Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Dendro Traveler Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Dendro Traveler Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Dendro Traveler Build & Weapon - GameWith

Dendro Traveler is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Dendro Traveler's, rating, materials, best weapon, team with Raiden, & best support build for Dendro Traveler.

Table of Contents

Dendro Traveler Tier & Review

Dendro Traveler
5 StarDendroDendroSword
How To Get?
Interact with the Statue of Seven in Sumeru
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Dendro Traveler!

Strengths & Weakness Of Dendro Traveler

- All of the Constellation can be obtained for free.
- Elemental Burst is great for reactions and has a wide AoE.
- The Burst Cost is also very high making the traveler need a lot of Energy Recharge.
- Elemental Burst can end quickly when in-contact with Pyro.
▼ Details about Dendro Traveler below.

Dendro Traveler Best Build

Dendro Traveler Works Great As A Burst Support

Dendro Traveler has a good off-field Dendro infliction using Elemental Burst. They work well as a support that deals Dendro DMG. Artifacts and weapons that increases the up-time of this Elemental Burst and increases its powers is recommended.

Dendro Reaction Support Build

WeaponXiphosXiphos' Moonlight
Substitute1. Freedom-SwornFreedom-Sworn
2. Favonius SwordFavonius Sword (F2P Option)
Best ArtifactDeepwood MemoriesDeepwood Memories x4
Artifact StatsSands: Energy Recharge
Goblet: Elemental Mastery / Dendro DMG Bonus
Circlet: Elemental Mastery / CRIT Rate or DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. Elemental Mastery
2. Energy Recharge
3. CRIT Rate
4. CRIT Damage

Great Build For Reactions

This build focuses increasing the reaction damage that Traveler will produce. This is a great build if you are going to use Traveler for Dendro reactions like Bloom.

Related Links:

Dendro Traveler Best Weapon

Dendro Traveler Works Well With EM or ER Weapons

Dendro Traveler needs high up-time of Elemental Burst to spread Dendro. Having a high Energy Recharge is amazing for up-time. Elemental Mastery works amazing especially for reaction teams like Bloom.

Weapon Rankings & Comparisons For Dendro Support Weapons

BestXiphosXiphos' MoonlightElemental Mastery 165 (Lvl. 90)
- Boost Elemental Mastery with it sub-stat.
- Increases the Energy Recharge of self and the team based on EM.
- A flexible buff good for any type of team.
- Solves Energy Problems of Dendro Traveler while keeping a very high Elemental Mastery.
2ndFreedom-SwornFreedom-SwornElemental Mastery 198 (Lvl. 90)
- Boost Elemental Mastery
- Provides additional Buff to the team.
- You need to invest more on Energy Recharge through sub-stats.
3rdFavonius SwordFavonius SwordEnergy Recharge 61.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases Energy Recharge of Traveler.
- With CRIT, it allows Traveler to also provide energy for the team.
4thSacrificial SwordSacrificial SwordEnergy Recharge 61.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Boost Energy Recharge greatly.
- Allows Elemental Skill to be casted twice
- You need to invest more on Energy Recharge through sub-stats.
Sapwood BladeSapwood BladeEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Decent Energy Recharge Buff.
- Is able to release a leaf that boost Elemental Mastery.
- Can be obtained for free.
Iron StingIron StingElemental Mastery 165 (Lvl. 90)
- Free to Play option that is accessible from the start.
- Provides decent Elemental Mastery boost.
- Increases reaction damage of characters but needs to be on-field.

Elemental Mastery & Energy Recharge Increasing Weapon Are Recommended

To increase the damage from dendro reactions, increasing Elemental Mastery is recommended. Energy Recharge is also good for stability of Elemental Burst.

All Weapon List

Dendro Traveler Best Artifacts

Dendro DMG Or Elemental Mastery Raising Artifacts Are Recommended

Dendro Traveler normally is the second Dendro character in teams. Because of this, Deepwood Memories tends to work best with Dendro Traveler. For detailed stats check the guide below:

Best Artifact Sets For Dendro Support Traveler

BestDeepwood MemoriesDeepwood Memories
Substitute 1Gilded DreamsGilded Dreams

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge% / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Sands IconMain:Energy Recharge
Sub: Elemental Mastery / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK%
Goblet IconMain: Elemental Mastery Or Dendro DMG Bonus%
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Crown IconMain: Elemental Mastery /CRIT Rate / Damage
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG

Maximize Elemental Mastery Then Increase Energy Recharge

To maximize the damage from Dendro reactions, Elemental Mastery is important. Energy Recharge is also crucial for up-time so try to reach 180 Energy Recharge above. This can be done through weapons and substats.

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Dendro Traveler Best Team Comp

Best Team Comps For Dendro Traveler

Dendro Traveler works well as a Sub-DPS to Elemental Reaction Based teams because of its Elemental Burst. You should pair the Dendro Traveler with characters that reacts with Dendro.

