Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Inazuma Map & Location Guide - How To Unlock

Genshin Impact | Inazuma Map & Location Guide - How To Unlock

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Genshin Impact | Inazuma Map & Location Guide - How To Unlock - GameWith

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Inazuma is a Japanese-themed nation for Genshin Impact. See map, characters, shrine of depths, Electroculus, boss, enemies, how to unlock, story, world quests, secrets & puzzles.

Table of Contents

Inazuma - Latest News & Update

Latest Update Related To Inazuma

2.5 Update Of The Game

2.5 update Inazuma

The latest update related to the region of Inazuma was the 2.5 Update and its main event is called the Three Realms Gateway Offering.

Three Realms Gateway Offering Guide

Inazuma - Map & Location

Whole Map Of Inazuma

Whole Inazuma Map

Inazuma Islands In Version 2.0

Inazuma Islands List

How To Unlock Inazuma

Release DateJuly 21, 2021
Version Release2.0 Update
How To UnlockFirst: Complete the Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves
Second: Complete the The Immovable God And The Eternal Euthymia
EligibilityAdventure Rank 30 and above

How To Get To Inazuma

Archon Quests
Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves
The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia

Players must complete the Archon Quest called Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves in order to unlock the region of Inazuma. In this certain quest, you will meet the first Inazuman character, Kazuha!

How To Travel To Inazuma

how to go to Inazuma

During the Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves, you will be accompanied by Beidou, her Crux Fleet & also Kazuha towards the region of Inazuma.

Archon Quests List Walkthroughs

Inazuma Characters

All Inazuma Characters

NameVersion ReleasedDescription
Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu2.7 Update★ 4 / Electro / Sword
[EN] Voice Actor: Kira Buckland
[JP] Voice Actor: Mizuhashi Kaori
- Deputy Leader of the Arataki Gang
AyatoAyato2.6 Update★ 5 / Hydro / Sword
[EN] Voice Actor: Chris Hackney
[JP] Voice Actor: Ishida Akira
- Head of the Kamisato Clan
Yae MikoYae Miko2.5 Update★ 5 / Electro / Catalyst
[EN] Voice Actor: Ratana
[JP] Voice Actor: Ayane Sakura
- Head Priestess of the Grand Narukami Shrine
Arataki IttoArataki Itto2.3 Update★ 5 / Geo / Claymore
[EN] Voice Actor: Max Mittelman
[JP] Voice Actor: Nishikawa Takanori
- Head of the Oni of Hanamizaka
GorouGorou2.3 Update★ 4 / Geo / Bow
[EN] Voice Actor: Cory Yee
[JP] Voice Actor: Hatanaka Tasuku
- General of the Watatsumi Army
ThomaThoma2.2 Update★ 4 / Pyro / Polearm
[EN] Voice Actor: Christian Banas
[JP] Voice Actor: Masakazu Morita
- Retainer of the Kamisato Clan
KokomiKokomi2.1 Update★ 5 / Hydro / Catalyst
[EN] Voice Actor: Risa Mei
[JP] Voice Actor: Suzuko Momori
- Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island
Kujou SaraKujou Sara2.1 Update★ 4 / Electro / Bow
[EN] Voice Actor: Jeannie Tirado
[JP] Voice Actor: Asami Seto
- General of the Tenryou Commission
Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun2.1 Update★ 5 / Electro / Polearm
[EN] Voice Actor: Anne Yatco
[JP] Voice Actor: Miyuki Sawashiro
- The Electro Archon
SayuSayu2.0 Update★ 4 / Anemo / Claymore
[EN] Voice Actor: Lilypichu
[JP] Voice Actor: Aya Suzaki
- Young ninja from the Shuumatsuban
YoimiyaYoimiya2.0 Update★ 5 / Pyro / Bow
[EN] Voice Actor: Jenny Yokobori
[JP] Voice Actor: Kana Ueda
- Owner of Naganohara Fireworks
AyakaAyaka2.0 Update★ 5 / Cryo / Sword
[EN] Voice Actor: Erica Mendez
[JP] Voice Actor: Saori Hayama
- Eldest Daughter Of The Kamisato Clan
KazuhaKazuha1.6 Update★ 5 / Anemo / Sword
[EN] Voice Actor: Mark Whitten
[JP] Voice Actor: Nobunaga Shimazaki
- A Wandering Samurai From Inazuma
All Characters Guide

