Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Best Wish Banner & New Wishes (Gacha) | Latest Banner Added!

Genshin Impact | Best Wish Banner & New Wishes (Gacha) | Latest Banner Added!

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Genshin Impact | Best Wish Banner & New Wishes (Gacha) | Latest Banner Added! - GameWith

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Best wish (banner, gacha) guide for Genshin Impact. Includes gacha prices & cost, best wish to roll, system & rates, which characters to get, and banner schedule.

Table of Contents

All Banner List - Character & Weapon Banner History

Best Wish To Pull - Recommended Banners

Different Per Player

Because Genshin employs a Gacha system where the characters you get are random, it's inevitable that recommendations will differ depending on a given player's current character lineup and preference. In this section, we've presented several cases and provided recommendations for each one.

Limited Time Character Banners (4.7 Update)

Clorinde Banner

Clorinde Banner
Banner For Clorinde
Featured 5-Star Character & Rating
Banner Priority & Description
5-Star Description:
- Clorinde is an Electro Main DPS that works well with most team comps centered around Electro reactions.
- Has Bond of Life that may require a bit of understanding to fully make use.
★★★★★0.6%Featured 5-Star Character
★★★★5.1%Featured 4-Star Character
Banner Details
- Rarity with ★5 are all characters
- Guarantees ★5 character with 90 attempts
- Guarantees ★4 item or higher item on every 10-wish roll
- If you pull a ★5 character that is not a featured character, next ★5 character you pull will be a featured character

Alhaitham Rerun Banner

Alhaitham Rerun Banner
Rerun Banner For Alhaitham
Featured 5-Star Character & Rating
Banner Priority & Description
5-Star Description:
- Alhaitham is one of the few Dendro characters that was meant to be a Main DPS with the damage to match
★★★★★0.6%Featured 5-Star Character
★★★★5.1%Featured 4-Star Character
Banner Details
- Rarity with ★5 are all characters
- Guarantees ★5 character with 90 attempts
- Guarantees ★4 item or higher item on every 10-wish roll
- If you pull a ★5 character that is not a featured character, next ★5 character you pull will be a featured character
Featured 4-Star Banner Characters Overview
4-Star CharacterPros & Cons
- Strong Electro damage similar to that of some 5-Star characters
- Fairly easy ot use but it limited by his long cooldown
- Deals periodic Pyro Attacks when both shields are active even when off-field
- Best Pyro character for Burdgeon (Due to slower application of Pyro, he hits the cores instead of the Dendro application)
- High energy cost & CD for Elemental Burst
↳ Can be aided with Favonius Lance
- Shield duration is short.
- Tend to steal reactions from Main DPS
- Powerful healing & ATK Buff
- Very easy to build and does not require specific stats to be useful
- Is flexible and can perform multiple roles at once
- Low Energy Cost and Energy Recharge scaling, making his Elemental Burst have close to 100% uptime
- Is also great for self cleansing
- Does not heal 100% of HP
- Constellation 1 is needed to ignore the HP amount condition for buff
- Does not work well with non-ATK scaling DPS characters

Limited Time Weapon Banner (4.7 Update)

Weapon Banner
Epitome Invocation (Weapon Banner)
Featured 5-Star Weapon
AbsolutionAbsolutionLight of Foliar IncisionLight of Foliar Incision
Featured 4-Star Weapons
Lithic SpearLithic SpearSacrificial SwordSacrificial SwordSacrificial GreatswordSacrificial GreatswordThe WidsithThe Widsith
The StringlessThe Stringless---
Banner Priority & Description
5-Star Description:
- The Absolution is a good DPS weapon, but it's Wweapon skill does limit it to Clorinde who is the only one that can fully take advantage of it.
- On the other hand, Light of Foliar Incision is a great weapon for any Main DPS that can take advantage of elemental infusion.
- Overall, it's not a bad banner, but it would be better to pull only if you have either Alhaitham or Clorinde.
★★★★6.0%Weapons & Characters
Banner Details
- Rarity with ★5 are all weapons
- Guarantees at least one ★5 weapon with 80 attempts
- Guarantees ★4 or above once every 10-wish roll
- If the first ★5 weapon you win is not one of the promotional weapon with higher drop rate, then the next ★5 weapon you get is guaranteed to be a promotional weapon
- Choose your desired weapon in the Epitomized Path and you are guaranteed to get it after pulling two 5-star weapons that are not the once you choose

Standard Banner

Banner Priority & Description
5-Star Description:
- It's recommended that you only pull on the Standard Banner with the Acquiant Fate that you have collected and not with your Primogems
- Since the characters and weapons here are limited and entirely at random, it's not recommended to try for this
★★★★★0.6%Characters & Weapons
★★★★5.1%Characters & Weapons
Banner Details
- Guarantees at least one ★5 items with 90 attempts
- Guarantees ★4 item or higher in every 10-wish roll
- Permanent banner

New Wish Type - Character Event Wish-2

What Is Character Event Wish-2?

Character Event Wish-2 is a new type of Wish type specifically made for rerun banners. This will often run simulatenously with another banner, allowing for 2 Character Banners at the same time.

How Does It Work?

The Character Event Wish-2 is just like any other Wish event. What makes it different is that it shares Guarantee and Pity with it's concurrent Character Event Wish banner. You can build either pity on any of the two banners and the guarantee will carry over.

Should I Pull On The Character Event Wish-2?

