Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Nahida Best Build & Weapons Guide

Genshin Impact | Nahida Best Build & Weapons Guide

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Genshin Impact | Nahida Best Build & Weapons Guide - GameWith

Nahida is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Nahida's, weapon ranking (Comparison), talent & weapon material, tier, kit, team comps, & best support build guide for Nahida.

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Nahida Tier & Review

5 StarDendroDendroCatalyst
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**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

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What Kind Of Character Is Nahida?

Nahida Is A Powerful Dendro Sub-DPS & Elemental Mastery Buffer

Nahida is an off-field Dendro damage dealer that mainly uses Elemental Skill to deal damage. She marks enemies and periodically deals Dendro DMG. Every Elemental Reaction triggers the DMG allowing her to consistently inflict Dendro to enemies. Her Elemental Burst also boost the Elemental Mastery of the team.

Strengths & Weakness Of Nahida

- Consistent Dendro infliction through Elemental Skill.
- Short Cooldown for both Skill and Elemental burst.
- Can fit in many kinds of teams.
- Elemental Mastery increases its CRIT Rate and DMG making her easier to build.
- Burst does not deal damage.
- Very reliant on reactions and other element to function.
▼ Details about Nahida below.

Nahida Best Build

Nahida Is Best Built As A Support Or Sub-DPS

Nahida is a character that scales amazingly with Elemental Mastery which Nahida needs in both build. The other stats depends on the role Nahida does for the team. For details, check the build details below:

Nahida Dendro Support Build

WeaponA Thousand Floating DreamsA Thousand Floating Dreams
Substitute1. Wandering EvenstarWandering Evenstar
2. Magic GuideMagic Guide (F2P)
3. Mappa MareMappa Mare (F2P)
4. Fruit of FulfillmentFruit of Fulfillment (F2P)
Best ArtifactDeepwood MemoriesDeepwood Memories x4
Artifact StatsSands: Elemental Mastery
Goblet: Elemental Mastery
Circlet: Elemental Mastery
Priority Sub-Stats 1. Elemental Mastery
2. CRIT Rate
4. Energy Recharge
Best TeamNahidaCynoBaizhuXingqiu

This build focuses on boosting the damage of Nahida's Off-Field Skill through reactions. With this build, Nahida is able to produce powerful reactions and can be used at any teams that needs Dendro.

Nahida Dendro Sub-DPS Build

WeaponA Thousand Floating DreamsA Thousand Floating Dreams
Substitute1. KaguraKagura's Verity
2.The WidsithThe Widsith
3. Mappa MareMappa Mare (F2P)
4. Magic GuideMagic Guide (F2P)
Best ArtifactGolden TroupeGolden Troupe x4
Artifact StatsSands: Elemental Mastery
Goblet: Dendro DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate / DMG / EM
Priority Sub-Stats 1. Elemental Mastery
2. CRIT Rate
4. Energy Recharge
Best TeamNahidaTighnariYae MikoBaizhu

This build focuses on increasing the personal damage of Nahida. This can also be a Sub-DPS build but it is preferred that you will use Nahida as an on-field DPS when using this build.

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Nahida Best Weapon

Nahida's Best Weapon Depends On Whether You Focus On Reaction Or Damage

When choosing the best weapon for Nahida, you should focus on Elemental Mastery Stat. CRIT only matters if you are going for a Sub-DPS Build. For F2P choices and type of weapon to choose, see the list below:

Nahida Elemental Support Weapon Ranking & Comparisons

BestA Thousand Floating DreamsA Thousand Floating Dreams Elemental Mastery 265
- Amazing Elemental Mastery Stat.
- Provides buff to the team and Nahida as well.
- Amazing Elemental Mastery buff for the team as well enabling powerful reactions.
2ndWandering EvenstarWandering EvenstarElemental Mastery 165 (Lvl. 90)
- Increases the ATK of the team and Nahida.
- Great Elemental Mastery Stick because of sub-stats.
3rdSacrificial FragmentsSacrificial FragmentsElemental Mastery 221 (Lvl. 90)
- Gives the largest boost in Elemental Mastery among 4 star weapons.
- Effect is wasted on Nahida because Nahida already has 100% up time on her skill.
Magic GuideMagic Guide Elemental Mastery 187 (Lvl. 90)
- Great Elemental Mastery stick because of Sub-Stats.
- Easy to R5 because it is a 3 star weapon
- Maximizing its effect can limit your team comps.
Mappa MareMappa Mare Elemental Mastery 110 (Lvl. 90)
- Boost Elemental Mastery and reactions.
- Requires you to be off-field often.
Fruit of FulfillmentFruit of FulfillmentEnergy Recharge 45.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Gain Elemental Mastery in exchange of losing ATK.
- Very high Energy Recharge.

