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Elements & Elemental Reactions Chart

Genshin Impact | Elements & Elemental Reactions Chart

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Genshin Impact | Elements & Elemental Reactions Chart - GameWith

All Elements & Elemental Reactions guide for Genshin Impact. Learn all elemental combinations, weakness, combos, chart, counters, list, synergy, best combinations, elemental affinity and more.

Table of Contents

Beginner's Guide & How To Play

List Of Elements

PyroPyroStrong against:
Cryo, Electro, & Hydro
Cryo CryoStrong against:
Hydro & Electro
HydroHydroStrong against:
Electro ElectroStrong against:
Anemo AnemoStrong against:
All other elements
GeoGeoStrong against:
Geo shield & other elemental shields
DendroDendroStrong against:

Elemental Reaction Chart & Their Effects

Elemental Reaction Chart

PyroAppHydro AppElectro AppCryo AppDendro App
Pyro Atk.VaporizeOverloadedMeltBurning
Hydro Atk.VaporizeElectro-ChargedFreeze
Electro Atk.OverloadElectro-ChargedSuperconductQuicken
氷 Atk.MeltFreeze
草 Atk.BurningBloom
風 Atk.Swirl
岩 Atk.Crystalize

▲ Side-scroll to check all reactions.

Elemental Reaction Overview

Pyro+ Hydro
▼ Vaporize
Rating: ★★★★★
- Amplifies the damaging attack
Pyro+ Electro
Rating: ★★ ・ ・ ・
- Causes an explosion with Pyro AoE damage
- Useful for breaking objects
Pyro+ 氷
Rating: ★★★★★
- Amplifies the damaging attack
Hydro+ Electro
Rating: ★★★★ ・
- Deals continuous Electro damage
- The Electro damage can spread to nearby enemies affected with Hydro
Hydro+ 氷
▼ Frozen
Rating: ★★★ ・ ・
- Freezes enemies and stops movement for a few seconds
└ No effect to bosses and some Elemental enemies
- Non-damaging reaction
Frozen + 岩/claymore
▼ Shatter
Rating: ★ ・ ・ ・ ・
- Deals Physical damage to targeted enemy
Triggered by dealing a Geo or Claymore attack on the enemy
Electro+ 氷
▼ Superconduct
Rating: ★ ・ ・ ・ ・
- Deals AoE Cryo damage
- Reduces the physical RES of enemies
草+ Pyro
▼ Burning
Rating: ★★★ ・ ・
- Deal continuous Pyro damage
草+ Hydro
▼ Bloom
Rating: ★★ ・ ・ ・
- Creates a Dendro core that will explode after some time
- Can create up to 5, making more than that causes the first ones to explode
Nilou can cause Dendro cores to explode earlier and with bigger damage
Dendro Core + Pyro
▼ Burgeon
Rating: ★★ ・ ・ ・
- Hitting a Dendro core with a Pyro attack will cause it to deal greater Dendro damage
Dendro Core + Electro
▼ Hyperbloom
Rating: ★★★★ ・
- Hitting a Dendro core with an Electro attack will transform it into a homing Sprawling Shot that deals greater Dendro damage
草+ Electro
▼ Quicken
Rating: ★★★★ ・
- Increases the Electro and Dendro damage of the next attack
- Non-damaging reaction
Quicken + Electro
▼ Aggravate
Rating: ★★★★ ・
- Gives added damage to the damaging Electro attack
Quicken + 草
▼ Spread
Rating: ★★★★ ・
- Gives added damage to the damaging Dendro attack
▼ Swirl
Rating: ★★★★★
- Inflicts damage of the non-Anemo element
- Spreads the affected Element to close enemies
▼ Crystallize
Rating: ★★ ・ ・ ・
- Creates an Elemental Shard that can be picked up for an Elemental shield of the affected Element
- Non-damaging reaction

Effects and Damage Modifications of Elemental Reactions


Elements Pyro+ Hydro
Effect - Increase the damage of the attacking element
└ Pyro attack gets x2 multiplier while Hydro attack gets x1.5 multiplier
- This reaction can do a critical hit

One of the most powerful reactions in the game. Due to both Elements having good main DPS and sub DPS characters, this is an often used reaction in both early game and late game.

