & New Characters

La Signora (The Witch Of Ice And Fire) Location & How To Unlock

La Signora - How To Unlock

Must Clear Archon Quest Chapter 2 Act 3

Must Clear Archon Quest Chapter 2 Act 3

La Signora plays a vital part in the Archon Quest Chapter 2 Act 3 and similar to Childe's own domain, players must first complete the quest to unlock it.

Omnipresence Over Mortals Archon (Ch 2 Act 3) Guide

La Signora - Domain Location

La Signora - Domain Location

Once you've completed Archon Quest Chapter 2 Act 2, La Signora's domain will be unlocked! You can find it in Inazuma City inside the Shogun's residence.

Inazuma Area Guide

La Signora (The Witch Of Ice And Fire) Possible Rewards

TrialRec. LvlRewards
Memories: Duel to the Fiery Death I60Adventure Rank EXPMoraCompanion EXPShivada Jade SliverShivada Jade FragmentShivada Jade ChunkAgnidus Agate SliverAgnidus Agate FragmentAgnidus Agate ChunkDream SolventBerserkerInstructorThe ExileGladiatorWandererNorthlander Sword BilletNorthlander Bow BilletNorthlander Claymore BilletNorthlander Catalyst BilletNorthlander Polearm Billet
Memories: Duel to the Fiery Death II70Adventure Rank EXPMoraCompanion EXPShivada Jade SliverShivada Jade FragmentShivada Jade ChunkAgnidus Agate SliverAgnidus Agate FragmentAgnidus Agate ChunkDream SolventMolten MomentHellfire ButterflyAshen HeartBerserkerInstructorThe ExileGladiatorWandererNorthlander Sword BilletNorthlander Bow BilletNorthlander Claymore BilletNorthlander Catalyst BilletNorthlander Polearm Billet
Memories: Duel to the Fiery Death III80Adventure Rank EXPMoraCompanion EXPShivada Jade SliverShivada Jade FragmentShivada Jade ChunkShivada Jade GemstoneAgnidus Agate SliverAgnidus Agate FragmentAgnidus Agate ChunkAgnidus Agate GemstoneDream SolventMolten MomentHellfire ButterflyAshen HeartBerserkerInstructorThe ExileGladiatorWandererNorthlander Sword BilletNorthlander Bow BilletNorthlander Claymore BilletNorthlander Catalyst BilletNorthlander Polearm Billet
Memories: Duel to the Fiery Death IV90Adventure Rank EXPMoraCompanion EXPShivada Jade SliverShivada Jade FragmentShivada Jade ChunkShivada Jade GemstoneAgnidus Agate SliverAgnidus Agate FragmentAgnidus Agate ChunkAgnidus Agate GemstoneDream SolventMolten MomentHellfire ButterflyAshen HeartBerserkerInstructorThe ExileGladiatorWandererNorthlander Sword BilletNorthlander Bow BilletNorthlander Claymore BilletNorthlander Catalyst BilletNorthlander Polearm Billet

* Tap the photo to learn more about the material.

Materials / Items List & How To Get 2.1

Requires Resin To Collect Reward

Requires Resin To Collect Reward

In order to collect the rewards for completing the domain and defeating Signora, you will need to use Resin to revitalize the Ley Line Flower. The first 3 Bosses will cost 30 Resin and the rest will be 60.

Original Resin Guide

Can Only Collect Once A Week

As a Weekly Boss, you can only collect rewards from this Domain once a week. Reset happens every Monday at 4AM server time.

All Boss Fight List & Drops 2.1

Characters That Use Materials From La Signora

The following characters uses up materials that can only obtained by fighting La Signora! These materials are used to increase Talents to higher levels.

Talent Upgrade Guide 2.1 - How To Get Level Up Books

Sample Team Comp Against Signora

DPSSub-DPSSupportShield Supp
Childe (Tartaglia)ChildeXianglingXianglingBennettBennettZhongliZhongli
All Character List 2.1 | Character Elements & Weapon

Recommended To Have Different Elements In A Team

Since Signora's Ice Cocoon can only be broken through Elemental Reactions, it's highly recommended to have multiple elements in a single team. Having a Pyro character is still recommended here.

Have Healing & Shield Abilities

Due to the Sheer Cold, Blazing Heat, and Signora's relentless attacks, it's almost impossible not to lose health in this domain. Make sure to have food to heal or characters with healing or shield abilities to survive the battle.

Free Party Team Comp

DPSSub-DPSSub-DPSShield / Heal

This free team comp is composed of characters that players could get for free. Overload should work well against Signora since she doesn't get knocked back.

Free Characters List 2.1 | How To Unlock & Tier List

La Signora (The Witch of Ice and Fire) Attacks & How To Beat Tips

La Signora - First Phase

Can Attack La Signora Directly

Can Attack La Signora Directly

Although it seems like Signora has a shield, she actually does not and you can attack her directly. The circle around her just prevents you from staying close to her.

Stay Away From Frosted Areas

Stay Away From Frosted Areas

Some of Signora's attacks will cause the floor to be frosted. When standing there, you will accumulate Sheer Cold faster. Move out of Frosted Floors as quickly as you can!

Stand Beside The Hearts Of Flame To Lower Sheer Cold

Destroy Hearts Of Flame To Lower Sheer Cold

If your Sheer Cold meter is filled, you will start to lose health. The only way you can lower it inside the Domain is by standing next to it. These Hearts of Flame will appear in some time around the arena so do not break it!

Gather Crimson Lotus Moths To Destroy Ice Cocoon

Gather Crimson Lotus Moths To Destroy Ice Cocoon

When Signora encases herself in her Ice Cocoon, you can destroy it faster by collected a Crimson Lotus Moth before attacking her. Having one of them will imbue you next attack with additional Pyro attack.

La Signora - Second Phase

Blazing Heat Replaces Sheer Cold

Blazing Heat Replaces Sheer Cold

The Second Phase will replace Sheer Cold with Blazing Heat. They function they same, but instead of ice, Blazing Heat is due to the intense flames coming from Signora.

Move Away From Embered Floors

Move Away From Embered Floors

Signora's attacks will cause the floor to be embered. Standing on them will cause the Blazing Heat to accumulate faster. You can take out such areas when breaking Eyes of Frost.

Eyes Of Frost Will Get Rid Of Blazing Heat

Remove Blazing Heat By Breaking Eyes Of Frost

Eyes of Frost will show up around the Domain's arena. You can stand next to it to regulate the body heat of the characters, also, do not break it. Just make sure to be protected when doing so because Signora could attack you then.

Genshin Impact - Enemies Articles

List Of All Boss Guides

Weekly Bosses Guide

World Bosses Guide

Elite Enemies Guide

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Anonymous 3

this fight is really really hard even with a good team

Anonymous 2

Breaking the Eyes will reset your heat/cold, so another strategy is to just run back to break an eye when your heat maxes out. They do respawn quickly enough, second phase is easy with Fischl and Barbara, I'm not sure if Signora can DPS enough to get past the healing.

Anonymous 1

So should we play this battle with the Game of Thornes Theme for extraFire and Ice Drama?

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