Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Ayaka Best Build & Weapon Guide

Genshin Impact | Ayaka Best Build & Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact | Ayaka Best Build & Weapon Guide - GameWith

Ayaka is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Ayaka's, best build, cyro dps build, burst build, best weapon, best artifacts, talent materials, best team, & tier for Ayaka.

Table of Contents

Ayaka Tier & Review

5 StarCryoCryoSword
How To Get?
Only available in Limited-Time Banners where she is featured
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Ayaka!

Strengths & Weakness Of Ayaka

- Powerful & consistent Cryo damage
↳ Cryo infusion is easy to sustain
- CRIT DMG ascension scaling that makes her easier to build
↳ Perfect for Blizzard Strayer
- High energy cost for Elemental Burst
- Elemental Burst pushes away enemies
↳ Perform either Freeze or Melt reaction so the enemies stay in place
- Stamina management is needed for consistency
▼ Details about Ayaka below.

Ayaka Best Build

Ayaka Cryo Main DPS Build

WeaponMistsplitter ReforgedMistsplitter Reforged
Substitute1. Primordial Jade CutterPrimordial Jade Cutter
2. Summit ShaperSummit Shaper
3. The Black SwordThe Black Sword
4. Blackcliff LongswordBlackcliff Longsword (F2P)
Best ArtifactBlizzard StrayerBlizzard Strayer x4
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Cryo DMG Bonus
Circlet: Crit Rate/Crit DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. Crit Rate/Crit DMG
2. ATK%
3. Energy Recharge

This build is centered around increasing the damage across all of Ayaka's attacks. This will allow her to be an on-field Cryo main DPS that can deal a good chunk of DMG even with just her Cryo normal attacks.

Ayaka Burst DPS Build

WeaponMistsplitter ReforgedMistsplitter Reforged
Substitute1. Amenoma KageuchiAmenoma Kageuchi (F2P)
2. Primordial Jade CutterPrimordial Jade Cutter
3. Summit ShaperSummit Shaper
4. Blackcliff LongswordBlackcliff Longsword (F2P)
Best ArtifactBlizzard StrayerBlizzard Strayer x2
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige x2
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Physical DMG Bonus
Circlet: Crit Rate/Crit DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. Crit Rate/Crit DMG
2. ATK%
3. Energy Recharge

For this build, the focus is on increasing the damage for Ayaka's Burst. She can still act as an on-field DPS, but most of her damage will come her Burst instead of her Normal Attack. Also good for quick swap teams.

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Ayaka Best Weapon

Cryo Main DPS Build

BestMistsplitter ReforgedMistsplitter ReforgedCRIT DMG 44.1% (Lvl. 90)
- High Elemental DMG ceiling
- Crit DMG sub-stat makes it easy to build CR/CD
2ndPrimordial Jade CutterPrimordial Jade CutterCRIT Rate 44.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Provides additional ATK depending on the character's HP
- Crit Rate sub-stat makes it easier to build CR/CD
3rdSummit ShaperSummit Shaper ATK 49.6% (Lvl. 90)
- High Base ATK and additional ATK from sub-stat
- Weapon skill provides additional ATK when you hit enemies
4thThe Black SwordThe Black SwordCRIT Rate 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Increase Normal Attack & Charged attack damage
- Provides healing whenever you score a Crit hit
Crit Rate sub-state will help build CR/CD easier
Blackcliff LongswordBlackcliff LongswordCRIT DMG 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Can be used as a stat stick for Ayaka
- Get the most out of the weapon when fighting multiple enemies

Crit Rate/Crit DMG Weapons Are Best

When it comes to Ayaka's weapons, it's recommended that you use high rarity weapons that have either a Crit Rate or Crit Damage sub-stat. The Mistsplitter is her BIS weapon, but the Primordial Jade Cutter is a good replacement for it.

Burst DPS Build

BestMistsplitter ReforgedMistsplitter ReforgedCRIT DMG 44.1% (Lvl. 90)
- High Elemental DMG ceiling
- Crit DMG sub-stat makes it easy to build CR/CD
- Might encounter energy issues, but can be fixed with a battery in the team
Amenoma KageuchiAmenoma KageuchiATK 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Best 4-star weapon for a Burst DPS Ayaka
- Will provide good damage and energy
3rdPrimordial Jade CutterPrimordial Jade CutterCRIT Rate 44.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Provides additional ATK depending on the character's HP
- Crit Rate sub-stat makes it easier to build CR/CD
4thSummit ShaperSummit Shaper ATK 49.6% (Lvl. 90)
- High Base ATK and additional ATK from sub-stat
- Weapon skill provides additional ATK when you hit enemies
Blackcliff LongswordBlackcliff LongswordCRIT DMG 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Can be used as a stat stick for Ayaka
- Get the most out of the weapon when fighting multiple enemies

Better To Not Build Energy Recharge In Weapon

Although this is a Burst DPS build, it's not recommended that you use a weapon with an Energy Recharge sub-stat. You can alleviate this with either a Cryo battery or ER artifact stats so it's best to leave your weapon for CR/CD or ATK%.

