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2.0 Update Content Summary & Patch Notes

Genshin Impact | 2.0 Update Release Date & Patch Notes

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Genshin Impact | 2.0 Update Release Date & Patch Notes - GameWith

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2.0 Update for Version 2.0 of Genshin Impact! Guide includes Chinese & English Livestream translations, date, codes, new events, characters, new contents for stream 2.0.

2.0 Update Contents

2.0 Version Updates
Inazuma Guides:
Check This For Latest Updates & News!

2.0 Update Patch Notes - Release Date

2.0 Update
Version Schedule
2.0July 21, 2021

New Update Every 6 Weeks

Mihoyo announced that they plan to release new content for the game every 6 weeks.

2.0 Update Released On July 21, 2021

2.0 Update happened on July 21, 2021. Together with the update are new characters, new area and brand new systems.

Livestream Announced!

The Livestream was announced by Mihoyo and it happened on July 9, 2021.

2.0 Livestream & Primogem Codes

2.0 Update Content Summary

New Characters
Kamisato Ayaka
└ A new Cryo & Sword character from Inazuma.
└ WIll have her own gacha banner.
└ A new Pyro & Bow character from Inazuma
└ Will have her own gacha banner.
└ A new Anemo & Claymore character from Inazuma.
Traveler (Electro)
└ Inazuma version of the Main character.
New Boss Or Enemy
New Boss
Pyro Hypostasis
Perpetual Mechanical Array
New Enemies
Ruin Sentinel
Mirror Maiden
New Quest
Ayaka Story Quest
└ Grus Nivis Chapter: Act 1 The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit
Yoimiya Story Quest
└ Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act I Dreamlike Timelessness
New Region
└ Electro Nation
└ Has been teased in previous livestreams.
New Areas
Grand Narukami Shrine
Moushoujin Gorge
New Domains
Momiji-Dyed Court
Violet Court
Court of Flowing Sands
Empty Boat Of A Thousand Gates
Shakkei Pavilion
Formation Estate
New Events
Thunder Sojourn
└ A new event in the version 2.0 update!
Phantom Flow
└ A new event in the version 2.0 update!
Theater Mechanicus Rerun
└ Theater Mechanicus Rerun
Lost Riches Rerun
└ Lost Riches Event Rerun
Ley Line Overflow Rerun
└ Ley Line Overflow Rerun
New Weapon
Mistsplitter Reforge
└ A new 5 star Sword.
Thundering Pulse
└ A new 5 Star Bow.
Hakushin Ring
└ New craftable 4-Star Catalyst from Inazuma.
Amenoma Kageuchi
└ New craftable 4-Star Sword from Inazuma.
└ New craftable 4-Star Boowfrom Inazuma.
Kitain Cross Spear
└ New craftable 4-Star Spear from Inazuma.
Katsuragikiri Nagamasa
└ New craftable 4-Star Claymore from Inazuma.
New Artifact
Emblem of Severed Fate
└ New Artifact from Inazuma.
Shimenawa's Reminiscence
└ New Artifact from Inazuma.
New Features
Inazuma City Reputation
└ New city reputation system, same with Mondstadt & Liyue.
Mystic Offering
└ Exchange 5-Star Artifacts for an Artifact Strongbox.
Gardening Gameplay
└ You can now plant and sow seeds to gather more materials!
Epitomized Path
└ Choose a 5-Star Weapon for Guaranteed Pull!
Secret Content
Key to Some Places
└ Find the 3 metal keys to unlock the Tatarasuna Arsenal Gate
Unsealed Letter
└ The mysterious letter found beneath the serpent skull in Serpent's Head
Torn Pages
└ Locate torn pages found around Inazuma
Simple Tomb
└ Offer respect to the Simple Tombs
Water Dome In Jakotsu Mine
└ Clear the water dome found in Jakotsu Mine
Cleansing Defilement Quest
└ Purify the shrines as part of a world quest
The Farmer's Treasure
└ Save the caged man to start this quest
Hiromi's Watch
└ A tie-in quest between Dragonspine and Inazuma
180K Mora Chest
└ Unlock this chest to get 180K Mora
Mysterious Conch
└ Find these mysterious conches in exchange for chest rewards!
Fortune Slips
└ Get your fortune read and unlock two Wonders of the World Achievement.
Temari Challenge
└ Kid Kujanai wants to challenge you in a game of Temari
Serpent's Head Puzzle
└ Follow the electro seelies and unlock a puzzle to get the common chest.
Bag Of Flower Seeds
└ Give a bag of flower seeds for 20,000 Mora and extra rewards.
New Gadgets & Materials
Red Feather Fan
└ A gadget that increases the gliding speed.
Seed Dispensary
└ An item to generate seed that can be planted inside the realm.
Memento Lens
└ An item that can be used to view small fox statues where you can find things that were not there before.
Electroculus Resonance Stone
└ Used to locate Electroculus.
Electro Treasure Compass
└ Used to locate treasure chests around Inazuma.
New Local Specialties
Inazuma Local Specialties
Sakura Bloom
Naku Weed
Sea Ganoderma (Inazuma Location)
Crystal Marrow
Amethyst Lump