Focus On Increasing Elemental Mastery

Elemental Mastery is amazing with Nahida because of how great Dendro reactions are. Maximize the Dendro reaction damages by selecting an Elemental Mastery weapon.

Nahida Sub-DPS Weapon Ranking & Comparison

BestA Thousand Floating DreamsA Thousand Floating Dreams Elemental Mastery 265
- Amazing Elemental Mastery Stat.
- Provides buff to the team and Nahida as well.
- Amazing Elemental Mastery buff for the team as well enabling powerful reactions.
- Might be difficult to build Nahida when using this weapon because of lack of CRIT Stats.
2ndKaguraKagura's VerityCRIT DMG 66.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Huge CRIT DMG sub-stat.
- Boost reaction damage which is great for any Dendro character.
2ndThe WidsithThe WidsithCRIT DMG 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Great CRIT DMG sub-stat.
- Great for reaction based character.
- DMG will not be consistent because of RNG based buff.
Mappa MareMappa Mare Elemental Mastery 110 (Lvl. 90)
- Boost Elemental Mastery and reactions.
- Great weapon if you want to be on-field.
Magic GuideMagic Guide Elemental Mastery 187 (Lvl. 90)
- Great Elemental Mastery stick because of Sub-Stats.
- Easy to R5 because it is a 3 star weapon
- Maximizing its effect can limit your team comps.

Balance Of CRIT Statuses & Elemental Mastery

The weapon suggestions focuses on increasing personal damage of Nahida and the Elemental reaction damage.

All Weapon List

Nahida Best Artifacts

Nahida's Artifacts Depends On The Role

When choosing an artifact set for Nahida, the best one depends on the role of Nahida. Deepwood is the most flexible option but if you want to increase her personal damage other artifacts can be used.

Best Artifact Set For Dendro Support

BestDeepwood MemoriesDeepwood Memories
Substitute 1Gilded DreamsGilded Dreams

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: Elemental Mastery / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: Elemental Mastery / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Sands IconMain:Elemental Mastery
Sub: Energy Recharge / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Goblet IconMain: Elemental Mastery
Sub: Energy Recharge / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Crown IconMain: Elemental Mastery
Sub: Energy Recharge / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG

For Support Nahida, Deepwood is the most flexible option. This is especially good when using Nahida in double dendro comps. If there are other wielder of Deepwood Memories, Gilded Dreams is a good option for Nahida.

Best Artifact Set For Sub-DPS Nahida

BestGolden TroupeGolden Troupe
Substitute 1Deepwood MemoriesDeepwood Memories
Substitute 2Gilded DreamsGilded Dreams

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: Elemental Mastery / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: Elemental Mastery / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Sands IconMain: Elemental Mastery
Sub: Energy Recharge / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Goblet IconMain: Dendro DMG Bonus / Elemental Mastery
Sub: Elemental Mastery / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Crown IconMain: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Sub: Elemental Mastery / ATK% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG

To maximize the damage of Nahida, Golden Troupe is the best option. CRIT Stats are important for DMG in this build.

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Nahida Best Team Comp

Nahida Is Amazing In Dendro Reaction Teams

NahidaNahidaCynoCynoDendro TravelerDendro TravelerKokomiKokomi
- Nahida will mainly be an off-field Dendro support in this team.
- Cyno will be the main DPS triggering Aggravate for increased damage.
- Dendro Traveler will give Dendro Resonance
- Kokomi is the main healer and enables Bloom reactions.

Other Characters That Works With Nahida

- Any character that works well with Dendro is great with Nahida.
Dendro TravelerDendro Traveler ColleiCollei
- Choose the Sub-DPS based on the main DPS. Nahida is flexible enough to fit many teams.
Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu
Any healer will do. Choose it based on the main DPS.

Free To Play (F2P) Friendly Party For Nahida

NahidaNahidaXingqiuXingqiuDendro TravelerDendro TravelerKuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu
- Nahida will be the on-field damage dealer focusing on Dendro reactions.
- Xingqiu enables Bloom to happen and provide additional damage.
- Dendro Traveler provides Elemental Mastery through Resonance.
- Kuki Shinobu does not only heal but also trigger Hyperbloom for powerful damage.

Nahida Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Farming Locations For Kalpalata Lotus

Kalpalata Lotus Farming Locations
Vissudha Field Map
Yasna Map
Apam Map
Devantaka Mountain
Vimara Village Map
Gandharva Ville Map
Kalpalata Lotus Location & Farm Route

Talent Materials For Nahida

Nahida 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Akara★★★・・
All Schemes To Know
(Elemental Skill)
Illusory Heart
(Elemental Burst)

Nahida Skill Guide & How To Use Nahida

Recommended Rotation For Nahida

Recommended Rotation
1Use Nahida's Elemental Skill to enemies.
2Switch to a different character and trigger reactions.
3Repeat from No. 1
*Use Elemental Burst before Elemental Skill when it is active.