Amenoma Kageuchi Is A Good Weapon For This Build

Although the Amenoma Kageuchi is not a 5-Star weapon, it's one of the best weapons for this build because it will allow Ayaka to get her Burst up quickly without sacrificing her damage.

All Weapon List

Ayaka Best Artifacts

Ayaka Cryo Main DPS Build Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Cryo Main DPS Build

BestBlizzard StrayerBlizzard Strayer
Substitute 1Blizzard StrayerBlizzard Strayer
GladiatorGladiator's Finale
Any 2-Piece ATK% Artifact

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK / Energy Recharge
Goblet IconMain: Cryo DMG Bonus
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: Crit Rate/Crit DMG
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK% / Energy Recharge

Can Fully Utilize Blizzard Strayer

Ayaka is one of the few characters who can fully utilize the 4-Piece Set Bonus of Blizzard Strayer. If you're running a Freeze comp, you can fully focus on just building Crit Damage for her.

Ayaka Burst DPS Build Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Burst DPS Build

BestBlizzard StrayerBlizzard Strayer
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige
Substitute 1GladiatorGladiator's Finale
Any other 2-Piece ATK% Artifact
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK / Energy Recharge
Goblet IconMain: Physical DMG Bonus
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: Crit Rate/Crit DMG
Sub: Crit Rate/Crit Damage / ATK% / Energy Recharge

Noblesse Oblige 2-Piece Will Increase Her Burst Damage

For this build, your main focus is to increase the damage of Ayaka's Burst. This makes the 2-Piece Noblesse Oblige a good pick for her. You can either go for Blizzard Strayer 2-piece or a Gladiator's Finale 2-piece to compliment it.

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Ayaka Best Team Comp

Premium Team For Ayaka

Main DPSSub-DPSSub-DPSSupport
- A permafreeze comp for Ayaka
- Mona will provide additional DMG while doing Freeze with Ayaka
- Kazuha can act as an enabler and shred for Cryo
- Diona will provide shield, healing, and Cryo resonance with Ayaka

Other Characters That Works With Ayaka

- Can provide continuous Hydro application
- Will heal the team
- Both will deal elemental shred
- Venti is better just because of crowd control
- Both can fill in Diona's role in the team (besides healer)

Free To Play Friendly Party

Main DPSSub-DPSSub-DPSSub-DPS / Healer
- A Free-to-play friendly multi-reaction team for Ayaka
- Diona can act as a battery for Ayaka
- Xingqiu and Xiangling will provide multiple reactions with Ayaka as a main DPS

Notes About Team Comps For Ayaka

Due to Ayaka's kit, she's limited to mostly being an on-field DPS. You can use her for quick swap, but she really shines the most as an on-field DPS due to her continuous Cryo application with her Normal Attacks.

Ayaka Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Sakura Bloom Farm Routes

Sakura Bloom Farm Routes
Sakura Bloom Farm Route

Talent Materials For Ayaka

Ayaka 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Kamisato Art - Kabuki★★★★★
Kamisato Art: Hyouka (Elemental Skill)★★★★・
Kamisato Art: Soumetsu (Elemental Burst)★★★★・

Ayaka Skill Guide & How To Use Ayaka

Recommended Rotation For Ayaka

Recommended Rotation
1Use Elemental Skill to buff your normal attack and dash towards the enemy
2Attack until the Cryo infusion ends and dash once again after then continue attacking
*Use your Elemental Burst for finishing

Uses Of Ayaka's Elemental Skill

Cryo 1

Most Of Her Damage Comes From Skill + Attack

Ayaka already has an high damage scaling for her normal attack but this is further powered when her elemental skill hits. Maximize the damage of Ayaka by juggling between these two.

Applies Cryo To Multiple Enemies

Enemies within Ayaka's Skill will take Cryo damage if they are within their range. This is a quick and easy way to apply Cryo to a whole group of enemies.

Uses Of Ayaka's Elemental Burst

Continuous Cryo DMG Great For Frozen Enemies

Cryo 2

Ayaka's Elemental Burst summons a powerful wave of Icy Wind that will greatly damage enemies on its path. The wind slows down once it lands on the opponents enabling multiple damage tics and Cryo infliction.

Knocks Back Enemies

Ayaka's Burst works similar to Diluc's wherein it pushes back enemies. Take note of this when using her Burst since you may end up missing out on DMG trying to follow after knocked back enemies.

Ayaka Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Ayaka?

Pull If You Need A Cryo DPS


Ayaka is a top-class DPS that deals powerful Cryo attacks. She can imbue her sword with Cryo whenever she uses her sprint. This allows her to have an almost 100% uptime for Cryo application. She has good scaling and can fit in most Cryo-reaction comps.