Recommended Characters for Vaporize

Pyro Character
ArlecchinoArlecchino Hu TaoHu Tao XianglingXiangling
Hydro Character
MualaniMualani YelanYelan XingqiuXingqiu


Rating★★ ・ ・ ・
Elements Pyro+ Electro
Effect- Explodes and causes AoE Pyro damage
- Character Level and Elemental Mastery stat increases the damage
- Explosions are useful for mining ores and destroying stone piles

Overloaded is a reaction that causes an explosion on the enemy who was affected by it. This reaction is good for destroying small items and rock piles that chests are often hidden in. It is also good for destroying the Geo shield that some enemies have.

Overloaded explosion can knock away small enemies. This makes Overloaded a somewhat difficult reaction to use due to needing to sprint towards enemies that were knocked away. Chevreuse, being the only Overloaded support, needs a team of only Pyro and Electro which means using an Anemo crowd control character is not an option.

Recommended Characters for Overloaded

Pyro Character
ArlecchinoArlecchino ChevreuseChevreuse XianglingXiangling
Electro Character
ClorindeClorinde FischlFischl Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu


Elements Pyro+ Cryo
Effect- Increase the damage of the attacking Element
└ Cryo attack gets x2 multiplier while Pyro attack gets x1.5 multiplier
- This reaction can do a critical hit

One of the most powerful reactions in the game. Similar to Vaporize, it can increase the damage by the attacking element. Due to many good main DPS and sub DPS from both Cryo and Pyro, it is a popular elemental reaction that can be used in early game and late game.

Recommended Characters for Melt

Pyro Character
Hu TaoHu Tao XianglingXiangling BennettBennett
Cryo Character
WriothesleyWriothesley DionaDiona RosariaRosaria


Rating★★★★ ・
ElementsHydro+ Electro
Effect - Deals continuous Electro damage
- Lightning can bounce unto surrounding water or Hydro-affected enemies
- Character Level and Elemental Mastery stat increases the damage dealt

With the release of Ororon, Electro-Charged teams are better now. Electro-Charged teams can deal widespread Electro damage due to the bounce mechanic. Hydro and Electro have a lot of characters that are good to use for this reaction.

Recommended Characters for Electro-Charged

Hydro Character
NeuvilletteNeuvillette AyatoAyato XingqiuXingqiu
Electro Character
Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun OroronOroron FischlFischl

Anemo characters are also good for Electro-Charged

Due to Electro-Charged's mechanic of applying both elements and having a certain duration, applying Swirl will cause a chain of Electro-Charged reaction. Anemo Main DPS or support character can be used for Electro-Charged teams.


Rating★★★ ・ ・
Elements Hydro+ Cryo
Effect- Freezes enemies and stops their movement for a set duration
└ Freeze is unable to be inflicted on enemies and Elemental enemies
- Non-damaging reaction

Frozen, when combined with Anemo, can be used for better crowd control and this is especially good against an enemy horde. While it has no damage as a reaction, it allows for good setup for main DPS like Ayaka and Ganyu. This reaction can also be used with other elements that react with Cryo, making it a versatile reaction.

Recommended Characters for Frozen

Hydro Character
FurinaFurina XingqiuXingqiu YelanYelan
Cryo Character

Cryo Characters as the On-Field Reaction Enabler

Sub DPSes for Cryo are few and their application of the element is lackluster compared to Hydro sub DPSes. It is recommended that a Cryo main DPS is to be used for the reaction enabler with Hydro sub DPS providing a constant application of Hydro. Furthermore, only Cryo characters can benefit from the full set effect of Blizzard Strayer, the best artifact set for the Frozen reaction.


▲ Second instance of Physical damage is the Shatter reaction damage

Rating★ ・ ・ ・ ・
Elements Frozen + Geo/claymore
Effect- Deals Physical damage to the enemy
- Ends the Frozen state after attack
- Triggered by using a Geo attack or Claymore attack on the Frozen enemy

Shatter is a weak reaction compared to other Elemental reactions. This is mainly because the required elements or weapon and the stat that can increase Shatter reaction damage often don't align. Typically, Geo characters are built on DEF or ATK and don't use the Elemental Mastery that Shatter scales off on. For Claymore characters, it's preferred to bring someone with Cryo element like Chongyun or Freminet. Both still don't scale on Elemental Mastery however.

Kaveh is another good choice for Claymore since Dendro does not react with Cryo. But he can still erase Hydro application needed for Frozen reaction. Using a Hydro sub DPS with constant application can alleviate that problem.

