Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Sumeru World Quest List

Genshin Impact | Sumeru World Quest List

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Genshin Impact | Sumeru World Quest List - GameWith

Check out this All Sumeru World Quest List for Genshin Impact. This list includes all Sumeru World Quest, their location, how to unlock, where to find them, and more!

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All World Quests In Sumeru

Sumeru Reputation Quests

  1. Unlock By Hunting Shroomboars
    A Short Encounter with a Rare Birda short encounter with a rare bird
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock By Hunting Shroomboars at North of the Ruins Of Dahri
  2. Adventure Takes Courage! Quest
    Adventure Takes Courage!adventure takes courage!
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked after finishing Through Mists Of Smoke And Forests Dark and talk to Katheryne in Sumeru.
  3. Afratu's Dilemma
    Afratu's Dilemmaafratu's dilemma
    How To Unlock:
    Set foot in the vicinity of the Valley of Dahri and talk to the researcher named Afratu.
  4. Agnihotra Sutra quest
    Agnihotra Sutraagnihotra sutra
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked after progressing and completing The World Of Aranara
  5. An Unwavering Culinary Dream Quest Guide
    An Unwavering Culinary Dreaman unwavering culinary dream
    How To Unlock:
    1. Unlocked after completing The World Of Aranara.
    2. Complete cooking, The Flavor of Nature
    3. Talk to Arapacati.
  6. Aranyaka Quest
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked during Through Mists Of Smoke And Forests Dark Quest and help out Rana who is being mobbed.
  7. Blooming Sands Quest
    Blooming Sandsblooming sands
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Archon Quest Chapter III: Act IV King Deshret and the Three Magi and talk to Raef at Aaru Village
  8. Cost-Effective Hook Quest
    Cost-Effective Hookcost-effective hook
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete the Sumeru Daily Commission Quest "Supreme Hookshot" 3 times.
    - Talk to Kayvan
  9. Courage is in the Heart Quest
    Courage is in the Heartcourage is in the heart
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock By Finishing Static Views and heading to the start location, near the Mysterious Clipboard in Lokapala, then defeat the hilichurls.
  10. Dreams Beneath The Searing Sand Quest Guide
    Dreams Beneath The Searing Sanddreams beneath the searing sand
    How To Unlock:
    Complete The Secret of Al-Ahmar
  11. Dreams, Emptiness, Deception
    Chapter 3 Act 3
    Chapter 3 Act 3

    (Archon Quest)dreams, emptiness, deception
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Archon Quest The Morn A Thousand Roses Brings
  12. Dual Evidence Quest Guide
    Dual Evidencedual evidence
    How To Unlock:
    Wait for server seset after completing Golden Slumber and then teleport your way towards the Statue of the Seven in Aaru Village.
  13. Even Beasts Stumble Quest
    Even Beasts Stumbleeven beasts stumble
    How To Unlock:
    As you explore the area of Yasna Monument, you get to see an NPC named Elber
  14. For a Dream I Tarry Quest
    For a Dream I Tarryfor a dream i tarry
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Javi at Northwest of Sumeru City
  15. Garcia's Paean: A A Gift of Compatibility
    Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibilitygarcia's paean: a gift of compatibility
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Archon Quest Chapter I: Act I - Of the Land Amidst Monoliths., Garcia's Paean, and the daily commissions Garcia's Paean: Key Items & Garcia's Paean: Key Items Substitute
  16. Gourmet Supremos: Within Our Duties
    Gourmet Supremos: Within Our Dutiesgourmet supremos: within our duties
    How To Unlock:
    Obtain the achievements: Meal For Two, A Question of Diet, and Samurice and complete the daily commission The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go?
  17. King Deshret and the Three Magi
    Chapter 3 Act 4
    Chapter 3 Act 4

