Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Wriothesley Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Wriothesley Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Wriothesley Build & Weapon - GameWith

Wriothesley is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Wriothesley's, best build and f2p guide, talent material, weapon tier list, artifacts set,, & team comp for Wriothesley.

Table of Contents

Wriothesley Tier & Review

5 StarCryoCryoCatalyst
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes (Limited Banner)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Wriothesley!

What Kind Of Character Is Wriothesley?

Wriothesley Is A Main DPS That Deals Damage With Normal & Charged Attack

Cryo Normal Attacker

Wriothesley is a character from Fontaine that is a Main DPS and requires on-field time. Wriothesley deals damage mainly using a combo of boosted Normal Attacks and Charged Attack.

Reduces His Own HP For More DMG & Heals Them Back

Wriothesley can reduce his own HP and boost his attacks using Elemental Skill and get them all back after performing combos. This makes him an excellent user of Marechaussee Hunter Set. Wriothesley also has a passive that increases his ATK when his HP increases or decreases.

Strengths & Weakness Of Wriothesley

- Amazing Cryo DMG from Normal Attacks and Elemental Skill
↳ Does not need Energy Recharge for damage.
- Normal Attack combos does not break even after sprinting.
- Flexible team comps and can be used at Melt and Freeze teams.
- With proper use, he is able to self-sustain himself.
- HP range requirement of Wriothesley's passive and skills can make it difficult to use all parts of his kit at C0.
↳ With a healer, Special Charged Attack may not activate but it is too dangerous to use Wriothesley without a healer.
↳ C1 can help alleviate this issue.
- Low resistance to interruption without a shielder.
▼ Details about Wriothesley below.

Wriothesley Best Build

Wriothesley Is Best Built As An On-Field DPS

WeaponCashflow SupervisionCashflow Supervision
Substitute 1. Tulaytullah Tulaytullah's Remembrance
2. The WidsithThe Widsith
3. Blackcliff AgateBlackcliff Agate (F2P)
4. Dodoco TalesDodoco Tales (F2P)
Best ArtifactMarechaussee Hunter Marechaussee Hunter x4
Main StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
Circlet: Crit DMG
Sub-Stats 1. CRIT DMG
2. ATK%
3. Elemental Mastery
4. CRIT Rate
Sample TeamWriothesley Xilonen Bennett Mavuika

Wriothesley, being a Cryo DPS and a character that can maximize Marechaussee Hunter, does not require many Crit Rate and mostly requires CRIT DMG because of Cryo Resonance and effects of the artifact. Only minimal amount of CRIT Rate is needed. Try to aim for 60% CRIT Rate with weapons and sub-stat for Melt or 40% for Freeze Teams then gather as much CRIT DMG as you can.

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Wriothesley Best Weapon

Wriothesley Works Best With CRIT, ATK, or Damage Boosting Weapons

BestCashflow SupervisionCashflow SupervisionCRIT Rate 22.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Signature weapon of Wriothesley.
- Boost ATK, Normal Attack and Charged ATK DMG.
- Requires HP drain and gain making it work with Wriothesley.
- Also boost ATK Speed.
1stTulaytullahTulaytullah's RemembranceCRIT DMG 44.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Great for boosting the DMG of Normal ATK and ATK Speed of Wriothesley.
- Sub-Stat is also amazing for building since CRIT DMG sub-stat is important.
2ndLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsCRIT Rate 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT Rate Sub-Stat together with the artifact, Marechausse Hunter, allows you to no longer invest on CRIT Rate.
- Movement Speed buff and Elemental DMG Bonus is great for DPS increase.
- Buffs needs to long time on-field to maximize.
3rdSkyward AtlasSkyward AtlasATK 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Amazing ATK Buff for Wriothesley boosting his damage by alot.
- Elemental DMG Buff is also great for additional damage.
- Since Wriothesley has a lot of outside sources for CRIT Rate, building should not be very difficult.
4thThe WidsithThe WidsithCRIT DMG 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Wriothesley can use any effect of The Widsith.
- CRIT DMG Sub-stat is also great for boosting DMG since CRIT Rate can be covered by Cryo Resonance and Marechaussee Hunter.
- The effect has a long cooldown and not good for long battles.
5thBlackcliff AgateBlackcliff AgateCRIT DMG 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Amazing CRIT DMG sub-stat
- Situational is passive and does not do well on bosses or single target.
Ballad Of The Boundless BlueBallad Of The Boundless BlueEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Increases Normal and Charged Attack DMG which is the main source of DMG for Wriothesley.
- Energy Recharge is good for high up-time of Elemental Burst.
Dodoco TalesDodoco TalesATK 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Weapon should work well with the rotation of Wriothesley.
- Boost ATK and Charged ATK but does not help much with Normal Attack.

