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Best TCG Cards & Tier List For Genius Invokation 4.2

Genshin Impact | Best TCG Cards & Tier List For Genius Invokation 4.2

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Genshin Impact | Best TCG Cards & Tier List For Genius Invokation 4.2 - GameWith

Best TCG Card List for Genius Invokation in Genshin Impact 4.2. See strongest cards, best supports, equipment cards, card tier list & best action cards for Genius Invokation TCG.

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Astra Carnival: The Prince Cup Tournament Guide

Best Character Cards For TCG Genius Invokation

This article is currently a work-in-progress.

Best Attacker Cards

GanyuGanyu - Burst and Summon can deal piercing damage to all members of enemy team.
- Can also DMG shielded inactive enemies.
- Specializes on doing AoE DMG to enemies.
KeqingKeqing - Can increase your held cards & attack using skills
 ↳ If Keqing is inactive, use card, change character and attack.
- Elemental Burst deal damage to whole team.
AyakaAyaka- If switched as active, it will gain Cryo Elemental Infusion to its Normal attack.
- Good for the Freeze card deck team.

Best Support Character Cards

VentiVenti- Skill enables switching to another character for free twice
- Good Mondstadt character for Wind and Freedom Card
ZhongliZhongli- Has a crowd control that can prevent an opposing character from attacking and provides 2 shield points that can stack with shield points produced by triggering Crystallize
- Good Liyue character for Stone and Contracts Card
Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun- Can provide 1 Energy to standby characters
↳ 2 Energies are given if talent card has been equipped
- Convenient for Burst uptime, especially for characters that only need 2 Energies
- Good Inazuma character for Thunder and Eternity Card
NahidaNahida- Deals Piercing DMG & bonus damage for any elemental reactions triggered
- Great to pair with Pyro/Hydro/Electro characters
- Good Sumeru character for Nature and Wisdom Card
MonaMona- With Passive, Switching characters is considered Fast Action instead of Combat Action.
- After using Elemental Burst, the damage of the teammate doubles. (1 time)
- Elemental Skill deal light damage and deal additional Hydro DMG after ending a phase.
SucroseSucrose- Elemental Skill forces switching of enemies.
- Elemental Burst deal Anemo DMG and summons Wind Spirit.
↳ Can produce AoE DMG with Swirl.
KaeyaKaeya- After using Elemental Burst, switching characters will deal damage.
- Great for Elemental Reactions such as Frozen.
XianglingXiangling- Elemental Skill summons Guoba which deals Pyro DMG every end turn.
- Elemental Burst adds Pyro DMG to team's Attack.
-Great for additional DMG through reactions.
XingqiuXingqiu - Lessens the DMG through Elemental Skill.
-Elemental Burst adds Hydro DMG to Normal Attacks of teammates.
YoimiyaYoimiya - Its Burst deals 3 Pyro DMG while conducting an Aurorus Blade which deals 1 DMG whenever the other character card casts their skills.
All Character Cards List For Genius Invokation (TCG)

Best Action Cards For TCG Genius Invokation

Type Of Action Cards
▼Event▼Support ▼Equipment

Best Event Cards

Wind And FreedomWind And Freedom- Lets you continue to act after defeating an opposing character
- Great for performing consecutive attacks
Stone And ContractsStone And Contracts- Creates 3 Omni Element Dice
- Enables you to perform more actions with the bonus dice
Thunder And EternityThunder And Eternity- Converts all Elemental Dice to match the element of the active character
- Great for going all-out with preferred character
Nature And WisdomNature And Wisdom- Swaps a selected card at hand with a new card
- Great for switching an unwanted card immediately
Fatui ConspiracyFatui Conspiracy- Summons a Fatui with random element
- Useful for triggering elemental reactions
Plunging StrikePlunging Strike- Switch to a character and perform a Normal Attack in 1 turn is efficient
- Lesser cost for executing 2 actions
Heavy StrikeHeavy Strike- Lesser cost for executing Normal Attack
- Great for a character that utilizes infused Normal Attack like Chongyun
Teyvat Fried EggTeyvat Fried Egg- Revives a defeated character
- Good to pair with an artifact or character that provides shield points/healing
Sashimi PlatterSashimi Platter- All Normal Attack done for the round deals additional 1 DMG
-Recommended for character that utilizes Normal Attack like Yoimiya
StrategizeStrategize- Draw 2 Cards at 1 Cost.
The Bestest Travel Companion!The Bestest Travel Companion!- Converts useless Elemental Dice to Omni Dice.
- Great with any decks.
Leave It To Me!Leave It To Me! - Makes Character Change to Fast Action.
- Allows you to change characters and attack.
Quick KnitQuick Knit- Choose one Summon on your side and grant it +1 Usage(s).
Elemental Resonance: Woven Ice
Elemental Resonance: Woven Waters
Elemental Resonance: Woven Thunder
Elemental Resonance: Woven Flames
Elemental Resonance: Woven Winds
Elemental Resonance: Woven Weeds
Elemental Resonance: Woven Stones
- Creates 1 (element) Die
- You must have at least 2 same Element characters in your deck to add this card to your deck.
All Event Cards List For Genius Invokation (TCG)