Uses Of Nahida's Elemental Skill

Marks & Connects Enemies With Dendro

▲ Marked enemies are connected and get damaged when you trigger a reaction.

The main source of damage and off-field Dendro of Nahida is from Elemental Skill. You can mark up to 8 opponents and trigger its effects every 2.5 seconds.

Scales From Both ATK & Elemental Mastery

The DMG of the Elemental Skill of Nahida is calculated through its ATK and Elemental Mastery. The percentage from Elemental Mastery is higher so you can focus on Elemental Mastery instead since it also benefits reactions.

Gathers Materials From Distance

Passive Skill - On All Things Meditated

Using Nahida's Elemental Skill on an item/material will automatically place that item in your inventory. This will allow you to gather materials from a distance. However, not all materials can be collected this way.

Reads The Mind Of NPCs That Were Connected To Akasia


You can also get additional dialogue when you use Elemental Skill to different NPCs in Sumeru.

Uses Of Nahida's Elemental Burst

Buffs The Effects Of Elemental Skill Of Nahida

Elemental Burst - Illusory Heart
PyroIncreases the DMG of Tri-Karma Purification
HydroIncrease the duration of Illusory Heart
ElectroDecrease the interval between each Tri-Karma Purification

The Elemental Burst of Nahida has a low burst cost and deals no damage. However, it increases the effectiveness of Elemental Skill. At higher ascension level, in also increases the Elemental Mastery of the on-field character that you are using.

Provides Buff To The Team

Buffs That Nahida Provides Through Elemental Burst
Passive Talent: Compassion Illuminated
When you are inside the Elemental Burst, buff the character's EM
└ 25% of EM of the character with highest EM in the team.
└ Maximum of 250 EM.

Elemental Burst increases EM of the active character inside it based on the character with the highest EM in the team. Because of this, it is recommended to aim for 1000 EM for Nahida for a consistent 250 EM buff for the whole team.

Nahida Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Nahida?

Pull For An Off-Field Dendro Character


Nahida is the best off-field character that you can have for Dendro. She provides consistent Dendro inflictions with little to no downtime. She can also greatly increase the Elemental Mastery of characters in the team.

Best Constellation For Nahida

★★・・・C1: The Seed Of Stored Knowledge
When the Shrine of Maya is unleashed and the Elemental Types of the party members are being tabulated, the count will add 1 to the number of Pyro, Electro, and Hydro characters respectively.
★★★★★C2: Aloof From The World
Opponents that are marked by Seeds of Skandha applied by Nahida herself will be affected by the following effects:
- Burning, Bloom, Hyperbloom, and Burgeon Reaction DMG they receive can score CRIT Hits. CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG are fixed at 20% and 100% respectively.
- Within 8s of being affected by Quicken, Aggravate, Spread, DEF is decreased by 30%.
★★★★・C3: The Shoot Of Conscious Attainment
Increases the Level of All Schemes to Know by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★・・・C4: The Stem Of Manifest Inference
When 1/2/3/4 (or more) nearby opponents are affected by All Schemes to Know's Seeds of Skandha, Nahida's Elemental Mastery will be increased by 100/120/140/160.
★・・・・C5: The Leaves Of Enlightening Speech
Increases the Level of Illusory Heart by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C6: The Fruit Of Reason's Culmination
When Nahida hits an opponent affected by All Schemes to Know's Seeds of Skandha with Normal or Charged Attacks after unleashing Illusory Heart, she will use Tri-Karma Purification: Karmic Oblivion on this opponent and all connected opponents, dealing Dendro DMG based on 200% of Nahida's ATK and 400% of her Elemental Mastery.
DMG dealt by Tri-Karma Purification: Karmic Oblivion is considered Elemental Skill DMG and can be triggered once every 0.2s.
This effect can last up to 10s and will be removed after Nahida has unleashed 6 instances of Tri-Karma Purification: Karmic Oblivion.

Nahida Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Akara

Normal Attack

Performs up to 4 attacks that deal Dendro DMG to opponents in front of her.
1-Hit DMG40.3%43.3%46.4%50.4%53.4%56.4%60.5%64.5%68.5%72.6%76.6%
2-Hit DMG37.0%39.8%42.5%46.2%49.0%51.8%55.5%59.2%62.9%66.6%70.3%
3-Hit DMG45.9%49.3%52.8%57.3%60.8%64.2%68.8%73.4%78.0%82.6%87.2%
4-Hit DMG58.4%62.8%67.2%73.0%77.4%81.8%87.6%93.5%99.3%105.1%111.0%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to deal AoE Dendro DMG to opponents in front of her after a short casting time.