Wriothesley scales well with ATK and DMG Boost Weapons. For CRIT Weapons, Damage is preferred since Cryo Resonance and Artifact Effects can provide tons of CRIT Rate.

All Weapon List

Wriothesley Best Artifacts

Wriothesley On-Field DPS Artifacts

Best Artifact Set For Cryo DPS Wriothesley

Marechaussee HunterMarechaussee Hunter★★★★★
- Wriothesley's self HP drain can activate the 4-piece effect that increases his CRIT Rate.
- Increases Normal and Charged Attack DMG, both of which he mainly deals damage with.
Blizzard StrayerBlizzard Strayer★★★★ ・
- Good substitute for Freeze teams.
- 40% CRIT Rate buff is great for easy CR/CD management.
Echoes Of An OfferingEchoes Of An Offering★★★★ ・
- Good substitute for Melt team.
- Slight RNG included in the Normal Attack DMG increase buff, but Wriothesley's fast Normal Attacks can trigger it easily.
- Does not buff his Charged Attack which is his other main source of damage.
ShimenawaShimenawa's Reminiscence★★★ ・ ・
- 2nd best substitute for Melt teams.
- Buffs both Normal & Charged Attack at the cost of less Elemental Burst uses.

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet IconMain: Cryo DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: CRIT DMG
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge

Marechaussee Hunter Is The Best For All Comps

Wriothesley can maximize the effects of Marechaussee Hunter automatically giving Wriothesley 36 Crit Rate allowing you to focus on other stats. This is the best Artifact for any type of team for Wriothesley. The substitute can be used while farming for Marechaussee Hunter.

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Wriothesley Best Team Comp

Wriothesley Is Best Used As Melt DPS

DPS Support Support Sub-DPS
- Wriothesley can deal powerful Melt DMG in this team.
- Xilonen buffs Elemental DMG with her Passive and Archaic Petra buff.
- Mavuika buffs both DMG increase and Elemental DMG for Pyro & Cryo.
- Bennett buffs Wriothesley's ATK and provides healing along with Xilonen's Burst.

Free-To-Play Party

Team Details
WriothesleyWriothesleyLan YanLan Yan- F2P Burn-Melt team with two (2) free characters (Collei and Pyro Traveler).
- Lan Yan can be obtained from the free Liyue 4-star event during Lantern Rite or through Wishing.
- Collei can refresh Pyro application on the enemy through the Burning reaction.
- Pyro Traveler applies Pyro off-field and buffs Wriothesley's DMG with their C1.
- Lan Yan with VV & Pyro Traveler with Scroll set can greatly increase the Cryo DMG dealt by Wriothesley.
ColleiColleiPyro TravelerPyro Traveler
Best Teams For Wriothesley

Wriothesley Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Farm Routes For Subdetection Unit

Farm Routes
Mont Esus East Farm Route
New Fontaine Research Institute West
New Fontaine Research Institute Central East
New Fontaine Research Institute South
New Fontaine Research Institute Underground
Subdetection Unit Location & How To Farm

Talent Materials For Wriothesley

Wriothesley 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Forceful Fist Of Frost★★★★★
Icefang Rush
(Elemental Skill)
Darkgold Wolfbite
(Elemental Burst)

Wriothesley Skill Guide & How To Use Wriothesley

How To Use Wriothesley?

Elemental Skill Enhances Normal And Charged Attacks

Recommended Rotation
1Use the skills and off-field abilities of Support Characters.
2Use Elemental Skill of Wriothesley.
3Use Normal Attack until Gracious Rebuke is available.
4Use Charged Attack once its available and continue using Normal Attack until teammate buffs ends.
5Repeat from 1.

Wriothesley's Elemental Skill buffs the Normal Attack of Wriothesley and give him resistance to interruption. While Wriothesley's HP is above 50%, it will consume his HP.

Gains Gracious Rebuke That Buffs Charged Attack

Red Glow

▲The Red Glow Signifies that Special Charged Attack is Available.

When HP is below 60%, Wriothesley can gain a special charged attack that deals 50% more damage. When using this Charged Attack, this Charged Attack does not only deal powerful damage but also heal 30% of Wriothesley's Max HP.

Passive Increase ATK When HP Changes Happen


After unlocking Wriothesley's Passive, "There Shall Be A Reckoning For Sin", Wriothesley will increase its ATK by 6% every time he gain and loss HP while Elemental Skill is active. This can go up to 30%.

▼ Elemental Burst can be used as Starter or Finishing Move

Wriothesley's Elemental Burst unleashes a powerful punch dealing 5 hits of Cryo DMG. This works well as a finisher or a starter move. Leveling the talents can make it reach up to a total of 1000% Damage so make full use of it by adding a bit of Energy Recharge to your build.

