Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Summertime Odyssey Event Guide

Genshin Impact | Summertime Odyssey Event Guide

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Genshin Impact | Summertime Odyssey Event Guide - GameWith

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Summertime Odyssey is an event in Genshin Impact 2.8. Guide contains how to unlock, Golden Apple Archipelago location, walkthrough, challenges, release dates, & rewards.

Table of Contents

2.8 Version Updates
KazuhaKazuhaKleeKleeShikanoin HeizouHeizouYoimiyaYoimiya
Hangout For HeizouSummertime Odyssey
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Event List Rewards & Guide

Summertime Odyssey Event How To Unlock & Location

Complete Pre-Requisite Quest

Complete Pre-Requisite Quest

In order to start the Summertime Odyssey quest, players must first complete the The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! quest. This also gives players access to the Golden Apple Archipelago to explore!

The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! Quest Guide

Event Location

summertime odyssey location

Summertime Odyssey event will kick of at the Golden Apple Archipelago island. Other sub quest events will also be located in this island.

Golden Apple Archipelago Puzzles & Rerun


Unlock Conditions
- Complete the Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves (Chapter 2 Prologue)
- Complete Beyond this World's Stars (Mona Story Quest)
Adventure Rank 32 and above.

Summertime Odyssey Challenges

Surfpiercer - Waverider Challenge & Rewards

Surfpiercer - Waverider Challenge
ChallengeRelease Date
Surfpiercer IJuly 15, 2022 - 10AM
Surfpiercer IIJuly 15, 2022 - 10AM
Surfpiercer IIIJuly 15, 2022 - 10AM
Surfpiercer IVJuly 16, 2022 - 4AM
Surfpiercer VJuly 16, 2022 - 4AM
Surfpiercer VIJuly 17, 2022 - 4AM

Surfpiercer - Challenge Guide

Pass Through Golden Track Banners To Progress

Pass Through Golden Track Banners To Progress

In order to progress through the track, make sure to pass the Golden Track Banners you find on your way. Missing one would mean having to go back and pass it in order to continue.

Use Surfpiercer's Surge To Boost & Destroy Obstacles

Use Surfpiercer

The Waverider is now capable of destroying obstacles by using the Surfpiercer's Surge! Note that not all obstacles can be destroyed and the Surfpiercer's Surge can only be used when you gather enough energy for it.

Use Coalesce To Gather Energy For Surfpiercer's Surge

Use Coalesce To Gather Energy For Surfpiercer

It's easy collecting energy for the Surfpiercer's Surge with the use of the Waverider's Coalesce. This will magnet energy to you to collect, just make sure to stay close to the energy!

Surfpiercer - Challenge Rewards

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Misty Hills, Foggy Vales - Challenge & Rewards

Misty Hills, Foggy Vales - Challenge & Rewards
Release DateJuly 16, 2022, 4AM
(Server Time)

Misty Hills, Foggy Vales - How To Unlock

Complete The As The Courtyard In Spring Once Appeared Quest

Complete The As The Courtyard In Spring Once Appeared Quest

In order to unlock the Misty Hills, Foggy Vales, players must first complete the event quest, As The Courtyard In Spring Once Appeared. The challenge will automatically unlock upon its completion!

As The Courtyard In Spring Once Appeared Quest Guide

Misty Hills, Foggy Vales - Challenge Guide

Gauntlet Battle Wherein You Fight Waves Of Enemies

Gauntlet Battle Wherein You Fight Waves Of Enemies

The Misty Hills, Foggy Vales is a gauntlet combat challenge wherein players must fight and defeat enemies within a specified amount of time. There's a set collection of enemies that will show up!

Includes A New Move: Flowing Leafslasher

Includes A New Move: Flowing Leafslasher

What makes this challenge unique is the addition of a new move called the Flowing Leafslasher. This will deal damage against enemies within its range! It has a cooldown, but it can be shortened by using skills and bursts,

Misty Hills, Foggy Vales - Challenges & Rewards

Complete Initial Exploration in "Misty Hills, Foggy Vales"Primogems x 30
Mora x 20,000
Hero's Wit x 2
Complete "Misty Hills, Foggy Vales" a total of 3 timesPrimogems x 30
Mora x 20,000
Hero's Wit x 2
Decrease the CD of Flowing Leafslasher 10 times during the final challenge and complete the final challengeMora x 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore x 4
Unleash 8 Flowing Leafslashers during the final challenge and complete the final challengeMora x 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore x 4

The Islands' Stirring Strings - Challenge & Rewards

The Islands
Release DateJuly 17, 2022, 4AM
(Server Time)

The Islands' Stirring Strings - How To Unlock

Complete Blazin' Trials Quest

Complete Blazin

Clear the event quest Blazin' Trials in order to gain access to the The Islands' Stirring Strings challenges! You can then access the challenge from the drum in the Broken Isle.

