Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Luxurious Sea-Lord - Fish Claymore Stats

Genshin Impact | Luxurious Sea-Lord - Fish Claymore Stats

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Genshin Impact | Luxurious Sea-Lord - Fish Claymore Stats - GameWith

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Luxurious Sea-Lord is a Claymore weapon for Genshin Impact 5.5. Guide includes stats, effect, skills, how to get Luxurious Sea-Lord, good for whom, & Fish Claymore Stats!

Table of Contents

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Luxurious Sea-Lord Stats & How To Get

Luxurious Sea-Lord
DPS Tier Support Tier
Type Rarity
Claymore 4 Star
Base Attack
(Lvl. 90)
Additional Stat
(Lvl. 90)
454 ATK 55.1%
How To Get
Moonlight Merriment
ATK Buff/Bonus
Skill/Burst Bonus
Basis For Tier
Basis For Tier
SS Tier- Amazing for Multiple Characters and provides significant damage or support.
S Tier- Works with Multiple Characters and provide descent damage or support.
A Tier- Flexible but fairly weak compared to its competitors
- Not flexible but provides significant support and damage.
- Great Stat Stick for multiple characters.
B Tier- Weak weapon but can work on characters with specific build as a Stat Stick.
C Tier- Does not work with many characters and does not provide benefits.

Luxurious Sea-Lord Effect / Skill

Weapon Skill: Oceanic Victory

Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 12%. When Elemental Burst hits opponents, there is a 100% chance of summoning a titanic tuna that charges and deals 100% ATK as AoE DMG. This effect can occur once every 15s.

▼ Visual Effects & Weapon Tips

Unique Fish-Shaped Claymore

Unique Fish-Shaped Claymore

The Luxurious Sea-Lord is definitely eye-catching thanks to its unconventional shape. It is basically a large fish that is used as a weapon to defeat enemies. The size of the fish scales with the user's model so if the user is small like Sayu, the visual is not the same as Diluc's.

Quirky Visuals With Lingering Effects

Quirky Visuals

It is funny to see some lingering effects on the Luxurious Sea-Lord. For instance, the Pyro infusion from Diluc's Burst looks like the tuna is getting cooked.

Luxurious Sea-Lord Gameplay & Tips

Claymore For DPS

Luxurious Sea-Lord has an ATK sub-stat and passive that significantly improves the user's Burst capabilities. Besides the increased Burst DMG, it can deal AoE damage that scales with the user's ATK which can be triggered once every 15 seconds.

Tuna Effect

Luxurious Sea-Lord passive

When the user casts a Burst and hits the enemy, several scattered tuna can be seen on the enemy.

Luxurious Sea-Lord Is Good For Whom?

Characters That Can Use Luxurious Sea-Lord

DilucDiluc- Notable weapon for Diluc
- Can optimize passive since Burst is included in his attack rotation
↳ His Burst also has short CD and low Energy cost
SayuSayu- Useful weapon improving Sayu's support capabilities
↳ Her healing scales with ATK
↳ Can trigger the AoE tuna if Sayu is on-field while Burst is active
ChongyunChongyun- Great weapon for Chongyun
- Recommended for both DPS & support build
↳ Can optimize passive since his Burst has short CD and low Energy cost
EulaEula- Substantial weapon for Eula
↳ Can optimize passive since she can trigger it even with Shattered Lightfall Sword from consuming 2 stacks of Grimheart from Skill
BeidouBeidou- Great weapon for Beidou
- Recommended for main DPS build
↳ Can optimize passive since she can trigger the AoE tuna with her Normal Attack while Burst is active
DoriDori- Useful weapon for Dori
- ATK sub-stat increases Dori's damage output including tether damage from Burst & Jinni Toop at C2
↳ Can trigger the AoE tuna if Dori is the one tethered to her Burst

Luxurious Sea-Lord How To Get, Banners, Availability

Obtainable In-Game

Luxurious Sea-Lord can be obtained in-game. You do not need to use your wishes to obtain this weapon.

Rate Up Banners For Luxurious Sea-Lord

This weapon is not featured as a rate-up weapon on any banners.

Only Obtainable During Version 2.1

Luxurious Sea-Lord is a limited-edition event weapon that requires a specific refinement material. This claymore can only be obtained during the Moonlight Merriment event from 2.1 update.

Luxurious Sea-Lord Ascension Materials

Weapon Ascension Materials For Luxurious Sea-Lord

Show Mats Needed To Get To Lvl. 80

Locations Of Ascension Materials

Grain Of Aerosiderite
Piece Of Aerosiderite
Bit Of Aerosiderite
Chunk Of Aerosiderite
Fragile Bone Shard
Sturdy Bone Shard
Fossilized Bone Shard
Location Map

Location Map

Location Map
Slime Condensate
Slime Secretions
Slime Concentrate





Similar Weapons As Luxurious Sea-Lord

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Anonymous 10

I really hope that event weapons (and characters, looking at you Aloy) will eventually get reruns or added to the standard banner. I would kill to get this claymore. It's too **** funny, especially on Diluc.

Anonymous 9

Xinyan works amazing with this weapon.

Anonymous 8

I haven't been able to get the titanic tuna to appear :(

Anonymous 7

Seems to be that this is one of the best 4* weapons for Diluc and Eula.

Anonymous 6

So, is Serpent Spine or fish better for diluc?

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