Wriothesley Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Wriothesley?

Pull If You Need Cryo DPS

wriothesley should you pull

Wriothesley is a Main DPS that deals powerful Cryo attacks with Normal Attack and Charged Attacks. If you like using Cryo Reaction like Melt and Freeze, it is recommended to pull for Wriothesley.

Best Constellation For Wriothesley

★★★★★C1: Terror For The Evildoers
The Gracious Rebuke from the Passive Talent "There shall Be a Plea for Justice" is changed to this:
When Wriothesle's HP is less than 60% or while he is in the Chilling Penalty state caused by Icefang Rush, when the fifth attack of Repelling Fists hits, it will create a Gracious Rebuke. 1 Gracious Rebuke effect can be obtained every 2.5s.
Additionally, Rebuke: Vaulting Fist will obtain the following enhancement:
- The DMG Bonus gained will be further increased to 200%
- When it hits while Wriothesley is in the Chilling Penalty state, that state's duration is extended by 4s. 1 such extension can occur per 1 Chilling Penalty duration.
You muct first unlock the Passive Talent "There Shall Be a Plea for Justice."
★★★★・C2: Shackles For The Arrogant
When using Darkgold Wolfbite, each Prosecution Edict stack from the Passive Talent "There Shall Be a Reckoning for Sin" will increase said ability's DMG dealt by 40%. You must first unlock the Passive Talent "There Shall Be a Reckoning for Sin."
★★★★・C3: Punishment For The Frauds
Increases the Level of Normal Attack: Forceful Firsts of Frost by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: Redemption For The Suffering
The HP restored to Wriothesley through Rebuke: Vaulting Fist will be increased to 50% of his Max HP. You must first unlock the Passive Talent "There Shall Be a Plea for Justice."
Additionally, when Wriothesley is healed, if the amount of healing overflows, the following effects will occur depending on whether he is on the field or not. If he is on the field, his ATK SPD will be increased by 20% for 4s. If he is off-field, all of your own party members' ATK SPD will be increased by 10% for 6s. These two methods of increasing ATK SPD cannot stack.
★★・・・C5: Mercy For The Wronged
Increases the Level of Darkgold Wolfbite by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★・C6: Esteem For The Innocent
The CRIT Rate of Rebuke: Vaulting Fist will be increased by 10%, and its CRIT DMG by 89%. When unleashed, it will also create an additional icicle that deals 100% of Rebuke: Vaulting Fist's Base DMG as Cryo DMG. DMG dealt this way is regarded as Charged Attack DMG.
You must first unlock the Passive Talent "There Shall Be a Plea for Justice."

C1 Or C2 Is Recommended

Wriothesley becomes significantly stronger at C1, which makes it easier to use Charged Attacks, and with C2, it greatly enhances his Burst. C1 if especially recommended because it enables the fifth attack during his Elemental Skill to activate a Charged Attack, which improves damage and self-healing. If you can afford it, aim for a further increase in firepower at C2.

Who Is Wriothesley?

Duke Of The Fortress Of Meropide

meropide duke

Wriothesley was once an inmate exiled to the Fortress of Meropide then he rebuilt himself a new path in life, accumulating Coupons and maintain friendly relations with the other inmates. After disappearance of the previous administrator, he soon took office as the new administrator of the Fortress.

An Impartial Administrator

Wriothesley is successful in running the Fortress in such a way that even inmates who wanted to leave did not want to do anymore. He provided them a place for rebirth so that others won't suffer as he once did.

Friends With Neuvillette and Clorinde

friends with neuvi and clorinde

Due to the frequent interactions the three have in their jobs, they soon befriended one another. They can be often seen interacting in events. However, due to Wriothesley spending most of his time in the underwater Fortress, the trio don't meet up often.

Gauntlets Adorned With Stickers From Melusines

melusine stickers

In his voicelines, Wriothesley mentions how the Melusines like to place stickers on some of his belongings. His Elemental Burst and Idle Animations show a sticker appearing on one of his gauntlets.

Characters With Same Role As Wriothesley 

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Anonymous 14

womp womp

Anonymous 13

Whoever moved Wriothesley to A tier really should NOT be ranking anything in this game.

Anonymous 12

Why is Solar Pearl not on the list? Is it not a pretty good weapon option for him since it boosts both NA and E.Skill DMG?

yeastori 11

Both 4 piece Echoes of Offering or 4 piece Vermillion are great options for him.

barathrum 10

After i change my rioslee build to CryoGoblet and ±230% cDmg, 1800ATK, purity r4, he able to dealt average 11000 dmg per hit. So i mean somehow rioslee scaling more with DMG% stats, rather than ATK%. My build weakness is cRate 45-50%

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