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Beidou Best Build & Weapon Guide

Genshin Impact | Beidou Best Build & Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact | Beidou Best Build & Weapon Guide - GameWith

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Beidou is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Beidou's, best build, dps and support build, best weapon, F2P weapon, best artifacts, best team comp, & tier for Beidou.

Table of Contents

Beidou Tier & Review

4 StarElectroElectroClaymore
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Beidou!

Strengths & Weakness Of Beidou

- Ability to negate attacks through counter.
- Powerful Elemental Burst that stays even after switching.
- Elemental Skill can also pack a damage.
- Requires a lot of Energy Recharge to keep the Elemental Burst up.
- Fairly slow movements as a Main DPS.
- Fairly difficult to build because she requires multiple stats.
▼ Details about Beidou below.

Beidou Best Build

Beidou Support Build

WeaponWolfWolf's Gravestone
Substitute1. Makhaira AquamarineMakhaira Aquamarine
2. Skyward PrideSkyward Pride
3. AkuoumaruAkuoumaru
4. Luxurious Sea-LordLuxurious Sea-Lord (F2P)
5. Forest RegaliaForest Regalia
BestEmblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate x4
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Electro DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate / DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT Rate or DMG
2. ATK%
3. Energy Recharge
4. Elemental Mastery

Provides Off-field Electro Support With Burst

Beidou functions really well as off-field support. Her Burst spreads Electro easily and decreases any damage taken while in effect. In addition, her Burst at Constellation 1 erects a shield that can protect the active character from incoming damages temporarily. If you can easily gain Energy, use her Burst more often to somehow sustain the shield.

Beidou Main DPS Build

WeaponThe UnforgedThe Unforged
Substitute1. Serpent SpineSerpent Spine
2. Skyward PrideSkyward Pride
3. Lithic BladeLithic Blade
4. Prototype ArchaicPrototype Archaic (F2P)
5. RainslasherRainslasher
BestThundering FuryThundering Fury x4
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Electro DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate / DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT Rate or DMG
2. ATK%
3. Elemental Mastery
4. Energy Recharge

Beidou Can Work Her Way To Get Energy

This build focuses on making Beidou an on-field DPS carry. You can opt to have lower ER since Beidou is going to be the active character who can collect Energy particles by using Skill. She can also be paired with characters that work well with Electro.

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Beidou Best Weapon

Beidou Support Weapon

Best Weapons For Support Build

BestWolfWolf's GravestoneATK 49.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Gives additional ATK%
- Can periodically increase ATK% of the team for a duration
└ The buff gets triggered if Beidou gets to damage an enemy with less than 30% HP
2ndMakhaira AquamarineMakhaira AquamarineElemental Mastery 165 (Lvl. 90)
- Gain ATK% that scales with EM
- Provides a sustained ATK% buff to other members in the team
- Great for Electro-related reaction team comp
3rdSkyward PrideSkyward PrideEnergy Recharge 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- ER substat is convenient for Burst uptime
- Increases the damage output of Beidou
4thAkuoumaruAkuoumaruATK 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% increases overall damage
- Increases Burst DMG
└ Depends on the combined maximum Energy of the team
F2PLuxurious Sea-LordLuxurious Sea-LordATK 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Increases Elemental Burst DMG
└ Guaranteed to inflict an Aoe damage periodically
- Event-exclusive weapon which makes it easy to R5
F2PForest RegaliaForest RegaliaEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- ER substat is convenient for Burst uptime
- Electro-related reactions can produce Leaf that increases EM for a duration
- Craftable which makes it easier to refine
6thSacrificial GreatswordSacrificial GreatswordEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- ER substat is convenient for Burst uptime
- Chance to reset Skill
└ Can produce additional Energy upon using Skill

Aim For Energy Recharge & Elemental Mastery

With high ER, Beidou can keep the uptime of her Burst while having high EM increases the damage of Electro-related reactions which is good not only for Beidou but also for other team members that synergize with her.

Beidou Main DPS Weapon

Best Weapons For Main DPS Build

BestThe UnforgedThe UnforgedATK 49.6% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% increases overall damage
└ Stacks give additional ATK% (4 stacks at max)
- Can strengthen shield from her Burst
└ ATK can be increased further while protected by a shield
2ndSerpent SpineSerpent Spine CRIT Rate 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT DMG makes it convenient to achieve good CRIT stat ratio
- Stacks let you deal more damage to the enemies but the damage you receive is also increased (5 stacks at max)
└ Stacks are reduced whenever you get hit
3rdSkyward PrideSkyward PrideEnergy Recharge 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- ER substat is convenient for Burst uptime
- Increases the damage output of Beidou
- Can create vacuum blades periodically
4thLithic BladeLithic BladeATK 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% increases overall damage
- Can provide additional ATK% & CRIT Rate
└ Passive is situational since it only takes effect when team members hail from Liyue
F2PPrototype ArchaicPrototype ArchaicATK 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% increases overall damage
- Craftable which makes it easier to refine
- Can inflict a small AoE periodically
6thRainslasherRainslasherElemental Mastery 165 (Lvl. 90)
- EM stat is great for Electro-related reaction team comp
└ Better for triggering Electro-charge

Prioritize CRIT Stat As Much As Possible

The Unforged is the best claymore for Beidou since she can erect a shield of her own which can maximize The Unforge's passive. On the other hand, Serpent Spine is an excellent claymore due to its CRIT Rate stat & passive that can further increase Beidou's damage output.

