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Best TCG Deck Guide For Genius Invokation

Genshin | Best TCG Deck Guide For Genius Invokation

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Best TCG Deck guide for Genius Invokation TCG in Genshin Impact 4.6. See best decks, how to use, Klee Deck, Quicken Deck, Raiden Shogun Decks, how to get best cards, tips, & more.

Table of Contents

Summary Of Best Deck In TCG

New TCG Cards For 4.8 Update

Adjusted Cards & Elemental Reactions

CardAdjustment Details
LisaLisaCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of Elemental Burst: Adds the effect "attach Conductive to the opponent's active character".
AlbedoAlbedoCharacter Card
The effect "When this Summon is on the field: Your character's Plunging Attack spends 1 less Unaligned Element." will be adjusted to "When you perform Switch Character and this Summon is on the field: his switch is considered a Fast Action instead of a Combat Action."
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card Descent of Divinity: The effect "When there is ALbedo on the field who has this card equipped, if your side of the field has Solar Isotoma, then your characters' Plunging Attack deals +1 DMG." has a new effect "then your characters' Plunging ATtack costs 1 less Unaligned Element."
CynoCynoCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the status Pactsworn Pathclearer: Removes the effect "If equal to or greater than 6: Indwelling Level-4." and adds the effect "If indwelling Level is at least 8, decrease the Indwelling Level by 6."
Adjusts the effect of the Elemental Skill: Adds the effect "Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling Level +1."
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card Featherfall Judgment: The effect "When your Cyno, who has this card equipped, uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having an even number of level of Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling effect, deal +1 DMG." will be adjusted to "When your Cyno, who has this card equipped, uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having at least 2 levels of Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling effect, deal +2 DMG. (Once pe Round)."
Descent of DivinityDescent of Divinity Character Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card: The effect "When there is Albedo on the field who has this card equipped, if your side of the field has Solar Isotoma, then your character' Plunging Attack deals +1 DMG." has a new effect "then your characters' Plunging Attack costs 1 less Unaligned Element."
Dominance of EarthDominance of EarthCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card: The effect "When your active character is protected by a Shield Character Status or a Shield Combat Status, your Summons deal +1 Geo DMG." will be adjusted to "When your Zhongli, who has this card equipped, has at least 7 HP, the DMG dealt by Zhongli and the Geo DMG from your Summons +1."
Featherfall JudgmentFeatherfall JudgmentCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card: The effect "When your Cyno, who has this card equipped, uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having an even number of level of Pactsworn Pathcleaer's Indwelling effect, deal +1 DMG." will be adjusted to "When your Cyno, who has this card equipped, uses Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer while having at least 2 levels of Pactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling effect, deal +2 DMG. (Once per Round)
Decorous HarmonyDecorous HarmonyCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card: The effect "When Yun Jin, who has this card equipped, is on the field, and if you have no cards in your Hand, Flying Cloud Flag Formation will cause your Normal Attack to deal +2 additional DMG." will be adjusted to "When Yun Jin, who has this card equipped, is on the field, and you trigger Flying Cloud Flag Formation: If you have no cards in your Hand, this Skill deals +2 additional DMG."
Falls and FortuneFalls and FortuneEvent Card
Adjusts the Elemental Die cost adjustment: Adjusted from 1 to 0.
Dawn WineryDawn WinerySupport Card
Effect Adjustment: The effect trigger limit "Once per Round" will be adjusted to "Twice per Round."
CardAdjustment Details
Consecrated ScorpionConsecrated ScorpionCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of Event Card Bonecruncher's Energy Block: Removes the effect "If your active characters is a Consecrated Beast, then they gain 1 Energy."
Consecrated Flying SerpentConsecrated Flying SerpentCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of Event Card Bonecruncher's Energy Block: Removes the effect "If your active characters is a Consecrated Beast, then they gain 1 Energy."
Adjusts the effect of Elemental Skill: This effect will be adjusted to "Deal 3 Anemo DMG and draw 1 card."
YunJinYunJinCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Combat Status Flying Cloud Flag Formation: Removes the effect "Deal +1 DMG."
KavehKavehCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the combat status Burst Scan: "After this, deal Dendro DMG equal to the original Elemental Dice Cost of your card you discard +1" will be adjusted to "After this, deal Dendo DMG equal to the original Elemental Dice Cost of the card you discard."
All-Devouring NarwhalAll-Devouring NarwhalCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the Elemental Skill: The effect "Deals 1 Hydro DMG. This character deals +1 DMG for every 3 extra max HP provided by Insatiable Appetite (Max +5)" will be adjusted to (Max +4)."
KazuhaKazuha Character Card
Adjusts the Elemental Burst DMG: Anemo DMG deal will be adjusted from 3 to 1.
Adjusts the Elemental Skill DMG: Anemo DMG dealt will be adjusted from 3 to 1.
Adjusts the effect of the status Midare Ranzan: The effect will be adjusted to "The next time you use Switch Character to switch to the character to which this is attached: This switch is considered a Fast Action rather than a Combat Action. Before you choose an action: If the character to which this is attached is your active character, they immediately use a Normal Attack. The Physical DMG this Normal Attack would deal is converted to Anemo DMG. Once finalized, this effect is removed."
Mirror MaidenMirror MaidenCharacter Card
Adjusts the effect of the status Refraction: The effect "The character to which this is attached takes +1 Hydro DMG." will be adjusted to "When the character to which this card is attached switches to another character: Elemental Dice Cost +1."
Mirror CageMirror Cage Character Card
Adjusts the effect of the Talent Card Mirror Cage: The effect "will increase the Elemental Dice Cost of switching from a character to which this is attached to another character by 1." will be adjusted to "The character to which this is attached takes +1 Hydro DMG."
LyresongLyresong Event Card
Effect Adjustment: During this Round, the effect that will be triggered the next time you play an Artifact Card will be adjusted to "Spend 1 less Elemental Die. If you have not played any other Action Cards before playing this card, spend 2 less Elemental DIce."
Underwater Treasure HuntUnderwater Treasure HuntEvent Card
Increases the number of Usage(s) of Undersea Treasure: Each character can receive healing from this effect once per Round.
Lumenstone AdjuvantLumenstone Adjuvant Support Card
Elemental Die Cost Adjustment: Adjusted from 2 Dice of the same element.
KusavaKusavaSupport Card
Elemental Die Cost Adjustment: Adjusted from 0 to 1.

