Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Candace Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Candace Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Candace Build & Weapon - GameWith

Candace is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Candace's, talent & ascension material, kit, best weapon, best artifact, best team comp, & best DPS build guide for Candace.

Table of Contents

Candace Articles
Best Teams For CandaceBest Teams For Candace-

Candace Tier & Review

4 StarHydroHydroPolearm
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

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Strengths & Weakness Of Candace

- Flexible Buff that increases the damage of the whole team.
- Easy to build because Buff does not need increasing talent.
- Can also work as a DPS.
- Fairly weak buff compared to its competitors.
- Chooses a team because of its infusion.
▼ Details about Candace below.

Candace Best Build

Candace Can Be Built As A Support Or A Main DPS

Candace's kit allows her to be a Main DPS that needs Elemental Burst or a support that increases Elemental DMG. For details of the build and F2P options, check the guide below:

Candace HP Support Build

WeaponBlack TasselBlack Tassel
Substitute1. The CatchThe Catch (F2P)
2. Favonius LanceFavonius Lance
Best ArtifactEmblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate x2
Tenacity Of The MillelithTenacity Of The Millelith x2
Artifact StatsSands: HP%
Goblet: HP%
Circlet: HP%
Priority Sub-Stats 1. HP%
2. Energy Recharge
3. CRIT Rate
4. CRIT Damage

This build focuses on increasing the Buff that Candace provides with her Elemental Burst. The buff scales from her HP but Energy Recharge is also required for consistent rotations.

160 Energy Recharge Is Enough

Having 160 Energy Recharge is often enough for a stable burst especially when you are using Candace with another Hydro Character.

Candace Main DPS Build

WeaponStaff Of HomaStaff Of Homa
Substitute1. DeathmatchDeathmatch
2. Blackcliff PoleBlackcliff Pole
3. White TasselWhite Tassel (F2P)
Best ArtifactHeart Of DepthHeart Of Depth x4
Artifact StatsSands: HP%
Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate / DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT Rate Or DMG
2. HP%
3. Elemental Mastery
4. Energy Recharge

This build focuses on increasing the damage of Candace's Normal Attack and damage from her skills.

Requires A Balance Between HP and CRIT Stats

When using Candace as a Hydro DPS, you need to balance HP and CRIT Stats since most of her damage scales from those stats. Staff of Homa is great since it increases the HP and CRIT Dmg stats.

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Candace Best Weapon

For Candace, The Best Weapon Depends On What Role She Is

For Candace, HP stats are important but its priority depends on what build you are doing. For the type of weapon and F2P choices see the list below:

Weapon Ranking & Comparisons For Support Candace

Black TasselBlack TasselHP 46.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Easy to get HP Polearm.
- The only polearm beside Staff of Homa that boost HP.
- Weapon effects and refinements does not matter.
The CatchThe CatchEnergy Recharge 45.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Boost Energy Recharge for a great up-time of Elemental Burst.
- Increases CRIT DMG and Rate of Elemental Burst.
- Free but requires a lot of fishing to maximize.
3rdFavonius LanceFavonius LanceEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Allows Candace to provide Energy for the team as well.
- Requires you to invest on CRIT Rate as well is its down side.

Boosting HP or Energy Recharge Is Recommended

For the support build of Candace, you only need to focus on increasing HP and Energy Recharge. HP is the highest priority since Candace's Burst cost is not very high. 160% Energy Recharge is enough for a stable rotation.

Weapon Ranking & Comparisons For Main DPS Candace

BestStaff Of HomaStaff Of HomaCRIT DMG 66.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Increases HP and CRIT DMG.
- Provides ATK buff that scales from HP but with a condition.
2ndBlackcliff PoleBlackcliff PoleCRIT DMG 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Amazing CRIT Damage Stat Stick.
- Effect of the weapon does not work with single target enemies.
3rdDeathmatchDeathmatchCRIT Rate 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Huge CRIT Rate Stats.
- Gives buff depending on the number of enemies.
- Can only be obtained via Premium Battle Pass
F2PWhite TasselWhite TasselCRIT Rate 23.4% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases CRIT Rate Stats.
- Boost Normal ATK as well.
- Very easy to R5 because it is a 3 star weapon.
- Low base ATK stats.

CRIT Weapons That Increases Normal Attack Damage & HP Works Great

To increase the personal damage of Candace and her Normal Attacks, you need a balance of CRIT Rate, Damage and HP. Weapons that boost the said stats are recommended for this build.

All Weapon List

Candace Best Artifacts

Best Artifact For Candace Depends On What Role Candace Is

Candace's Kit allows her to be a DPS and a Support. Depending on the role, the best artifact changes. For the most effective ones and substitutes, check the list below:

Best Artifact Set For Support Candace

BestNoblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige
Substitute 1Emblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate
Tenacity of the MillelithTenacity of the Millelith

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: HP% / Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate & DMG
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: HP% / Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate & DMG
Sands IconMain:HP%
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate & DMG
Goblet IconMain: HP%
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate & DMG
Crown IconMain: HP%
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate & DMG

Prioritize Increasing HP

The Buff that Candace provides scales from her HP so increasing the HP of Candace is crucial when using her as a support. Use Artifacts with HP as main stats to increase the Max HP. Energy Recharge can be from weapons or sub-stats.

Noblesse Oblige Works Depending On The Team That Candace Supports

Noblesse Oblige is great for Candace since it give ATK buff for the team. If you have another Noblesse Oblige holder in the team or if the Main DPS does not scale from HP, Emblem and Tenacity will work better.