Best Support Cards

HanachirusatoHanachirusato- No cost and can decrease the cost of equipping Weapon/Artifact Card by 2 Elemental Dice
Sumeru CitySumeru City- Decreases the cost of Skill or equipping Talent Card
- Good to pair with Tubby Card
VanaranaVanarana- No cost and can recycle 2 unused Elemental Dice
TenshukakuTenshukaku- Provides an additional Omni Element Die if you got 5 different kinds of Elemental Die
- Goods to pair with Tubby Card & Thunder and Eternity Card
※ Not good to pair with Jade Chamber Card & Artifact Card that guarantees the Elemental Die
Chinju ForestChinju Forest- Elemental Die and if you do not start the round, get 1 additional Elemental Die that matches your active character
RanaRana- Produces 1 additional Elemental Die per round
- Good to pair with Dunyarzad Card
Red Feather FanRed Feather Fan- Makes switching to another character free & Fast Action
※ Works on the second switching
Treasure-Seeking SeelieTreasure-Seeking Seelie- Draw 3 cards for 1 Elemental Die but needs time to accumulate stacks
LibenLiben- You can use 3 Dice to activate.
- Gives you 2 Draws and 2 Dice.
Knights Of Favonius LibraryKnights Of Favonius Library- Allows you to reroll upon using.
Liyue Harbor WharfLiyue Harbor Wharf- Gives you 2 Draws at End Phase
- Useful for increasing cards on hand.
All Support Card List for Genius Invokation (TCG)

Best Equipment Cards

Engulfing LightningEngulfing Lightning- Gain additional DMG & Energy
- Good to pair with Wagner Card
Vortex VanquisherVortex Vanquisher- Useful for the deck if the characters can be shielded consistently
- Good to pair with Wagner Card & General's Ancient Helm/Tenacity of the Millelith Card
The BellThe Bell- Provides 1 shield point to the active character after using a Skill
- Stacks with shield points produced by triggering Crystallize
- Good to pair with Wagner Card
ShimenawaShimenawa's Reminiscence- Decreases Skill/Talent Card cost by 1
- Bonus 1 Normal Attack & Skill DMG if the character equipping this artifact has at least 2 Energy
- Great to pair with cards that can give Energy
Vermillion HereafterVermillion Hereafter- Decreases Normal Attack/Talent Card cost by 1
- Bonus 1 Normal Attack DMG if the character equipping this artifact is switched from standby to active
Emblem OF Severed FateEmblem OF Severed Fate- Gives 1 Energy & 2 Bonus DMG to the user after using Burst
- Recommended for characters with Burst that only costs 2 Energies
- Best artifact for Raiden Shogun Card
Tenacity Of The MillelithTenacity Of The Millelith- Useful for improving the durability of the character
- Can provide 1 bonus Elemental Die
All Equipment Card List For Genius Invokation (TCG)

What Do You Think Are The Best Cards In Genius Invokation?

Based on your plays, which card do you think is the strongest in Genius Invokation? Tell us in the ▼Comments below.

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Anonymous 6

The Jade Chamber is sooooooo useful

Anonymous 5

oh i actually quite like the jade chamber card, it’s always on my deck!

Nacho 4

Responding to {Anonymous]' comment, Library of Favonious isn't a downgrade since it allows you to re-roll every round

Anonymous 3

Anonymous 2

The library of Favonius is a downgrade version of the Toss Up card. It costs 1 die to use while toss-up is free.

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