The full Geoculus locations map for Genshin Impact! This guide includes a finder, max level, rewards interactive map with a checker of Geoculus (geo oculus) orbs & finder!
Table of Contents
Geoculus Locations Map
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Tap the icons on the map to record the status of each orb
How To Get Each Geoculus Orb
- Inside a tower - easily climbable.
- Floating in the air. Climb up a tall ledge nearby and jump off to get it.
- Underneath the bridge. Just swim up to it to get it.
- Above a rock. Use Traveler's Geo skill to reach it.
- Floating in the air. Jump at it and glide from a nearby ledge.
- Floating in the air above some stones. Glide over from a nearby cliff.
- On top of some rocks. Simply climb up them to reach it.
- Hidden inside some ruins. Just walk up to it.
▲ Back To Map - Floating in a stone object with a circle in the middle. Just walk up to it and climb in to get it. There is a strong enemy in the area, so be careful.
- Floating in the sky. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- Floating in the air. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- Floating very high up in the sky. Climb up the nearby tree and jump off to get it.
- On the roof of a house wit ha waterwheel nearby. Head to the roof of another nearby house and use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- Floating near a house. Climb up the house and jump to reach it.
- On top of some pillars in the water. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- In the air. Climb up the nearby ledge and use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
▲ Back To Map - Floating above the water. Climb up the object in the image and use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- In the air. Climb up the nearby cliff and use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- Up high in a bamboo tree. Climb up to reach it.
- Floating in the air. Climb up the nearby cliff and jump down to get it.
- Above a boulder near the water's edge. Approach it to get it.
- On the roof of a house. It's possible to climb up the house to reach it.
- In a small hole to the side of a waterfall. Simply approach it to get it.
- When you enter the cave near the waterfall, it'll be right up on a ledge above an enemy. The wall is climbable.
- In a tree. Climb up it to reach it.
▲ Back To Map - In the deepest part of a cave near the waterfall. By completing the quest "The Chi of Guyun", you can gain access to this cave.
- Floating in the air. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- On a hill. Simply approach it to get it.
- Floating above a building. Climb up to get it.
- Blocked by some wind. Climb up a ledge above and float into it from above to get the Geoculus.
- Up in a tree. Climb up the tree to get it.
- Underneath a building. Glide into it by jumping off a building above.
- On the roof of a house. Climb to the highest part of the building to get it.
▲ Back To Map - Floating in the area. Use Wind abilities to activate the event here and create a wind current to fly up and reach it.
- Floating under the bridge. Float into it by jumping off the top of the bridge.
- On a boulder in the water. Just approach it to get it.
- Under the bridge. Jump down from above the bridge to get it.
- High up in the sky. Activate a wind current by using Wind magic on some nearby devices to reach this.
- Hidden underneath a stone arch. Just walk up to it to get it.
- Inside of a mine. Just walk up to it.
▲ Back To Map - Up in a tree. Climb up the tree to get it.
- Floating above the water. There's an enemy here that produces ice you can walk on - use that to reach it, but be careful not to get knocked off.
- Floating in the sky. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- On top of a roof. Climb up to reach it.
- Up high on a cliff. Climb up to reach it.
- Floating by the side of a cliff, about halfway up. Climb up the cliff to reach it.
- Floating above a stone block in a covered area. Just approach to obtain it.
- On a stone pillar near the beach. Jump over to it to collect it.
▲ Back To Map - Floating above the water. Climb up to a boulder in the vicinity and glide towards the Geoculus.
- On top of a rock. Simply climb up to reach it.
- On top of a rock formation. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- On top of a rock formation on the island. You can use Kaeya's Cryo skill to traverse the water by making an ice path.
- Floating up high on a hill. Activate a wind current by hitting the nearby object with wind magic. Use the air current to get the Geoculus.
- Floating in the broken part of a bridge. Jump at it and glide from higher elevation.
- On top of a boulder. Climb up the rocks to get to it.
▲ Back To Map - Inside of a rock structure. It's possible to climb up to reach it.
- Descend down soem stairs to find this one in a room. The door to the room opens when you defeat a powerful enemy outside.
- On top of a climbable rock.
- At the end of a pier. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- Floating above the water. Glide towards it by jumping off a nearby mountain, or use Cryo skills (such as Kaeya's) to freeze the water and make it traversable.
- Floating up in the air. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- Near some boulders on a cliff side. Climb up the rocks to reach it.
- On the roof of a building. Climb up above the building and jump down to it to reach it.
- High up in the air. Activate an event using Pyro magic by hitting certain objects. This will activate a wind current you can use.
▲ Back To Map - High up in the air. Use wind magic to trigger an event and create a wind current to get you up there.
- Floating in the air. Use wind magic to trigger an event which will spawn a platform you can use to reach it.
- Inside of a stone building. It's possible to get in from a hole in the roof of the structure.
- Inside of a space you can enter from a hole in the side of a mountain. Jump over and glide to the Geoculus from a nearby high place.