    (Archon Quest)king deshret and the three magi
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Archon Quest Dreams, Emptiness, Deception
  18. Lupus Aureus Chapter Act 1
    Lupus Aureus Chapter Act 1
    (Story Quest)lupus aureus chapter act 1
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Archon Quest Chapter III: Act IV King Deshret and the Three Magi and use 1x Story Key
  19. Memory's Final Chapter Map
    Memory's Final Chaptermemory's final chapter
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Aranakin's Old Friend, Aranaga's Memory and Aragaru's Drawing to unlock.
  20. Purbiruni's Commandmentpurbiruni's commandment
    How To Unlock:
    Obtain Akademiya Recommendation Letter then head to the Akademiya.
  21. Static Views part 2
    Static Views, Part IIstatic views, part ii
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the first 8 Mysterious Clipboard locations, then head to the location of the 9th image. You will get the 10th location, complete that and you will get Static Views: Part II
  22. Start Location Of The Hymn Of Tir Yazad
    The Hymn Of Tir Yazadthe hymn of tir yazad
    How To Unlock:
    Part of Khvarena Of Good And Evil Series. Complete Lightcall Resonance.
  23. Until Vana is Healed
    Until Vana is Healeduntil vana is healed
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the world quest Aranyaka: Part II - Dream Nursery

