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Genshin Impact | Clorinde Best Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Clorinde Best Build & Weapon - GameWith

Clorinde is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Clorinde's, best build, best weapon, teams, tier, materials, talent, stat goals, how to use guide, & abilities for Clorinde.

Table of Contents

Clorinde Tier & Review

5 StarElectroElectroSword
How To Get?
Obtained through wishes (Limited)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Clorinde!

What Kind Of Character Is Clorinde?

Clorinde is a character that mainly focuses on dealing damage with Electro-infused Normal Attacks. She has Bond-Of-Life in her kit that gives her the ability to heal herself but she converts outside healing to Bond Of Life. She requires reactions to deal powerful damage so she is a character to pick for various Electro -Comps.

Strengths & Weakness Of Clorinde

- Attacks can pierce enemies making Clorinde good against multiple enemies.
- Powerful damage that is further boosted by reactions but has Flexible teams that does not rely on specific supports.
- Frequent self-healing from Elemental Skill.
- Long cooldown of Elemental Skill that often leads to downtime.
- Can be difficult to use since there are times that she does not receive healing.
▼ Details about Clorinde below.

Clorinde Best Build

Clorinde Is Best Built As An Electro Damage Dealer

Clorinde functions well as a Main DPS because of her Elemental Skill requires her to be to be on-field for a long time. Boosting her damage that scales from ATK and deals critical damage is crucial when building Clorinde.

WeaponAbsolution Absolution
Substitute1. Haran Geppaku FutsuHaran Geppaku Futsu
2. Mistsplitter ReforgedMistsplitter Reforged
3. The Black SwordThe Black Sword
4. Finale Of The DeepFinale Of The Deep (F2P)
Best ArtifactFragment Of Harmonic WhimsyFragment Of Harmonic Whimsy x4
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Electro DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate / DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT DMG
2. CRIT Rate
3. ATK%
4. Energy Recharge
Recommended TeamClorinde Fischl ThomaChevreuse

Clorinde's damage scales with ATK and has a Bond-Of-Life built in her kit allowing her to make use of Absolution and Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy. For teams, she works well with Electro reaction teams.

Related Links:

Clorinde Best Weapon

Clorinde Works Well With CRIT & DMG Increasing Weapon

BestAbsolutionAbsolutionCRIT DMG 44.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Signature weapon of Clorinde.
- Greatly increases CRIT DMG by 64%
- Because of Clorinde's Kit, she can gain 48% DMG boost from this weapon.
2ndHaran Geppaku FutsuHaran Geppaku Futsu CRIT Rate 33.1%(Lvl. 90)
- Amazing for Clorinde who deals plenty of Normal ATK DMG and uses various supports.
- The sub-stat is CRIT Rate making it easier to build Clorinde.
- High Base ATK gives Clorinde more DMG.
3rdMistsplitter ReforgedMistsplitter ReforgedCRIT DMG 44.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Clorinde can easily maximize this weapon.
Sub-stat is CRIT DMG which helps in building Clorinde.
- Increases Elemental DMG Bonus greatly making it an amazing weapon for Clorinde.
4thLight Of Foliar IncisionLight Of Foliar IncisionCRIT DMG 88.2%(Lvl. 90)
- Amazing CRIT DMG for building.
- Increases the value of Elemental Mastery making this a weapon amazing for Dendro Comps.
5thThe Black SwordThe Black SwordCRIT Rate 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Provides self-healing and increases the Normal ATK DMG of Clorinde.
- CRIT Rate sub-stat makes it easier to build Clorinde.
6thLionLion's RoarATK 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Effect is good for Clorinde who inflicts Electro DMG to enemies.
- Increases ATK greatly.
7thFinale Of The DeepFinale Of The DeepATK 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Provides additional BoL to Clorinde.
- Greatly increases ATK of Clorinde.
8thHarbinger Of DawnHarbinger Of DawnCRIT DMG 46.9%(Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases CRIT Stats.
- Low ATK and has HP requirement but the self-healing and Aggravate should not affect Clorinde much,

CRIT Stats & ATK Weapons Works Best

Clorinde mainly deals damage with Normal Attack. This scales from ATK and can deal critical attacks so weapon that increases those are recommended.

