Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Weapon Tier List Best & Strongest Weapon

Genshin Impact | Weapon Tier List Best & Strongest Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Weapon Tier List Best & Strongest Weapon - GameWith

Best Weapon tier list for Genshin Impact. This guide includes weapon tier list, best weapon per type, ranking, weapon tips, best weapon selections and how to choose weapons.

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Notable Weapons For Version 5.4

New & Rerun Weapons

Most of the weapons featured on version 5.4 are oriented towards a specific Niche. However, Wriothesley and Mizuki's signature weapon can be used for a few other characters as stat sticks. Anemo Catalyst users can trigger Sunny Morning Sleep-In's effect while NA/CA DPS with Furina can trigger the effect of Cashflow Supervision.

Notable Upcoming New Weapons

Upcoming New & Rerun Weapons For 5.5 Update

The upcoming new weapon for the 5.5 Update will be a Catalyst and is the BiS (signature weapon) of Varesa. The rerun weapons will be Xianyun, Xilonen, and Venti's BiS weapons, their weapons effects will be amazing for supporting their team!

Other 5.5 Update Related Articles

Sword Tier List

SS Tier
Mistsplitter ReforgedPrimordial Jade CutterFreedom-SwornSacrificial SwordXiphos
S Tier
AbsolutionHaran Geppaku FutsuLight Of Foliar IncisionSplendor Of Tranquil WatersThe Black SwordUraku MisugiriWolf-FangFestering DesireKey Of Khaj-NisutLight Of Foliar IncisionPrimordial Jade CutterSplendor Of Tranquil WatersUraku MisugiriWolf-Fang
A Tier
Amenoma KageuchiAquila FavoniaBlackcliff LongswordFinale Of The DeepFlute Of EzpitzalSacrificial SwordSkyward BladeSummit ShaperAmenoma KageuchiAquila FavoniaFavonius SwordFinale Of The DeepFleuve Cendre FerrymanFlute Of EzpitzalIron StingSapwood BladeSkyward BladeSummit ShaperThe Alley FlashThe DockhandToukabou Shigure
B Tier
Cinnabar SpindleFestering DesireFleuve Cendre FerrymanHarbinger Of DawnIron StingKagotsurube IsshinLionPrototype RancourRoyal LongswordCinnabar SpindleDark Iron SwordHarbinger Of DawnKagotsurube IsshinLionRoyal Longsword
C Tier
Cool SteelFillet BladeSword Of DescensionSword Of NarzissenkreuzThe FluteCool SteelSkyrider SwordSword Of DescensionSword Of NarzissenkreuzThe FluteTraveler

Explanation Of SS Tier Swords

Recommended Characters
- Amazing Elemental Mastery boost from sub-Stat.
- Provides buff to the team even at off-field making it an amazing weapon for support characters.
Recommended Characters:
KazuhaKaeyaXingqiuKuki ShinobuAyatoFurinaNilouLaylaJeanAlhaithamKiraraDendro Traveler
Mistsplitter Reforged
Mistsplitter Reforged
- High Base ATK paired with decent CRIT DMG sub-stat makes Mistsplitter Reforged an amazing weapon for DPS characters.
- Greatly boost Elemental DMG of characters.
Recommended Characters:
Primordial Jade Cutter
Primordial Jade Cutter
- Flexible weapon that has an amazing CRIT Rate sub-stat.
- Effect is also very flexible and can be used by anyone.
- Especially great if the character can scale from both ATK and HP.
Recommended Characters:
Sacrificial Sword
Sacrificial Sword
- Amazing weapon for supports that allows you to use Elemental Skill twice and fill out energy faster.
- Fairly high base stat for a 4 star weapon allowing you to not lose on damage as well.
- Great for Multiple support characters with long Elemental Skill Cooldown.
Recommended Characters:
XingqiuQiqiBennettKazuhaKuki ShinobuElectro TravelerDendro TravelerNilouLaylaFurina
Xiphos' Moonlight
- Amazing Elemental Mastery sub-stat great for reaction based character.
- Increases the whole team's Energy Recharge based on the Elemental Mastery.
Recommended Characters:
KazuhaDendro TravelerNilouKuki ShinobuAlhaithamKiraraDendro Traveler

