Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Broken Isle Puzzle & Chest Walkthrough Guide 2.8

Genshin Impact | Broken Isle Puzzle & Chest Walkthrough Guide 2.8

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Genshin Impact | Broken Isle Puzzle & Chest Walkthrough Guide 2.8 - GameWith

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This is Broken Isle Puzzle & Chest guide for Genshin Impact 2.8. Includes Broken Isle puzzle, puzzle location, puzzle solution, island gimmicks, precious chest, conch, & rewards!

Table of Contents

Golden Apple Archipelago Puzzles & Rerun

Broken Isle - Map Location 2.8

Change Mountain Style With The Drum

Change Mountain Style With The Drum Map
Change Mountain Style With The Drum Location

After finishing the Blazin' Trails quest during the Summertime Odyssey Event, the drum located at the northern part of Broken Isle can be used to alter the appearance of the mountains & landscape on the isle.

Location & Height Difference

Location & Height Difference
West Side
West Side 1
West Side 2
East Side
East Side 1
East Side 2

Changing the mountain body changes the height of the four surrounding islands and the location of the island changes depending on the pattern.

Blazin' Trails Quest Walkthrough Guide

Broken Isle - Gimmicks Summary 2.8

Broken Isle - Northwest Area

Dream-Form Animal 1

Dream-Form Animal 1 Map
Dream-Form Animal 1 Location

There is a dream-form animal submerged in the water. Follow it to claim an Exquisite Chest.

Common Chest Atop The Tall Mountain

Common Chest Atop The Mountain Map
Common Chest Atop The Mountain Location

There is a four-leaf clover at the bottom of the tall mountain that can help you glide to the top. You can claim the Common Chest immediately. You are likely going to encounter this area as you do the Blazin' Trails Quest. There is a water vein in this area.

Exquisite Chest On Wooden Structure

Exquisite Chest On Wooden Structure Map
Exquisite Chest On Wooden Structure Location

Defeat the enemies to claim the Exquisite Chest.

Common Chest On The Stone

Common Chest On The Stone Map
Common Chest On The Stone Location

Solve the musical puzzle in order to activate the allegro bloom and remove the musical barrier from the Common Chest.

Exquisite Chest Atop The Small Mountain

Exquisite Chest Atop The Small Mountain Map
Exquisite Chest Atop The Small Mountain Location

Defeat the enemies to claim the Exquisite Chest.

▲ Go Back To The Navigation Table

Broken Isle - Northeast Area

Dream-Form Animal 2

Dream-Form Animal 2 Map

Walkthrough Chart

Procedure 1

Change the mountain style that is similar to the one shown in the image. There is a dream-form animal near a hydro mimic.
Procedure 2

Approaching a dream-form animal is challenging. It transforms into a purple wisp that goes from place to place. You need to follow it until it turns into a chest.
Procedure 3

When a dream-form animal is stationary, it projects random animal that suites the environment.
Procedure 4

It then goes on a stone near a couple of hilichurls.
Procedure 5

It then goes over the wooden structure. There are some enemies on it.
Procedure 6

It then goes over the tall pillar of stone nearby and transforms into an Exquisite Chest. There is a four-leaf clover that can help you ascend the stone pillar.
Procedure 7

Change the mountain style that is similar to the one shown in the image.
Procedure 8

Make your way to reach the part of the mountain that is encircled in the image.
Procedure 9

Defeat the enemies in the area. Perform and enable the allegro bloom so you can claim the Exquisite Chest.

Common Chest On The Stone Pillar

Common Chest On The Stone Pillar Map
Common Chest On The Stone Pillar Location

You can claim the Common Chest even without defeating the nearby enemies. You are likely going to encounter this area as you do the Blazin' Trails Quest. There is a water vein in this area.

Exquisite Chest At The Bottom Of The Mountain

Exquisite Chest At The Bottom Of The Mountain Location
Exquisite Chest At The Bottom Of The Mountain Map

Defeat the enemies so you can claim the Exquisite Chest. You are likely going to encounter this chest as you do the Blazin' Trails Quest. There is a water vein in this area.

Exquisite Chest On The Side Of The Mountain

Exquisite Chest On The Mountain Structure Map
Exquisite Chest On The Mountain Structure Location

Defeat the enemies in the area, adjust the orientation, & solve the musical puzzle to be able to activate the allegro bloom to claim the Exquisite Chest. You are likely going to encounter this chest as you do the Blazin' Trails Quest. There is a water vein in this area.

Dream-Form Animal 3

Dream-Form Animal 3 Map
Dream-Form Animal 3 Location

Defeat the enemies in the area. Follow the dream-form animal to claim a Common Chest. You are likely going to encounter this as you do the Blazin' Trails Quest. There is a water vein in this area.