All Weapon List

Clorinde Best Artifacts

Clorinde Needs DMG & ATK Increasing Artifact For Damage

Clorinde is a character that mainly deals Electro DMG. Increasing those damage is important so choosing an artifact that do so is crucial when using Clorinde. For artifact choices, see below:

Clorinde Electro DPS Artifacts

BestFragment Of Harmonic WhimsyFragment Of Harmonic Whimsy
[4-Piece Set]
Substitute 1Thundering FuryThundering Fury
[4-Piece Set]
Substitute 2 Echoes Of An OfferingEchoes Of An Offering
[4-Piece Set]
Substitute 3ShimenawaShimenawa's Reminiscence
[4-Piece Set]

Recommended Artifact Stats

Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet IconMain: Electro DMG Bonus%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: CRIT DMG / Rate
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery

Fragment Of Harmonic Whimsy Works Best

Clorinde fights while gaining and losing Bond Of Life allowing the full use of Fragment Of Harmonic Whimsy. For substitute, Thundering Fury will not only give DMG increase but also reduces cooldown.

Related Articles

Clorinde Best Team Comp

Electro Team Comps Works Well With Clorinde

Main DPSSupportShieldSub-DPS
- Clorinde is a Main DPS that works well with the buffs provided by Chevreuse.
- Chevreuse is the main support that gives debuff to enemies while greatly buffing the team.
- Fischl gives energy to the team while also providing additional damage.
- Thoma prevents interruption using his shields and provides coordinated attacks for more DMG.

Other Characters That Works With Clorinde

Substitute Characters
ChevreuseChevreuseNahidaNahida - Outside Overload, you can also use Clorinde in Dendro reaction teams. Nahida is a great support for those teams.
FischlFischlYelanYelan- For Sub-DPS it depends on the comp that you are using, character like Yelan is great for Electro-charged & Hyperbloom.
ThomaThomaBaizhuBaizhu - For shields outside overload team-comp.

Free-To-Play Party

MainSub DPSSupportHealing
-Aggravate team for Clorinde.
- Lynette provides Elemental Shred and additional damage.
- Collei provides off-field Dendro.
- Barbara will keep everyone alive with her heals.

Clorinde Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Lumitoile Farm Routes

Farm Routes
Mont Esus East Lumitoile Route
West Of New Fontaine Lab
East Of New Fontaine Lab
New Fontaine Research Institute Underground
Lumitoile Location & How To Farm

Talent Materials For Clorinde

Clorinde uses Lumitoile as ascension material together with the drop ofMillennial Pearl Seahorse. For Talent

ascension materials, she uses the Justice book series.

Clorinde 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Oath Of Hunting Shadows★★★★・
Hunter's Vigil
(Elemental Skill)
Last Lightfall
(Elemental Burst)

Clorinde Skill Guide & How To Use Clorinde

How To Use Clorinde?

A Time-Limited Attacker That Uses Elemental Skill.

Clorinde is a character that gives buff to herself using Elemental Skill and acts as a Main Electro DPS for teams. The cooldown of Elemental Skill is a short 7.5 seconds but because of her attack speed, she can produce multiple damage of Electro.

Effects Of Elemental Skill
- For 7 seconds, enter the "Night Vigil" state and change E. Skill & NA.
 └NA: Shoots Electro Bullets (Swift Hunt)
 └E. Skill: Do a piercing attack (Impale the Night)
- Both attacks above are considered Normal ATK. DMG.
- Swift Hunt & Impale The Night changes effect depending on Bond Of Life.
- Received heal will turn into Bond Of Life.

Requires To Press A Button When Bond of Life is at 100%.

BoL Amount Button To Press
Below 100%Normal Attack(Swift Hunt)
- Shoots a powerful bullet that pierces enemies.
- Gives 35% of HP's Bond Of Life
Above 100%Elemental Skill(Impale The Night)
- Does a piercing attack that has bigger AoE and DMG.
- Heals HP of 110% of Bond Of Life.
 └Bond Of Life + 10% Healing
HP Gauge & Bond Of Life

▲If the BoL is higher than 50% of HP gauge, it has 100% BoL.

After using Elemental Skill, depending on the current amount of Bond Of Life Clorinde has, the button that you need to press differs. It may sound difficult but to simply put it, If you have less than 100% BoL, use guns (NA). If you have over 100% BoL, use piercing attack (E. Skill).