Current Meta Focuses On Discard Type Of Cards

Character Resonance Card
YunJinYunJinAll-Devouring NarwhalAll-Devouring Narwhal

The current meta which are the cards above is considered the new meta which is Discard Type. This is when you discard a card in effect. This Discard can take effect type is when you have discarded or used at least 1 card in your deck for tuning, it will deal +1 DMG. So make sure to check your deck to some cards that can easily be discarded during the game.

Guide On How To Get Cards In Genius Invokation

Kaveh - Bloom Deck

Character Cards

Recommended Character Cards
KavehKavehFurina OusiaFurina OusiaAll-Devouring NarwhalAll-Devouring Narwhal

Action Cards

Card To Prioritize

The Art Of BudgetingThe Art Of Budgeting・Discarded card will return after Bloom effect.
・Easier to provide a buff to Narwhal.

How To Use Kaveh Bloom Deck

Use Kaveh's Talent & Furina Skills

On your first turn, pick up Kaveh then choose his talent card, afterwards, use Furina's skill. If you run out of dice, you can just convert some of your cards in the deck to have enough dice.

Use Kaveh's Skill

Second (next turn), use Kaveh's skill to gain explosion, which will deal DMG. Use Kusava card to gain additional damage.

Finish The Round Using the All-Devouring Narwhal

Lastly, use the All-Devouring Narwhal card to reduce the enemy's HP. If ever you have enough dice to conduct a burst, use it so it will cause a series of bloom effects which deals with huge damage.

Neuvillette - Freeze Deck

Character Cards

Recommended Character Cards

Action Cards

Cards To Prioritize

Card NameDetails
Tome of the Eternal FlowTome of the
Eternal Flow
- Signature weapon of Neuvillette
- Equip this card alongside with Wagner card
WagnerWagner- The equipping cost lessens.
Golden TroupeGolden Troupe's Reward- Make this card on standby card, since it saves skill costs beforehand

How To Use Neuvillette Freeze Deck

Use Charlotte's Normal Attack First

in the first part, use Charlotte's Normal Attack then in between you can use the Golden Troupe's Reward and then next card to be used will be Wagner.

After Charlotte's Burst, Switch To Neuvillette

Upon conducting Charlotte's burst, switch your active card to Neuvillette and then attack your opponent. You can utilize this together with Wagner card's skill. If ever you can pull this off, you can beat your opponent in the 3rd round. Make sure to attack using: normal, skill and then burst.

If You Can't Finish It Quickly, You Can Use Yelan

If you can't defeat your opponent, you can change to Yelan. Use her Elemental Skill, then Normal Attack. If you still can't defeat them, consider using Charlotte's skill to freeze them and inflict DMG.

Wanderer (Scaramouche) - Freeze Deck

Character Cards

Character Cards
Wanderer CardWandererMona CardMonaEula CardEula

Action Cards

Cards To Prioritize

Card NameDetails
InstructorInstructor's Cap- Increases the number of dice by once your character card triggers an elemental reaction.
- Increases the amount of action you can do in a round so important.
WagnerWagner- Allows you to search for the equipment of Wanderer or Eula.
- By using it early, the equipping cost also lessens.
TimaeusTimaeus- Allows you to search for Artifact Cards.
- By using it early, the equipping cost also lessens.
Opera EpicleseOpera Epiclese- If the total cost of Equipment Card is greater than the enemy reduce cost by 1.