Common Chest On The Side Of The Mountain

Common Chest On The Side Of The Mountain 1 Map
Common Chest On The Side Of The Mountain 1 Location

Defeat the enemies so you can claim the Common Chest. You are likely going to encounter this chest as you do the Blazin' Trails Quest. There is a water vein in this area.

Common Chest Near The Pool Of Water Atop The Mountain

Common Chest Near The Pool Of Water Atop The Mountain Map
Common Chest Near The Pool Of Water Atop The Mountain Location

There is a Common Chest sitting on the edge near a pool of water. You are likely going to encounter this chest as you do the Blazin' Trails Quest.

Exquisite Chest Atop The Mountain

Exquisite Chest Atop The Mountain Map
Exquisite Chest Atop The Mountain Location

Complete the challenge atop the northeast mountain to claim the Exquisite Chest.

Common Chest At The Base Of The Mountain

Common Chest At The Base Of The Taller Mountain Map
Common Chest At The Base Of The Taller Mountain Location

The Common Chest is protected by a wind wall. Glide from a high area or use the tall branch nearby.

▲ Go Back To The Navigation Table

Broken Isle - Southwest Area

Phantasmal Conch Location

Walkthrough Chart

Procedure 1

Change mountain style so that the island on the west side has the same height as the one in image.
Procedure 2

Enter the cave in the southwest island. The location of the entrance can be seen from the image.
Procedure 3

Light the four torches to release the pyro totem. Activate it to drain the water inside the cave.
Procedure 4

When the water level has lowered, light the 1st torch at the side near a Common Chest.
Procedure 5

Then light the 2nd torch near the sealed pyro totem.
Procedure 6

Follow the path. Light the 3rd torch at the side of the bridge then enter the door.


Procedure 7

Open the gate and light the 4th torch.
Procedure 8

Return to the door where you came through and activate the pyro totem.
Procedure 9

Once the water has been totally drained, get the Imaging Conch.
A Misplaced Conch Quest Guide - Puzzle Guide

Common Chest Atop The Mountain Near The Pool Of Water

Common Chest Atop The Mountain Near The Pool Of Water Map
Common Chest Atop The Mountain Near The Pool Of Water Location

There is a Common Chest sitting near a pool of water. You are likely going to encounter this chest as you do the Blazin' Trails Quest.

Common Chest At The Top Of The Mountain

Common Chest At The Top Of The Mountain Map
Common Chest At The Top Of The Mountain Location

Defeat the hilichurls to get the Common Chest.

Common Chest Beside The Stone Pillar

Common Chest Beside The Stone Pillar Map
Common Chest Beside The Stone Pillar Location

Activate the nearby allegro bloom first by solving the musical puzzle. Use it to remove the musical barrier from the Common Chest.

Exquisite Chest From A Challenge

Exquisite Chest From A Challenge Map
Exquisite Chest From A Challenge Location

Adjust the orientation of 2 flowers encircled in the image then activate the allegro bloom before starting the challenge. You can then claim the Exquisite Chest when completed.

Exquisite Chest In A Pothole

Exquisite Chest In A Pothole Map
Exquisite Chest In A Pothole Location

Activate the allegro bloom to remove the musical barrier from the Exquisite Chest.

Common Chest From Cloudleisure Steps

Common Chest From Cloudleisure Steps Map
Common Chest From Cloudleisure Steps Location

You can get on the floating jellyfish either by gliding from high altitude or using the lift when exiting the Waverider. You light up the floating jellyfish as you step on it. Light all the floating jellyfish and follow the trail to the Common Chest.

Cloudleisure Steps (Floating Jellyfish) At Golden Apple Archipelago Locations

Common Chest From A Challenge

Common Chest From A Challenge Map
Common Chest From A Challenge Location

Defeat the nearby hilichurls then solve the musical puzzle to activate the allegro bloom then enable it before starting the challenge.

▲ Go Back To The Navigation Table

Broken Isle - Southeast Area

Common Chest Near The Pool Of Water Atop The Mountain

Common Chest Near The Pool Of Water Atop The Mountain Map
Common Chest Near The Pool Of Water Atop The Mountain Location

There is a Common Chest sitting near a pool of water. You are likely going to encounter this chest as you do the Blazin' Trails Quest.

Exquisite Chest On The Side Of Mountain

Exquisite Chest On The Side Of Mountain Map
Exquisite Chest On The Side Of Mountain Location

Complete the challenge atop the southeast mountain to claim the Exquisite Chest.

Dream-Form Animal 4

Dream-Form Animal 4 Map

Walkthrough Chart

Procedure 1

Change the mountain style that is similar to the one in the image.
Procedure 2

Approach the dream-form animal at the side of an allegro bloom.
Procedure 3

It turns into a purple wisp. Follow it until it turns into a chest.
Procedure 4

It stays near an allegro bloom on the side of the mountain.
Procedure 5

Continue following the purple wisp at the base of the mountain.
Procedure 6

It transformed into an Exquisite Chest at the base of the mountain.
Procedure 7

Go to the drum and change the mountain style that is similar to the one in the image.
Procedure 8

Go to the top of the shorter mountain. Perform to enable the allegro bloom.
Procedure 9

Claim the Exquisite Chest at the base of the shorter mountain.