2.0 Update Patch Notes - Upcoming Events

Ayaka Story Quest - New Quest

Ayaka story quest

Ayaka's story quest, Grus Nivis Chapter: Act 1 The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit is a new story quest for the 2.0 Update. Unlock this by completing the The Immovable God And The Eternal Euthymia Archon quest.

Ayaka Story Quest Walkthrough Guide

Yoimiya Story Quest

Yoimiya Story Quest

Yoimiya's story quest, Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act I Dreamlike Timelessness is a new story quest also in 2.0 Update. Unlock this also by finishing the The Immovable God And The Eternal Euthymia Archon quest.

Yoimiya Story Walkthrough Guide

Thunder Sojourn - New Event

Thunder Sojourn

Thunder Sojourn is a new event in the 2.0 update version. It has different challenges that contains various rewards.

Thunder Sojourn Event Guide

Phantom Flow - New Event

Is a new event for this 2.0 update! It will require players to defeat enemies on a given time limit. The challenge difficulty can be changed according to the player's liking.

Phantom Flow Event Guide

Theater Mechanicus - Event Rerun

Theater Mechanicus is set to return in the 2.0 Update! This event has been confirmed and is going to be playable during the 2.0 update.

Theater Mechanicus Event Guide

Lost Riches - Event Rerun

The Lost Riches Event will be available again after the 2.0 update. You get to choose another Pet Seelie as a reward upon participating in the event!

Lost Riches Event Guide

Ley Line Overflow - Event Rerun

The Ley Line Overflow Event will be once again available! This will double the rewards of the Ley Lines for up to 3 times a day.

Ley Line Overflow Event Guide

2.0 Update Patch Notes - New Features

Inazuma City Reputation

Inazuma City Reputation

Inazuma has a city reputation system just like in Mondstadt and Liyue, where players will get a chance to receive a (1) Glider & (2) Gadgets upon leveling up their reputations.

Inazuma City Reputation System Guide

Mystic Offering

A new artifact exchange feature will be introduced in the version 2.0 update along with the Inazuma Region. Players will now be able to exchange three (3) of their 5-Star Artifacts for an Artifact Strongbox. An Artifact Strongbox can be used to obtain a random 5-Star Artifact

Gardening Gameplay

You can now plant seeds and harvest plants by using plots in your Serenitea Pot realm. This feature will also require a Seed Dispensary which you can get after the 2.0 update.

Gardening System Guide

Epitomized Path

Epitomized Path is a new feature that will allow you to chart a course and choose which of the two current 5-Star weapon you would like to get.

Epitomized Path Guide

2.0 Update Patch Notes - New Characters

New Inazuma Characters Revealed!

