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Mualani Best Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Mualani Best Build & Weapon

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Mualani is a character of Genshin Impact 5.4. See Mualani's, build, weapon, team, tier, materials, talents, how to use, & character guide for Mualani.

Table of Contents

Mualani Tier & Review

5 StarHydroHydroCatalyst
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes (Limited Banner)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

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What Kind Of Character Is Mualani?

A Hydro DPS That Deals High Damage With Plenty Of Build Up

Mualani Burst

Mualani is a powerful Hydro DPS that uses Elemental Skill to increase her damage then finally launching a one shot damage after maxing them out. Because of this, Mualani is amazing for Vaporize teams and requires plenty of CRIT Rate.

Strengths & Weakness Of Mualani

- Powerful DMG competitive to top DPS.
- Amazing at exploration in Natlan.
- Her damage needs build up to be powerful.
- Most of her damage comes from a single shot so if CRIT hit did not occur, there will be a huge damage loss.
↳ Building up on CRIT Rate is very important.
- Narrow AoE making her amazing at boss but difficult to use at multiple opponents.
▼ Details about Mualani below.

Mualani Best Build

Mualani Is Best Built As A Main DPS

WeaponSurf Surf's Up
Substitute 1. Sacrificial JadeSacrificial Jade
2. Tome Of The Eternal FlowTome Of The Eternal Flow
3. Ring Of YaxcheRing Of Yaxche
4. Prototype AmberPrototype Amber (F2P)
Best ArtifactObsidian Codex Obsidian Codex x4
Artifact StatsSands: HP%
Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT DMG or Rate
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT Rate
3. HP%
4. Elemental Mastery
Recommended Team MualaniDehyaKazuhaZhongli

Stat Goals For Mualani


Mualani has powerful backloaded damage from her Shark attacks. It is only one hit so prioritizing on CRIT Rate is very important for her damage.

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Mualani Best Weapon

CRIT, HP & DMG Bonus Weapons Works Amazing With Mualani

BestSurfSurf's UpCRIT DMG 88.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Signature weapon of Mualani.
- Greatly boost CRIT DMG and Normal Attack.
- HP is also greatly increased.
- Since Mualani is mostly a vaporized focused character, she can keep the stacks at max really easily.
2ndSacrificial JadeSacrificial JadeCRIT Rate 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly buffs HP buff and Elemental Mastery for stronger reaction damage and personal damage.
-With Crit Rate from Sacrificial Jade and Marechausse Hunter, you can get max CRIT Rate with ease.
- To keep the weapon effect up, you can only use Neuvilette on-field for 10 seconds.
3rdTome Of The Eternal FlowTome Of The Eternal Flow CRIT DMG 88.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Amazing HP increase and CRIT DMG allowing you to focus purely on CRIT Rate.
- Charged Attack DMG buff is wasted on Mualani however.
Ring Of YaxcheRing Of YaxcheHP 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increase HP and increase the personal damage with it.
- Can be obtained for free via crafting.
5thThe WidsithThe WidsithCRIT DMG 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Great CRIT DMG Stat Stick for The Widsith.
- 2 of the bonuses works well with Mualani.
- Long Cooldown of passive is not very ideal.
Prototype AmberPrototype AmberHP 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Great for increasing HP of Neuvillette.
- The effect gives Energy and allows you to no longer need a healer in your team.
- Amazing F2P option but makes it difficult to have a good CRIT Balance.

Mualani works well with HP boosting and CRIT Weapons. If you are using Mualani in Vaporize comps, Elemental Mastery weapons can also work.

All Weapon List

Mualani Best Artifacts

Artifact Set Choices For Mualani

Obsidian CodexObsidian Codex★★★★★
- Greatly increases CRIT Rate which is crucial for Mualani who has great one-shot potential.
- Because it provide CRIT Rate, you can focus more on CRIT DMG.
- The 15% DMG Bonus is also good for increasing damage.
Marechaussee Hunter Marechaussee Hunter★★★★・
- Amazing set if you are using Mualani with Furina.
- Because it provide CRIT Rate, you can focus more on CRIT DMG.
Tenacity Of The MillelithVourukashaHeart Of Depth★★★・・
- 2pc. set of either HP% or Hydro DMG.
- Great set while you are still farming for 4pc. sets.