Inazuma - Hidden Gimmick, Puzzle & Things To Do

Things To Do In Inazuma
1▼ Unlock the Statue of Seven and teleport waypoints
2▼ Complete Archon, Story and World quests
3▼ Increase your level in Grand Narukami Shrine
4▼ Search for hidden gimmicks and puzzle
5▼ Level Up Your Inazuma Reputation
6▼ Unlock Inazuma Shrines & Domains
7▼ Collect Inazuma craftable weapons & recipes
8▼ Unlock the other areas of Inazuma
9▼ Unlock treasure chests

Unlock Statue Of Seven

Upon reaching the region of Inazuma, make sure to prioritize unlocking the Statue of the Seven first then the respective teleport waypoints.

Resonate Traveler With Electro Element

electro traveler

Once you unlocked a Statue of Seven you can finally resonate the Traveler to an Electro element.

Electro Traveler Build & Weapon Guide

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Complete Archon, Story & World Quests

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Increase The Level Of Your Sacred Sakura

Collect Electro Sigil from treasure boxes and quests while exploring Inazuma and offer them to Sacred Sakura to level up your Electrogranum level and receive generous rewards.

Sacred Sakura Guide

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Collect 181 Electroculus

Electroculus interactive map

Explore Inazuma and collect Electroculus to offer them to the Statue of Seven for generous rewards. Use our Electroculus Interactive Map if you are having difficulty collecting them all!

Electroculus Interactive Map

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Hidden Gimmicks & Puzzles

Inazuma Hidden Gimmicks

electro sigilElectro Sigils- Use to offer in the Sacred Sakura Shrine to increase its level. Get these electro sigils through farming chests and solving puzzles!
Thunder SakuraThunder Sakura- Interact to obtain Eleectrogranum
ElectrogranumElectrogranum- can be used to enter electric barriers and teleport using Thunder Spheres
Thunder SphereThunder Sphere- An electro flying object that draws electro lines once player obtained the Electrogranum
Electro SeelieElectro Seelie- A seelie that is similar to the ones we encounter in Mondstadt & Liyue, the only difference is, it moves so fast
Electro Pile of StonesElectro Pile of Stones- Similar also to the pile of stones we encountered in Mondstadt & Liyue, break it to get the item inside
Relay StonesRelay Stones- Connect the mechanisms thoroughly to get chest rewards! make sure to connect it first in the Discharge Stone
Sacred Stone Mound & Thunder Bearer MirrorSacred Stone Mound & Thunder Bearer Mirror - Find first the Sacred Stone Mound first!
- Second, deduce the electro route by adjusting the direction and elevation angle of the device!
Lightning Strike ProbeLightning Strike Probe (Electro Arrows)- A ruin device that can detect the directions of Electro Elements such as player itself, electro infected monsters, and other items imbued in electro
Electro Cube Puzzle DevicesElectro Cube Puzzle Devices- Solve these cubes by hitting them, make sure to follow a certain format to solve the puzzle!
Bake-DanukiBake-Danuki- Follow this creature until it gives you a reward!
Phase GatesPhase Gates- Electro floating gates that allows you to swiftly transport yourself from one place to another
Electric LampElectric Lamp- Light them up by summoning an Electrogranum to reveal a treasure chest
Mysterious Pillars Puzzle & SolutionMysterious Pillars- Interact or pay respect to this Mysterious Pillars as it will activate some puzzles and also offers you various rewards!
Key to Some PlaceKey to Some PlaceThis key is used to unlock the Tatara Arsenal gate located below the cliff beneath the Tatarasuna area.
Rusted BladeRusted Blade- Search for these Rusted Blade and unlock a hidden achievement.

