Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Sacred Sakura Rewards & How To Raise Level

Genshin Impact | Sacred Sakura Rewards & How To Raise Level

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Genshin Impact | Sacred Sakura Rewards & How To Raise Level - GameWith

Sacred Sakura (Grand Narukami Shrine) is an Inazuma shrine in Genshin Impact. Includes how to level up in shrine, rewards, farming locations, new gadgets, weapon & Shrine Wish.

Table of Contents

2.1 Version Updates
Raiden ShogunRaiden ShogunKokomiKokomi Kujou SaraKujou SaraAloyAloy
Inazuma Guides:

New Rewards Added In Version 2.2

Get Inazuma-Themed Realm Upon Reaching Level 40

Get Inazuma-Themed Realm Upon Reaching Level 40

It's been announced in the 2.2 Livestream that the new Inazuma-Themed realm for the Serenitea Pot can only be obtained by reaching Level 40 in the Sacred Sakura Tree. This will be available as soon as the 2.2 Update is released.

Teapot System (Housing) Guide
How To UnlockReach level 40 of your Sakura Offering
RewardSilken Print
an item that will be used to unlock the Inazuma realm
Inazuma-Themed Realm Guide

Sacred Sakura Location & How To Unlock

Sacred Sakura Is Located At Grand Narukami Shrine

Grand Narukami Shrine

Just like the Frostbearer in Dragonspine area, Inazuma has its own too, it is called the Sacred Sakura, which is located inside the Narukami Island's Grand Narukami Shrine.

How To Unlock?

Unlocked During Act 1 of Inazuma

Upon arrive at Inazuma and finishing leaving Ritou, simply go to the Divine Sakura Tree to Unlock sacred Sakura. It is marked by a fox icon in-game so its hard to miss.

The Immovable God And The Eternal Euthymia Quest Guide

How To Raise The Level Of Sacred Sakura's Favor?

Offer Electro Sigils

Electro Sigil

Offering 25 Electro Sigils to the Sacred Sakura will increase the Sacred Sakura's Favor Level, with this players can redeem or gain valuable items in return!

Electro Sigil Details

Reaching A Certain Level Will Increase Your Electrogranum Level

Upon reaching a certain level, your Electrogranum will increase enabling you to traverse more parts of Inazuma. Some Electroculus and locations can only be accessed with a high Electrogranum level.

Has A Maximum Level Of 50

Sacred Sakura Max level
Sacred Sakura Max level

The Sacred Sakura's Favor has a maximum level of 50 that has been updated during the 2.4 Game Update. Reaching the maximum level will unlock the Inazuma Electro Sigil Shop (Souvenir Shop).

Inazuma Electro Sigil Shop

Sacred Sakura (Grand Narukami Shrine) Rewards

1Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Fragile ResinFragile Resin x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
2Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
3Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Philosophies Of TransiencePhilosophies Of Transience x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
4Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Northlander Sword BilletNorthlander Sword Billet x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
5Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Crown Of Insight x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
6Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Philosophies Of ElegancePhilosophies Of Elegance x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
7Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 3
8Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Inazuma Shrine of Depths Keys x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
9Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Philosophies Of Transience x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
10Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Intertwined FateIntertwined Fate x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrogranum Lv. 4
11 Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Fragile ResinFragile Resin x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Orex 10
MoraMora x 50000
12 Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
13 Philosophies of LightPhilosophies of Light x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 5
14 Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Northlander Claymore BilletNorthlander Claymore Billet x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
15 Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Crown Of Insight x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
16 Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Philosophies Of ElegancePhilosophies Of Elegance x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
17 Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 6
18 Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Inazuma Shrine of Depths Keys x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
19 Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Philosophies of LightPhilosophies of Light x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
20 Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Intertwined FateIntertwined Fate x 2
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 7
21 Fragile ResinFragile Resin x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
22 Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
23 Philosophies Of TransiencePhilosophies Of Transience x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 8
24 Northlander Polearm BilletNorthlander Polearm Billet x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
25 Crown Of Insight x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
26 Philosophies Of ElegancePhilosophies Of Elegance x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
27 Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 9
28 Inazuma Shrine of Depths Keys x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
29 Philosophies of LightPhilosophies of Light x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
30 Intertwined FateIntertwined Fate x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 10
31 Fragile ResinFragile Resin x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
32 Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
33 Philosophies of TransiencePhilosophies of Transience x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 11
34 Northlander Catalyst BilletNorthlander Catalyst Billet x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
35 Crown Of Insight x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
36 Philosophies of ElegancePhilosophies of Elegance x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
37 Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 12
38 Inazuma Shrine of Depths Keys x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
39 Philosophies of LightPhilosophies of Light x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
40 Intertwined FateIntertwined Fate x 2
Silken PrintSilken Print x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 13
41 Fragile ResinFragile Resin x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
42 Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
43 Philosophies of TransiencePhilosophies of Transience x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 14
44 Northlander Bow BilletNorthlander Bow Billet x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
45 Crown Of Insight x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
46 Philosophies of ElegancePhilosophies of Elegance x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
47Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Electrograna Lvl. 15
48 Namecard x 1
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
49 Philosophies of LightPhilosophies of Light x 2
Adventure ExperienceAdventure Experience x 200
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
50 Intertwined FateIntertwined Fate x 2
The Spring Mist Weaves the Sakura Rain x 1
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore x 10
MoraMora x 50000
Event & Rewards List Guide

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Anonymous 3

More levels are unlocked after the 2.1 update.

Anonymous 2

It's max level is 50 I believe

Ganyu Fans 1

is it sakura favor maxedat lvl 20 ?

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