Sumeru Non-Reputation Quests

  1. A Delicacy For Nara
    A Delicacy For Naraa delicacy for nara
    How To Unlock:
    Available after Cooking, The Flavor of Nature
  2. A Gifted Rose: Ballad Of Days Gone By Quest
    A Gifted Rose: Ballad of Days Gone Bya gifted rose: ballad of days gone by
    How To Unlock:
    After completing A Gifted Rose: Can Stones Bloom, wait for the server reset time. Return to Aaru Village & Talk to Sabbah then head to Affan
  3. A Gifted Rose: Can Stones Bloom
    A Gifted Rose: Can Stones Blooma gifted rose: can stones bloom
    How To Unlock:
    After completing A Gifted Rose: Long Day Ahead, wait for the server reset time then go back to Affan
  4. A Gifted Rose: Long Day Ahead Quest
    A Gifted Rose: Long Day Aheada gifted rose: long day ahead
    How To Unlock:
    After completing A Gifted Rose: Prickly as Thorns, wait for the server reset time then go back to Affan
  5. A Gifted Rose: Prickly As Thorns Quest
    A Gifted Rose: Prickly as Thornsa gifted rose: prickly as thorns
    How To Unlock:
    After completing The Exile: Blooming, talk to Sabbah again and hand over a Sumeru Rose to her then go to Affan at a house north of Aaru Village
  6. A Gifted Rose: Some People Never Fade Away
    A Gifted Rose: Some People Never Fade Awaya gifted rose: some people never fade away
    How To Unlock:
    After completing A Gifted Rose: Ballad of Days Gone By, head to the house north of Aaru Village and approach Sabbah & Affan
  7. A Prayer For Rain On The Fecund Land
    A Prayer For Rain On The Fecund Landa prayer for rain on the fecund land
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Slumbering Roots, Irate Iron Chunk, and Memory of Stone to unlock
  8. An Artist Adrift world quest location
    An Artist Adriftan artist adrift
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock by completing the Khvarena Of Good And Evil Quest Series.
  9. An Introduction To Indoor Archaelogy
    An Introduction To Indoor Archaelogyan introduction to indoor archaelogy
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Lost In the Sands
  10. Apocalypse Lost: Memories of Gurabad
    Apocalypse Lost: Memories Of Gurabadapocalypse lost: memories of gurabad
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock by completing prerequisite quests, obtaining chess pieces, & placing chess pieces to the respective chess slot.
  11. Apocalypse Lost
    Apocalypse Lostapocalypse lost
    How To Unlock:
    Finish the Prerequisite Quests: The Dirge Of Bilqis, The Fallen Falcon, The Falcon's Hunt, Tadhla The Falcon to unlock Apocalypse Lost.
  12. Aragaru's Drawing Quest
    Aragaru's Drawingaragaru's drawing
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Aranyaka Quest Line and defeat the Eremites inside the cave south of Chatrakam Cave
  13. Aranaga's Memory Quest
    Aranaga's Memoryaranaga's memory
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Aranyaka Quest Chain and then talk to the NPC named Khayyam in Mawtiyima Forest
  14. Aranakin's Old Friend Quest
    Aranakin's Old Friendaranakin's old friend
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Aranyaka Quest Line and approach Aranakin northwest of Chatrakam Cave
  15. Start Location Of As The Khvarena's Light Shows
    As The Khvarena's Light Showsas the khvarena's light shows
    How To Unlock:
    Part of Khvarena Of Good And Evil Series. You need Asipattravana Itihasa and Awakening's Real Sound to unlock.
  16. Start Location Of Asipattravana Itihasa
    Asipattravana Itihasaasipattravana itihasa
    How To Unlock:
    Part of Khvarena Of Good And Evil Series
  17. Awakening's Real Soundawakening's real sound
    How To Unlock:
    Part of Khvarena Of Good And Evil Series. Unlocks after Asipattravana Itihasa.
  18. Behold, The Sign Comes Like A Thief
    Behold, The Sign Comes Like A Thiefbehold, the sign comes like a thief
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock first the Quest Series, Apocalypse Lost.
  19. Children of the Forest
    Children of the Forestchildren of the forest
    How To Unlock:
    Finish World Of Aranara quest
  20. Cooking, A Pleasant Memory
    Cooking, a Pleasant Memorycooking, a pleasant memory
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked upon completing the Cooking, The Flavor of Nature world quest.
  21. Cooking, The Aroma of Homecoming
    Cooking, The Aroma of Homecomingcooking, the aroma of homecoming
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked upon completing the Cooking, The Flavor of Nature world quest.
  22. Cooking, the Beauty of Sharing
    Cooking, the Beauty of Sharingcooking, the beauty of sharing
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked upon completing the Cooking, The Flavor of Nature world quest.
  23. Cooking, The Flavor of Nature
    Cooking, The Flavor of Naturecooking, the flavor of nature
    How To Unlock:
    Finish World Of Aranara quest
  24. Festival Utsava
    Delicious Riddledelicious riddle
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked during Festival Utsava
  25. A Gifted Rose: Some People Never Fade Away Quest
    Desert's Remembrancedesert's remembrance
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Dual Evidence and then interact with Affan and Sabah.
  26. Dune-Entombed Fecundity
    Dune-Entombed Fecunditydune-entombed fecundity
    How To Unlock:
    Complete The Temple Where Sand Flows Like Tears