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Calling upon the might of Dendro, Nahida plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Dendro DMG upon impact with the ground.
Plunge DMG56.8%61.5%66.1%72.7%77.3%82.6%89.9%97.1%104%112%120%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

All Schemes To Know (Elemental Skill)

Sends forth karmic bonds of wood and tree from her side, dealing AoE Dendro DMG and marking up to 8 opponents hit with the Seed of Skandha. When held, this skill will trigger differently.


Enters Aiming Mode, which will allow you to select a limited number of opponents within a limited area. During this time, Nahida's resistance to interruption will be increased. When released, this skill deals Dendro DMG to these opponents and marks them with the Seed of Skandha. Aiming Mode will last up to 5s and can select a maximum of 8 opponents.

Seed Of Skandha

Opponents who have been marked by the Seed of Skandha will be linked to one another up till a certain distance. After you trigger Elemental Reactions on opponents who are affected by the Seeds of Skandha or when they take DMG from Dendro Cores (including Burgeon and Hyperbloom DMG), Nahida will unleash Tri-Karma Purification on the opponents and all connected opponents, dealing Dendro DMG based on her ATK and Elemental Mastery. You can trigger at most 1 Tri-Karma Purification within a short period of time.
Press DMG98.4%105.8%113.2%123%130.4%137.8%147.6%157.4%167.3%177.1%187.0%196.8%209.1%
Hold DMG130.4%140.2%150.0%163%172.8%182.6%195.6%208.6%221.7%234.7%247.8%260.8%277.1%
103.2% ATK +
206.4% EM
110.9% ATK +
221.9% EM
118.7% ATK +
237.4% EM
129% ATK
+ 258% EM
136.7% ATK +
273.5% EM
144.5% ATK +
289.0% EM
154.8% ATK +
309.6% EM
165.1% ATK +
330.2% EM
175.4% ATK +
350.9% EM
185.8% ATK +
371.5% EM
196.1% ATK +
392.2% EM
206.4% ATK +
412.8% EM
219.3% ATK +
438.6% EM
Seed of
Press CD5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s
Hold CD6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Illusory Heart

Manifests the Court of Dreams and expands the Shrine of Maya.
When the Shrine of Maya field is unleashed, the following effects will be separately unleashed based on the Elemental Types present within the party.
Pyro While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the DMG dealt by Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is increased.
Electro: While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the interval between each Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is decreased.
Hydro: The Shrine of Maya's duration is increased.
If there are at least 2 party members of the aforementioned Elemental Types present when the field is deployed, the aforementioned effects will be increased further. Even if Nahida is not on the field, these bonuses will still take effect so long as party members are within the Shrine of Maya.
Bonus (1)
Bonus (2)
Decrease (1)
Decrease (2)
Extension (1)
Extension (2)
Base Duration15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s
Energy Cost50505050505050505050505050

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Compassion Illuminated

When unleashing Illusory Heart, the Shrine of Maya will gain the following effects: The Elemental Mastery of the active character within the field will be increased by 25% of the Elemental Mastery of the party member with the highest Elemental Mastery. You can gain a maximum of 250 Elemental Mastery in this manner.

Awakening Elucidated

Each point of Nahida's Elemental Mastery beyond 200 will grant 0.1% Bonus DMG and 0.03% CRIT Rate to Tri-Karma Purification from All Schemes to Know. A maximum of 80% Bonus DMG and 24% CRIT Rate can be granted to Tri-Karma Purification in this manner.

On All Things Meditated

Nahida can use All Schemes to Know to interact with some harvestable items within a fixed AoE. This skill may even have some other effects...

Characters With Same Role As Nahida 

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Anonymous 46

She is cool

oziorsk 45

i'm stopped at next choice
Furina - gold tr 4pcs+Fleuve
Nahida - gold tr 4 pcs EM+dendro+EM+Magic g/Widsith
Kuki - anything for 900+EM
Yao - Deepwood 4 pcs set for heal and energy repl.
yao role is give Deepw set affix for nahida and heal after usage Furina Q-skill

v 44

I run Nahida with Raiden, Zhongli, and Furina. The archon team is really fun if you have all the characters!

Anonymous 43

Premium team is with Dendro Traveler?
Author must've been drunk writing this

Anonymous 42

Why do you need 4 piece deepwood when you use nahida as an em buffer? Isnt 2 piece em + 2 piece em better?

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