Recommended Characters for Shatter

Claymore Character
ChongyunChongyun FreminetFreminet KavehKaveh
Hydro Sub-DPS Character
FurinaFurina AyatoAyato KokomiKokomi


Rating★ ・ ・ ・ ・
Elements Electro+ Cryo
Effect- Deals AoE Cryo damage
- Greatly reduces the Physical RES of enemies
- Good for Physical DMG teams

Superconduct reaction is mainly used in Physical teams. However, due to the limited number of Electro/Cryo Physical main DPSes, Physical teams are often limited in what it can do. Typically, the Normal Attacks are the main source of Physical damage and the best Physical DPSes are Claymore-users with their slow attack speed thus their on-field time requirement is higher compared to the main DPS of other teams. This makes for a more limiting rotation time for the sub DPS and support.

Recommended Characters for Superconduct

Cryo Character
EulaEula RosariaRosaria MikaMika
Electro Character
RazorRazor Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun FischlFischl


Rating★★★ ・ ・
Elements Dendro+ Pyro
Effect- Deals continuous Pyro damage

Burning has become a viable reaction with the release of Emilie. Due to Burning needing constant Dendro and Pyro application, attacking with an Element that can reaction with either of two will end the reaction instantly. Nahida and Baizhu are both good Dendro sub DPS but Emilie is the best one for this role. For main DPS, Kinich is able to make use of Burning to restore Nightsoul points and use his enhanced Elemental Skill to deal bigger damage.

Recommended Characters for Burning

Dendro Character
EmilieEmilie KinichKinich NahidaNahida
Pyro Character
DehyaDehya XianglingXiangling ThomaThoma


Rating★★ ・ ・ ・
Elements Dendro+ Hydro
Effect- Creates a Dendro Core that will explode after a set duration
└ This explosion can damage allies!
- There can be up to five (5) Cores at a time, the 6th will cause the 1st Core created to explode preemptively
└ Nilou can cause Dendro cores to explode much more earlier and with greater damage

Bloom is a reaction of Hydro and Dendro that creates Dendro Cores that can be affected by Pyro or Electro. It is typically used for Hyperbloom teams wherein an Electro character will be able to do Quicken and Hyperbloom after Dendro and Hydro are applied for a chain reaction. Bloom alone is a powerful reaction but this usually requires the use of Nilou and sometimes Kaveh. It should also be noted that Dendro Core explosions also damage nearby allies making a healer a requirement for Bloom teams. Fortunately, Dendro and Hydro healers are plenty and some even have sub DPS capabilities.

Without Nilou, Bloom Teams Are Harder to Use

Nilou is the core of Bloom teams. Without her, it will be difficult to deal enough damage. While Kaveh has a kit leaning to Bloom as well, he cannot fully replace Nilou's role in Bloom teams as such Hyperbloom is the recommended reaction if you do not have Nilou.

Recommended Characters for Bloom

Dendro Character
NahidaNahida BaizhuBaizhu Dendro TravelerDendro Traveler
Hydro Character
NilouNilou KokomiKokomi XingqiuXingqiu


Rating★★ ・ ・ ・
Elements Dendro Core + Pyro
Effect- Dendro Core explodes with it comes in contact with Pyro and deals Dendro damage in a wider and more damaging scale
└ This enhanced explosion also deals bigger damage to allies

Burgeon is a reaction variant of Bloom. When Pyro is inflicted on a nearby Dendro Core, it will explode immediately and deal Dendro damage in a bigger and more damaging scale. A healer is needed to manage the team HP levels.

Recommended Characters for Burgeon

Hydro/Dendro Character
KokomiKokomi BaizhuBaizhu XingqiuXingqiu
Pyro Character
DehyaDehya ThomaThoma KleeKlee


Rating★★★★ ・
Elements Dendro Core + Electro
Effect- Once a Dendro Core comes in contact with Electro, it will transform into a Homing Shot and deals greater Dendro damage

Hyperbloom alone is not the main reaction for teams that use it. With the constant application of Dendro, Hydro and Electro it needs, a variety of reactions will be created alongside Hyperbloom. Hyperbloom is technically a re-application of Dendro, meaning Dendro sub DPS with slow damage tick time are still viable.

Recommended Characters for Hyperbloom

Electro Character
CynoCyno Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu
Dendro/Hydro Character
NahidaNahida BaizhuBaizhu AlhaithamAlhaitham


Rating★★★★ ・
Elements Dendro+ Electro
Effect- Increase the damage of the next attack if it's Electro or Dendro
- Non-damaging reaction

This is the base reaction for Aggravate and Spread. Alone, it does not do much and is merely a status effect on enemies. If you are using a Dendro main DPS, it's recommended to use an Electro sub DPS to cause Quicken. The same is with using an Electro DPS, use a Dendro sub DPS.

