Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Furina Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Furina Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Furina Build & Weapon - GameWith

Furina is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Furina's, best build, dps build, support build, best weapon, artifact set, best team comp, talent materials, & rating for Furina.

Table of Contents

Furina Tier & Review

5 StarHydroHydroSword
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes (Limited Banner)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Furina!

What Kind Of Character Is Furina?

Furina Is An HP-Scaling Sub-DPS and DMG Buffer


Furina is an amazing Sub-DPS and Buffer that is very universal. She mostly deals damage with Elemental Skill where she summons 3 Elemental Monsters similar to Fischl's Oz. The summoned monsters will periodically attack the enemies inflicting them with Hydro. Her Elemental Burst gives DMG bonus for the team. She is a flexible support and sub-DPS that will surely fit many teams.

Strengths & Weakness Of Furina

- Is able to deal powerful Hydro DMG off-field with 100% Up-time.
- Gives large DMG buff for the team.
- Amazing at most teams from reaction to mono teams.
- Risky to use because of whole party HP drain.
 ↳ Using a healer that quickly heals the whole team like Jean is recommended.
- The Elemental Skill attacks are fairly slow and has lower Hydro application than competitors like Yelan and Xingqiu.
▼ Details about Furina below.

Furina Best Build

Furina Sub-DPS and Support Build

WeaponSplendor of Tranquil WatersSplendor of Tranquil Waters
Substitute1. Primordial Jade Cutter Primordial Jade Cutter
2. Wolf-Fang Wolf-Fang
3. Festering Desire Festering Desire
Best ArtifactGolden TroupeGolden Troupe x4
Artifact StatsSands: HP%
Goblet: HP%
Circlet: CRIT Rate or DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT Rate
3. HP%
4. Energy Recharge

This build focuses on increasing the DMG of Furina's Elemental Skills. Focus on increasing HP% since DMG Bonus can be obtained from the Elemental Burst of Furina from Golden Troupe. If you can reach 40,000 HP because of weapon or constellations, you can opt to use Hydro DMG Bonus instead.

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Furina Best Weapon

Furina Off-Field DPS & Support Build

BestSplendor of Tranquil WatersSplendor of Tranquil WatersCRIT DMG 88.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Signature Of Furina.
- Large CRIT DMG boost the personal damage of Furina by a large amount and allows you to focus on other stats.
- Weapon increases HP and Elemental Skill damage great for increasing personal damage.
2ndPrimordial Jade CutterPrimordial Jade CutterCRIT Rate 44.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Amazing CRIT Rate stat and boost HP stat stick.
3rdWolf-FangWolf-Fang CRIT Rate 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases the CRIT Rate of Furina.
- The small DMG increase also helps Furina.
4thKey Of Khaj-NisutKey Of Khaj-NisutHP 66.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases HP and reaction damage of Furina.
- Allows you to invest on other stats than HP on Artifacts like Hydro DMG bonus.
5thLight Of Foliar IncisionLight Of Foliar Incision Crit DMG 88.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Amazing CRIT DMG Stats for Stat Stick.
- The low ATK is not very impactful because of HP Scaling.
Festering DesireFestering DesireEnergy Recharge 45.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Effect of the weapon, especially at R5, is very good at boosting damage.
-Energy Recharge is great for high up-time of Elemental Burst.
Fleuve Cendre FerrymanFleuve Cendre FerrymanEnergy Recharge 45.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increase Energy Recharge of Furina for higher Elemental Burst up-time.
- Increases Crit Rate of Elemental Skill.
- Obtainable for free.

CRIT Weapons With HP Or Energy Recharge Is Recommended

For Furina, it is important to keep her Elemental Burst active while increasing Furina's personal damage by increasing HP. Use weapons that increases HP or Energy Recharge while boosting CRIT Rate or DMG.

All Weapon List

Furina Best Artifacts

Furina Sub-DPS & Support Build

Best Artifacts For Sub-DPS & Support

BestGolden TroupeGolden Troupe
Substitute 1Tenacity Of The MillelithHP Artifact
Heart Of DepthHydro Artifact

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / HP% / Energy Recharge
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / HP% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: HP%
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / Energy Recharge
Goblet IconMain: HP% or Hydro DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / Energy Recharge / HP%
Crown IconMain: CRIT Rate or DMG
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / Energy Recharge / HP%

Aim For 40,000 HP

To maximize Furina's DMG and healing, it is recommended to get 40,000 HP. After reaching 40,000 HP, build CRIT Rate and DMG.

