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TCG Genius Invokation Gameplay Guide

Genshin Impact | TCG Genius Invokation Gameplay Guide

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Genshin Impact | TCG Genius Invokation Gameplay Guide  - GameWith

TCG Genius Invokation is a card game in Genshin Imapct. Guide includes what is TCG Genius Invocation, how to get TCG cards, how to unlock, tips, different TCG card types, & more!

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Genius Invokation - Latest News & Updates

New Cards

Adjusted Cards & Elemental Reactions

CardAdjustment Details
LisaLisaCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of Elemental Burst: Adds the effect "attach Conductive to the opponent's active character".
AlbedoAlbedoCharacter Card
The effect "When this Summon is on the field: Your character's Plunging Attack spends 1 less Unaligned Element." will be adjusted to "When you perform Switch Character and this Summon is on the field: his switch is considered a Fast Action instead of a Combat Action."
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card Descent of Divinity: The effect "When there is ALbedo on the field who has this card equipped, if your side of the field has Solar Isotoma, then your characters' Plunging Attack deals +1 DMG." has a new effect "then your characters' Plunging ATtack costs 1 less Unaligned Element."
CynoCynoCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the status Pactsworn Pathclearer: Removes the effect "If equal to or greater than 6: Indwelling Level-4." and adds the effect "If indwelling Level is at least 8, decrease the Indwelling Level by 6."
Adjusts the effect of the Elemental Skill: Adds the effect "Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling Level +1."
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card Featherfall Judgment: The effect "When your Cyno, who has this card equipped, uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having an even number of level of Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling effect, deal +1 DMG." will be adjusted to "When your Cyno, who has this card equipped, uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having at least 2 levels of Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling effect, deal +2 DMG. (Once pe Round)."
Descent of DivinityDescent of Divinity Character Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card: The effect "When there is Albedo on the field who has this card equipped, if your side of the field has Solar Isotoma, then your character' Plunging Attack deals +1 DMG." has a new effect "then your characters' Plunging Attack costs 1 less Unaligned Element."
Dominance of EarthDominance of EarthCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card: The effect "When your active character is protected by a Shield Character Status or a Shield Combat Status, your Summons deal +1 Geo DMG." will be adjusted to "When your Zhongli, who has this card equipped, has at least 7 HP, the DMG dealt by Zhongli and the Geo DMG from your Summons +1."
Featherfall JudgmentFeatherfall JudgmentCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card: The effect "When your Cyno, who has this card equipped, uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having an even number of level of Pactsworn Pathcleaer's Indwelling effect, deal +1 DMG." will be adjusted to "When your Cyno, who has this card equipped, uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having at least 2 levels of Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling effect, deal +2 DMG. (Once per Round)
Decorous HarmonyDecorous HarmonyCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card: The effect "When Yun Jin, who has this card equipped, is on the field, and if you have no cards in your Hand, Flying Cloud Flag Formation will cause your Normal Attack to deal +2 additional DMG." will be adjusted to "When Yun Jin, who has this card equipped, is on the field, and you trigger Flying Cloud Flag Formation: If you have no cards in your Hand, this Skill deals +2 additional DMG."
Falls and FortuneFalls and FortuneEvent Card
Adjusts the Elemental Die cost adjustment: Adjusted from 1 to 0.
Dawn WineryDawn WinerySupport Card
Effect Adjustment: The effect trigger limit "Once per Round" will be adjusted to "Twice per Round."
CardAdjustment Details
Consecrated ScorpionConsecrated ScorpionCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of Event Card Bonecruncher's Energy Block: Removes the effect "If your active characters is a Consecrated Beast, then they gain 1 Energy."
Consecrated Flying SerpentConsecrated Flying SerpentCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of Event Card Bonecruncher's Energy Block: Removes the effect "If your active characters is a Consecrated Beast, then they gain 1 Energy."
Adjusts the effect of Elemental Skill: This effect will be adjusted to "Deal 3 Anemo DMG and draw 1 card."
YunJinYunJinCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Combat Status Flying Cloud Flag Formation: Removes the effect "Deal +1 DMG."
KavehKavehCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the combat status Burst Scan: "After this, deal Dendro DMG equal to the original Elemental Dice Cost of your card you discard +1" will be adjusted to "After this, deal Dendo DMG equal to the original Elemental Dice Cost of the card you discard."
All-Devouring NarwhalAll-Devouring NarwhalCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Elemental Skill: The effect "Deals 1 Hydro DMG. This character deals +1 DMG for every 3 extra max HP provided by Insatiable Appetite (Max +5)" will be adjusted to (Max +4)."
KazuhaKazuha Character Card
Adjusts the Elemental Burst DMG: Anemo DMG deal will be adjusted from 3 to 1.
Adjusts the Elemental Skill DMG: Anemo DMG dealt will be adjusted from 3 to 1.
Adjusts the effect of the status Midare Ranzan: The effect will be adjusted to "The next time you use Switch Character to switch to the character to which this is attached: This switch is considered a Fast Action rather than a Combat Action. Before you choose an action: If the character to which this is attached is your active character, they immediately use a Normal Attack. The Physical DMG this Normal Attack would deal is converted to Anemo DMG. Once finalized, this effect is removed."
Mirror MaidenMirror MaidenCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the status Refraction: The effect "The character to which this is attached takes +1 Hydro DMG." will be adjusted to "When the character to which this card is attached switches to another character: Elemental Dice Cost +1."
Mirror CageMirror Cage Character Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card Mirror Cage: The effect "will increase the Elemental Dice Cost of switching from a character to which this is attached to another character by 1." will be adjusted to "The character to which this is attached takes +1 Hydro DMG."
LyresongLyresong Event Card
Effect Adjustment: During this Round, the effect that will be triggered the next time you play an Artifact Card will be adjusted to "Spend 1 less Elemental Die. If you have not played any other Action Cards before playing this card, spend 2 less Elemental DIce."
Underwater Treasure HuntUnderwater Treasure HuntEvent Card
Increases the number of Usage(s) of Undersea Treasure: Each character can receive healing from this effect once per Round.
Lumenstone AdjuvantLumenstone Adjuvant Support Card
Elemental Die Cost Adjustment: Adjusted from 2 Dice of the same element.
KusavaKusavaSupport Card
Elemental Die Cost Adjustment: Adjusted from 0 to 1.