SupportMain DPSSub-DPSHealer
Dendro TravelerDendro TravelerYae MikoYae MikoRaiden ShogunRaiden ShogunKokomiKokomi
- Dendro Traveler works great with Raiden Shogun because Raiden Shogun can cover for Dendro Traveler's High Burst Cost.
- Yae Miko will be extra powerful because of the Dendro Reaction, Quicken.
- Kokomi can heal and can also trigger Bloom that can lead to Hyper Bloom due to the existence of many Electro Attacks.

Other Characters That Works With Dendro Traveler

Yae MikoYae MikoYoimiyaYoimiya
- Any DPS that can react with Dendro is welcome in this team.
Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu
Healers that react with dendro should be considered. You should also base it on the DPS choice.
Raiden ShogunRaiden ShogunFischlFischl - Fischl can also provide energy even if she is not as effective as Raiden Shogun.
Best Team Build & Party Compositions

F2P Friendly Team For Dendro Traveler

Dendro TravelerDendro TravelerFischlFischlLisaLisaBarbaraBarbara
- Lisa can deal more powerful Electro damage with Dendro on its side.
- Fischl is there for energy and additional electro damage.
- Barbara can heal and also spread hydro to opponents for other dendro reactions such as hyperbloom.
Free Character List

Dendro Traveler Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Windwheel Aster Farm Routes

Windwheel Aster Farming Route

Talent Materials For Dendro Traveler

Dendro Traveler 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Foreign Fieldcleaver★・・・・
Razorgrass Blade
(Elemental Skill)
Surgent Manifestation
(Elemental Burst)

Dendro Traveler Skill Guide & How To Use Dendro Traveler

Recommended Rotation for Dendro Traveler

Recommended Rotation
1Use Elemental Skill to gather Energy.
2Use Elemental Burst and switch to your main DPS.
3Fight with your Main DPS until the Elemental Burst is over.
4Repeat from number 1.

Uses Of Elemental Skill

Gather Energy & Deal Damage

Elemental Skill

Traveler will deal a frontal slash dealing one shot of Dendro damage in a small AoE in front of him. Other than damage dealing, this skill also is the main source of energy particles for Traveler.

Uses Of Elemental Burst

Consistent Off-Field Dendro Damage

Elemental Burst

Dendro Traveler's Elemental Burst will deal continuous Dendro Damage to the enemies within its AoE.

Once The Flower Bud Contacted With Other Elements, It Produces Different Effects

Element Effect
Elemental Burst: Hydro
Increases the AoE of the continuous attack and the Elemental Burst itself.
Elemental Burst: Pyro
A huge explosion will occur dealing Dendro DMG around it. This automatically ends the Burst even if there is time left before it dissappears.
Elemental Burst: Electro
The continuous Dendro damage will become faster and a lightning effect will occur to the blooms.

Based on the combination and team, the effect of the elemental Burst of Dendro Traveler changes.

Dendro Traveler Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Dendro Traveler?

No Need To Pull For Dendro Traveler

Dendro is a free character that cannot be obtained via wishes. You can unlock the character by interacting with the Statue of the Seven at Sumeru.

Best Constellation For Dendro Traveler

★★★・・C1: Symbiotic Creeper
After Razorgrass Blade hits an opponent, it will regenerate 3.5 Energy for the Traveler.
★★★★★C2: Green Resilience
Lea Lotus Lamp's duration is increased by 3s.
★★・・・C3: Whirling Weeds
Increases the Level of Razorglass Blade by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★・・・・C4: Treacle Grass
After the Lea Lotus Lamp triggers a Lotuslight Transfiguration, it will obtain 5 stacks of the Overflowing Lotuslight effect from the Passive Talent "Verdant Overgrowth."
You must have unlocked this Passive Talen first.
★★★★・C5: Viridian Transience
Increases the Level of Surgent Manifestation by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★・・・C6: Withering Aggregation
The Dendro DMG Bonus of the character under the effect of Overflowing Lotuslight as created by the Lea Lotus Lamp is increased by 12%. If the Lamp has experienced a Lotuslight Transfiguration previously, the character will also gain 12% DMG Bonus for the corresponding element.

Great At Constellation 2

The Dendro Traveler is great already at Constellation 2 since it extends their Burst by 3 seconds. Getting them to C5 is ideal since they will get a significant boost in their Burst's level, but C2 is great as it is while you collect the other Constellations for them.

Characters With Same Role As Dendro Traveler 

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Anonymous 3

Dendro traveler burst support is very good

Anonymous 2

I mean Sapwood Blade is also craftable, sooo....

Anonymous 1

Favonius Sword and Iron Sting are good f2p options for dmc lol

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