Related Articles

Furina Best Team Comp

Premium Party For Furina

- Furina will be the sub-DPS and buffer for the team greatly increasing the damage of Neuvillette while providing amazing damage herself.
- Kazuha is for crowd control, additional buffs and debuffs.
- Baizhu gives healing for the whole team allowing Furina to keep the high damage from Salon Party members.
- Neuvillette is an ideal DPS in Furina teams since his HP moves a lot making Fanfare Stacks grow quickly.

Other Characters That Works With Furina

- Any DPS characters that has HP movement works amazing with Furina.
- On-field Kokomi DPS also works amazing since she heals the whole team while dealing damage on her own.
- For the support slot, choose it based on the main-DPS over Furina.
- Healers that heals the whole team and not just the active character works amazing with Furina.

Furina Free To Play Friendly Party

- Mono-Geo team using characters of low rarity.
- Noelle and Furina works amazing together since Noelle is able to heal the whole team keeping Furina's damage high while dealing damage on her own as well.
- Ningguang and Gorou is mainly there for buff and gathering energy for a higher up-time for Noelle's Elemental Burst.

For Furina's DMG, A Whole Party Healer Is Recommended

Off-Field Healers
On-Field Healers

When playing with Furina, she will deal damage at the expense of draining all of the HP of the team. To keep the high damage, having a healer that heals characters even off-field characters is required.

Furina Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Farm Routes For Lakelight Lily

Farm Route
Lakelight Lily Location & Farm Routes

Talent Materials For Furina

Furina 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Soloist's Solicitation★★・・・
Salon Solitaire (Elemental Skill)★★★★・
Let the People Rejoice (Elemental Burst)★★★★★

Furina Skill Guide & How To Use Furina

How To Use Furina?

A Hydro Support That Can Provide Damage, Buff & Healing

Furina IS The Support

Furina is a support character that provides powerful off-field damage and gives buff to whole team. She can change her own Arkhe and provide healing to the team allowing Furina to be a member of various teams.

Things Furina Can Do
- Summon Skill that attacks enemy even when Furina is off-field.
- Greatly increase DMG Buff or Provide healing.
- If the active character's healing overloads, she can spread it to other teammates.
- Continuously decrease HP of teammates.
 └Anyone can equip Marechaussee Hunter Set
- Both Pneuma and Ousia Arkhe can be used.
 └ Solving Fontaine gimmicks will be a breeze.

Elemental Skill Has Amazing Damage & Hydro Infliction

Elemental Skill of Furina summons 3 creatures that will continuously attack enemies and inflict Hydro to them even when Furina leaves the field. The duration is 30 seconds which is longer than its cooldown. Effectively allowing players to apply Hydro to enemies without downtime..

Elemental Skill Default Effects
- Summons "Salon Members".
- Arkhe: Ousia
Salon Member Effect:
- Deals Hydro DMG to nearby enemies.
 └ Enemies attacked by on-field characters will be prioritized.
- Drains HP from teammates with 50% and above HP and increases Salon Member DMG.
 └ The more members with more than 50% HP, the higher the damage.

You Need To Keep Teammate's HP Above 50%

Recommended Off-Field Healers
Recommended On-Field Healers

To maximize the damage of Salon Members, you need to keep the team's HP above 50%. To keep your team alive while boosting the damage of Salon Members, using healers that can heal the whole team is recommended. to add in your party with Furina.

Movement In HP Gives Huge Amount Of Buffs

Furina Maxed Out Buff When Its Pink

▲Once the Pink Aura is on the sides, it marks that you have the maximum amount of buff.

After using Furina's Elemental Burst, increasing and decreasing the team's HP will increase the damage and healing bonus of the team. This Elemental Burst is especially good with characters that possesses a life-drain and self-healing abilities since they allow faster buff gain. Consider this when thinking of a team comp for Furina.

Effects Of Elemental Burst
- Every 1% increase or decrease of HP of teammates get 1 "Tension"
 └Max 300 Tension points.
- Based on Tention, the Healing received and DMG Bonus will increase.
 └DMG Buff: 0.25%/ Pt、Healing Bonus:0.1%/ Pt (Talent Lvl. 10)
- After the duration, all Tension is cleared.
Sample Of HP Increase / Decrease
- Self DMG based on Talent. (Neuvillette, Lyney, and other characters)
- Healing HP using Skills.
- Team DMG from Furina's Elemental Skill.
- Receive damage from enemies attack.
- Damage from Bloom reactions (Burgeon /Bloom).