Elemental Mastery Is Also Viable

Meanwhile, EM increases the damage of all Electro-related reactions. Using an EM weapon is great if you already have a good CRIT stat ratio from artifacts alone.

All Weapon List

Beidou Best Artifacts

Beidou Support Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Support Build

BestEmblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate
Substitute 1Gilded DreamsGilded Dreams
Substitute 2Thundering FuryThundering Fury
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige

Recommended Artifact Stats

Flower Icon Main: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Feather Icon Main: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands Icon Main: ATK%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet Icon Main: Electro DMG Bonus%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown Icon Main: CRIT Damage / Rate
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge

Go For Pure Elemental Mastery When Using Gilded Dreams

It is great to use Gilded Dreams when you are using Beidou as support with Dendro. With pure EM build, Beidou can trigger quicken reaction with Dendro that can inflict powerful damage periodically.

You Can Use ER Sands If She's The Only Electro In The Team

If you want to specifically use Beidou as the only Electro in the team, you can change your ATK% Sands to ER to compensate for her Energy for Burst uptime. Do note that you sacrifice damage in exchange for Energy.

Beidou Main DPS Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Main DPS Build

BestThundering FuryThundering Fury
Substitute 1Thundering FuryThundering Fury
GladiatorAny ATK%
Substitute 2Retracing BolideRetracing Bolide
Substitute 3ThundersootherThundersoother

Recommended Artifact Stats

Flower Icon Main: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Feather Icon Main: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands Icon Main: ATK%
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge
Goblet Icon Main: Electro DMG Bonus%
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown Icon Main: CRIT DMG / Rate
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge

Thundering Fury Is Excellent For Electro Reactions

The 4-piece effect of Thundering Fury can periodically reduce the CD of Skill while simultaneously increasing the damage output of all Electro-related reactions. If you are able to proc said reactions, it is possible for you to use Skill more often which could also produce Energy for Burst.

Retracing Bolide & Thundersoother Are Both Situational

Beidou can benefit from both artifact sets but situational. For instance, the 4-piece effect of Retracing Bolide is only activated when Beidou has a shield while Thundersoother is only applicable for mono Electro team comp.

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Beidou Best Team Comp

Premium Team For Beidou

Sub DPS DPS Sub DPS Support
- Beidou can trigger Catalyze and Aggravate for Clorinde to deal increased damage.
- Nahida's Dendro application is top-tier and she can deal good personal damage from her Skill marks.
- Xilonen can buff Clorinde's Elemental DMG and heal the team.

Other Characters That Works With Beidou

ClorindeClorindeAlhaithamAlhaitham- Alhaitham is a Dendro DPS who can be used for Catalyze teams.
- Quicken team comp with Beidou would need a 2nd Electro character.
- All three are good Dendro sub-DPS that can be used.
- Baizhu has a passive for increasing the damage of Dendro reactions.
- Both are good alternatives to Xilonen.
- Kazuha can do crowd control while Zhongli can shield the team and prevent interruption in rotations.

Free-To-Play Party

Sub DPS Driver Sub DPS Sub DPS
- Beidou can apply Electro along with Ororon for consistent Electro-Charged reactions.
- Barbara is the on-field reaction driver and can heal the team if needed.
- Xingqiu can deal additional Hydro damage off-field and mitigate damage taken.
- Ororon can charge the Energy of the active character.

Beidou Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Noctilucous Jade Farm Routes

Noctilucous Jade Farm Routes
Noctilucous Jade Farming Route

Talent Materials For Beidou

Beidou 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Oceanborne★★★・・
Tidecaller (Elemental Skill)★★★★・
Stormbreaker (Elemental Burst)★★★★★

Beidou Skill Guide & How To Use Beidou

Recommended Rotation For Sub-DPS Beidou

Recommended Rotation
1Use the Elemental Skill of Beidou to gather energy and deal powerful damage to enemies.
2Once Energy is gathered, unleash Elemental Burst.
3Switch to another character .

Uses Of Beidou's Elemental Skill

Dealing Guarding & Counter Damage

Beidou is able to deal powerful damage with her Elemental Skill and is able to negate some damage through her Elemental Skill. Enemies hit by the counter attack will also release Electro Energy which is useful for gathering energy.

Cleansing & Electro Gimmicks

During your guard phase, Beidou will have Electro will be inflicted on her. This can be used for cleansing elements inflicted to Beidou and use for various Electro gimmicks in Inazuma.

Uses Of Beidou's Elemental Burst

▲ Deals additional Electro damage every hit to enemies.

