Chapter 2 Act 3 (Omnipresence Over Mortals) is an Archon Quest for Genshin Impact. Guide includes location, how to unlock & where to start, and rewards for Chapter II Act III.
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Omnipresence Over Mortals - How To Unlock & Rewards
To Be Released In 2.1 Update

Omnipresence Over Mortals was revealed during the 2.1 Livestream and will be added to Genshin Impact as part of the 2.1 Update. As soon as the update is live, players should be able to start this quest once they meet the requirements.
2.1 Update Release Date & New CharactersOmnipresence Over Mortals - How To Unlock & Requirements

How To Unlock | - Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above - Complete the Archon Quest: "Chapter II: Act II - Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow" |
Similar to other Archon Quests, Omnipresence Over Mortals requires a minimum of AR level to gain access to. Consider completing World Quests and Daily Commission Quests to quickly increase your Adventure Rank.
Adventure Rank Farming & Rewards GuideMust Complete Previous Archon Quest First
Genshin Impact follows a linear story line so in order to access this quest, you must complete the previous quest, "Stillness, The Sublimation Of Shadow" first.
All Archon Quest Guides
Prologue | |||
Act 1 | Act 2 | Act 3 | - |
Chapter 1 | |||
Act 1 | Act 2 | Act 3 | Act 4 |
Chapter 2 | |||
Prologue | Act 1 | Act 2 | Act 3 |
Act 4 | - | - | - |
Interludes | |||
The Crane Returns On The Wind | Perilous Trail | - | - |
Omnipresence Over Mortals - Rewards
Adventurer's Exp | 5600 EXP |
Mora | 238250 |
Items | Grand Narukami Shrine Omamori x1 Funerary Mask x1 Memory of Violet Flash x1 Hero's Wit x 25 Mystic Enhancement Ore x 44 Primogems x120 Random Chest Drops (※ May vary) Hero's Wit x 1 Mora x 1525 Adventurer's Experience x2 Berserker's Bone Goblet x1 |
Omnipresence Over Mortals - Walkthrough Chart & Tips
Part 1: Sword, Fish, Resistance
1 | Teleport to Fort Fujitou and meet Teppei there. |
2 | Get in the boat and sail westward to the resistance camp. |
3 | Climb off your boat and glide westward. Eventually you'll need to climb up a large cliff to reach the village. |
4 | Talk to Teppei and then head northwest to Sangonomiya Shrine. |
5 | Unlock the Statue of the Seven here if you haven't yet. From the statue, glide over to the east to reach the next destination. |
6 | Teleport back to the Statue and go southwest. |
7 | Defeat the nearby monsters to the south. |
8 | Travel all the way to the east side of the island. |
9 | Clear out the monsters there. Return to Sangonomiya Shrine when finished. |
2. Sail Westward
The resistance camp is located quite a ways to the west of your current location, in unmarked territory. Keep heading due west until you reach a waterfall you can jump off. You can continue gliding your way further west after this.
3. Climb Up A Cliff

As you maintain your course west, you'll eventually come across a massive cliff. You'll have to climb up this to reach your destination!
7. Travel To The East Of The Island

The fastest way to get this next area is probably to teleport to Sangonomiya shrine and take the bridge to the south, due east.
Good Opportunity To Unlock Waypoints
Since you'll be traversing a wide part of this area, it can be a really good idea to unlock all teleport locations on the way! You'll be glad you did this later, so make sure to do this!
Part 2: Those Who Yearn For The Gods' Gaze
1 | Teleport to Fort Fujitou, then head to the southwest to an island near Fort Mumei. |
2 | Use Electro abilities to trigger the 3 totems here. This will summon a huge Lawachurl for you to defeat. |
3 | Return to Sangonomiya Shrine. |
4 | Head directly south to Bourou village. |
2. Solve The Ancient Ruins Electro & Defeat The Lawachurl

A simple elemental puzzle stands in your way here: use an Electro character to light all 3 elemental torches. However you need to do this in just a few seconds. (Fischl is always a safe and easy bet!) The Lawachurl shouldn't be a problem, trigger a reaction with the Hydro, Pyro, or Cryo elements to make short work of it.
Part 3: Delusion
1 | Talk to Sangonomiya Kokomi in the village. |
2 | Teleport to the left of the Jakotsu mine and jump down the cliffs to find the Factory. |
3 | Enter the domain and find the 3 amulets to unlock the door. |
4 | Defeat the 3 enemies in the final room, and finally take down the Factory Superintendent when she appears. |
5 | Head to Grand Narukami Shrine |
3. Pick Up The 3 Amulets

In order to complete the Delusion Factory, you'll have to pick up the 3 amulets located in various parts of the domain. You'll find them on pedastals like the one above, so always keep an eye out for them!
3. Ride The Elevators Up

At a certain point in this Domain, you may come across what seems to be a dead end. Note however, that the platforms in this narrow room are moving vertically - simply jump on them in sequence and ride them to the top!
Part 4: The Servant's Path
1 | Head to the training area at the foot of Mt. Yougou by jumping off and gliding from your current location. |
2 | Complete the Anti-Raiden Shogun Training |
3 | Complete the second Anti-Raiden Shogun Training |
4 | Defeat the 3 enemies in the final room, and finally take down the Factory Superintendent when she appears. |
2. Anti-Raiden Shogun Part 1

Objective | - Avoid being hit 10 times |
This device will shoot a variety of attacks out at you - being hit by 10 will cause you to fail the challenge. A good tip is to save your sprint dash for the exact moment it fires out its line ability. Doing it too early will result in getting hit.
Survive The Final Attack By Breaking The Summoned Gem
During the final attack, a single gem will appear on the field. Quickly search for that gem and break it. Breaking it would remove the area around it from the AOE of the final attack.
2. Anti-Raiden Shogun Part 2

Objective | - Defeat 10 Opponents |
During this challenge you will be faced with multiple opponents at once. The ground will also randomly explode dealing AOE Electro damage to make sure to watch out for those purple light.
Part 5: Proof Of Guilt
1 | Teleport to Guijiu Forest and examine the Cream colored Daruma. |
2 | Go inside the Komore Teahouse and talk to Thoma. |
3 | Head to the next location and talk to Yoimiya. |
4 | Change the time to the stated duration and go to the Tenryou Commission Headquarters. |
5 | Set the Fireworks and glide to the wind and flee to Komore Teahouse. |
6 | Talk to Ayaka and Thoma. |
5. Avoid The Watch Of Guards

Once you are spotted by the guards, you will be sent back from the beginning. Avoid them by flying towards the upstream to the back of Komore Teahouse.
Part 6: Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage
1 | Head back to Yae Guuji at Grand Narukami Shrine. |
2 | Teleport to Inazuma Castle and follow Sara inside |
3 | Defeat the enemies at Internal Affairs Head. |
4 | Head to Tenshukaku and battle Signora. |
5 | Head outside the Tenshukaku for a cutscene. |
6 | Fight Raiden Shougun. |
4. Shields Are Recommended
Signora hits hard and some of the attacks are difficult to dodge. Using shields will help you survive easier.
4. Do Not Use The Same Element Against Signora
During Signora boss battle, she will have two forms. One Cryo and One Pyro. During those forms she builds strong resistance on the element so avoid using those elements for bigger damage.
4. Use The Mechanic On The Side Of The Field To Maintain Temperature

You will receive continues damage when the temperature bar on the top of your HP bar is full. Move towards the gimmick machine to lower the temperature bar.
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