Aim For A 40,000 HP When Building Furina

HP Related Abilities
HP Scaling DMG:
- Elemental Skill (Salon Member) damage.
- Elemental Burst damage.
Passive Talent:
- For every 1000 HP, increase DMG of Elemental Skill.
 └ Salon Member DMG +0.7%(Max 28%)
 └ Singer Of Many Waters healing Intervals -0.4%(Max 16%)

Furina's Elemental Skill and Burst DMG all scales from HP so prioritizing HP over ATK is important. The buff from talents also uses HP so to maximize buff having 40,000 HP with Artifacts and Resonance is recommended.

For Healing Use Charged Attack To Change Arkhe

▲You will remove the damage from Elemental Skill so this is not recommended unless there is an emergency.

Furina's Charged Attack will change the Arkhe of Furina. You can change Arkhe before or after using Elemental Skill.. You can use the healing form during emergencies but it will decrease the damage of Furina so using a separate healer is recommended.

Elemental Skill (After Change) Effects
- Use Charged Attack of Furina to switch.
- Summons "Singer Of Many Waters" and heals characters that surrounds it
- Arkhe: Pneuma

Elemental Skill Allows You To Walk On Water Surface

Furina Walks In Waters

When Elemental Skill is active, Furina can walk above water. This is especially great for exploration. However, it will lose its effect once you switch characters so be careful.

Furina Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Furina?

Pull If For A Flexible Support & Hydro Sub-DPS

Furina is a must have support that works on many teams. She works at mostly any teams in exchange of draining the HP. She can also deal powerful damage and act as a healer if needed. Pull for Furina if you need a support that will surely increase your team's DMG.

Best Constellation For Furina

★★★・・C1: Love Is A Rebellious Bird That None Can Tame
When using Let The People Rejoice, Furina will gain 150 Fanfare.
Additionally, Furina's Fanfare Limit is increased by 100.
★★★★★C2: A Woman Adapts Like Duckweed In Water
While Let The People Rejoice lasts, Furina's Fanfare gain from increases or decreases in nearby characters' HP is increased by 250%. Each point of Fanfare above the limit will increase Furina's Max HP by 0.35%. Her maximum Max HP increase is 140%.
★★・・・C3: My Secret Is Hidden WIthin Me, No One Will Know My Name
Increases the Level of Let The People Rejoice by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: They Know Not Life, Who Dwelt In The Netherworld Not!
When the Salon Members from Salon Solitaire hit an opponent, or the Singer of Many Waters restores HP to nearby active characters. Furina will restore 4 Energy. This effect can be triggered once every 5s.
★★★★・C5: His Name I Now Know, It Is...!
Increases the Level of Salon Solitaire by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C6: Hear Me - Let Us Raise The Chalice Of Love!
When using Salon Solitaire, Furina gains "Center Of Attention" for 10s. Throughout the duration, Furina's Normal Attacks, Charged Attacks, and Plunging Attacks are converted into Hydro DMG which cannot be overridden by any other elemental infusion. DMG is also increased by an amount equivalent to 18% of Furina's max HP.
Throughout the duration, Furina's Normal Attacks (not including Arkhe: Seats Sacred and Secular Attacks), Charged Attacks, and the impact of Plunging Attacks will cause different effects up to every 0.1s after hitting opponents depending on her current Arkhe alignment.

Constellation 2 For A More Powerful Buff And Faster Stack Gain

With Constellation 2, you will easily gain more Fanfare Stack furthering the buff that is provided by Furina.

