Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Albedo Best Build & Weapon Guide

Genshin Impact | Albedo Best Build & Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact | Albedo Best Build & Weapon Guide - GameWith

Albedo is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Albedo's, best build, sub-dps build, best team comp, talent material, best artifact, & C2, DPS Build for Albedo.

Table of Contents

Albedo Tier & Review

5 StarGeoGeoSword
How To Get?
Only available in Limited-Time Banners where he is featured
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Albedo!

Strengths & Weakness Of Albedo

- An excellent support & off-field Geo damager for Geo Teams.
- Can buff the teams Elemental Mastery by 125 easily.
- High damage without reactions.
- His Geo Structure can be easily destroyed at boss fields making it situational.
Cinnabar Spindle is currently the best weapon for him but if you were not able to get it, there's unfortunately no other weapon with a DEF sub-stat.
- The lifting platform could disrupt the team combo & rotation, especially melee characters.
▼ Details about Albedo below.

Albedo Best Build

Albedo Is Best Built As A Geo Sub-DPS Build

WeaponUraku Misugiri Uraku Misugiri
Substitute1. Cinnabar Spindle Cinnabar Spindle
2. Harbinger of DawnHarbinger of Dawn
3. Festering DesireFestering Desire
Best ArtifactHusk Of Opulent DreamsHusk Of Opulent Dreams x4
Artifact StatsSands: DEF%
Goblet: Geo DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate/ CRIT DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT Rate
2. DEF%
Recommended TeamAlbedoNaviaBennettXiangling

Albedo has a 100% up-time of his Elemental Skill and it gives huge damage with proper builds. Because of this, it is best to build Albedo as a Sub-DPS that deals damage off-field. He can be used on Crystalized teams and Mono-Geo Teams.

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Albedo Best Weapon

Weapons For Geo Sub-DPS Albedo

BestUraku MisugiriUraku MisugiriCRIT DMG 88.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases CRIT DMG of characters.
- Boost the damage of Skill and DEF of Albedo.
- Albedo can maximize its effects doubling the Skill Buff.
2ndCinnabar SpindleCinnabar SpindleDEF 69% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases DEF% of characters.
- Further increases Elemental Skill DMG depending on your DEF.
- You need to build CRIT Rate and DMG.
3rdHarbinger Of DawnHarbinger Of Dawn CRIT DMG 46.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Increases both CRIT DMG & CRIT Rate greatly especially at R5.
- Low ATK does not affect the damage of Albedo.
4thFestering DesireFestering DesireEnergy Recharge 45.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Increases Skill CRIT DMG and Skill CRIT Rate making it a decent option for Albedo.

Cinnabar Spindle Is The Best Weapon Choice

Because of the lack of a 5-star DEF-scaling sword or a weapon with sub-stats that benefit Albedo, the best weapon he can have right now is the Cinnabar Spindle. Unfortunately, it's an event-only weapon and if you didn't get it, there's no current way to get it right now.

All Weapon List

Albedo Best Artifacts

Albedo Geo Sub-DPS Build Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Geo Sub-DPS Build

BestHusk Of Opulent DreamsHusk Of Opulent Dreams
Substitute 1Golden TroupeGolden Troupe
Substitute 1Archaic PetraArchaic Petra
Husk Of Opulent DreamsHusk Of Opulent Dreams

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / DEF%
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / DEF%
Sands IconMain: DEF%
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / DEF%
Goblet IconMain: Geo DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / DEF%
Crown IconMain: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / DEF%

Husk Of Opulent Dreams Boost Both DEF & DMG Bonus

Husk Of Opulent Dreams increases DEF and Geo DMG Bonus greatly. This has the highest DMG among Artifacts for Albedo as of the current. Golden Troupe is also a good option for increasing Skill DMG. You can opt to use DEF% Goblet when using Golden Troupe since it provides high amount of Elemental Skill Damage.