Bond Of Life Guide

Learn The NA×3 → E. Skill Combo

Combo After Using Elemental Skill
1. Use Elemental Skill to enter "Night Vigil" state.
2. Use Normal Attack ×3 (Gain 105% BoL)
4. Use Elemental Skill ×1 (Remove BoL + Heal)
4. Do No. 2~3 until the Night Vigil State rans off.
Combo After Using Elemental Burst
※E. Burst at Lvl. 7 above
1. Use Elemental Burst (Gain 102% BoL)
2. Use Elemental Skill to enter "Night Vigil" State.
3. Use Elemental Skill ×1 (Remove BoL + Heal)
4. Use Normal Attack ×3 (Gain 105% BoL)
5. Use Elemental Skill ×1 (Remove BoL + Heal)
6. Do No. 4~5 until the Night Vigil State rans off.

With just 3 Normal Attacks, you will have over 100% BoL so the ideal combo is a loop of 3NA → 1ES. You can also gain BoL from the heals of teammates but no need to match your E. Skill to the BoL provided by the teammates..

Powerful Damage Bonus At 3000 ATK

Passive Talent: Dark-Shattering Flame Effects
- Increases Clorinde's NA & Burst by 20% of ATK.
 └3 Stacks up to 1800 ATK Max (Additional)
 └To reach 1800, Clorinde needs to have 3000 ATK
- You need to trigger Electro-related reactions ( same reactions apply).

After the team triggers an Elector reaction, Normal Attack and Elemental Burst of Clorinde will be buffed based on Clorinde's ATK. The max amount of buff can be reached if Clorinde has 3000 ATK. Clorinde who deals damage through multiple hits works amazing with this buff so make use of the buff from teammates and try to get 3000 ATK points for Clorinde.

ATK Buffing Artifacts ATK Buffing Characters
Tenacity Of The MillelithTenacity Of The Millelith Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige BennettBennett ChevreuseChevreuse

Powerful Self-Healing From Lunge Attacks

▲You can heal for every 1.5 Seconds

While Clorinde is in a buffed state from her Elemental Skill, she will not be able to receive any healing from teammates but has powerful healing from Lunging attacks. Because of this, shields are not very important for Clorinde. Also, if you have a healer, you can heal Clorinde while she is outside the Elemental skill state.

Increase Clorinde's Elemental Burst Level To 7 Or Above

Elemental Burst OF Clorinde

▲Get Bond Of Life After Using Elemental Burst.

The amount of Bond Of Life that you will get from Clorinde's Elemental Burst is based on the talent level of the skill. You will get more than 100% BoL at Talent Lvl. 7 allowing you to use the combo of E. Burst→Skill→ Skill (Lunge) increasing your damage and helps you on healing for emergency situations.

Talent Level Lvl. 6 Lvl. 7 Lvl. 10
Bond Of Life Received 96% 102% 120%
Damage 177.6%×5 190.3%×5 228.4%×5

Clorinde Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Clorinde?

Pull For Clorinde If You Want A Powerful Electro DPS

Clorinde is a character that mainly acts as an on-field attacker in parties. She deals plenty of Electro DMG through Normal Attacks with or without reaction. If you need Electro Main DPS in your team, it is recommended to pull for Clorinde.