On the 9th of June 2021, Mihoyo officially revealed a set of characters that is said to be from Inazuma region.

CharacterConfirmed Info
Kamisato AyakaKamisato AyakaCryo / Daughter of the Yashiro Commission's Kamisato Clan / Grus Nivis
Announced by Official Genshin Twitter
YoimiyaYoimiyaPyro / Owner of Naganohara Fireworks / Carassius Auratus
Announced by Official Genshin Twitter
SayuSayuAnemo / Mujina Ninja / Shiyuumatsu-Ban's Resident Ninja / Nyctereutes Minor
Announced by Official Genshin Twitter

To Be Released In 2.0

Mihoyo confirmed these characters above during the version 2.0 update livestream!

Yoimiya Gacha Banner

Yoimiya Banner

Yoimiya is a new officially introduced character in Genshin Impact and will have its own gacha banner that will be released in the later part of the 2.0 game update.

Yoimiya Character Guide

Ayaka Gacha Banner

Kamisato Ayaka, the Cryo & Bow character from the new region Inazuma finally going to be released as a playable character and will have its own gacha banner after the 2.0 version update.

Ayaka Character Guide

Sayu Banner

Sayu is a new Anemo & Claymore character that was introduced during the 2.0 livestream update. Sayu is expected to be one of the characters that you can get from the upcoming Yoimiya Banner.

Sayu Character Guide

Other Inazuma Characters

There are also some new faces that you will encounter during the Archon quest. These characters above will be released soon, no confirmed dates yet, so check back again to get more updates!

All Upcoming Characters List

2.0 Update Patch Notes - New Boss

Pyro Hypostasis

A new boss where you can get ascension materials for the new characters.

Pyro Hypostasis Details

Perpetual Mechanical Array

A new mechanical boss where you can get ascension materials for the new characters.

Perpetual Mechanical Array Details

Ruin Sentinel

A new mechanical enemy that you can fight in the Inazuma Region.

Ruin Sentinel Details

Mirror Maiden

A new fatui enemy that will encounter in the Inazuma Region.

Mirror Maiden Details

2.0 Update Patch Notes - New Areas

New Region - Inazuma

Many Genshin Impact users are so excited about Inazuma and it is about to be released as the new area in 2.0 Update.

Inazuma Release Date & Details Guide

New Domains In Inazuma

Inazuma - New Areas

Grand Narukami Shrine

A Sacred Tree that symbolizes the Electro Archon's protection over the Inazuma Region.

Grand Narukami Shrine Guide

Moushoujin Gorge

An Island where you can see the remains of the Great Serpent that was defeated by the Raiden Shogun.

2.0 Update Patch Notes - New Weapons

Thundering Pulse

Thundering PulseThundering Pulse
Type Rarity
Bow 5-Star
Base Attack Additional Stat
608 (Lvl. 90) CRIT DMG 66.2% (Lvl. 90)
How To Get

Mistsplitter's Reflection

Mistsplitter ReforgedMistsplitter Reforged
Type Rarity
Sword 5-Star
Base Attack Additional Stat
674 (Lvl. 90) CRIT DMG 44% (Lvl. 90)
How To Get

Katsuragikiri Nagamasa

Katsuragikiri NagamasaKatsuragikiri Nagamasa
Type Rarity
Claymore 4-Star
Base Attack Additional Stat
510 (Lvl. 90) Energy Recharge 45.9%
How To Get
- Forging
- Obtain as a reward for collecting the (3) Keys to Some Places and opening the Arsenal Gate.

Kitain Cross Spear

Kitain Cross SpearKitain Cross Spear
Type Rarity
Polearm 4-Star
Base Attack Additional Stat
565 (Lvl. 90 Elemental Mastery 110
How To Get
- Forging
- Complete the quest "Orobashi's Legacy" to obtain the Forging Blueprint.