Recommended Artifact Stats

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Energy Recharge
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: HP%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet IconMain: Hydro DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: CRIT Rate or DMG
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / HP% / Energy Recharge

Increasing HP and CRIT Rate is important for Mualani since her main source of damage is only a one hit attack and scales from HP. Artifacts that boost HP and CRIT is recommended.

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Mualani Best Team Comp

Best Team For Mualani

- Mualani works amazing at Vaporize teams because of her powerful one-shot damage.
- Dehya and Kazuha allows Pyro infliction off-field to happen enabling Vaporize.
- Kazuha buffs damage especially when at C2.
- Zhongli prevents interruption and acts as a sustain for the team while providing debuff.

Other Team Comps For Mualani

Burn-Vape Mualani

Team Detail
MualaniMualani EmilieEmilie - Mualani works well with Burning Teams.
- Emilie provides Dendro application and powerful damage.
- Thoma and Kazuha works together to spread Pyro for Burning and Vaporize.
ThomaThoma KazuhaKazuha


Team Detail
MualaniMualani FurinaFurina - A F2P friendly team comp that uses free characters or easily obtainable ones.
- You can opt to use Collei for a pure Burning team or Xingqiu for a Burgeon team.
SigewinneSigewinne KazuhaKazuha

F2P Friendly Team Comp

Team Detail
MualaniMualani XianglingXiangling - A F2P friendly team comp that uses free characters or easily obtainable ones.
- A Burn Vape Team but this struggles with Energy so a high investment on ER is requires for a smoother rotation..
ColleiCollei SucroseSucrose
Best Team For Mualani

Mualani Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Talent Materials For Mualani

Enemy Drops
(Tribal Warriors)
Domain Drops
Big Boss Drops
(Narwhal Boss)
SentrySentry's Wooden WhistleTeachings Of ContentionTeachings Of ContentionLightless MassLightless Mass
WarriorWarrior's Metal WhistleGuide To ContentionGuide To Contention
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden WhistlePhilosophies Of ContentionPhilosophies Of Contention

Mualani 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Cooling Treatment★★・・・
Surfshark Wavebreaker
(Elemental Skill)
(Elemental Burst)

Mualani Skill Guide & How To Use Mualani

How To Use Mualani?

Mualani Is A Hydro DPS Deals Damage With Elemental Skill

Mualani is a Hydro DPS that rides a shark and surf around while marking enemies. While she does not deal damage frequently, each of her attacks deals powerful damage. Playing Mualani with an off-field Pyro and dealing Vaporize will effectively double her damage.

Get 3 Stacks Of Wave Charge

Mark 3 Times And Do Normal Attack

While riding the shark, hitting the enemies will give you one Wave Momentum Stack and accumulating 3 stacks will greatly increase the damage. The amount of damage between 3 and 2 stacks differs greatly so generally you would use 3 stacks before using Normal Attack.

Effects Of Elemental Skill
Nightsoul's Blessing
- Ride shark and increase speed and resistance to interruption.
- Consumes 10 Nightsoul's Blessing every seconds. (Initial Value: 60)
- Effect ends when Nightsoul or Phlogiston
- When enemy is hit they are marked and Mualani gain stat. (Max 3 Stacks)
- Normal Attack is buffed to Shark's Bite.
Sharky's Bite
- Hydro DMG that scales from HP.
- Increase damage depending on the no. of Charge.
- No. of charges reset after using Normal Attack.
- After attacking, Marked enemies will receive a follow-up missile attack. (Max. 5)
└ Follow-Up attack damage launches after Normal Attack.
└ The more enemies, the damage lessens. (Max 28%/ 3 Enemies)
- Enemies marked will have their mark remove when hit by Missile or Normal Attack.