Common Chest Near The Pool Of Water Atop The Shorter Mountain

Common Chest Near The Pool Of Water Atop The Shorter Mountain Map
Common Chest Near The Pool Of Water Atop The Shorter Mountain Location

There is a Common Chest sitting near a pool of water.

Exquisite Chest At The Base Of The Shorter Mountain

Exquisite Chest At The Base Of The Shorter Mountain Map
Exquisite Chest At The Base Of The Shorter Mountain Location

Defeat the enemies to claim the Exquisite Chest.

Exquisite Chest From A Challenge

Exquisite Chest From A Challenge Map
Exquisite Chest From A Challenge Location

Defeat the enemies to complete the challenge and claim the Exquisite Chest.

Common Chest Out In The Open

Common Chest Out In The Open Map
Common Chest Out In The Open Location

Perform to enable the allegro bloom and remove the musical barrier from the Common Chest.

▲ Go Back To The Navigation Table

Broken Isle - South Area

Precious Chests Location

Walkthrough Continuation From Conch

Procedure 1

Adjust the orientation of the encircled allegro bloom in the image then perform to get the Common Chest at the middle.
Procedure 2

Teleport to the Drum location to change the mountain style that is similar to the one in the image.
Procedure 3

Go inside the cave. This is where you ▲ opened the gate earlier.
Procedure 4

Once you are inside the cave, go back through the door.
Procedure 5

Perform to enable the allegro bloom and remove the musical barrier so you can claim the 3 Precious Chests inside.
Broken Isle 3 Precious Chest - How To Unlock & Puzzle Guide

Common Chest By The Shore

Common Chest By The Shore Map
Common Chest By The Shore Location

Defeat the enemies that would appear when getting close to the Common Chest.

Common Chest Surrounded By Slimes

Common Chest Surrounded By Slimes Map
Common Chest Surrounded By Slimes Location

Defeat the 3 Pyro Slimes to claim the Common Chest.

Exquisite Chest Beside A Pole

Exquisite Chest Beside A Pole Map
Exquisite Chest Beside A Pole Location

Defeat the enemies in the area to get the Exquisite Chest.

Common Chest From Floating Anemo Slimes

Common Chest From Floating Anemo Slimes Map
Common Chest From Floating Anemo Slimes Location

Pop the floating anemo slimes with a character that uses a bow. A Common Chest appears when the floating anemo slimes have been cleared.

Common Chest Beside A Tree Husk

Common Chest Beside A Tree Husk Map
Common Chest Beside A Tree Husk Location

Enable the allegro bloom to remove the musical barrier from the Common Chest.

Common Chest Near Pyro Slimes

Common Chest Near Pyro Slimes Map
Common Chest Near Pyro Slimes Location

Defeat the pyro slimes to get the Common Chest.

Common Chest In A Wind Wall

Common Chest In A Wind Wall Map
Common Chest In A Wind Wall Location

Glide from a high altitude to get inside the wind wall and claim the Common Chest. The allegro bloom nearby needs to be activated by solving the musical puzzle. It is then used for removing the musical barrier from the chests nearby.

Exquisite Chest In A Wind Wall

Exquisite Chest In A Wind Wall Map
Exquisite Chest In A Wind Wall Location

Put a geo construct on top of the pressure plate to temporarily disable the wind wall then enable the allegro bloom to remove the musical barrier from the Exquisite Chest.

Common Chest At The Side

Common Chest At The Side Map
Common Chest At The Side Location

Enable the allegro bloom to remove the musical barrier from the Common Chest.

Exquisite Chest From A Challenge

Exquisite Chest From A Challenge Map
Exquisite Chest From A Challenge Location

Enable the allegro bloom first before starting the challenge. You can claim the Exquisite Chest when the challenge has been completed.

▲ Go Back To The Navigation Table

Broken Isle - Summary Of Activity 2.8

Furnishing Blueprint

Allegro Bloom: Special Tuning

In this isle, you can get the Allegro Bloom: Special Tuning and Misplaced Conch II, the Imaging Conch you get from inside the cave. There are many chests scattered all throughout the isle and some involve changing between mountain styles to be claimed.

The Final Treasure

As a speculation, it could be a requirement to get all of the chests that are scattered all throughout the Golden Apple Archipelago first before the Final Treasure would appear. Be sure to claim every single chest available!

The Final Treasure Quest Guide

Summertime Odyssey Related Articles

To Do List

Event Quest Guides

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