Amenoma Kageuchi

Amenoma KageuchiAmenoma Kageuchi
Type Rarity
Sword 4-Star
Base Attack Additional Stat
454 (Lvl. 90) ATK 55.1%
How To Get
- Forging
- Obtain it as a reward for completing The Farmer's Treasure World Quest.

Hakushin Ring

Hakushin RingHakushin Ring
Type Rarity
Catalyst 4-Star
Base Attack Additional Stat
565 (Lvl. 90) Energy Recharge 30.6%
How To Get
- Forging
- Forging blueprint can be obtain after completing the quest named, "Yougou Cleansing".


Type Rarity
Bow 4-Star
Base Attack Additional Stat
454 (Lvl. 90) ATK 55.1%
How To Get
- Forging
- Forging blueprint can be obtain through one of Takeshi's Chests.

2.0 Update Patch Notes - New Artifacts

Emblem of Severed Fate

2-Piece Set Energy Recharge +20%
4-Piece Set Increase Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of Energy Recharge. A maximum of 75% bonus DMG can be obtained in this way.
Emblem of Severed Fate

Shimenawa's Reminiscence

2-Piece Set ATK + 18%
4-Piece Set When casting an Elemental Skill, if the character has 15 or more Energy, they lose 15 Energy and Normal/Charged/Plunging Attack DMG is increased by 50% for 10s.
Shimenawa's Reminiscence

Inazuma's Secret Content

Secret ContentDetails
Key To Some PlacesKey To Some PlacesFind the 3 metal keys in order to unlock the gate in the Tatarasuna Arsenal Gate
Unsealed LetterUnsealed LetterUnsealed Letter, an item that can be found beneath the skull of the Serpent's Head
Torn PagesTorn PageTorn Page found around Inazuma
Simple TombSimple TombOffer a Dendrobium to pay respects to simple tombs
Water DomeWater Dome In Jakotsu MineUnlock the secret hiding inside the Water Dome in Jakotsu Mine
Cleansing DefilementCleansing DefilementLocate and cleanse the barriers to purify the Sacred Sakure Shrine
The FarmerThe Farmer's TreasureSave the caged man to start this quest
HiromiHiromi's WatchFind out the truth behind the Drifting Bottle found in Dragonspine
180K Mora Behind Taroumaru in Inazuma City180K Mora ChestOpen the chest behind Taroumaru to get 180,000 Mora
Mysterious ConchMysterious ConchOffer him 3 conches in exchange to loot Takashi's chests! Players can also obtain Hamayumi diagram, randomly in one of his chests!
Fortune SlipFortune SlipKnow your fortune and you can unlock two Wonders of the World achievement!
Temari ChallengeTemari ChallengePlay a game of Temari with Kid Kujanai in all 6 locations
SerpentSerpent's Head PuzzleFollow the two electro seelies located on the teeth of the Serpent's Head to obtain a common chest!
Bag Of Flower Seeds
Give Bag of Flower Seeds to Kaoru and get the quest item Sun-Dried Sweet Flower!
Secrets Of Inazuma List & Contents

Inazuma New Gadgets & Materials

Red Feather FanRed Feather Fan- For gliding
- By using this item, gliding speed will increase to 30% per 30s.
Seed DispensarySeed Dispensary- Used to make plants that can be planted inside the realm.
Memento LensMemento Lens- Used for some Inazuma world quest as a tool in checking some small earth foxes around Inazuma.
Electro Treasure CompassElectro Treasure Compass- Item used to locate treasure chests on a nearby area around Inazuma.
Electroculus Resonance StoneElectroculus Resonance Stone- A gadget that can be used to farm Electroculus.
Gadget List Guide

Inazuma Local Specialties

Inazuma Local Specialties For 2.0

Inazuma Local Specialties Farming Locations

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Anonymous 3

Alright, 300 character limit with no character counter, I'll multipost.

Anonymous 2

Kazuha's existence is already an indicator that Inazuma is coming in the next version b/c his ascension materials are from Inazuma. No indication of dendro & The Chasm. No indication of re-runs.

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