Blazin' Trials Quest Walkthrough Guide

The Islands' Stirring Strings - Challenge Guide

Similar to the The Misty Hills, Foggy Vales, the The Islands' Stirring Strings is also a gauntlet combat challenge! It has its own sets of enemies and challenges.

New Features: Allegro Blooms

New Features: Allegro Blooms

Use Allegro Blooms to current wind currents you can ride up and do plunge attacks with. Plunge attacks have an added damage and will do AoE damage when done with the Allegro Blooms.

New Feature: Tremelo Florets

New Feature: Tremelo Florets

Activate Tremelo Florets to release sound waves that will shred through shielded and element infused enemies.

The Islands' Stirring Strings - Challenges & Rewards

Complete Initial Exploration in the "The Islands' Stirring Strings"Primogems x 30
Mora x 20,000
Hero's Wit x 2
Complete "The Islands' Stirring Strings"a total of 3 timesPrimogems x 30
Mora x 20,000
Hero's Wit x 2
Complete the final challenge, using Tremelo Florets to hit opponents enhanced by elemental buffs or shields 6 timesMora x 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore x 4
Complete the final challenge, hitting opponents with shockwaves from Allegro Bloom-buffed Plunging Attacks 12 timesMora x 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore x 4

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Immernachtreich Keep - Challenge & Rewards

Immernachtreich Keep - Challenge & Rewards
Release DateJuly 18, 2022, 4AM
(Server Time)

More Content Coming Soon

This section will be updated once the event challenge has been released. Check back for updates!

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Temple of the Star Latitudes - Challenge & Rewards

Temple of the Star Latitudes - Challenge & Rewards
Release DateJuly 19, 2022, 4AM
(Server Time)

More Content Coming Soon

This section will be updated once the event challenge has been released. Check back for updates!

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Summertime Odyssey - Event Rewards

Get A Free Fischl

Get A Free Fischl
How To GetCollect 2400 Iridescent Floatsam

Players can get one Fischl by collecting a total of 2400 Iridescent Floatsam! These Floatsams can be collected by doing specific challenges that rewards them.

Event Shop

Crown of Insight (Sagehood)Crown of Insight (Sagehood)400 Iridescent Floatsam
Agnidus Agate FragmentAgnidus Agate Fragment25 Iridescent Floatsam
Varunada Lazurite FragmentVarunada Lazurite Fragment25 Iridescent Floatsam
Vajrada Amethyst FragmentVajrada Amethyst FragmentVayuda Turquoise FragmentVayuda Turquoise Fragment25 Iridescent Floatsam
Shivada Jade FragmentShivada Jade FragmentPrithiva Topaz FragmentPrithiva Topaz Fragment25 Iridescent Floatsam
Guide To FreedomGuide To Freedom15 Iridescent Floatsam
Philosophies Of FreedomPhilosophies Of Freedom45 Iridescent Floatsam
Guide To ResistanceGuide To Resistance15 Iridescent Floatsam
Philosophies Of ResistancePhilosophies Of Resistance45 Iridescent Floatsam
Guide To BalladGuide To Ballad15 Iridescent Floatsam
Philosophies Of BalladPhilosophies Of Ballad45 Iridescent Floatsam
MoraMora8 Iridescent Floatsam

Summertime Odyssey Event Release Date

Summertime Odyssey Event

Main Event For 2.8

Summertime Odyssey

Summertime Odyssey was revealed during the 2.8 Livestream as the main event in the upcoming 2.8 Game Update. Traveler will be joining Kazuha, Mona, Fischl and Xinyan to this wonderful adventure!

Release Date

Since this event will be the main event of the upcoming 2.8 Update, it is expected that it will be released on the same date, July 13, 2022.

Release Date
July 13, 2022
(Server Time)
2.8 Update Release Date & Patch Notes

Event Duration

Event NameDuration
Surfpiercer 7/15 (10:00)
UTC +8
Misty Hills, Foggy Vales7/16
(Server Time)
The Islands' Stirring Strings 7/17
(Server Time)
Immernachtreich Keep7/18 (Server Time)
Temple of the Star Latitudes7/19 (Server Time)

The Event Shop's duration will start on 07/16 up to the end of 2.8 Version.

Summertime Odyssey Related Articles

To Do List

Event Quest Guides

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Anonymous 2

you don' have to choose the reward, enough flotsams to claim everything

Anonymous 1

What is the max amount of Iridescent Flotsams?
Can I buy something at the shop and still claim Fischl?
Or they are going to be 2400 in total and we have to choose?

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