  27. Encounter in the Woods
    Encounter in the Woodsencounter in the woods
    How To Unlock:
    Finish World Of Aranara quest
  28. Festival Utsava
    Festival Utsavafestival utsava
    How To Unlock:
    Complete For A Better Reunion
  29. For A Better Reunion
    For A Better Reunionfor a better reunion
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Children of the Forest
  30. Festival Utsava
    For Fruits, Seeds, and Treesfor fruits, seeds, and trees
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Festival Utsava
  31. For Her Judgement Reaches To The Skiesfor her judgement reaches to the skies
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Apocalypse Lost Quest
  32. For the Children of the Past
    For The Children of the Pastfor the children of the past
    How To Unlock:
    Finish For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees
  33. Festival Utsava
    Garden Fairiesgarden fairies
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked during Festival Utsava
  34. A Prayer For Rain On The Fecund Land Quest
    Golden Slumbergolden slumber
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Slumbering Roots and then talk to Bonifaz in Aaru Village
  35. Heart Of Amrita world quest guide
    Heart Of Amritaheart of amrita
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked after completing the Khvarena Of Good And Evil quest series.
  36. Hello, Thank You, and the Final Goodbye
    Hello, Thank You, and the Final Goodbyehello, thank you, and the final goodbye
    How To Unlock:
    Complete For The Children of the Past
  37. Map Start
    Her Foes Rage Like Great Waters...her foes rage like great waters...
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Apocalypse Lost: Memories Of Gurabad Quest
  38. Hidden Mercenaries
    Hidden Mercenarieshidden mercenaries
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Dual Evidence
  39. Into the Woods
    Into the Woodsinto the woods
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked after completing "The Children Of Vimara Village"
  40. Invisible Barrier
    Invisible Barrierinvisible barrier
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Dual Evidence
  41. Irate Iron Chunk
    Irate Iron Chunkirate iron chunk
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Varuna Gatha to unlock.
  42. Join the Eremites and Embrace a Wonderful New Life!
    Join the Eremites and Embrace a Wonderful New Life!join the eremites and embrace a wonderful new life!
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Archon Quest Chapter III: Act IV King Deshret and the Three Magi and talk to Atiyah at Aaru Village
  43. Unlock
    Khvarena Of Good And Evilkhvarena of good and evil
    How To Unlock:
    Head To Gavireh Lajavard To Unlock
  44. Lightcall Resonancelightcall resonance
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock by completing the Khvarena Of Good And Evil Quest Series.
  45. Lost in the Sands
    Lost in the Sandslost in the sands
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked by talking to Bonifaz at Aaru Village in Sumeru
  46. Make Bright The Arrows, Gather The Shields
    Make Bright The Arrows, Gather The Shieldsmake bright the arrows, gather the shields
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Apocalypse Lost Quest
  47. Memory Of Stone
    Memory Of Stonememory of stone
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Varuna Gatha to unlock.
  48. Temir
    Monumental Studymonumental study
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Sosi after obtaining Sorush.
  49. Old Notes And New Friends world quest
    Old Notes and New Friendsold notes and new friends
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Dual Evidence and then talk to Kalantari
  50. Outside The Canvas, Inside The Lens: Greenery
    Outside The Canvas, Inside The Lens: Greenery Chapteroutside the canvas, inside the lens: greenery chapter
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Archon Quest: Ritou's Escape Plan and Snapshots World Quest
  51. Locations
    Pale Firepale fire
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked during Khvarena Of Good And Evil. Awaken one Fravashi Tree to unlock.
  52. Recollections Of A Fontainianrecollections of a fontainian
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Augustus at Sumeru City's Docks.
  53. Rejoice With Me, For What Was Lost Is Now Foundrejoice with me, for what was lost is now found
    How To Unlock:
    Complete The Dirge Of Bilqis Quest Line
  54. Risen Moon Chapter
    Risen Moon Chapterrisen moon chapter
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Starry Night Chapter
  55. Festival Utsava
    Rishboland Tiger, roaaarrishboland tiger, roaaar
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked during Festival Utsava
  56. Royinian's Chapter: Linga
    Royinian's Chapter: Lingaroyinian's chapter: linga
    How To Unlock:
    Progress through Vimana Agama: Royinian's Chapter
  57. Royinian's Chapter: Yoni
    Royinian's Chapter: Yoniroyinian's chapter: yoni
    How To Unlock:
    Progress through Vimana Agama: Royinian's Chapter
  58. Slumbering Roots
    Slumbering Rootsslumbering roots
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Varuna Gatha to unlock.
  59. Soheil's Wish
    Soheil's Wishsoheil's wish
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Dual Evidence
