Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Echoing Conch Locations - Conch Shell Interactive Map & Complete Checker

Genshin Impact | Echoing Conch Locations - Conch Shell Interactive Map & Complete Checker

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Genshin Impact | Echoing Conch Locations - Conch Shell Interactive Map & Complete Checker - GameWith

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Echoing Conch is an item for Echoing Tales Event in Genshin Impact for Version 2.8. See location map, where to find echoing conches, checker, interactive map, day 1, day 2 & day 3!

Table Of Contents

2.8 Version Updates
KazuhaKazuhaKleeKleeShikanoin HeizouHeizouYoimiyaYoimiya
Hangout For HeizouSummertime Odyssey
Echoing ConchesPhantasmal ConchesImaging Conches

Echoing Conches - 2.8 Update New Locations

Day 5 Echoing Conch: As The Noble's Resolve

Inside Mona's Domain

Day 5 PHantasmal Conch

You can find the final conch at Mona's Domain, The Ancient Azure Stars. It is in a place not related to the story of the domain. Please follow the step-by-step guide below for more details.

Step-By-Step Guide

From the main room, pass through the hall with the constellations similar to the photo above.
2 Follow the path until you reach the room with a constellation puzzle.
3 Match the light in the contraption to follow the pattern of the wall facing it.

Do the puzzle until the constellation transforms into an arrow.
5 Head to the area where the arrow is pointed at and interact with the wall for it to open and become a door.
6 Follow the path until you reach a room with a pressure plate puzzle.
7 The Conch will be the left of that room.

Day 4 Echoing Conch: As The Noble's Resolve

Fischl's Domain Echoing Conch

Echoing Conch

Another Echoing Conch can be found while doing the second domain that appears in the quest, Immernachtreich Apokalypse. You will pass by this place so it should be easy to find.

Day 3 Echoing Conches: As The Virtuoso Vouches For Verity & Valor

Echoing Conch
Ice Flower

Follow the Story line until you reach the Ice Flower's Location.
Dirt Path

Head down back to the wooden bridge and follow the dirt path instead of crossing the bridge.

Follow the path until you reach a door. Interact with the door to get to a new dimension.

Follow the path until you reach a group of enemies with 2 Lawachurls.

There will be an illusion of a crane that will appear after defeating the monsters. Follow that crane.
6 Use the drums to summon 2 wooden bridges and follow that path until you reached another door.
Path to Left

Enter the door and follow the path to the left.
8After arriving to a stone platform, you will see a shell at your mini-map. Follow the shell to get the Conch.

While exploring Xinyan's Domain, you can obtain the Echoing Conches. At the stage wherein there are 2 lawachurls, climb a rock to find the Echoing Conch

Day 2 Echoing Conches

Kazuha Domain Conch: As The Poet Parts Of Ether and Earth

Kazuha Domain

At the third time you enter Kazuha's Domain, head to the lower floor that you get access to by using a Lever. It is placed on top of a table.

Day 1 Echoing Conches (8 Echoing Conches)

Pudding Island Echoing Conch Locations

Echoing Conch Map 1
Echoing Conch Loc 1
Echoing Conch Map 2
Echoing Conch Loc 2

Twinning Isle Echoing Conch Locations

Twinning Loc 1 Map
Twinning Loc 1
Twinning Loc 2 Map
Twinning Loc 2

Broken Isle Echoing Conch Locations

Broken Isle 1
Broken Isle 1
Broken Isle 2
Broken Isle 2
Map Loc 3
Loc Loc 3

Minacious Isle Echoing Conch Locations

Minacious Loc 1
Minacious Loc 1 Map

Other Conches For Version 2.8

Echoing Conches

Echoing Conch is not the only Conch for Version 2.8. Another kind of Conch that can be found in the location is Imaging Conch which shows an image instead of a sound.

Version 1.6 Echoing Conches

Echoing Conches - Interactive Map & Checker

※ Only available during Ver1.6.
 └There are total of 32 pieces.

Reset All Data

Echoing Conch Detailed Locations

Echoing Conch - Location & Map Per Chapter

Echoing Conch Location

Echoing Locations

Chapter I: Songs of a Distant Home

Five Mountains Hide the Little Village
Two Paths Through the Lonely Forest
One River Flowing Down the Middle
Four Winds Bring the Sound of Joy
The Clan of Song, Scattered

Chapter II: Strangers in a Strange Boat

The Trapped
Where Duty Lies

Chapter III: Unlucky Father

Sudden Attack
A Father's Thoughts
Mysterious Savior

Chapter IV: My "Hero"

"The General"
Stoic Bloom

Chapter V: Grand Line

Professional Attempt
Fog and Exit
Moon and Wind
Stone and Phantom
Sail and Escape

Chapter VI

An Archon's Deeds
Seaside Reminiscence
Grilled Fish, Tortoises, and Innocence
Wolf's Predicament

Chapter VII: Island Bygones

Wisdom of the Ancients
Incoming Tide
Nowhere to Run
The Outside World
The Inverted Ruins
The Price of Experimentation
None Return
Pro-Exit Persuasion
Tidewatch Sentries
High Tide Warning

Echoing Conch - Rewards

Free Barbara Skin

Echoing Reward

Upon collecting a certain amount of Echoing Conch, you will receive a free Barbara Skin, Summertime Sparkle.

Echoing Tales Event Guide

Collect More Conches!

Different amount of accumulated echoing conches will give players a different set of rewards. See the table below.

4 Echoing ConchesPrimogems x 60
Talent Level Up Materials x 2
Mora x 30000
8 Echoing ConchesPrimogems x 60
Talent Level Up Materials x 2
Mora x 30000
12 Echoing ConchesPrimogems x 60
Talent Level Up Materials x 2
Mora x 30000
24 Echoing ConchesPrimogems x 60
Barbara Skin x1
Talent Level Up Materials x 2
Mora x 30000
28 Echoing ConchesHero's Wit x 10
Mystic Enhancement Ore x 10
Mora x 30000
32 Echoing ConchesHero's Wit x 10
Mystic Enhancement Ore x 10
Mora x 30000
Event List Rewards Guide

Summertime Odyssey Related Articles

To Do List

Event Quest Guides

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Anonymous 26

I am fairly certain there is a swap of 6-3 and 6-4, at least there was for me.

Anonymous 25

Can we all agree that the cat wall ping pong thing was the most annoying thing in this update?

Anonymous 24

Very helpful.

Kyle 23

It looks like you have 6-1 and 6-3 switched.

Kaeya 22

The second version are have some wrong position like 6-1

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