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Anemo Hypostasis Location & Drops

Genshin Impact | Anemo Hypostasis Location & Drops

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Genshin Impact | Anemo Hypostasis Location & Drops - GameWith

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Anemo Hypostasis is a World Boss enemy in Genshin Impact 5.5. Guide on how to beat Anemo Hypostasis, map location, drops, map, materials, & respawn.

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Anemo Hypostasis Basic Details & Drops

Anemo Hypostasis
TypeWorld Boss

Drops Of Anemo Hypostasis

Anemo Hypostasis All Locations & Respawn Time

Map Location

Anemo Hypostasis

Track It Using Your Adventurer's Book

You can check some of the locations of Anemo Hypostasis on your Adventure Book from the Menu.

How To Defeat Anemo Hypostasis

Free Party

DPSDPS / HealingResonance / ComboResonance / Combo

This party will provide you with a well-rounded team, as well as the Protective Canopy Elemental Resonance, giving you 15% elemental resistance.

Trigger A Reaction With Lisa & Barbara

Anemo Hypostasis naturally has the Anemo (wind) element on it at all times, which means that Lisa and Barbara's regular attacks will trigger a reaction! As soon as it becomes vulnerable, you can deal huge damage with just regular attacks.

Attack Mainly At Range

Your main DPSers for this should be Lisa and Barbara, as Kaeya and Xiangling might take some time to reach the enemy. Use their skills for reactions when you're already in close range, but rely mainly on your Catalyst users to DPS from afar!

Recommended Party for Farming

DPS / ResonanceCombo / DPSCombo / HealingResonance
DilucDilucFischlFischlQiqiQiqi XianglingXiangling

This party also features 2 Pyro users to trigger the +25% ATK Resonance buff. The key here is regular cycling between characters to trigger as many reactions as possible!

Set Up Elemental Skills And Combo

Use Fischl and Qiqi's Elemental Skills then quickly switch out to Diluc to trigger multiple very powerful elemental reactions. Electro, Cryo, and Pyro will cause Spread, dealing huge damage.

Stick With Fischl If You Can't Get Close

There are times when you're particularly far from the boss and can't reach it in time to use melee attacks - in this cases just stick with Fischl to get some damage in!

Anemo Hypostasis - Battle Strategy

Attack When The Core Is Exposed

Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻略

Dealing damage while the cubes are around the Hypostasis core won't do anything - the cubes will periodically leave and give you an opening to strike. Don't waste your time attacking it while it's protected!

Prevent It From Healing

Once the boss's HP gets low enough, it will spawn 4 energy balls in the air. If you don't clear these in time, the boss will absorb them and heal. Use the wind currents nearby and glide into all orbs to prevent this! This is extremely high priority, so don't neglect to do this.

Move Away From Tornadoes

Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻略

One of the Anemo Hypostasis's abilities is to summon quite a few tornadoes. You can stay in range and try to dodge them, but it's often just less of a hassle to run out far away until they disappear.

Don't Use Anemo Abilities

Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻略

Though it might go without saying, don't use Anemo (Wind) abilities against this boss. It is completely immune to them!

:h3Anemo Hypostasis - Attack Patterns

Absorb & Explosion

Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻撃

One of the Anemo Hypostasis's attacks will involve it sucking in air in front of it, then exploding after a short duration. If you're outside of the circle, you won't be sucked in and can deal damage at range, so move out quickly!

Launches Into The Air

Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻撃

This is a two part attack where the boss will fly up in the air and then use a vacuum wave. If you get hit by the launch up, the second part of the attack will always land, so make sure to carefully avoid the first part.

Drops Cubes From The Air

Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻撃

The boss will drop 3 cubes on you from up above. There's an indicator where they will drop, so just dash away from them.

Shoots Out Cubes

Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻撃

The boss will fire out 3 cubes in your direction. They will follow you, but it's possible to dash away from them once they're fired to avoid them.

Cube Slap

Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻撃

The boss tries to clamp down on you by forming wings/hands out of its block and attacking in front of it. As soon as you this animation form, it's possible to dodge by just running back or the side.


Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻撃

The boss spawns several tornadoes around the arena. They won't follow you very far, so you can simply move away to the edge to avoid them.


Anemo Hypostasis ベトの攻撃

The boss absorbs elemental energy orbs levitating in the air and sends out a powerful shockwave. There are 3 waves to this. This is avoidable by running out of range!

Characters That Uses Anemo Hypostasis Drops

Characters That Uses Drops Of Anemo Hypostasis

This list includes characters that uses at least one of the drops from this enemy.

Weapon That Uses Anemo Hypostasis Drops

No Weapons Known To Use Drops From This Enemy

As of the current, there are no weapon found that uses drops from this enemy. Check back for more later!

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