Bow Tier List

SS Tier
Aqua SimulacraSkyward HarpAqua SimulacraElegy For The EndSacrificial Bow
S Tier
AmosHunterPolar StarThe First Great MagicThundering PulsePolar StarThe Stringless
A Tier
Blackcliff WarbowChain BreakerHamayumiIbis PiercerKingPrototype CrescentRange GaugeRustSacrificial BowScion Of The Blazing SunThe StringlessAlley HunterChain BreakerFading TwilightFavonius WarbowMouunSong Of StillnessWindblume Ode
B Tier
Compound BowEnd Of The LineFading TwilightMitternachts WaltzMouunRoyal BowSlingshotSong Of StillnessThe Viridescent HuntWindblume OdeEnd Of The LineRoyal BowSilvershower HeartstringsThe Viridescent Hunt
C Tier
CloudforgedMessengerPredatorRaven BowRecurve BowSharpshooterCloudforgedRaven BowRecurve Bow

Explanation Of SS Tier Bows

Recommended Characters
Aqua Simulacra
Aqua Simulacra
- Amazing Crit DMG stat making it amazing for building characters.
- Boost HP and DMG of the character.
- Despite low Base ATK, the DMG boost its effect has enables your character to deal powerful DMG.
Recommended Characters:
Elegy For The End
Elegy For The End
- Greatly increases Energy Recharge of the character allowing high Uptime of Elemental Burst.
- Provides additional ATK and EM buff to the team making it an amazing support weapon.
Recommended Characters:
VentiFischlKujou SaraYelanColleiFaruzanSigewinne
Sacrificial Bow
Sacrificial Bow
- Amazing weapon for supports that allows you to use Elemental Skill twice and fill out energy faster.
- Fairly high base stat for a 4 star weapon allowing you to not lose on damage as well.
- Great for Multiple support characters with long Elemental Skill Cooldown.
Recommended Characters:
Skyward Harp
Skyward Harp
- Provides Crit Rate and DMG making it great for building any DPS characters
- One of the highest Base ATK for Bows allowing your DPS to produce powerful damage.
Recommended Characters:
ChildeVentiFischlGanyuAmberYoimiyaKujou SaraAloySethosTighnariFaruzan

Catalyst Tier List

SS Tier
Lost Prayer To The Sacred WindsThe WidsithA Thousand Floating DreamsSacrificial FragmentsThrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers
S Tier
A Thousand Floating DreamsCashflow SupervisionKaguraMemory Of DustSkyward AtlasSolar PearlSurfTome Of The Eternal FlowTulaytullahKaguraSacrificial JadeSkyward AtlasSolar PearlStarcallerSunny Morning Sleep-InThe WidsithWandering Evenstar
A Tier
Ballad Of The Boundless BlueBlackcliff AgateCraneDodoco TalesFrostbearerMappa MareRing Of YaxcheRoyal GrimoireSacrificial FragmentsSacrificial JadeWandering EvenstarWine And SongCraneFavonius CodexFlowing PurityFruit of FulfillmentHakushin RingJadefallLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsMappa MarePrototype Amber
B Tier
Everlasting MoonglowEye Of PerceptionFlowing PurityHakushin RingJadefallOathsworn EyeWaveriding WhirlBlackcliff AgateEverlasting MoonglowMagic GuideOathsworn EyeRoyal GrimoireTwin NephriteWaveriding WhirlWine And Song
C Tier
Ash-Graven Drinking HornEmerald OrbMagic GuideTwin NephriteEmerald OrbOtherworldly Story

