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Ningguang Best Build & Weapon Guide

Genshin Impact | Ningguang Best Build & Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact | Ningguang Best Build & Weapon Guide - GameWith

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Ningguang is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Ningguang's, best build, support build, dps build, weapon, artifacts, talent materials, & best F2P team for Ningguang.

Table of Contents

Ningguang Tier & Review

4 StarGeoGeoCatalyst
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Ningguang!

Strengths & Weakness Of Ningguang

- Powerful Charged Attack especially when there are max Star Jade.
- Can increase Geo DMG & block enemy projectiles with her Elemental Skill
- Low energy cost for Elemental Burst
- Does not rely on reactions to deal maximum damage.
- Fairly slow movements as a Main DPS and has difficulty dodging.
- Requires a fairly high amount of investment in End-Game
▼ Details about Ningguang below.

Ningguang Best Build

Ningguang Main DPS

WeaponLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsLost Prayer To The Sacred Winds
Substitute1. Memory Of DustMemory Of Dust
2. KaguraKagura's Verity
3. Solar PearlSolar Pearl
4. Dodoco TalesDodoco Tales (F2P)
5. Eye Of PerceptionEye Of Perception
BestNighttime Whispers In The Echoing WoodsNighttime Whispers In The Echoing Woods
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Geo DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate / DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT Rate or DMG
2. ATK%
3. Energy Recharge
4. Flat ATK
Recommended TeamNingguangXilonenBennettFurina

Juggle Between Normal & Charged Attack, And Abilities

In this build, Ningguang is on the field most of the time. The playstyle involves mostly Normal & Charged Attack and Skill & Burst in between.

Ningguang Burst DPS Build

WeaponSkyward AtlasSkyward Atlas
Substitute1. The WidsithThe Widsith
2. Favonius CodexFavonius Codex
3. Mappa MareMappa Mare (F2P)
4. Thrilling Tales Of Dragon SlayersThrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers (F2P)
BestArchaic PetraArchaic Petra x2
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige x2
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Geo DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate / DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT Rate or DMG
2. ATK%
3. Energy Recharge
4. Flat ATK
Recommended TeamNingguangRaiden ShogunFurinaXilonen

Use Skill & Burst Then Switch

Ningguang has a great Burst that can deal successive Geo DMG to an enemy including a small AoE around the target. This build focuses on quickswap after she has unleashed her abilities.

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Ningguang Best Weapon

Ningguang Main DPS Weapon

Best Weapons For Main DPS Build

BestLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsCRIT Rate 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT Rate makes it convenient to achieve good CRIT stat ratio
- Gain stacks that give Elemental DMG Bonus the longer Ningguang stays on the field (max 4 stacks)
└ Disappears when switching Ningguang out or when she dies
2ndMemory Of DustMemory Of DustATK 49.6% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% increases overall damage
└ Stacks give additional ATK% (max 4 stacks)
- Can strengthen shield from Crystallize reaction
└ ATK can be increased further while protected by a shield
3rdKaguraKagura's VerityCRIT DMG 66.2% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT DMG makes it convenient to achieve good CRIT stat ratio
- Stacks can increase Elemental Skill DMG upon using Elemental Skill (max 3 stacks)
└ Gain Elemental DMG Bonus when stacks are at max
└ Can be maximized with C2 Ningguang
4thSolar PearlSolar PearlCRIT Rate 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT Rate makes it convenient to achieve good CRIT stat ratio
- Normal Attack increases Elemental Skill & Burst DMG and vice versa
- Guaranteed to get from Battle Pass
F2PDodoco TalesDodoco TalesATK 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% increases overall damage
- Normal Attack increases Charged Attack DMG and vice versa
└ Fits the playstyle of Ningguang as main DPS
5thEye Of PerceptionEye Of PerceptionATK 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% increases overall damage
- Can periodically produce a bolt that bounces and deals additional damage from one enemy to another (max 4 enemies)
F2PTwin NephriteTwin NephriteCRIT Rate 15.6% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT Rate makes it convenient to achieve good CRIT stat ratio
- Easy to refine & upgrade since it is 3*

Aim For CRIT Stat & Damage Multipliers

Every projectile, from Normal & Charged Attack to Elemental Skill & Burst, can deal powerful damage to the enemy. While CRIT stat is undoubtedly the best stat for every main DPS, it is also great to use a catalyst that can provide a lot of damage multipliers.