  60. Sprouting Seedlings
    Sprouting Seedlingssprouting seedlings
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Varuna Gatha
  61. Starry Night Chapter
    Starry Night Chapterstarry night chapter
    How To Unlock:
    Complete World Of Aranara quest
  62. Static Views Part II
    Static Viewsstatic views
    How To Unlock:
    Complete World Of Aranara quest
  63. Tadhla The Falcon
    Tadhla the Falcontadhla the falcon
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock by completing The Dirge of Bilqis
  64. Festival Utsava
    Taste of Happinesstaste of happiness
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked during Festival Utsava
  65. Tester Became The Tested
    Tester Became The Testedtester became the tested
    How To Unlock:
    Head Northeast of Devantaka Mountain.
  66. The Children of Vimara Village
    The Children of Vimara Villagethe children of vimara village
    How To Unlock:
    Find Rana being mobbed near Ganharva Ville in Sumeru
  67. The Dirge Of Bilqis
    The Dirge Of Bilqisthe dirge of bilqis
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Golden Slumber Series Quest
  68. Eternal Dream
    The Eternal Dream, Ever Lushthe eternal dream, ever lush
    How To Unlock:
    Play through the The Dirge Of Bilqis quest line and it will automatically unlock the The Eternal Dream, Ever Lush world quest.
  69. The Exile: Blooming
    The Exile: Bloomingthe exile: blooming
    How To Unlock:
    After completing The Exile: Sprouting, wait for the server reset time then talk to Sabbah at Aaru Village
  70. The Exile: Sprouting
    The Exile: Sproutingthe exile: sprouting
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked by approaching Sabbah at Aaru Village in Sumeru
  71. The Falcon's Hunt
    The Falcon's Huntthe falcon's hunt
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Tadhla The Falcon
  72. The Fallen Falcon
    The Fallen Falconthe fallen falcon
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock by completing The Falcon's Hunt
  73. The Final Chapter
    The Final Chapterthe final chapter
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Risen Moon Chapter
  74. The Foolish Fatuus
    The Foolish Fatuusthe foolish fatuus
    How To Unlock:
    Deactivate all 8 Strange Energy Extraction Devices scattered around Sumeru to unlock this quest.
  75. The Path of Papers
    The Path of Papersthe path of papers
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Niloofar at Sumeru City.
  76. The Price
    The Pricethe price
    How To Unlock:
    There is a common chest on the corner of the hotel roof in Port Ormos. You can start this world quest the moment you opened the chest.
  77. The Rhythm that Leads to the Gloomy Path
    The Rhythm that Leads to the Gloomy Paththe rhythm that leads to the gloomy path
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Encounter in the Woods
  78. The Rhythm that Nurtures the Sprout
    The Rhythm that Nurtures the Sproutthe rhythm that nurtures the sprout
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Encounter in the Woods
  79. The Rhythm that Reveals the Beastly Trail
    The Rhythm that Reveals the Beastly Trailthe rhythm that reveals the beastly trail
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Encounter in the Woods
  80. The Secret Of Al-Ahmar
    The Secret Of Al-Ahmarthe secret of al-ahmar
    How To Unlock:
    Complete An Introduction To Indoor Archaeology
  81. Unlock
    The Splendorous Sky That Daythe splendorous sky that day
    How To Unlock:
    Part of Khvarena Of Good And Evil Series
  82. The World Of Aranara
    The World Of Aranarathe world of aranara
    How To Unlock:
    Finish The Lost Child Quest
  83. Treasure of Wisdom: A New Plan
    Treasure of Wisdom: A New Plantreasure of wisdom: a new plan
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Drusus' Riddles at Sumeru City.
  84. Trees and Dreams
    Trees and Dreamstrees and dreams
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked after "The World Of Aranara" World Quest
  85. Varuna Gatha
    Varuna Gathavaruna gatha
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked after completing The World Of Aranara
  86. Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter
    Vimana Agama: Dev Delver Chaptervimana agama: dev delver chapter
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter
  87. Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter
    Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chaptervimana agama: jazari's chapter
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Vimana Agama: Royinian's Chapter
  88. Vimana Agama: Royinian's Chapter
    Vimana Agama: Royinian's Chaptervimana agama: royinian's chapter
    How To Unlock:
    Complete World Of Aranara quest
  89. Vimana Agama
    Vimana Agamavimana agama
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked after completing The World Of Aranara
  90. Where Are the Fierce Creatures?
    Where Are the Fierce Creatures?where are the fierce creatures?
    How To Unlock:
    Where Are the Fierce Creatures? is a hidden quest that you can unlock by talking to Santon.
  91. While the Dream Lingers
    While the Dream Lingerswhile the dream lingers
    How To Unlock:
    Go to the area northwest of Sumeru City and see an NPC named Javi who is crouching and seems like looking for something.