Furina Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Soloist's Solicitation

Normal Attack

Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes.
1-Hit DMG48.4%52.3%56.3%61.9%65.8%70.3%76.5%82.7%88.9%95.6%102.4%
2-Hit DMG43.7%47.3%50.8%55.9%59.5%63.6%69.2%74.7%80.3%86.4%92.5%
3-Hit DMG55.1%59.6%64.1%70.5%75%80.1%87.2%94.2%101.3%109%116.6%
4-Hit DMG73.3%79.3%85.2%93.8%99.7%106.5%115.9%125.3%134.7%144.9%155.1%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash a solo dance, dealing Physical DMG to nearby opponents and changing her Arkhe alignment. If Salon Members or Singer of Many Waters summoned by her Elemental Skill "Salon Solitaire" are present, their lineup will switch in response.
Attack DMG
Stamina Cost

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Arkhe: Seats Sacred And Secular

At intervals, when Furina's Normal Attacks hit, a Spiritbreath Thorn or a Surging Blade will descend based on her current alignment, dealing Hydro DMG based on her current alignment. When Furina takes the field, her starting Arkhe will be Ousia.
Blade DMG
Blade DMG

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG63.9%69.1%74.3%81.8%87%92.9%101.1%109.3%117.5%126.4%135.3%
128%138% 149%164%174%186%202%219%235%253%271%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Salon Solitaire (Elemental Skill)

Invites the guests of the Salon Solitaire to come forth and aid in Furina's performance. Will summon either the Salon Members or the Singer of Many Waters based on Furina's current Arkhe alignment.


Foaming bubbles like celebrants shall dance, dealing AoE Hydro DMG based on Furina's Max HP and Summoning 3 Salon Members: the Ball Octopus-shaped Gentilhomme Usher, the Bubbly Seahorse-shaped Surintendante Chevalmarin, and the Armored Crab-shaped Mademoiselle Crabaletta. They will attack nearby opponents at intervals, prioritizing the target of the active character, dealing Hydro DMG based on Max HP. When they attack, if character(s) with more than 50% HP are nearby, the Members will increase their current attack's power based on the number of such characters, and consume said characters' HP. If the characters who meet these requirements are 1/2/3/4 (or more), the Members' attacks will deal 110%/120%/130%/140% of their original DMG.


Summons the Singer of Many Waters, who will heal nearby active character(s) based on Max HP at intervals.
The Salon Members and Singer of Many Waters share a duration, and when Furina uses her Charged Attack to change the guest type, the new guests will inherit the initial duration. While the Salon Members and the Singer of Many Waters are on the field, Furina can move on the water's surface.

Elemental Absorption

If Sayu comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro while in her Windwheel state, she will deal additional elemental DMG of that type. Elemental Absorption may only occur once per use of this skill.
Bubble DMG
Usher DMG
Chevalmarin DMG
Crabaletta DMG
Usher HP
Chevalmarin HP
Crabaletta HP
Singer of Many
Waters Healing

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Let The People Rejoice

The other super special technique of the Yoohoo Ninja Arts! It summons a pair of helping hands for Sayu. Deals Anemo DMG to nearby opponents and heals all nearby party members. The amount of HP restored is based on Sayu's ATK. This skill then summons a Muji-Muji Daruma. At the same time, Furina will increase the DMG dealt by and Incoming Healing Bonus of all nearby party members based on the amount of Fanfare she has. When the duration ends, Furina's Fanfare points will be cleared.
Skill DMG11.4%12.3%13.1%14.3%15.1%16%17.1%18.3%19.4%20.5%21.7%22.8%24.2%
Fanfare to
Conversion Ratio
Fanfare to
Energy Cost60606060606060606060606060

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Endless Waltz

When the active character in your party receives healing, if the source of the healing is not Furina herself and the healing overflows, then Furina will heal nearby party members for 2% of their Max HP once every 2s within the next 4s.

Unheard Confession

Every 1,000 points of Furina's Max HP can buff the different Arkhe-aligned Salon Solitaire in the following ways: Will increase Salon Member DMG dealt by 0.7%, up to a maximum of 28%. Will decrease active character healing interval of the Singer of Many Waters by 0.4%, up to a maximum of 16%.

The Sea Is My Stage

Xenochromatic Fontemer Aberrant ability CD decreased by 30%.

Characters With Same Role As Furina 

Best Characters With Same Role

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idk 28

whats a good team with furina and clorinde

Anonymous 27

Can she work in a vaporizing team with Hu Tao?
I have seen this lineup recommended in another page but they don't offer explanation:
Hu Tao, Furina, Yelan, Xianyun

Anonymous 26

best sub dps for hydro ngl n her healing is rlly good

Anonymous 25

i faild 50/50 and got her at 79 pity and got to say its worth it she has damage, healing and dmg buffing

Seo 24

I didn't like her at first, but when you build her decently and learn how to use her abilities, I can say she turns into a great character.

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