Nigguang Support Weapon

Best Weapons For Support Build

BestSkyward AtlasSkyward AtlasATK 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Increases Elemental DMG
- ATK% increases overall damage
- During Normal Attack, has a chance to summon a wisp that can deal additional damage periodically
2ndThe WidsithThe WidsithCRIT DMG 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT DMG makes it convenient to achieve good CRIT stat ratio
- Random passives can be maximized with quick swap
└ The passive that gives ATK% & Elemental DMG buff are both great for Ningguang
3rdFavonius CodexFavonius CodexEnergy Recharge 45.9% (Lvl. 90)
- ER substat is convenient for Burst uptime
- Chance to provide more Energy periodically upon CRIT Hits
└ Good battery for other characters in the team
F2PMappa MareMappa MareElemental Mastery 110 (Lvl. 90)
- Stacks give Elemental DMG Bonus (max 2 stacks)
- Craftable which makes it easier to refine
※ Keep in mind that EM substat is useless for Ningguang
F2PPrototype AmberPrototype AmberHP 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Recover a small amount of HP & Energy
- Craftable which makes it easier to refine
※ Keep in mind that HP substat is useless for Ningguang
F2PThrilling Tales Of Dragon SlayersThrilling Tales Of Dragon SlayersHP 35.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Can provide ATK% buff periodically to the next character that takes the field
- Easy to refine & upgrade since it is 3*
※ Keep in mind that HP substat is useless for Ningguang

Quick Swap Playstyle Can Deal Powerful Damage

Since this playstyle is a quick swap, it is good to invest with catalysts that do not require Ningguang to be on the field for too long. For instance, the best & 2nd in the list are fit for a quick swap playstyle while the remaining can provide support to the other characters in the team.

All Weapon List

Ningguang Best Artifacts

Ningguang Main DPS Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Main DPS Build

BestNighttime Whispers In The Echoing WoodsNighttime Whispers In The Echoing Woods
Substitute 1Archaic PetraArchaic Petra
GladiatorAny ATK%
Substitute 2ShimenawaAny ATK%
GladiatorAny ATK%

Recommended Artifact Stats

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Feather Icon Main: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / Flat ATK
Goblet IconMain: Geo DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: CRIT Damage / Rate
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge

Geo DMG Bonus & ATK-Boosting Artifacts Work Best

DPS Ningguang scales on ATK and Geo DMG. Using an artifact set that can increase both works great for Ningguang. Since she actively uses her Elemental Skill in battle, Nighttime Whispers is a great option for her.

Ningguang Burst DPS Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Burst DPS Build

BestArchaic PetraArchaic Petra
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige
Substitute 1 Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige

Recommended Artifact Stats

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Feather Icon Main: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / Flat ATK
Goblet IconMain: Geo DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: CRIT Damage / Rate
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge

Use A Complete Noblesse Oblige If You Want A Buffer

Whenever Ningguang uses her Burst, the effect of 4-piece Noblesse Oblige gives ATK% buff to everyone in the team. Only use a complete Noblesse Oblige if you do not have another character that uses it in the team since the buff does not stack.

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Ningguang Best Team Comp

Premium Team For Ningguang

DPS Support Support Sub-DPS
- Xilonen can buff the two main sources of DMG in this team, Furina's off-field Hydro DMG and Ningguang's Geo DMG.
- Bennett can buff the ATK of Ningguang so she can deal more damage as an ATK-scaling DPS.
- Furina can boost the team's damage with Fanfare stacks and her HP drain is offset by Bennett and Xilonen's Healing.

Other Characters That Works With Ningguang

XilonenXilonenZhongliZhongli- Zhongli is able to reduce the Geo DMG RES of enemies when his shield is active.
- His shield can be used for Geo Resonance's damage buff and shred Geo DMG RES further.
BennettBennettKujou SaraKujou Sara- Reserve this spot for a damage-boosting support.
- Sara is able to buff ATK like Bennett but other buffers can be used.
Pyro TravelerPyro Traveler
- Both are able to buff damage increase.
- You can choose to bring a healer that can hold Thrilling Tales instead.

Free-To-Play Party

DPS Sub-DPS Support Sub-DPS
- Kachina can hold Scroll set and use it to buff the damage from Ningguang and Xingqiu.
- Bennett can buff Ningguang's ATK and heal her as well.
- Xingqiu can reduce the damage taken by Ningguang and provide additional damage through his Burst's off-field Hydro damage.

Ningguang Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Glaze Lily Farm Route

Glaze Lily Farm Route
Glaze Lily Location & Farming Route

Talent Materials For Ningguang

Ningguang 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Sparkling Scatter★★★★・
Jade Screen (Elemental Skill)★★★★・
Starshatter (Elemental Burst)★★★★★

Ningguang Skill Guide & How To Use Ningguang

Recommended Rotation For Ningguang

Recommended Rotation
1Use Elemental Skill, then pass through its veil
2Spam normal attacks until you get 3 Star Jades. Unleash Charged Attack for additional damage
3If Elemental Skill is still active, pass through it again then use Elemental Burst. Ideal to use Burst when you also have 3 Star Jades
4Return to no.1

Uses Of Ningguang's Elemental Skill

Creates A Protective Veil Against Projectiles

Besides the Geo buff, the veil can also protect characters from incoming projectiles. However, because the Skill can be destroyed, this is not a reliable way of escaping enemy attacks.