Genius Invokation TCG - Overview & How To Unlock

Released In The 3.3 Update

Release3.3 Update (12/07)
How To Unlock- Reach Adventure Rank 32
- Finish the Archon Quest: Song of Dragon and Freedom

The Genius Invokation TCG was implemented during the 3.3 Update. To play through it, you will have to go the Cat's Tail in Mondstadt. It's also where you can get rewards for winning battles against challenges!

Includes NPC Battles & PVP Against Other Players

The Genius Invokation TCG started with players just being able to challenge NPCs and other familiar characters. In an update after its release, it added PVP wherein players can dual each other casually, However, there are no rewards for playing PVP.

Prepare A Deck To Battle Against Challenges

Prepare A Deck To Battle Against Challenges

As a card game, players will have to build their own card deck that consists of 33 cards, which is broken down into 3 Character Cards and 30 Action Cards. Winning will require a player to defeat all of the character cards of their opponent!

Collect Cards From Your Winnings Or As Rewards

Buy From TCG Shop

Cards can be obtained through a number of ways. Some can be bought with in-game currency at the shop in the Cat's Tail, while some can be earned by defeating specific characters in a TCG battle.

Genius Invokation TCG - How To Play

1. Build A 33-Deck And Play Against Other Characters

Card Game Featuring Genshin Characters

A deck is made up of 3 character cards and 30 actions cards that include "Equipment", "Support", and "Talent" cards. The basis for building your deck is to use as many action cards as possible that can effectively use your three character cards.

2. Chance To Redraw Your Initial 5 Cards

Chance To Redraw Your Initial 5 Cards

When a match begins, the first you can get is a chance to redraw the first drawn five cards. There are probably some cards you want at the beginning and some you want later on, so put the cards you don't need back into your deck.

Once You've Redrawn, Set The Active Character

After the redraw page, select the active character from one of the three character cards. Later on, changing the active character will require costs later.

3. Roll To Acquire Elemental Dice

Roll Elemental Dice To Move

At the start of the game, both players will roll eight dice. Each dice face is represents an Element. This will be used to place cards, use attacks, or change Active characters.

You Can Reroll Once Per Round

Your strategy will change dramatically depending on the dice you get, but you can reroll once each round. Reroll the dice for elements that don't match your characters to play more powerful action cards.

4. Strengthen Your Characters With Quick Action Cards

What Can You Do With Quick Actions
- Use an action card
└ Use element acquired from rolling the dice
- Transform the element of the dice
└ Requires discarding a card from your hand

When your turn begins, you can take action using the elemental dice you have acquired. There is no limit to how many cards you can play so long as you have the elemental dice for it.

Elemental Dice Do Not Get Carried Over

Elemental Dice do not get carried over to the next round. This makes it integral to use up all of your elemental dice. Use your action cards efficiently.