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Albedo Best Team Comp

Albedo Works Amazingly At Crystalize Teams

Sub-DPSMain DPSSub-DPSSupport / Shield
- Albedo is one of the few Sub-DPS that works well with Navia who requires multiple Crystalize.
- Bennett and Xiangling provides off-field Pyro that reacts with Albedo's skill to produce consistent Crystalize.
- Navia deals the most damage with her Elemental Skill and Normal Attacks.

Other Characters That Works With Albedo

Substitute Characters
- If you do not have Navia, you can also use Itto or Noelle and build a Mono-Geo Team.
BennettBennettGorouGorou - Gorou is a great buffer for Mono-Geo Teams.
- For Mono-Geo, Zhongli is great.
- Furina is a great when using Noelle as the main DPS in Mono-Geo.

Free To Play Friendly Party

Sub-DPSMain DPSSub-DPSSupport
- A relatively free-to-play Mono-Geo team comp for Albedo.
Best Teams For Albedo

Albedo Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Cecilia Farm Routes

Cecilia Farm Routes
Cecilia Farm Route

Talent Materials For Albedo

Albedo 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework - Weiss★・・・・
Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma
(Elemental Skill)
Rite Of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide
(Elemental Burst)

Albedo Skill Guide & How To Use Albedo

Recommended Rotation For Albedo

Recommended Rotation
1Use Elemental Skill to leave it on the field
2Switch to your main DPS or other Sub-DPS
3Once Elemental Burst is available, use Elemental Burst while inside Elemental Skill
4Switch to the main DPS and attack while Elemental Mastery is boosted
5Repeat Step 1

Uses Of Albedo's Elemental Skill

Places An AoE That Will Deal Geo DMG Every 3 Seconds

Using Albedo's Skill will summon a Geo Construct with an AoE around it. When you damage an enemy while inside the field, it would cause a Geo Explosion, dealing Geo DMG to enemies in a small AOE.

Geo Damage Scales From Defense


The damage from Albedo's Skill scales from Albedo's DEF. The damage does Crit so building Crit Rate/DMG and DEF to increase the damage of Albedo's Skill.

Gathers Energy For The Team

Gathers Energy For The Team

Every explosion from this Elemental Skill will release Geo Energy making Albedo a great battery for Geo characters.

Uses Of Albedo's Elemental Burst

▲ Small Burst Cost Making It Spammable.

Elemental Burst Boosts Team Elemental Mastery

One of Albedo's best Ascension Passive is "Homuncular Nature", which increases the Elemental Mastery of the team by 125 after his Elemental Burst. This will increase the effect of all Elemental Reactions.

Creates Additional Geo Explosions When Casted Inside The Skill Area

If you use Albedo's Elemental Burst inside the area of the skill, flower explosions will appear in the field, dealing additional damage.

Albedo Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Albedo?

Pull For An On-Field Geo Support


Albedo is a strong Geo Sub-DPS since his skill can continuously deal Geo damage and has such a low cooldown, it's on an almost 100% uptime. He can fit in most team comps beyond just Geo team comps!

Best Constellation For Albedo

★★・・・C1: Flower Of Eden
Transient Blossoms generated by Albedo's Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma regenerate 1.2 Energy for Albedo.
★★★★★C2: Opening Of Phanerozoic
Transient Blossoms generated by Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma grant Albedo Fatal Reckoning for 30s:
・Unleashing Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide consumes all stacks of Fatal Reckoning. Each stack of Fatal Reckoning consumed increases the DMG dealt by Fatal Blossoms and Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide's burst DMG by 30% of Albedo's DEF.
・This effect stacks up to 4 times.
★★★★・C3: Grace Of Helios
Increases the Level of Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: Descent Of Divinity
Active party members within the Solar Isotoma field have their Plunging Attack DMG increased by 30%.
★★・・・C5: Tide Of Hadean
Increases the Level of Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C6: Dust Of Purification
Active party members within the Solar Isotoma field who are protected by a shield created by Crystallize have their DMG increased by 17%.