How To Use Wanderer Freeze Deck

Use Mona And Wanderer In The First Round

In the first round, choose Mona as your main card, then use her skill to attack. Then, after the enemy's turn, equip Wanderer with weapons and artifact cards.

Use Wanderer To Attack And Aim For A Finish

Change to Wanderer on the 2nd turn and then repeatedly use its Skill → Normal Attack. With the equipments, you can easily increase the number of attacks you do. If everything goes well, you can aim to finish the game in the 3rd round using Wanderer's Normal and Elemental Burst attack.

Use Eula Card As A Last Resort

If ever the Wanderer is defeated, you can use Eula as the game finisher. Use the Hydro Element spread to trigger freeze and use Elemental Burst.

Lyney Burning Overload Deck

Character Cards

Recommended Character Cards

Action Cards

Cards To Prioritize

Card NameDetails
VourukashaVourukasha's Glow- Easier to rotate deck when you get it early.
- After getting attacked, you can draw card and heal after the turn.
Heart Of KhvarenaHeart Of
Khvarena's Brilliance
- When you have this first, the rotation would be smoother
- You can draw a card by just receiving an attack without any cost.
Gilded DreamsGilded Dreams- After using Lyresong, the cost of equipping is just +1.
- If you created a reaction, you get to draw 1 card.

How To Use Lyney Deck?

First, Use Fischl's Skill → Nahida's Skill

At the first move, select Fischl and use Elemental Skill. After using Fishcl's Skill, change to Nahida and use Skill that cost 3 dices. Even better if you can get the artifacts Vourukasha's Glow or artifacts that let you draw cards.

At 2nd Or 3rd Turn, Use Nahida's Skill Or Lyney's Attack

During the 2nd or 3rd Turn, if Nahida's health is still enough, use Skill or other moves to attack or switch to Lyney and use Prop Arrow. Aim for Aggravate / Burning / Overload to decrease HP of the enemy.

Use Lyney's Skill & Burst To Finish

After reducing the HP of the enemies, use Lyney's Skill or Elemental Burst. It is easy to use Prop Arrow or Elemental Burst. You can deal powerful damage when you have a lot of Prop Arrow Stack so make use of it to deal damage to enemy.

Nilou Bloom Deck

Character Cards

Recommended Character Cards
Nilou CardNilouNahida CardNahidaMona CardMona

Action Cards

Cards To Prioritize

Card NameDetails
The Starry Skies Their Flowers RainThe Starry Skies Their Flowers Rain- Required for boosting damage of Bloom.
- Increases attack when using so it is important to prioritize it.
↳ You can also opt to not use it if ever you have the Stormterror's Lair Card.
Heart Of KhvarenaHeart Of
Khvarena's Brilliance
- When you have this first, the rotation would be smoother
- You can draw a card by just receiving an attack without any cost.
StormterrorStormterror's Lair- Your move will change whether you have this card or not.
- Nilou's Talent cost gets reduced by 1.
- Can also reduce Nahida's skill cost so it is better to use this early.

How To Use Nilou Bloom Deck?

First, Use Nilou's Skills

Choose Nilou in the first round and try to use her Talent Card as much as possible to deal hydro damage and also provide 1 Golden Chalice's Bounty during the match. If you are using Nilou Bloom effect will increase to 1. After using Nilou's skill, switch to Mona and use the Woven Waves.

Use Mona & Nahida For Bloom

After switching to Mona, use Mona and Nahida's skill to activate Bloom reaction. As long as there is a hydro element present, you can produce bloom so switch between characters to survive while doing so.

Try To Increase Bloom Reaction's Damage

If you still find it hard to defeat your opponent's card, opt to use Nilou and Nahida's Elemental Burst to decrease their active character's HP. If the Bloom effect can be used twice or more, a damage will also be conducted once the end of a round. Thus, gaining a number of Bloom reactions in the last minute can turn the tides.

Best Starter Deck

Electro-Charged Reaction Deck

Recommended Cards

Cards To Prioritize

Card NameDetails
Stellar Predator cardStellar Predator - Enhances Fischl's Elemental Skill.
- Since Fischl's Skill is important, so it is better to prioritize.
When The Crane ReturnedWhen The Crane Returned- Can switch to other cards while conducting an attack from your other card.
- Use this card and immediately switch to Sucrose.
Leave It To Me!Leave It To Me!- Conducts Fast Action upon switching to other card/s without a cost.
- Recommended because it is easier to target elemental reactions.
Chang The Ninth CardChang The Ninth- Draws 2 cards when 3 elemental reactions have been triggered
- Great for this deck since you can easily trigger Elemental Reactions at first round.

