Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Alice Voice Actor & Profile

Genshin Impact | Alice Voice Actor & Profile

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Genshin Impact | Alice Voice Actor & Profile - GameWith

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Alice is a character in Genshin Impact. Guide includes who is Alice, voice actor, VA, element, weapon, story, character relationships, voice lines, profile, affiliation!

Table of Contents

Tier List & Best Character Ranking

Who Is Alice?

A Rival Of Mona's Master & A Genius In Many Fields

Alice 2

In Mona's Story Quest, Astrolabos Chapter, Mona was travelling to Mondstadt to get an item for her Master's rival who was later revealed as Alice. Mona mentioned that she is skilled in many mystical fields

Klee's Mother & Albedo's Teacher

Alice 1

Alice was mentioned in Klee's dialogue. She was her mother as well as the author of Teyvat Travel Guide. She also served as Albedo's teacher and seems to want to become a family with Albedo.

Character NameAlice

Related To Magical Areas That Used For Summer Events

The Golden Archipelago

It is revealed from the Midsummer Island Event that the Dodo-King (Who was later revealed to be Alice) made the entire island just for Klee to play in.

Midsummer Island Adventure - Summer Archipelago

Veluriyam Mirage

Veluriyam Mirage Secret Summer Paradise genshin 3.8

In the Secret Summer Paradise Alice invited Klee to join the domain called Veluriyam Mirage. This domain is like an amusement park that includes 4 different attractions!

Veluriyam Mirage (Bottleland) Guide

Known Information About Alice

One Of The Hexenzirkel Mages (Witches)

One Of The Hexenzirkel Mages

During the Windblume's Breath Act 3: Fortune Hiding Upon Clouds, it was stated that Alice is one of the Mages of Hexenzirkel alongside with Rhinedottir and Nicole.

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Alice - Affiliation & Profile

Basic Info & Voice Actor

Voice Actor (EN)
Rachel Kimsey
Voice Actor (JA)
Inoue Kikuko

Alice's Profile Details

Affiliation: Mondstadt
The mother of Klee, a famous Adventurer, and author. She is well-versed in many mystical fields. One of the Mage (Witches) of Hexenzirkel.

Alice Voice Actor EN & JA Notable Roles

Inoue Kikuko Notable Roles

Character NameAnime/Show Name
Macrophage Cells at Work
MimizuDurara!! x2
Palm Siberia Hunter X Hunter (2011)

Rachel Kimsey Notable Roles

Character NameAnime/Show Name
Nozomi Nakahara Persona 4: Dancing All Night
Claire RieveldtThe Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
Wonder Woman / Diana Justice League Action

Alice - Voicelines About Her

Voicelines About Alice

AlbedoAlbedoAbout Family: Family? Although Alice has always asked me to call her mother.... when I think of the idea of "family", my master comes to mind first. My earliest memories in life are of going on adventures with her. She taught me the art of alchemy and much knowledge about the world. Perhaps... even the words "family" and "master" are incapable of fully expressing her meaning to me.
About Klee: Indeed, I view Klee as my younger sister. Whenever she gets herself into some explosive sort of trouble, I can only console myself with the fact that her current destructiveness is nothing compared to that of Miss Alice.
BarbaraBarbaraBeing an idol, I learned from Alice that "A true idol should always try to heal the soul of the people..." Yes, I completely agree.
KleeKleeAbout The Parents: My mom and dad are the famousest travelers in Teyvat! Mom writes the Teyvat Travel Guide, so all the restaurants and hotels in the whole world care what she thinks about them.
About Favorite Food: Mondstadt's basses are delicious, especially the ones you grab yourself from Cider Lake! I'm not even kidding, even my mom thinks so.
MonaMonaAbout Klee: Ah yes, Alice's daughter. She's in the custody of the Knights of Favonius, and Albedo looks after her too. She's blessed to have Trifolium as her constellation, which represents good luck. I'm slightly envious... *smirk* Although, if I'd been blessed with good luck, I suppose I never would have had the great honor of running into that old woman, would I...
DoriDori Alice's range of eccentric novelties knows no end! Which makes her by far my best supplier, hehe. Ahem, now that I've told you my trade secret, I think you should catch up on your tuition fees, hmm? C'mon, pay up!

Character Tier Lists

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Anonymous 3

Wait, if characters like Rhinedottir are in the unreleased characters category, why is Alice here in story characters? All other characters in this category are dead (besides maybe La Signora, but even then, her model wasn't designated as a player character like Scaramouche's)

Anonymous 2

Put Varka in unreleased characters

MonkeyBoy39 1

Alice: a master manipulator of several figures of people in mondstadt, and avid master of the arts and adventure. But imagine if MiHoYo made Alice a free four star.

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