Best Constellation For Ayaka

★★★★・C1: Snowswept Sakura
When Kamisato Ayaka's Normal or Charged Attacks deal Cryo DMG to opponents, it has a 50% chance of decreasing the CD of Kamisato Art: Hyouka by 0.3s. This effect can occur once every 0.1s.
★★・・・C2: Blizzard Blade Seki No To
When casting Kamisato Art: Soumetsu, unleashes 2 smaller additional Frostflake Seki No To, each dealing 20% of the original storm's DMG
★★★・・C3: Frostbloom Kamifubuki
Increases the Level of Kamisato Art: Soumetsu by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★★C4: Ebb And Flow
Opponents damaged by Kamisato Art: Soumetsu's Frostflake Seki No To will have their DEF decreased by 30% for 6s.
★★★・・C5: Blossom Cloud Irutsuki
Increases the Level of Kamisato Art: Hyouka Waters by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★・・・・C6: Dance Of Suigetsu
Kamisato Ayaka gains Usurahi Nutou every 10s, increasing her Charged Attack DMG by 298%. This buff will be cleared 0.5s after Ayaka's Charged ATK hits an opponent, after which the timer for this ability will restart.

Constellation 4 For Highest DMG Increase

With constellation 4, when using Ayaka's elemental burst the opponent's defense will decrease to 30%, and giving more Cryo damage towards the enemies. This makes Ayaka's already powerful Elemental Burst more devastating.

Ayaka Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Kamisato Art: Kabuki

Normal Attack

Performs up to 5 rapid strikes.
1-Hit DMG45.7%49.4%53.2%58.5%62.2%66.5%72.3%78.1%84%90.4%96.8%
2-Hit DMG48.7%52.6%56.6%62.3%66.2%70.8%77%83.2%89.4%96.2%103%
3-Hit DMG62.6%67.7%72.8%80.1%85.2%91%99%107%115%123.8%132.5%
4-Hit DMG22.6%×324.5%×326.3%×329%×330.8%×332.9%×335.8%×338.7%×341.6%×344.8%×347.9%×3
5-Hit DMG78.2%84.5%90.9%100%106.4%113.6%123.6%133.6%143.6%154.5%165.5%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash a flurry of sword ki.

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG63.9%69.1%74.3%81.8%87%92.9%101.1%109.3%117.5%126.4%135.3%
Low Plunge DMG128%138%149%164%174%186%202%219%235%253%271%
High Plunge DMG160%173%186%204%217%232%253%273%293%316%338%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Kamisato Art: Hyouka (Elemental Skill)

Summons blooming ice to launch nearby opponents, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
Skill DMG239.2%257.1%275.1%299%316.9%334.9%358.8%382.7%406.6%430.5%454.5%478.4%508.3%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Kamisato Art: Soumetsu

Summons forth a snowstorm with flawless poise, unleashing a Frostflake Seki no To that moves forward continuously.

Frostflake Seki No To

・A storm of whirling icy winds that slashes repeatedly at every enemy it touches, dealing Cryo DMG.
・The snowstorm explodes after its duration ends, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
Cutting DMG112.3%120.7%129.1%140.4%148.8%157.2%168.4%179.7%190.9%202.1%213.4%224.6%238.6%
Bloom DMG168.4%181%193.7%210.6%223.2%235.8%252.7%269.5%286.4%303.2%320%336.9%358%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Kamisato Art: Senho (Alternate Sprint)

Ayaka consumes Stamina and cloaks herself in a frozen fog that moves with her.

Passive Talents

Amatsumi Kunitsumi Sanctification

After using Kamisato Art: Hyouka, Kamisato Ayaka's Normal and Charged attacks deal 30% increased DMG for 6s.

Kanten Senmyou Blessing

When the Cryo application at the end of Kamisato Art: Senho hits an opponent, Kamisato Ayaka gains the following effects:
・Restores 10 Stamina
・Gains 18% Cryo DMG Bonus for 10s.

Fruits of Shinsa

When Ayaka crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 10% chance to receive double the product.

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Monymousah 71

2/2) So I removed all Blizzard strayer4pc from her and change it with Severed4pc. I give her 220 ER stat. And the result is pretty good. The burst dmg stay big, uptime is good, & can ACT as SubDPS.
But E & CA dropped

Monymousah 70

1/2) In this era with Neuvillette and Knave as the champion of mainDPS, my old Ayaka cannot finish floor 12 under 3 minutes even after using Xilo-Kazu-Furina. All because 80 burst energy cost.

Anonymous 69

Huh? How old is this Ayaka guide? I wanted to see is they added anything about Furina, Marechaussee Hunter or Finale of the Deep. Meanwhile there isn’t even a single mention about Shenhe, who is Ayaka’s best support

Anonymous 68

Thank goodness this place is free from the toxicity that is game8.

Anonymous 67

I think a new good team for ayaka is now ayaka furina Charlotte kazuha pretty decent team with lots of damage

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