You Can Deal Damage To Multiple Enemies With Follow-Up Missiles

When you marked multiple enemies, after using Normal Attack, an additional missile attack will hit the marked enemies. The follow-up damage is also powerful enough to serve as an AoE option for Mualani. However, take note that if there are more than 2 marked enemies, you will deal less damage.

With Passive, Heat-Resistant Freshwater Floater, Mualani Will Attack More

Night Soul Gain
Passive Heat-Resistant Freshwater Floater
- When buffed Normal Attack hits an enemy, summon one Puffer.
- Getting one Puffer will give you 20 Nightsoul Points.
- During Nightsoul's Blessing is active, only 2 Puffer can be summoned.

After unlocking Heat-Resistant Freshwater Floater Passive, when Normal Attack is done, a puffer will appear allowing you to gain a max of 40 Nightsoul. With 40 points, your skill duration increases by around 4 seconds. allowing you to increase the number of hits you can do during Elemental Skill. If you are in Natlan, with Phlogiston, you can further increase the duration of Skill.

Elemental Burst Is More Powerful After Using Nightsoul's Burst

What Is Nightsoul's Burst?- Happens when A Natlan Character deals Elemental DMG.
- The Burst itself does not have damage.
- Activates faster when there are more Natlan Characters
 └1/2/3 charas : 18/12/9 seconds

Elemental Burst is a one-shot attack that has high damage. When the Natlan Characters's special ability, Nightsoul's Burst, is activated it gives an increase Burst DMG so using Elemental Burst. With more Natlan characters, the cooldown of Nightsoul's Burst is also lessen so using Natlan characters in the team is also recommended.

Amazing For Traveling And Exploration

Above WaterNatlan's Gimmick

The Elemental Skill, Shark Surfboard, not only allows you to travel fast and above water, it also allows you to ride special gimmicks at Natlan. With Phlogiston, Elemental Skill last for a long time.

Mualani Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Mualani?

Pull For A Hydro DPS

Mualani is an amazing Hydro DPS that is amazing for dealing Vaporize and other Hydro DMG boosting reactions. If you like playing with Hydro reaction or need a Hydro DPS, Mualani is a good pick.

Best Constellation For Mualani

★★★★★C1: The Leisurely 'Meztli'...
The DMG dealt by the first Sharky's Surging Bite after Mualani enters Nightsoul's Blessing and the Shark Missiles it triggers is increased by 66% of Mualani's Max HP. This instance of increased DMG is subject to the diminishing DMG rules of Surfshark Wavebreaker. In addition, while out of combat, Mualani's Nightsoul's Blessing state consumes 30% less Phlogiston and Nightsoul points.
★★★★・C2: Mualani, Going All Out!
Mualani gains 2 of Surfshark Wavebreaker's Wave Momentum stacks when she enters Nightsoul's Blessing state. She will gain 1 stack when obtaining a Puffer.
★★★・・C3: Surfing Atop Joyous Seas
Increases the Level of Surfshark Wavebreaker by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: Sharky Eats Puffies
Mualani regenerates 8 Energy when obtaining a Puffer. Must first unlock the Passive Talent "Heat-Resistant Freshwater Floater." Additionally, Boomsharka-laka deals 75% increased DMG.
★★★・・C5: Same Style of Surfboard on Sale!
Increases the Level of Boomsharka-laka by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C6: Spirit of the Springs' People
The DMG increase from the Constellation "The Leisurely 'Meztli'..." is no longer limited to being triggered once every Nightsoul's Blessing.

Mualani Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Cooling Treatment

Normal Attack

Performs up to 3 attacks that deal Hydro DMG.
1-Hit DMG51.4%55.3%59.1%64.3%68.1%72%77.1%82.2%87.4%92.5%97.7%
2-Hit DMG44.6%48%51.3%55.8%59.1%62.5%66.9%71.4%75.9%180.3%84.8%
3-Hit DMG70%75.3%80.5%87.5%92.8%98.1%105.1%112.1%119.1%126.1%133.1%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to smack a Pufferball into the air that deals AoE Hydro DMG upon landing.