Inazuma Puzzles

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Level Up Your Inazuma Reputation

Inazuma Reputation

Increase your Inazuma Reputation by doing quest, bounties, and request! Increasing your reputation will have a corresponding rewards such as Gadgets, blueprints and Gliders!

Inazuma Reputation System Guide

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Inazuma Shrine Of Depths & Domains

Inazuma Shrine of Depths

Get 40 primogems for every Shrine of Depths opened together with valuable materials. Use our Inazuma Shrine of Depths Interactive Map to track all of their locations.

Inazuma Shrine of Depths Locations

Inazuma Domains List

Domain NameLocationType of Domain
Slumbering CourtSeirai IslandArtifacts
Court Of Flowing SandsNarukami IslandWeapon Ascension
Momiji-Dyed CourtYashiori IslandArtifacts
Violet CourtBetween Narukami & KannazukaTalent Level-Up
Court Of Flowing SandsNarukamiWeapon Ascension
Narukami Island: TenshukakuNarukamiTrounce Domain
Shakkei PavilionKannazuka / TatarasunaOne-Time Domain
Empty Boat Of A Thousand GatesNarukamiOne-Time Domain
Formation EstateYashiori IslandOne-Time Domain
Palace In A PoolWatatsumi IslandOne-Time Domain
Moshiri KaraSeirai / TsurumiOne-Time Domain
All Domains List

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Collect Inazuma Craftable Weapons & Recipes

New Inazuma Forgeable Weapons

All Weapons List

Inazuma Recipes

All Recipes List

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Unlock Other Areas In Inazuma

Inazuma Islands

Narukami Island
Narukami Island
Yasiori and Kannazuka Island
Yashiori Island
Watatsumi Island
Watatsumi Island
Seirai Island
Tatarasuna Island
Tsurumi Island
Tsurumi Island
Tsurumi Island

* Map images are from the Official Teyvat Map.

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Inazuma Treasure Chest

All Inazuma treasure chests

While exploring Inazuma, you can also search and look for treasure chests across the whole Inazuma region.

Treasure Chest Map Interactive Map

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Inazuma - Local Specialities & Materials

All Inazuma Specialties

Sakura BloomSakura Bloom- Grand Narukami Shrine
- Chinju Forest
- Kamisato Estate
- Inazuma City
DendrobiumDendrobium- Kujou Encampent
- Nazuchi Beach
- Jakotsu Mine
Naku WeedNaku Weed- Mount Yougou
- Between Konda Village & Byakko Plain
- Kujou Encampment
- Tatarasuna
- Jakotsu Mine
- Between Higi Village & Misoujin Gorge
Sea GanodermaSea Ganoderma- Located all over the sea shores of Inazuma
OnikabutoOnikabuto- Grand Narukami Shrine
- Chinju Forest
- Konda Village
- Inazuma City
- Kujou Encampment
- Tatarasuna
- Higi Village
- Serpent's Head
- Jakotsu Mine
Crystal MarrowCrystal Marrow- Tatarasuna
- Serpent's Head
- Fort Fujitou
- Misoujin Gorge
(located in some parts of the cliff, while some are below the cliffs)
Amakumo FruitAmakumo Fruit- Can be found across Seirai Island
Sango PearlSango Pearl- Can be found only on Watatsumi Island
Fluorescent FungusFluorescent Fungus- Can be found only on Tsurumi Island

Inazuma Gadgets / Materials

Local Specialties Map Guide

Inazuma - Boss & Enemies

Inazuma Bosses

Inazuma Enemies

Map & Material List

Individual Map Per Item

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Inazuma is good

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