Best Artifact Set For Main DPS Candace Build

BestHeart Of DepthHeart Of Depth
Substitute 1Heart Of DepthHeart Of Depth
Tenacity Of The MillelithTenacity Of The Millelith

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT Rate & DMG / HP% / Elemental Mastery
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT Rate & DMG / HP% / Elemental Mastery
Sands IconMain: HP%
Sub: Elemental Mastery / Energy Recharge / CRIT Rate & DMG
Goblet IconMain: Hydro DMG Bonus%
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / HP% / Elemental Mastery
Crown IconMain: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / HP% / Elemental Mastery

Prioritize Increasing HP While Having Balanced CRIT Stats

Using Candace as a Main DPS works well but requires a decent amount of investment. You need to create a balance of CRIT DMG and CRIT Rate while having around 30,000 HP. The main source of damage is Normal and Charge attacks making Heart of Depths a great set. You can use the substitute while you are farming for 4pc. Heart of Depth.

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Candace Best Team Comp

Best Team For Candace

- Candace will be the main support in this team boosting the normal attack of the team.
- Ayato gets boosted through Hydro Resonance and Normal Attack Buff.
- Xiangling will be the sub-DPS dealing Vaporized .
- Bennett will buff team and provide stable healing.

Other Characters That Works With Candace

- Any characters that uses Normal Attack as main source of damage works well with Candace.
XianglingXianglingDendro TravelerDendro Traveler
- Choose the Sub-DPS based on the Main DPS.
- Any healer can work well with Candace but it is preferred to have Hydro Resonance Activated for more buff.

Free To Play (F2P) Friendly Party

- Candace can also act as a Hydro DPS
- Xiangling can provide Vaporized Reaction.
- Sucrose boost reaction.
- Barbara provided Hydro Resonance and stable healing.

Candace Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Talent Materials For Candace

Candace 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack★★★・・
(Elemental Skill)★★★★★
(Elemental Burst)★★★・・

Candace Skill Guide & How To Use Candace

Recommended Rotation For Support Candace

Recommended Rotation
1Use the Elemental Skill of Candace to gather energy and deal powerful damage to enemies.
2Unleash Elemental Burst to set up for your team.
3Switch to Main DPS and fight.
4Repeat 1st step.

Uses Of Candace's Elemental Skill

Guards Against Enemies And Deals Powerful Charged Attack

Uses Of Elemental Skill
p:With Candace's shield raised up, she will block damage while her Elemental Skill is active. However, this should only work with a single attack and it cannot continue blocking indefinitely.

Deal Hydro Damage

Once you finish charging your shield, Candace will leap forward and deal hydro damage. Since this is an AOE attack, multiple enemies will be hit and hydro will be applied to them.

Great For Tanking Attacks & Gathering Energy

Because Yun Jin is normally build with high defense, the hold skill of Yun Jin can tank powerful attack with ease even if she has low max HP. Hitting Enemies with Elemental Skill also releases several energy particles making the skill a great source of energy especially if paired with Favonius Lance

Uses Of Candace's Elemental Burst

Uses Of Elemental Burst

▲ Increases Elemental DMG Bonus of the team & gives Hydro Infusion to specific weapons.

Applies Hydro Infusion To Whole Party

Candace's Elemental Burst will apply a blessing, granting all party members that use a Sword, Claymore & Poleram with Hydro infusion. Use this to your advantage to continuously apply Hydro and cause reactions!

Increases DMG Bonus Of Team

Using Elemental Burst of Candace increases the damage bonus of the team. This damage bonus does not increase with Talent Level up so no need to level up talents for Candace.

Candace Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Candace?

Pull For Quick Swap Teams & A Buffer


Candace has a flexible buff and is able to inflict Hydro off-field every time you switch a character. If you mostly use teams that frequently switch from one character to another, pulling for Candace is recommended.

Best Constellation For Candace

★★★★★C1: Returning Heiress Of The Scarlet Sands
The duration of Prayer of the Crimson Crown effect triggered by Sacred Rite: Wagtail's Tide is increased by 3s.
★★★★・C2: Moon-Piercing Brilliance
When Sacred Rite: Heron's Sanctum hits opponents, Candace's max HP will be increased by 20% for 15s.
★★★・・C3: Hunter's Supplication
Increases the Level of Sacred Rite: Wagtail's Tide by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: Sentinel Oath
Shortens the Hold CD of Sacred Rite: Heron's Sanctum to be the same as that of the Tapping CD.
★・・・・C5: Heterochromatic Gaze
Increases the the Level of Dream of the Sacred Rite: Heron's Sanctum by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★★C6: The Overflow
When characters (excluding Candace herself) affected by the Prayer of the Crimson Crown caused by Sacred Rite: Wagtail's Tide deal Elemental DMG to opponents using Normal Attacks, an attack wave will be unleashed that deals AoE Hydro DMG equal to 15% of Candace's Max HP.
This effect can trigger once every 2.3s and is considered Elemental Burst DMG.

Becomes A Better Hydro Enabler At C6

At the bare minimum, it's recommended to have Candace at C1 since it will increase the effects of Sacred Rite: Wagtail's Tide by 3 seconds. However, getting her at C6 is best since this makes her a better Hydro enabler, allowing the active character to be an effective Hydro applicator.

Characters With Same Role As Candace 

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Nyx 9

What about the Nymph’s Dream artifact set for DPS Candace? Or does HoD still outperform that?

Anonymous 8

would 2p heart of depth 2p tenacity actually work tho? tryna build a dps for fun as i have her C6

Anonymous 7

(Nahida-Yelan-Candace-HuTao), found by accident. SS+... switched Nahida to Prototype Amber for some heals.

Anonymous 6

obviously copied from Yun Jin, didn't even bother correcting the character's name.

Anonymous 5

"trash build" obviously you don't know how to use her lol kids

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