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Gathers the power of Hydro and plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.
Plunge DMG56.8%61.5%66.1%72.7%77.3%82.6%89.9%97.1%104.4%112.3%120.3%
142%153%165%182%193%206%224%243% 261%281%300%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Surfshark Wavebreaker (Elemental Skill)

Combining her mastery of speed and the waves and water, Mualani can surf anytime, anywhere. After using this skill, Mualani will gain 60 Nightsoul points and enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Mualani

Continuously consume Nightsoul points. When they are depleted or when the skill is used again, Mualani's Nightsoul's Blessing will end. The state itself has the following traits:
・Mualani mounts her Sharky Surfboard, increasing Mualani's Movement SPD and interruption resistance. Mualani can move on water and Liquid Phlogiston while this state is active, and she will take no DMG from the latter.
・Normal Attacks will be converted to Sharky's Bites, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Hydro DMG based on Mualani's Max HP. Sharky's Bites can be used in mid-air. DMG dealt this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.
・When she makes contact with opponents in this state, Mualani applies "Marked as Prey" to them and gains 1 Wave Momentum stack. Max 3 stacks. 1 stack can be gained from the same opponent every 0.7s.

Wave Momentum And Marked As Prey

When Mualani uses Sharky's Bite, her DMG dealt increases based on Wave Momentum stacks. When she has 3 stacks, a Normal Attack will use Sharky's Surging Bite instead, further increasing her DMG and removing all her stacks afterward. When Sharky's Bites hit opponents Marked as Prey, that mark is removed, and she will fire Shark Missiles at up to 5 nearby opponents Marked as Prey, dealing DMG to them equal to this Sharky's Bite instance and clearing their Marks. If more than 1 opponent is the target of Sharky's Bite and Shark Missiles, the DMG dealt will decrease, with 28% being the maximum decrease when at least 3 opponents are targeted.
Base DMG
DMG Bonus
4.34%4.67%4.99%5.43%5.75%6.08%6.51%6.94%7.38%7.81%8.25% 8.68%9.22%
DMG Bonus
Bite CD
Point Limit

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.


Fires a Super Shark Missile that can track opponents, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Hydro DMG based on Mualani's Max HP.
Skill DMG58.4%62.8%67.2%73.1%77.4%81.8%87.7%93.5%99.4%105.2%111%116.9%124.2%
Energy Cost60606060606060606060606060

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Heat-Resistant Freshwater Floater

When Sharky's Surging Bite hits an opponent, a Puffer will be generated nearby. Mualani will restore 20 Nightsoul points when she picks up a Puffer. Only 2 such Puffers can be created in this way during a single instance of being in Nightsoul's Blessing.

Natlan's Greatest Guide

When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, Mualani will gain 1 stack of Wavechaser's Exploits, which lasts for 20s. Max 3 stacks. When she uses Boomsharka-laka, Mualani will clear all Wavechaser's Exploits stacks and increase the DMG of this Boomsharka-laka by 15%/30%/45% of her Max HP based on the number of stacks cleared.

Crests And Troughs

After her Nightsoul points are depleted, Mualani will switch to consuming Phlogiston to maintain her Nightsoul's Blessing. While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, she can use Nightsoul Transmission: Mualani. When the active character is currently sprinting, swimming, in a movement mode caused by certain Talents, or at a certain height in the air, the following will trigger when switching to Mualani: Mualani will enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state and gain 40 Nightsoul points. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own team. Additionally, Mualani's Nightsoul point or Phlogiston consumption while moving on water and Liquid Phlogiston during Nightsoul's Blessing is decreased by 75% while in Natlan, and her Nightsoul point consumption is decreased by 35% while doing the same outside Natlan.

The Trick Is To Keep Smiling!

While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, 15 Phlogiston will be restored when interacting with some harvestable items. Additionally, the location of nearby resources unique to Natlan will appear on your mini-map.

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Anonymous 3

Is Dehya actually that good for her? I'm kinda lazy to build Dehya.

Mualani Fan 2

"Mono-Hydro" is not F2P. Correct it.

Dragneel_02 1

Maybe with next Natlan support she will rise to SS (to enable her passive talent "Natlan's Greatest Guide")

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