Cards Come In A Variety Of Types

SupportSupportAction cards that does different effects.
EquipmentEquipment CardsPower Up Cards.
Event CardsProvides Actions such as drawing more cards.

5. Perform One Of Three Combat Actions To End Your Turn

Combat Action
- Attack using a character's move
- Change the active character
└ Consumes an elemental dice of your choice
- Declare it's the end of your turn

Once you're ready, choose one of the actions above. Strategies such as which enemy character is active and whether to switch characters to prepare for the next battle will greatly affect your moves.

Card Effects May Occur After The Action Is Completed

Card Effects May Occur After The Action Is Completed

When the action phase ends, the game move to the end phase before switching the turn between the characters. Some cards have effects that happen during the End Phase, so be sure to check your the table carefully.

6. Game Ends When All Characters On One Side Are Defeated

Game Ends When All Characters On one Side Are Defeated

The goal is to take out all of the health of all three of your enemy's character cards to win. On the other hand, if your characters lose all of their health, you will lose instead.

Geniuk Invokation TCG - Tips & Tricks

1▼ Use lots of card-drawing cards in your deck
2▼ When rerolling, leave dice that matches the element you will attack with
3▼ Making use of Elemental Reactions is key
4▼ Move in a way that allows you to take the lead as much as possible
5▼ When fighting NPCs, prioritize attack over recovery

Use Lots Of Card-Drawing Cards In Your Deck

Limited Action Card At Hand

Draw Cards or cards that will allow you to draw more cards are highly valuable to add to your deck. The more you can draw, the more changes you get to draw the card you will need to strengthen your characters.

When Rerolling, Leave The Dice That Matches The Element You Will Attack With

When rerolling every round, take note of which Elements you will make use during your turns. At first, remember to keep the elements of your character cards,

Making Use Of Elemental Reactions Is Key

Making Use Of Elemental Reactions Is Key

The Meta right now is centered around making use of Elemental Reactions to deal high amounts of damage or to render enemy characters stunned. Make use of these to get the upper hand in your battles!

Elemental Reactions & Effects In Genius Invokation

Elemental ReactionEffect
(Hydro + Pyro)
Damage +2
(Pyro + Cryo)
Damage +2
(Pyro + Electro)
Damage + 2
Switches the enemies active character
(Pyro + Dendro)
Damage +1
Deal 1 fire damage at the end of the turn (One time but can be stacked up to 2 times)
(Hydro + Electro)
Damage +1
Deals addition 1 damage to other characters
(Hydro + Dendro)
Damage + 1
Next Pyro/Electro damage will deal +2 damage
(Electro + Cryo)
Damage +1
Deals 1 damage to other character cards
(Electro + Bloom)
Damage +1
Next 3 Dendro/Electo damage will deal +1 damage
(Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo + Anemo)
Deals 1 elemental damage to other character cards
(Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo + Geo
Damage +1
Allied characters gain 1 shield, can be stacked up to 2 times

Move In A Way That Allows You To Take The Lead As Much As Possible

The first player to declare the end of their turn will be the first to go first in the next round. in other words, if you attack multiple times in one turn or carelessly switch characters, you are likely to go second. If you can go first, it will be much easier to deal and plan for Elemental Reactions.

When Fighting NPCs, Prioritize Attack Over Recovery

Character Cards Have Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, Elemental Burst

NPCs do not move similar to human players. Simply put, they are easier to deal with. Rather than preparing a lot of cards that recover health, it is better to focus on going on the offensive.

Genius Invokation TCG - What To Do?

How To Rank Up Your Player Level

Method 1: Battle Against NPCs

Win Against NPC Challengers

Once you start your Genius Invokation TCG journey, you will be able to battle certain NPCs across Teyvat. They are relatively easy to deal with so challenge them to test your skills.

Method 2: Battle Guest Challenges Every Week

Go To The Cat

Every week, challengers can be found in the Cat's Tail in Mondstadt. These challengers change every week so be sure to defeat all the challengers of the week before the reset.

Character Invitation Matches

Defeat Invited Characters

On the bulletin board next to the reception area of the cat's Tail, you can challenge playable characters to battle. There are easy battles and difficult battles. If you are able to clear the challenge goals for a character, you can obtain their corresponding Character and Talent Card.

Tavern Challenge

Once your Player Rank reaches 3, you will be able to take part in bar challenges in Cat's Tail. By clearing these challenges, you can get Character Cards and other items.

Earn Handbook Rewards

There is also a Handbook that acts a tutorial. If you follow and clear its challenges, you will receive rewards! Make sure to do them as quickly as you can. Similar to the guest challenges, the handbook can only be accessed within Cat's Tail.

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