Best Constellation For Clorinde

★★★・・C1: From This Day, I Pass The Candle's Shadow-Veil
While Hunter's Night Vigil state is active, when Electro DMG from Clorinde's Normal Attack hit opponents, they will trigger 2 coordinated attacks from Nightvigil Shade summoned near the hit opponent, each dealing 30% of Clorinde's ATK as Electro DMG.
★★★★★C2: Now, As We Face The Perils Of The Long Night
Enhance the Passive Talent "Dark-Shattering Flame". After a nearby party member triggers an Electro-related reaction against an opponent, Electro DMG dealt by Clorinde's Normal Attacks and Last Lightfall will be increased by 30% of Clorinde's ATK for 15s. Max 3 Stacks. Each stack is counted independently. When you have 3 stacks, Clorinde's interruption resistance will be increased . The Maximum DMG increases achievable this way for the above attacks is 2,700. You must unlock the Passive Talent "Dark-Shattering Flame."
★★★★・C3: I Pledge To Remember The Oath Of Daylight
Increase the Level of Hunter's Vigil by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: To Enshrine Tears, Life, And Love
When Last Lightfall deal DMG to opponent(s), DMG dealt is increased based on Clorinde's Bond of Life percentage. Every 1% of her current Bond of Life will increase Last Lightfall DMG by 2%. The maximum Last Lighttfall DMG increase achievable this way is 200%.
★★★・・C5: Holding Dawn's Coming As My Votive
Increases the Level of the Last Lightfall by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★・C6: And So Shall I Never Despair
For 12s after Hunter's Vigil is used, Clorinde's CRIT Rate will be increased by 10%, and her CRIT DMG by 70%. Additionally, while Night Vigil is active, a Glimbright Shade will appear under specific circumstances, executing an attack that deals 200% of Clorinde's ATK as Electro DMG. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
This Glimbright Shade will appear under the following circumstances:
- When Clorinde is about to be hit by an attack.
- When Clorinde uses impale the Night: Pact.
1 Glimbright Shade can be summoned in the aforementioned ways every 1s. 6 Shades can be summoned per single Night Vigil duration.
In addition, while Night Vigil is active, the DMG Clorinde receives is decreased by 80% and her interruption resistance is increased. This effect will disappear after the Night Vigil state ends after she summons 6 Glimbright Shades.

Clorinde Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Oath of Hunting Shadows

Normal Attack

Performs up to 5 rapid strikes.
1-Hit DMG54.1%58.5%62.9%69.1%73.5%78.6%85.5%92.4%99.3%106.9%114.4%
2-Hit DMG51.6%55.8%60%66%70.2%75%81.6%88.2%94.9%102.1%109.3%
3-Hit DMG34.2%+34.2%37%+37%40%+40%43.7%+43.7%46.5%+46.5%49.7%+49.7%54.1%+54.1%58.4%+58.4%62.8%+62.8%67.6%+67.6%72.3%+72.3%
4-Hit DMG23.1%+23.1%+23.1%25%+25%+25%26.9%+26.9%+26.9%29.6%+29.6%+29.6%31.5%+31.5%+31.5%33.6%+33.6%+33.6%36.6%+36.6%+36.6%39.5%+39.5%+39.5%42.5%+42.5%+42.5%45.7%+45.7%+45.7%49%+49%+49%
5-Hit DMG90%97.3%104.7%115.1%122.5%130.8%142.3%153.9%165.4%177.9%190.5%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina and fires Suppressing Shots in a fan pattern with her pistolet.
Attack DMG
Stamina Cost

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG63.9%69.1%74.3%81.8%87%92.9%101.1%109.3%117.5%126.4%135.3%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Hunter's Vigil (Elemental Skill)

Preparing her pistolet, she enters the "Night Vigil" state, using steel and shot together. In this state, Clorinde's Normal Attacks will be transformed into "Swift Hunt" pistolet attacks, and the DMG dealt is converted into Electro DMG that cannot be overridden by infusions, and she will be unable to use Charged Attacks. Using her Elemental Skill will transform it into "Impale the Night": Perform a lunging attack, dealing Electro DMG. The DMG done through the aforementioned method is considered Normal Attack DMG.

Swift Hunt

・When her Bond of Life is equal to or greater than 100% of her max HP: Performs a pistolet shot.
・When her Bond of Life is less than 100%, firing her pistolet will grant her Bond of Life, with the amount gained based on her max HP. The shots she fires can pierce opponents, and DMG dealt to opponents in their path is increased.

Impale The Night

The current percentage value of Clorinde's Bond of Life determines its effect:
・When the Bond of Life value is 0%, perform a normal lunging strike.
・When the Bond of Life value is less than 100% of her max HP, Clorinde is healed based on the Bond of Life value, and the AoE of the lunging attack and the DMG dealt is increased.
・When the value of the Bond of Life is equal to or greater than 100% of her max HP, use Impale the Night: Pact. The healing multiplier is increased, and the AoE and DMG dealt by the lunge is increased even further.
In addition, when Clorinde is in the Night Vigil state, healing effects other than Impale the Night will not take effect and will instead be converted into a Bond of Life that is a percentage of the healing that would have been received.
Clorinde will exit the "Night Vigil" state when she leaves the field.