Electro Application & Damage

Beidou's Burst makes every hit you do inflict an additional Electro damage to the target. This makes it easier triggering Electro Reactions while dealing strong damage. It stays even after switching making it a great combo for swift attacking characters like Childe and Yoimiya.

Beidou Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Beidou?

Pull If You Need A DPS Or An Off-Field Electro


Beidou is a DPS that can provide an block and counter while dealing powerful Electro damage to nearby enemies. Although Beidou's constellation improves her DPS capabilities, it is not recommended to aim for Beidou when pulling unless Beidou's rate is boosted.

Best Constellation For Beidou

★★★★★C1: Sea Beast's Scourge
When Stormbreaker is used:
Creates a shield that absorbs up to 16% of Beidou's Max HP for 15s.
This shield absorbs Electro DMG 150% more effectively.
★★★★★C2: Upon The Turbulent Sea, The Thunder Arises
Stormbreaker's arc lightning can jump to additional targets.
★★・・・C3: Summoner Of Storm
Increases the Level of Tidecaller by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★・・・・C4: Stunning Revenge
Upon being attacked, Beidou's Normal Attacks gain an additional instance of 20% Electro DMG for 10s.
★★★・・C5: Crimson Tidewalker
Increases the Level of Stormbreaker by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★・C6: Bane Of Evil
During the duration of Stormbreaker, the Electro RES of surrounding opponents is decreased by 15%.

Required To Have C1, Recommended To Get Her To C2/C6

If Beidou has no Constellations, she cannot geneerate a shield with her Elemental Burst, which makes it hard to use. This is why getting her to C1 is a must. The rest of Constellations are strong, byt C2 and C6 increases her DPS potential, including an Electro shred with her Burst.

Beidou Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Oceanborne

Normal Attack

Performs up to 5 consecutive strikes.
1-Hit DMG71.1%76.9%82.7%91% 96.8%103%112%122%131%141%152%
2-Hit DMG70.9%76.7%82.4%90.6%96.4%103%12%121%130%140%151%
3-Hit DMG88.3%95.5%103%113%120%128%140%151%162%175%189%
4-Hit DMG86.5%93.6%101%111%118%126%137%148%159%171%185%
5-Hit DMG112%121%130%143%153%163%177%192%206%222%240%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous slashes. At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG74.6%80.7%86.7%95.4%101.5%108.4%118%127.5%137%147.4%157.9%
Low Plunge DMG149%161%173%191%203%217%236%255%274%294%`316%
High Plunge DMG186%202%217%238%253%271%295%318%342%368%394%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Tidecaller (Elemental Skill)

Nothing to worry about. Should anyone raise a hand against her or her men, she will avenge it ten-fold with sword and thunder.


Accumulating the power of lightning, Beidou swings her blade forward fiercely, dealing Electro DMG.


Lifts her weapon up as a shield. Max DMG absorbed scales off Beidou's Max HP. Attacks using the energy stored within the greatsword upon release or once this ability's duration expires, dealing Electro DMG. DMG dealt scales with the number of times Beidou is attacked in the skill's duration. The greatest DMG Bonus will be attained once this effect is triggered twice. The shield possesses the following properties:
・Has 250% Electro DMG Absorption Efficiency.
・Applies the Electro element to Beidou upon activation.
on Hit

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.


Recalling her slaying of the great beast Haishan, Beidou calls upon that monstrous strength and the lightning to create a Thunderbeast's Targe around herself, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents.

Thunderbeast's Targe

・When Normal and Charged Attacks hit, they create a lightning discharge that can jump between opponents, dealing Electro DMG.
・Increases the character's resistance to interruption, and decreases DMG taken.
A maximum of 1 lightning discharge can be triggered per second.
Skill DMG122%131%140%152%161%170%182%195%207%219%231%243%258%
DMG Reduction20%21%22%24%25%26%28%30%32%34%35%36%37%
Energy Cost80808080808080808080808080

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.


Counterattacking with Tidecaller at the precise moment when the character is hit grants the maximum DMG Bonus.

Lightning Storm

Gain the following effects for 10s after unleashing Tidecaller with its maximum DMG Bonus:
・DMG dealt by Normal and Charged Attacks is increased by 15%. ATK SPD of Normal and Charged Attacks is increased by 15%.
・Greatly reduced delay before unleashing Charged Attacks.

Conqueror of Tides

Decreases swimming Stamina consumption for your own party members by 20%. Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.

Characters With Same Role As Beidou 

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Anonymous 10

I put "Ultimate overlords mega magic sword" on beidou and it proforms incredibly well. I have her built as a battery and support and the damage is quite good imo then again i was a beidou main lol

Anonymous 9

They again put her into an A-tier. I pray for some consistency. Being a (somewhat) niche doesn't make a character any worse. There will be more and more such characters as the game progresses.

SirKastiqGaming 8

Anyone else remember when she was considered F tier? Yeah I remember. Then she slowly went all the way up to now being considered SS tier. LMAO

Anonymous 7

would the unforged not be good for beidou? i just got it and i'm not sure who to give it to...

Anonymous 6

Fischl is kinda f2p but for new players It wouldnt realy be f2p

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