Use Fischl's Elemental Skill & Spread Electro With Sucrose

Use Fischl's skill to inflict Electro element. After that, aim to spread the electro element throughout the enemy by using Sucrose's skill. If you activate Fischl's Oz in the first round, you can aim for an elemental reaction even at the end of a round.

Make Use Of Sucrose's Burst

If the situation permits, you can use your desired card movements while aiming for Sucrose's burst. Sucrose's burst creates 1 summon that gives 1 Large Wind Spirit which enables her to provide good elemental reactions.

Go For A Good Damage Using Mona's Elemental Skill

On the 3rd phase of the game, use Mona to amplify a reaction and inflict electro DMG damage towards the enemy card. It is also to use her in this phase since her passive lets you set up 2 summons in 2 turns.

Superconduct Deck

Character Cards

Recommended Cards

Cards To Prioritize

Card NameDetails
Thundering PenanceThundering Penance- Since Elemental Skill is important in this team, it is recommended to prioritize this.
Undivided HeartUndivided Heart- Since Elemental Skill is important in this team, it is recommended to prioritize this.
When The Crane ReturnedWhen The Crane Returned- Can switch to other cards while attacking.
- Quickly switch to Mona and use her skill.
Leave It To Me!Leave It To Me!- Change character card without a cost.
- Recommended for conducting elemental reactions.
The Bestest Travel Companion! CardThe Bestest Travel Companion!- Generates Elemental Dice to two (2) Omni Element.
- Recommended to use when drawn since it has a high cost.

Aim For An AoE Damage For Freeze Deck

The Freeze and Superconduct deck inflicts a good amount of damage while freezing the enemy. Decide your move depending on the current cards on your hand. If lost, using Mona is recommended.

Use Ganyu To Deal AoE DMG

Ganyu's Elemental Burts deals 2 Piercing DMG to all of its enemies which can be good to wipe out the whole deck of your opponent. In preparation for her Elemental Burst, adjust your Superconduct usage so that you can save some dice for her burst.

TCG Genius Invokation Tips

Best Deck Depends On The Character You Want To Use

Best Deck Depends On The Character You Want To Use

For Genius Invokation, you would want to focus on a character and insert supports, equipment cards, and other action cards around it. Spreading your hand to different characters would make your attacks weaker and difficult to control.

All Card List For TCG

Number Of Cards In A Deck

Number Of Cards In A Deck

Keep in mind that a complete deck consists of 3 Character Cards & 30 Action Cards, which include Equipment, Support, & Event Cards.

Consider The Strengths & Weaknesses Of Your Deck

Any deck has advantages and disadvantages against another player's deck. Be mindful of the elemental reactions and the synergy your deck can do since there are a lot of cards that you can use.

TCG Elemental Reactions & Effects

How To Get More Cards

How To Get More Cards?

You can get the Character Cards by inviting different characters using Match Invitation Letter, and win the duel against them. As for Action Cards, you can buy it using Lucky Coins from Prince in The Cat's Tail. You can earn Lucky Coins by defeating NPCs.

How To Get Cards In Genius Invokation?

Importance Of Action Cards

Importance Of Action Cards

You need to include 30 Action Cards in your deck and use the cards that are beneficial for the 3 Character Cards as much as possible. You can also use the Action Cards for Elemental Tuning in case you need a specific elemental die for the active card.

Best Cards To Buy In TCG Shop

The Bestest Travel Companion! Card

This card is universal and can transform 2 different elemental dice into 2 Omni dice. It is recommended since it is a better version of elemental tuning.

Elemental Tuning Guide

Limited Action Card At Hand

Limited Action Card At Hand

It is great to have a lot of cards on hand but the max cards you can hold are 10 and the succeeding cards are automatically discarded.

Active Support Cards & Summons Are Limited

The support action cards & summons are limited to 4 so remember not to overstack.

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How To Unlock Co-Op/Multiplayer Mode In TCG?

How To Build A Deck For Genius Invokation?

Edit Deck Using Casket Of Tones

You can edit your deck by selecting the Casket Of Tones in the Gadget section of your bag. You can have different decks that increase depending on your Player Level.

How To Get Casket Of Tomes?

Genshin Impact - Genius Invokation Articles

TCG Guides & Tips

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Shay 12

There’s too many cards in some of these decks that I’m having to make a judgement call on removing some cards

Anonymous 11

The Scaramouche Deck has 32 cards

Anonymous 10

^ Minus 1 In Every House a Stove (Arcane Legend) card

Anonymous 10

The Neuvillette freeze team has 31 cards

Anonymous 9

there are 31 cards in the nilou team if i counted correctly

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