Arkhe: Ousia

Periodically, when Clorinde's Swift Hunt shots strike opponents, she will summon a Surging Blade at the position hit that deals Ousia-aligned Electro DMG.
Hunt DMG
Swift Hunt
Bond of Life
Impale the
Night DMG
33%/44%/25.1%×335.7%/47.5%/27.2%×3 38.3%/51.1%/29.2%×342.2%/56.2%/32.1%×344.9%/59.8%/34.2%×347.9%/63.9%/36.5%×352.1%/69.5%/39.7%×356.4%/75.1%/42.9%×360.6%/80.8%/46.1%×365.2%/86.9%/49.6%×369.8%/93%/53.1%×374.4%/99.2%/56.6%×379%/105.3%/60.2%×3
Impale the
Night Healing
Bond of Life
Blade DMG
Blade Interval
Vigil Duration

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Last Lightfall

Grants herself a Bond of Life based upon her own max HP before swiftly evading and striking with saber and sidearm as one, dealing AoE Electro DMG.
Skill DMG126.9%×5136.4%×5145.9%×5158.6%×5168.1%×5177.6%×5190.3%×5203%×5215.7%×5228.4%×5241.1%×5253.8%×5269.6%×5
Bond of Life
Energy Cost60606060606060606060606060

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Dark-Shattering Flame

After a nearby party member triggers an Electro-related reaction against an opponent, Electro DMG dealt by Clorinde's Normal Attacks and Last Lightfall will be increased by 20% of Clorinde's ATK for 15s. Max 3 stacks. Each stack is counted independently. The Maximum DMG increase achievable this way for the above attacks is 1,800.

Lawful Remuneration

If Clorinde's Bond of Life is equal to or greater than 100% of her Max HP, her CRIT Rate will increase by 10% for 15s whenever her Bond of Life value increases or decreases. Max 2 stacks. Each stack is counted independently. Additionally, Hunter's Vigil's Night Vigil state is buffed: While it is active, the percent of healing converted to Bond of Life increases to 100%.

Night Vigil's Harvest

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Fontaine on the mini-map.

Who Is Clorinde?

A Champion Duelist from Fontaine

Clorinde's superb swordsmanship and skill paved her path into being a Champion Duelist. While working, she is a strict enactor of justice and maintains professionalism. However, her experience as the strongest Champion Duelist was never without regrets.

Member of the Marechaussee Hunters

Clorinde's lesser known identity is being a member of the Marechaussee Hunters. Her Master personally taught Clorinde the generational swordsmanship of the organization. Up to now, Clorinde uses that very swordsmanship as a Champion Duelist.

Tabletop RPG Enthusiast

One of Clorinde's few interests is Tabletop RPG. Navia introduced her to the "Tabletop Troupe" where she soon became a regular and gained experience as both a Player and Game Master. Though her expertise in being a Game Master is honed by Navia's weird and wonderful ideas as a Player.

A Senior Game Master

In Clorinde's Story Quest, it was revealed that Clorinde holds a position as a Senior Game Master at the "Tabletop Troupe." While the script during that quest didn't go as expected, she stabilized the situation and prevented at least one participant from realizing something went wrong.

Clorinde Voice Actor & Their Notable Roles

English Voice Actor: Crystal Lee

Notable Roles
Alexandrina SebastianeZenless Zone Zero
MiriamUnicorn Overlord
AdeGoddess of Victory Nikke

Japanese Voice Actor: Ishikawa Yui

Notable Roles
Mikasa AckermanAttack on Titan
2BNier: Automata
Violet EvergardenViolet Evergarden
StelleHonkai: Star Rail

Characters With Same Role As Clorinde 

Best Characters With Same Role

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Ann 4

Thanks for all this information! I learned how to use Clorinde~

Anonymous 3

Probably clorinde will be in 4.5-4.6 Because : 4.2 is furina+baizhu/ayato+cyno.4.3 probably will be navia, raiden, itto, ayaya. 4.4 cloud retainer, madame ping, shenhe,nahida, xiao. 4.5 clorinde?

A person 2

Clorinde won’t release in 4.2 because Furina and Ayato will be coming and Arataki Itto and potentially Xiao will be in second phase. Clorinde will most likely come in March next year.

Darley 1

Looks like you haven't put Clorinde in the best character tier list thing yet, not the female one at least.

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