Amplifies Geo Damage

A character that passes through the veil of Ningguang's Elemental Skill receives Geo DMG bonus. This is a set-up ability and should be used before going on the offensive.

Additional Projectiles Upon Using Elemental Burst

Additional Projectiles Upon Using Elemental Burst

While the veil is active, it retracts and produces additional projectiles when Ningguang has used Elemental Burst.

Uses Of Ningguang's Elemental Burst

Explosive Geo Burst Damage

Explosive Geo Burst Damage

Ningguang's Elemental Burst is a purely offensive ability. Unleash it as much as you can with the right set-up to get the most out of it.

Constellation 6 Greatly Increases The Damage Created

C6 Ningguang

At Constellation 6, Ningguang's Elemental Burst will create 6 Star Jades that will greatly increase the damage of your next charged attack through its raw power.

Normal Attack & Charge Attack Is The Main Source Of Damage

When using Ningguang as a DPS, most of the damage will come from the combination of Normal Attacks and Charged Attacks.

Perform 3 Normal Attacks Then Use Charged Attack

Every Normal Attack that hit the enemies will create Star Jades. You can unleash these jades by using Charged Attack.

Ningguang Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Ningguang?

Pull If You Need A DPS

Ningguang is a Geo DPS that can deal constant damage with her normal & charge attacks. Ningguang's constellation significantly improves her abilites & damage output. If you main her, it is recommended to pull for her constallations.

Best Constellation For Ningguang

★★★・・C1: Piercing Fragments
When a Normal Attack hits, it deals AoE DMG.
★★★★・C2: Shock Effect
When Jade Screen is shattered, its CD will reset.
Can occur once every 6s.
★★★★・C3: Majesty Be The Array Of Stars
Increases the Level of Starshatter by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★・・・・C4: Exquisite Be The Jade, Outshining All Beneath
Jade Screen increases nearby characters' Elemental RES by 10%.
★・・・・C5: Invincible Be The Jade Screen
Increases the Level of Jade Screen by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★★C6: Grandeur Be The Seven Stars
When Starshatter is used, Ningguang gains 7 Star Jades.

Becomes A Better DPS At C6

Ningguang gains a significant increase in her damage once she gets to C6. She's viable as is with just C2, but at C6, her DPS potential becomes higher so if you plan on using her as a Main DPS, aim for C6.

Ningguang Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Sparkling Scatter

Normal Attack

Shoots gems that deal Geo DMG. Upon hit, this grants Ningguang 1 Star Jade.

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of stamina to fire off a giant gem that deals Geo DMG. If Ningguang has any Star Jades, unleashing a Charged Attack will cause the Star Jades to be fired at the enemy as well, dealing additional DMG.

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Gathering the might of Geo, Ningguang plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Geo DMG upon impact with the ground.
Plunge DMG56.8%56.8%61.5%66.1%72.7%77.3%82.6%89.9%97.1%104% 112%120%
Low Plunge DMG114%123%132%145%155%165%180%194%209%225% 240%
High Plunge DMG142%153%165%182%193%206%224%243%261%281%300%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Jade Screen (Elemental Skill)

Ningguang creates a Jade Screen out of gold, obsidian and her great opulence, dealing AoE Geo DMG.

Jade Screen

・Blocks opponents' projectiles.
・Endurance scales based on Ningguang's Max HP.
Inherited HP50.1%53.1%56.1%60%63%66%69.9%73.8%77.7%81.6%85.5%89.4%93.3%
Skill DMG230%248%265%288%305%323%346%369%392%415%438%461%490%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.


Gathering a great number of gems, Ningguang scatters them all at once, sending homing projectiles at her opponents that deal massive Geo DMG. If Starshatter is cast when a Jade Screen is nearby, the Jade Screen will fire additional gem projectiles at the same time.
Per Gem

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Backup Plan

When Ningguang is in possession of Star Jades, her Charged Attack does not consume Stamina.

Strategic Reserve

A character that passes through the Jade Screen will gain a 12% Geo DMG Bonus for 10s.

Trove of Marvelous Treasures

Displays the location of nearby ore veins used in forging on the mini-map.

Characters With Same Role As Ningguang 

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Anonymous 10

How is she D tier?

Anonymous 9

Thank you for a very comprehensive guide! Lost Prayer is a really the best weapon for her (not The Memory of Dust).

P.S. But her being A tier character while also an S tier damager doesn't make sense, IMO. Same with many other characters here.

Anonymous 8

there are atk% in the the atk% clock's substats,
and ning don't need EM.

Anonymous 7

Amber? I think not

Anonymous 2

I thought so too, the gladiator 4 piece set is useless for ningguang as she use catalyst. Sojourner 4 pice set would be better.

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