The depends entirely on which character is featured, what you need in your team, and personal preference. If you're building pity, you can do it on either Wish Banners since they share it anyways.

Required Currency & Price

Required Currency For Gacha

BannerRequired Currency
Beginner's Wish
Wanderlust Invocation
Acquaint Fate
Limited Wishes
Epitome Invocation
Intertwined Fate

The required amount of gems differs according to each banner. One Acquaint Fate or Intertwined Fate can be exchanged for 160 Primogems. One Primogem can be acquired with the exchange of 1 Genesis Crystal.

Check Out Primogems Farming Guide

Price Of Gacha

Price Per GachaAbout $2.66

The cost of pulling one gacha is about .66 since 300 Genesis Crystals cost .99 and you need 160 Genesis Crystals to roll one gacha. If you purchase the Genesis Crystals in bulk, you can get a volume discount.

Learn More About In Game Purchases Here

Gacha System - How To Unlock & Roll

Raise Adventurer Rank to 5 To Unlock

gacha result

Genshin's gacha feature, Wishes, unlocks once your Adventurer Rank reaches 5 level. If you want to unlock gacha, play the main story for about 20 minutes.

Flow Chart To Unlock Gacha

1Download the game and create an account
2Follow Paimon (Episode 1)
3Finish the battle tutorial
4Amber joins your party after the event in the forest
5Clear out the Hilichurl camp
6Get a Wind Glider from Amber
7Defeat Stormterror
8Proceed to Knight of Favonius headquarters. Your Adventurer Rank becomes 5
9Click the star icon on the upper part of your screen to make wishes

How To Pull Gacha

1Tap the Wish icon on right upper corner or open the menu and select wish icon
2Choose which banner to pull

Step 1: Open The Wish Page


Tap the wishing icon displayed on right upper corner of your screen and move to the gacha page.

Step 2: Choose Which Banner To Pull


Select the banner you want and start pulling gacha. If you don't have enough Primogem, your Genesis Crystal will be converted.

Banners Will Rotate & Change

Banners will only be available for a set amount of time before they are rotated out for a new one. When will the older banner be swapped back is anyone's guess, if at all, so grab the banners you like if you got the supplies.

Potential Future Banners

Best Wish To Pull - Tips

Pull Beginner's Wish First


The Beginner's Wish is guaranteed to include ★4 Noelle on the 1st 10-wish roll and ★4 or higher character on the 2nd 10-wish roll. The chance of getting a super rare character is much higher than other banners so you should definitively choose this banner first.

Pull Weapon Gacha If You Have Enough Characters


If you already own enough strong characters, going for the weapon gacha like Epitome Invocation is also recommended. A ★5 weapon is guaranteed at least once per 80 attempts. Since the stats of ★5 weapons are much higher than ★4, going for this banner is a good bet if you want to focus on increasing your damage.

Event & Wish Related Guides

Event & Wish

Current Wish (Gacha) Banners

Character / Weapon
Chanson Of Many Waters Chanson Of Many Waters

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

Tempestuous Destiny Tempestuous Destiny

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

Epitome Of Invocation

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

beginnerBeginners' Wish


Wanderlust InvocationWanderlust Invocation


All Banner List

5.4 Events

5.4 Events
Reel Ad-Venture Event GuideReel Ad-Venture

03/12/2025 ~ 03/24/2025

Xavier's video editing event will have a rerun once again in the upcoming 5.4 Update.
Ley Line OverflowLey Line Overflow

03/17/2025 ~ 03/24/2025

Ley Line Overflow will have a rerun for the upcoming 5.4 Update.

5.5 Events

5.5 Upcoming Events
Tournament Of Glory in Bloom Event GuideTournament Of Glory in Bloom

03/28/2025 - 04/14/2025

Main event for 5.5 Update.
Quirky Quaking Arena Event GuideQuirky Quaking Arena

04/21/2025 - 05/02/2025

A new upcoming Co-Op (Multiplayer) event for 5.5 Update. In this event, players will be tasked to collect Adventure Coins to earn points.
Rhythm Ball Meztli Event GuideRhythm Ball Meztli Event Guide

04/28/2025 - 05/06/2025

Players will be tasked to defeat the boss by destroying the moving blocks by hitting it using the elemental ball.
Unlimited Fighting Championship Event GuideUnlimited Fighting Championship

04/14/2025 - 04/21/2025

A new upcoming combat domain challenge for 5.5 Update.
Overflowing Favor EventOverflowing Favor Event

04/14/2025 - 04/21/2025

An artifact farming event that provides double drop rewards.

Other Events

Web Event List
Web Event ListWeb Event List
Event Tracking Tool
To Do List & Event Calendar
All Events List
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Anonymous 10

I have currently got a team of ningguang, rosaria, xiangling and fischl

ßesƒren 9

You now would need to wish 20x to get a character instead of 10x with the current change they made with the rotation of 4 star. I hope they don't do this with 5stars cause that's more of a BS. Currently got 5 star weapon on permanent wish so still looking into it.

ßesƒren 8

They changed the 4 star drop rate to weapon-character-weapon-character. I got Razor-weapon-Razor-weapon-Razor-weapon-Chongyun-weapon-Razor-Zhongli(not counted as he is a 5 star). This is such BS on Mihoyo.

Anonymous 7

Nope man
I think it just human error lol

Anonymous 6

Hold up - If you pull a ★5 character that is not Klee, next ★5 character you pull will be Klee(tartaglia banner detail)
So i got childe and if i roll again i will get klee?

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