Explanation Of SS Tier Catalysts

Recommended Characters
A Thousand Floating Dreams
A Thousand Floating Dreams
- Amazing Elemental Mastery sub-stat great for reaction based character.
- Able to give Elemental Mastery buff or Elemental DMG Buff for the team.
Recommended Characters:
NahidaSucroseYae MikoLisaBarbaraCitlaliLan YanMizuki
Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds
Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds
- Amazing weapon for Elemental DPS especially if they stay on-field for a long time.
- Crit Rate Sub stat and significantly high Base ATK makes it easier to build DPS characters.
Recommended Characters:
KleeWriothesleyMonaYanfeiLisaYae MikoShikanoin HeizouWandererNingguangNeuvillette
Sacrificial Fragments
Sacrificial Fragments
- High Elemental Mastery sub-stat that works great for reaction based characters.
- Ability is also very powerful since it allows you to use Elemental Skill twice doubling damage and energy produced.
Recommended Characters:
SucroseLan YanMonaKokomiCitlaliMizukiBarbaraBaizhuKleeNahida
The Widsith
The Widsith
- High Crit DMG sub-stat amazing for building characters.
- Ability is very powerful, even if it is random.
Recommended Characters:
WriothesleyKleeMonaYanfeiYae MikoShikanoin HeizouNahidaWandererNingguangNeuvillette
Thrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers
Thrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers
- Easy to R5 since it is a 3 star weapon.
- Its effect allows you to boost the ATK of the Main DPS making this an amazing support weapon.
Recommended Characters:
BarbaraSucroseBaizhuKokomiMonaYanfeiCharlotteLan YanCitlali

Claymore Tier List

SS Tier
A Thousand Blazing SunsBeacon Of The Reed SeaWolf-
S Tier
Blackcliff SlasherFang Of The Mountain KingRedhorn StonethresherSerpent SpineVerdictMakhaira AquamarineSacrificial GreatswordSerpent SpineSong Of Broken PinesWolf
A Tier
AkuoumaruEarth ShakerLithic BladeLuxurious Sea-LordMakhaira AquamarinePrototype ArchaicRoyal GreatswordSkyward PrideSong Of Broken PinesTalking StickThe UnforgedAkuoumaruBeacon Of The Reed SeaFavonius GreatswordForest RegaliaKatsuragikiri NagamasaLithic BladeMailed FlowerSkyward PrideTalking StickTidal Shadow
B Tier
Debate ClubKatsuragikiri NagamasaMailed FlowerSacrificial GreatswordSnow-Tombed StarsilverTidal ShadowUltimate OverlordWhiteblind-
C Tier
Bloodtainted GreatswordFerrous ShadowRainslasherSkyrider GreatswordThe BellWhite Iron Greatsword-

Explanation Of SS Tier Claymores

Recommended Characters
A Thousand Blazing Suns
A Thousand Blazing Suns
- Even if the character does not have Nightsoul, this weapon works as a great stat stick to any DPS.
- The conditions to activate effect the weapon is also fairly easy to maximize by any DPS.
Recommended Characters:
Beacon Of The Reed Sea
Beacon Of The Reed Sea
- High Crit Rate and base attack making it a great weapon for DPS.
- The effect can be triggered by most characters even if it is difficult to maximize.
Recommended Characters:
Wolf's Gravestone
- Greatly boost ATK of the weilder.
- It can also boost the ATK of the whole team.
Recommended Characters:

Polearm Tier List

SS Tier
Primordial Jade Winged-SpearStaff Of HomaEngulfing LightningStaff Of Homa
S Tier
Ballad Of The FjordsCrimson MoonDeathmatchDialogues Of The Desert SagesEngulfing LightningLumidouce ElegySkyward SpineStaff Of The Scarlet SandsBallad Of The FjordsDialogues Of The Desert SagesSkyward SpineStaff Of The Scarlet SandsThe Catch
A Tier
Blackcliff PoleCalamity QuellerDragonFootprint Of The RainbowKitain Cross SpearLithic SpearMissive WindspearProspectorThe CatchVortex VanquisherWavebreakerWhite TasselCalamity QuellerDeathmatchDragonFavonius LanceFootprint Of The RainbowKitain Cross SpearLithic SpearMoonpiercerPrototype StarglitterRightful RewardVortex VanquisherWavebreaker
B Tier
Crescent PikePrototype StarglitterRightful RewardRoyal SpearMissive WindspearRoyal Spear
C Tier
Black TasselDragonspine SpearHalberdBlack Tassel

