Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Pudding Isle 2.8 Puzzle & Chest Walkthrough Guide

Genshin | Pudding Isle 2.8 Puzzle & Chest Walkthrough Guide

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Genshin | Pudding Isle 2.8 Puzzle & Chest Walkthrough Guide - GameWith

Pudding Isle Puzzle & Chest guide for Genshin Impact version 2.8. Guide contains Pudding Isle location, how to solve, Pudding Isle gimmicks, Pudding Isle puzzle, puzzle solution, chest, all of Pudding Isle puzzles and rewards!

Table of Contents

Pudding Isle Gimmicks 2.8 - Bonsai Map Location

Bonsai Location

Reaarrange The Bonsai Puzzle

Pudding Isle bonsai map location
Pudding Isle bonsai map location

The bonsai can be found at the small island, located at the northern part of Pudding Isle. You can adjust the bonsia's positions where it will trigger the unexplored areas in the island with different gimmicks.

Summertime Odyssey Event Guide

Pudding Isle Map Location

Pudding Isle map location

Pudding Isle is located at the southeast part of the Golden Apple Archipelago map.

Bonsai Gimmicks, Features & Appearance

Pudding Isle bonsai map location

There are three types of Bonsai Setup that can be used for this gimmick. These are the Leisurely Rocks (R & L), Hoverlight Rocks (R & L), and Unyielding Rocks (R & L). You can adjust the stones accordingly as it will give you different gimmicks, it will also make some monsters appear and also triggers world quest.

Pudding Isle Features

BonsaiObtainable Item / Features
Leisurely Rocks: LeftMondstadt Specialties / Gimmick appearances
Enemy / Drops
Anemo Specter Eye of the Storm Dandelion Seed
Hoverlight Rocks: Left Inazuma Specialties / Gimmick appearances
Enemy / Drops
Thundercraven RifthoundElectro Specter Sea Ganoderma
Unyielding Rocks: Left Liyue Specialties / Gimmick appearances
Enemy / Drops
Geovishap Stonehide Lawachurl Geo Specter Qingxin Violetgrass Jueyun Chili

Bonsai Puzzle Combinations 2.8

LeftRightWorld Quest That Will Appear
AnythingHoverlight Rocks: LeftHoverlight Rocks: LeftBake-Danuki Wanderlust

By doing the bonsai combination above, you will trigger a world quest called Bake-Danuki Wanderlust. You can also try this and complete the said world quest and obtain rewards!

Bae-Danuki Location

bake danuki location pudding isle
Bake-Danuki Wanderlust Quest Guide

Bonsai Combinations & Treasure Chests

LeftRightWhat To Do
Hoverlight Rocks: LeftHoverlight Rocks: LeftHoverlight Rocks: LeftHoverlight Rocks: Left ▼ Elemental monument gimmick / puzzle ①
Hoverlight Rocks: LeftHoverlight Rocks: LeftLeisurely Rocks: LeftLeisurely Rocks: Left ▼ Time limit challenge (particle collection), flame torch gimmick (southeast of the island) and ▼ Elemental monument gimmick ②
Leisurely Rocks: LeftLeisurely Rocks: LeftUnyielding Rocks: LeftUnyielding Rocks: Left▼Elemental monument gimmick ③
Leisurely Rocks: LeftLeisurely Rocks: LeftLeisurely Rocks: LeftLeisurely Rocks: Left・ Anemo slime balloon
└ Will appear on the hillside of Leisurely Rocks: Left
・ Time limit challenge (southeast of the island)
Unyielding Rocks: LeftUnyielding Rocks: LeftLeisurely Rocks: LeftLeisurely Rocks: Left・ Time limit challenge
└ Appears on the northwestern side of Unyielding Rocks: Left
AnythingHoverlight Rocks: LeftHoverlight Rocks: Left ▼Seelie ①
AnythingLeisurely Rocks: LeftLeisurely Rocks: Left ▼Seelie ②
Unyielding Rocks: LeftUnyielding Rocks: LeftAnything ▼Seelie ③
Hoverlight Rocks: LeftHoverlight Rocks: LeftAnything・Relay Stone (above)
・Thunderbolt Probe (middle)

Pudding Isle has different gimmicks with specific puzzle combinations. You need to adjust the bonsai as it will present you the 9 gimmicks located on Pudding Isle.

Elemental Stone & Seelie Puzzle Procedure

pudding isle elemental stone

Adjusted the bonsai to Hoverlight Rocks: Left & Hoverlight Rocks: Right
pudding isle elemental stone

Go down coming from the Pudding Island towards the cliffside, heading to the place where the electro element device is located
pudding isle elemental stone puzzle

Obtain a treasure chest by activating the electro stone elements, refer to the image above.
pudding isle elemental stone puzzle

Adjust the bonsai to: Hoverlight Rocks: Left and Leisurely Rocks: Right
pudding isle elemental stone puzzle

Activate two stone plates on the top of the mountains. You can refer to the image above to solve the puzzle.
pudding isle puzzle

Adjust the bonsai to the following: Hoverlight Rocks: Left and Hoverlight Rocks: Righ
pudding isle puzzle

Activate the geo elemental monuments according to the image above. (Follow the electro seelie towards the electro monument)
pudding isle puzzle

Follow the electro seelie
pudding isle puzzle

Follow the electro seelie and obtain a Precious Chest

The seelie and elemental stone monument puzzles will rely on the bonsai's position. These are mostly straightforward puzzles so it will be easy for you to solve them. You can refer to the given images on the table above for your reference.

Seelie Puzzle Solution

pudding isle seelie
pudding isle seelie
pudding isle seelie
pudding isle seelie
pudding isle seelie
pudding isle seelie

Follow the seelies in order to obtain treasure chests. You can refer to the images above to check on the seelies location and how and where to follow them.

Time Limit Challenge

pudding isle time limit challenge

For the time-limited challenge, adjust the bonsai to Hoverlight Rocks: Left and Leisurely Rocks: Right. Be careful, because if ever the wooden bridge collapsed, it might be hard for you to reach or complete the challenge.

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