Recommended Characters for Quicken

Dendro Sub DPS Character
NahidaNahida BaizhuBaizhu Dendro TravelerDendro Traveler
Electro Sub DPS Character
FischlFischl Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun


Rating★★★★ ・
Elements Quicken + Electro
Effect- Increases damage of the incoming Electro attack
- This reaction can do a critical hit

Aggravate is a secondary reaction that comes after Quicken is triggered on the enemy. It's commonly used along Hyperbloom to further increase damage.

Recommended Characters for Aggravate

Electro Character
CynoCyno ClorindeClorinde Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun


Rating★★★★ ・
Elements Quicken + Dendro
Effect- Increases the damage of the incoming Dendro attack
- This reaction can do a critical hit

Spread is a secondary reaction that comes after Quicken is triggered on the enemy. It's commonly used along Hyperbloom to further increase damage.

Recommended Characters for Spread

Dendro Character
AlhaithamAlhaitham TighnariTighnari


Elements Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo+ Anemo
Effect- Deals damage based on the non-Anemo element reacting with it
- Spreads the affect Element in an AoE
- Scales off Elemental Mastery

The most versatile reaction. It can spread the hit element to nearby enemies, making Swirl able to start chain reactions. Popular meta Anemo supports have added bonuses for the Swirl reaction, making them boost Elemental damage of the team easily. Anemo main DPS who can deal good damage with Swirl are relatively new, with Chasca being the latest addition. This main DPS archetype can start chain reactions and do their own personal damage for faster enemy clearing.

Recommended Characters for Swirl

Swirl Support/Sub DPS Character
KazuhaKazuha SucroseSucrose VentiVenti
Anemo DPS Character
ChascaChasca WandererWanderer Shikanoin HeizouShikanoin Heizou


Rating★★ ・ ・ ・
ElementsPyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo+ Geo
Effect- Creates an Elemental Shard that can be picked up to get an Elemental Shield of the affected non-Geo element
- Non-damaging reaction

Aside from Navia, Crystallize as an reaction is often unused. Though it gives an Elemental shield, this shield is more fragile compared to the shields that Shield support characters can give. Furthermore, Geo sustain supports are already able to keep the team fine without needing this reaction. Thus, Crystallize as a reaction is used mainly in Navia teams with Albedo or other Geo sub DPSes creating it so Navia can absorb it.

Recommended Characters for Crystallize

Crystallize DPS Character
Crystallize sub DPS Character
AlbedoAlbedo ChioriChiori

How To Do Elemental Reactions

Inflict 2 Elemental Statuses


An Elemental Reaction occurs when an enemy is afflicted with two or more elemental statuses simultaneously. Depending on the reaction, enemies will take additional damage, have their defense lowered, and more.

Swap Characters And Use Elemental Skills

Swap Characters

The easiest way to trigger a reaction is to swap between your characters and use their elemental skills. For example, if you inflict the Cryo status on an enemy with Kaeya and swap out to Xiangling and use a Pyro attack, you'll cause the Melt effect, increasing your damage dealt!

You Can Use Natural Elements Too


▲Using the elements as you find them in nature can expand your battle horizons!

It's possible to use elements that exist naturally in the overworld to create a reaction too! For example, enemies that are on the water will have the water status on them, so if you use an Electro skill, you can electrocute them!

Recommended Elemental Reactions

Melt / Vaporize For High Damage

Melt and Vaporize outright provide high damage thanks to their high damage multipliers. They Crit as well, further increasing its damage ceiling. Although there is an order to their elemental application, it's not as bad since Reverse Melt & Reverse Vaporize are still viable.

Bloom / Catalyze For Multiple Enemies

The AoE Damage from Bloom and Catalyze are great for fighting multiple enemies on the field.

Electro-Charged / Swirl For Crowd Control

Electro-Charged and Swirl can affect multiple enemies at a time, making them great for controlling mobs of enemies. Electro-Charged and Swirl also allow for other Elemental Reactions to happen!

Superconduct For Physical-Focused Teams

Superconduct is only viable when running a Physical Damage-focused team comp. It's not that great with other Elemental Reactions because it will negate the others or vice versa.

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