Explanation Of SS Tier Polearms

Recommended Characters
Engulfing Lightning
Engulfing Lightning
- Amazing weapon for Energy hungry characters since you can safely increase your Energy Recharge without worrying for ATK to be low.
Recommended Characters:
Raiden ShogunZhongliXianglingRosariaShenheYun JinMika
Primordial Jade Winged-Spear
Primordial Jade Winged-Spear
- Crit Rate and effect is great for any ATK scaling DPS.
- Amazing Base ATK allows you to deal a lot of DMG.
Recommended Characters:
XiaoArlecchinoHu TaoXianglingRosariaRaiden ShogunShenheCynoZhongliEmilie
Staff Of Homa
Staff Of Homa
- One of the best Polearm in the game.
- Amazing Crit DMG and base ATK making it great for building.
- Increases your HP and further boost it if your HP is low.
Recommended Characters:
Hu TaoZhongliXiaoXianglingRaiden ShogunCandaceArlecchinoEmilie

Ranking Criteria

How The Ranking Is Determined

Ranking Based On
1Base ATK & sub-Stat
2Passive skill or feature
3Versatility of the weapon when it comes to builds

1. Base ATK & Sub-Stat

Each weapon type gives a set amount of ATK and comes with their own Sub-stat. This plays a big role on what type of builds it can fit and how powerful the weapon could be.

2. Passive Skill Or Feature

All weapons have a passive skill that gives unique buffs to Although this comes second to the Base ATK and Sub-stat of a weapon, passives still play a role in the effectivity of a character in battle.

3. Versatility Of A Weapon

There are some weapons that are hard-locked into a specific build, while some can fit across multiple different ones. Having a versatile weapon benefits the team and makes it easier to switch between builds for a character.

Summary Of Tiers

Basis For Tier
SS Tier- Amazing for Multiple Characters and provides significant damage or support.
S Tier- Works with Multiple Characters and provide descent damage or support.
A Tier- Flexible but fairly weak compared to its competitors
- Not flexible but provides significant support and damage.
- Great Stat Stick for multiple characters.
B Tier- Weak weapon but can work on characters with specific build as a Stat Stick.
C Tier- Does not work with many characters and does not provide benefits.

Weapon Tips


Make Sure To Check Weapon Effects

Some weapons are made to suit a certain character or element. Check the weapon description to see which character they are better equipped to.

Obtain Strong Weapons Through Wishing

You can obtain most of the strong weapons through wishing. If you are having trouble with your character's stength, obtaining strong weapons might help. Note that you can also get a 4★ weapon by getting rank 30 in your Battle Pass!

Check Out Wish (Gacha) Guide Here!

Refine Duplicate Weapons

If you receive doubles from wishing, do not be upset, you can use the duplicate to increase the base stats and effects of the weapon by refining the weapon.

Enhance & Ascend The Weapon For Stronger Stats

Make sure to Enhance your weapon of choice to the max level. This will boost their base stat which will make your character extremely strong. A fully enhanced 3 star weapon can be stronger than a 4 Star weapon.

Check Out Ascension Guide Here!

Use 1- 2 Stars Weapon To Enhance Your Weapons

1-2 star weapons normally have near useless stats. However, they can be used as fodder to upgrade your stronger weapons.

Check Out Other Ways To Get Stronger Here

Need An Idea For Builds?

Check out our Genshin Impact Character Builds & Weapons forum to find builds posted by your fellow players! Have a good build you'd like to share? Post it there for others to see!

Check Out The Character Builds Forum

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Anonymous 20

peak patrol song isn't on the sword tier list?

rhdfidyb 19

fitv jdub. zjok. ayike5. iiot6. zuiiftagn.

jdkf. jx. kd8f z

Anonymous 18

Lost Prayer is arguably the best weapon for Ningguang, but it isn't even recommended for her here.

Anonymous 17

bennett should be one of the recommended characters for aquila favonia since his q's attack boost scales off base attack. thoma should be one of the recommended characters for staff of homa because he gains shield strength and additional damage with more hp.

Anonymous 16

The catch rank?

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