- Floating in the sky. Climb up to a nearby rock and glide over to it from above.
- In a small space accessible via a hole in the cliff. Just walk in to get it.
- In a basement below a stone statue. You can climb down here via a hole in the front of the statue.
- On the roof of a boat in the sea. Climb up a nearby mountain and glide over to the the boat.
▲ Back To Map - Floating in the air. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- Above a building. Climb up to a nearby rock formation and glide into it.
- On top of a stone structure. Climb up it to reach it.
- On top of a crane. This crane can be climbed to reach the Geoculus.
- In a stone tower. The structure itself can be climbed.
- On the edge of a cliff. This cliff is climbable.
- Inside a building. Just walk up to it to obtain the Geoculus.
- On top of a long stone pillar. Climb up the pillar to reach it.
▲ Back To Map - On top of a stone building. This building can be climbed up to reach the Geoculus.
- On the inner part of a broken stone tower. Climb up the structure to enter it. Once you defeat the enemies inside you'll get a chest.
- Above some water, protected by a barrier. Light 5 torches and then use Geo attacks on the device to cause the water to disappear. After, you'll have to touch 3 spirits in order to get the barrier to disappear.
- Floating above a stone pillar. Climb up to a nearby high spot and glide into this.
- Floating near a tree. Walk up to it to get it.
- On top of a tree at the top of a mountain. Climb all the way to the top of the mountain to get this.
- On top of a pillar. Fly over to it from a nearby hill.
- Near some ruins. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
▲ Back To Map - Floating near the ruins of some bridges. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- In a space between two cliffs. Climb up the cliff and glide down to get it.
- On a floating island on top of a mountain. First adjust some crane statues to in the area to face towards the floating island and then activate a device on the summit of the mountain with the floating island.
- Near the base of a bridge. Approach it to get it.
- In the basin under a waterfall. Use the glider to fly into it from above.
- In the water. Activate a device nearby to drain the water and get it.
- On top of a building. Climb up to the nearby mountain and glide over to it.
▲ Back To Map - On the roof of a house. Climb up to get it.
- On the summit of a mountain. Climb up to get it.
- Floating high in the air. Climb up the nearby structure and glide over to the Geoculus.
- Floating in the air. Fly over from a nearby ledge to reach.
- In the air. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- In an area you can access by entering a hole in the side of some rocks. Approach the orb to get it.
- On top of a roof. Climb up the house to get it.
- Floating in the air on the beach. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
- Hidden between some rocks at the base of a cliff. Walk up to it to get it.
▲ Back To Map - By some rocks on a cliff. Climb up the cliff to get at this one.
- On top of a mountain. Climb up said mountain to get it.
- Floating in the sky. Jump off a nearby mountain and glide into it.
- On top of a mountain. Climb up the mountain to get to it.
- Below a cliff. There's a wind current you can ride. Cancel the effect of your glider midway to get this Geoculus.
- On the roof of a building. Fly over to the building from a nearby cliff to reach this.
- Floating in the sky. Climb up a nearby mountain and glide over to get it.
- Up in the air above a fallen tree. Use Traveler's Geo skill at your feet to reach it.
▲ Back To Map - Floating in the air. Jump off a nearby mountain and glide over to it.
- Floating high in the air. Jump off a nearby mountain and glide over to it.
- On top of a mountain. Climb up the mountain to reach it.
- Floating above a mountain. Spawn a wind current by hitting some devices with wind magic and use the current to reach the Geoculus.
- Flaoting high up in the air. Spawn a wind current by hitting some devices with wind magic and use the current to float up to the Geoculus.
- In a small cave in the lake. Use Traveler's Geo magic to create a platform and get this. There are several enemies here, so be careful.
- On top of some rocks. You can climb up this cliffside to reach it.
- Floating in the air. Jump towards it from the nearby tree.
▲ Back To Map - Floating above some rocks. Just walk up to it to get it.
- Floating in the air. Use Traveler's Geo magic to make a platform and reach it.
- Floating in the air. Spawn a wind tunnel by hitting some devices with wind magic and use the current to reach the Geoculus.
- Floating in the air. Use Traveler's Geo magic to spawn a platform to reach it.
- In a tree. Climb up the tree to get it.
- Floating in the air. Use Traveler's Geo magic to spawn a platform and reach it.
- Above a rock. Approach it to get it.
- On top of a tall rock. Climb up to reach it.
- On top of a mountain. Climb up to reach it.
- On top of a mountain. Use Traveler's Geo skills to make a platform and reach it.
- On top of the mast of a ship. Climb up to the mountain of a nearby island and glide over to the boat.
▲ Back To Map
Support Item To Find Geoculus

After 1.1 Updates, an item to support finding Geoculus was added to the game. The item is called Geoculus Resonance Stone, which can be crafted after raising Liyue City Reputation. This item will help you find unclaimed Geoculus!
Check Out How To Get Geoculus Resonance Stone