Constellation 2 For A Defense Scaling Elemental Burst

At Constellation 2, Albedo's Elemental Burst will be buffed based on the Defense of Albedo. This makes Albedo's Burst easier to build for you and you can simply build DEF for him.

Albedo Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework - Weiss

Normal Attack

Performs up to 5 rapid strikes.
1-Hit DMG36.7%39.7%42.7%47.0%50.0%53.4%58.1%62.8%67.5%72.6%78.5%
2-Hit DMG36.7%39.7%42.7%47.0%50.0%53.4%58.1%62.8%67.5%72.6%78.5%
3-Hit DMG47.5%51.3%55.1%60.7%64.5%68.9%75%81.1%87.2%93.8%101.4%
4-Hit DMG49.8%53.8%57.9%63.6%67.7%72.3%78.7%85%91.4%98.4%106.3%
5-Hit DMG62.1%67.1%72.2%79.4%84.5%90.2%98.1%106.1%114%122.7%132.6%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash 2 rapid sword strikes.
Charged Attack
Charged Attack
Stamina Cost

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunge DMG

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG63.9%69.1%74.3%81.8%87%92.9%101.1%109.3%117.5%126.4%135.3%
Low Plunge DMG128%138%149%164%174%186%202%219%235%253%271%
High Plunge DMG160%173%186%204%217%232%253%273%293%316%338%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma (Elemental Skill)

Albedo creates a Solar Isotoma using alchemy, which deals AoE Geo DMG on appearance.
Hold to designate the location of the skill.
Skill DMG130%140%150%163%173%183%196%209%222%235%248%261%277%
Skill CD4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Solar Isotoma

Solar Isotoma has the following properties:
・When opponents within the Solar Isotoma field take DMG, the Solar Isotoma will generate Transient Blossom which deal AoE Geo DMG. DMG dealt scales off Albedo's DEF.
・Transient Blossoms can only be generated once every 2s.
・When a character is located at the locus of the Solar Isotoma, the Solar Isotoma will accumulate Geo power to form a crystallized platform that lifts the character up to a certain height. Only one crystallized platform can exist at a time.
・Solar Isotoma is considered a Geo construct. Only one Solar Isotoma created by Albedo himself can exist at a time.
Transient Blossom DMG
(DEF Scaling)

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Rite Of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide (Elemental Burst)

Under Albedo's command, Geo crystals surge and burst forth, dealing AoE Geo DMG in front of him.
If a Solar Isotoma created by Albedo himself is on the field, 7 Fatal Blossoms will be generated in the Solar Isotoma field, bursting violently into bloom and dealing AoE Geo DMG.
Burst DMG367%395%422%459%487%514%551%588%624%661%698%734%780%
Fatal Blossom DMG
Energy Cost40404040404040404040404040

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Passive Skill

Calcite Might

Transient Blossoms generated by Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma deal 25% more DMG to opponents whose HP is below 50%.

Homuncular Nature

Using Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide (Elemental Burst) increases the Elemental Mastery of nearby party members by 125 for 10s.

Flash Of Genius

When Albedo crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, he has a 10% chance to receive double the product.

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Raj 8

For those without the event swords, HoD is a good choice for him but you can also use weapons like Wolf Fang from the battle pass and even the Fontaine Fleuve Cendre if you use his burst.

barathrum 7

I started to doubt the tier list from this website.

Hey the owner of this site, Have you tried Albedo + Wolf fang sword + Golden Troupe 4set/Husk 4 set ??

Are you sure the best sword for Albedo just Cinnabar?

Anonymous 6

what about travelers handy sword?

Anonymous 5

With or without CS? Since his BiS weapon, probably responsible for the dmg, is no longer available, such statements are meaningless for new players. I only read praising words from players who own this weapon. But hey i can use HoD, it's not quite as great as CS, but who needs meta without endgame

Anonymous 4

Strongest character in the game tbh
Drop a flower that adds 25k dmg to your attacks every 2 seconds or so, skill has basically no cd and lasts for ever

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