What Are World Quests & How To Unlock Them

Side Quests Found Around The Game's World

World Quests are Genshin Impact's version of side quests. By doing them, not only do players learn more about the world and get to know its NPCs, but they also receive rewards for completing them!

How To Unlock World Quests

Increase Your Adventure Rank

Most World Quests are locked behind Adventure Rank progression. Some of them will not show up until players reach a specific Adventure Rank or once they complete the Ascension Level quests.

Progress Through The Archon Quest

There are World Quests that are directly tied to the Archon Quests or the main story quests of Genshin Impact. Completing Archon Quests is the only way to unlock these types of World Quests.

Unlock New Regions

Some World Quests on the other hand can easily be unlocked so long as you've unlocked or cleared the fog in the area where they are found. Aim to unlock all waypoints and Statues of Seven in every region to see quests.

World Quests Per Region

Genshin Impact - Related Quest Guides


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All Story Quests
Lepus Chapter: Act 1Amber 1Pavo Ocellus Chapter: Act 1Kaeya 1Tempus Fugit Chapter: Act 1Lisa 1
Lupus Minor Chapter: Act 1Razor 1Noctua Chapter: Act IDiluc 1Trifolium Chapter: Act IKlee 1
Leo Minor Chapter: Act IJean 1Carmen Dei Chapter: Act IVenti 1Astrolabos Chapter: Act IMona 1
Princeps Cretaceus Chapter: Act IAlbedo 1Aphros Delos Chapter: Act 1Eula 1Trulla Chapter: Act 1Xiangling 1
Fabulae Textile Chapter: Act 1Xingqiu 1Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act IZhongli 1Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act IIZhongli 2
Sinae Unicornis Chapter: Act IGanyu 1Alatus Chapter: Act IXiao 1Papilio Charontis Chapter: Act IHu Tao 1
Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act IYoimiya 1Grus Nivis Chapter: Act IAyaka 1Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act 1Raiden Shogun 1
Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter: Act 1Kokomi 1Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act 1Itto 1Acer Palmatum Chapter: Act 1Kazuha 1
Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act 2Raiden Shogun 2Divina Vulpes Chapter: Act 1Yae Miko 1Cypressus Custos Chapter: Act IAyato 1
Umbrabilis Orchis Chapter: Act 1Yelan 1Vulpes Zerda Chapter: Act 1Tighnari 1Lupus Aureus Chapter Act 1Cyno 1
Lotos Somno: Act 1Nilou 1Sapientia Oromasdis Act 1Nahida 1Vultur Volans Chapter: Act IAlhaitham 1
Mantichora Chapter: Act 1Dehya 1Sapientia Oromasdis Act 2Nahida 2Lagenaria Chapter: Act 1Baizhu 1
Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act IIYoimiya 2Felis Fuscus Chapter: Act ILyney 1Cerberus Chapter: Act 1Wriothesley 1
Diluvies Chapter: Act 1Neuvillette 1Animula Choragi Chapter: Act IFurina 1Rosa Multiflora Chapter: Act INavia 1
Grus Serena Chapter: Act 1Xianyun 1Cisoria Chapter: Act 1Chiori 1Ignis Purgatorius Chapter: Act 1 Arlecchino 1
Lupus Aureus Chapter: Act 2Cyno 2Rapperia Chapter: Act 1Clorinde 1Nereiders Chapter: Act 1Sigewinne 1
Where The Springs ReturnMualani 1YupanquiKinich 1Melodious ChantXilonen 1
As The Blazing SunMavuika 1Memories Flowing With ColorCitlali 1Tapirus Somniator: Chapter 1Mizuki 1
Mushroom Realm Mystery--
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Unknown A 1

im pretty sure you have to complete the aranara quest first bc it involves an aranara, but the Courage is in the Heart quest can be activated here, it's at the aranara house.

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Sea GanodermaNaku Weed
Crystal MarrowDendrobium
OnikabutoAmakumo Fruit
Sango PearlFluorescent Fungus
Liyue Specialties
Liyue SpecialtiesSilk Flower
Cor LapisJueyun Chili
Noctilucous JadeVioletgrass
Glaze Lily
Mondstadt Specialties
ValberryWindwheel Aster
Dandelion SeedCalla Lily
Philanemo Mushroom
Natlan World Quests
Between Pledge And ForgettanceIn the Footsteps Of The Chosen Of Dragons
Shadows Of The MountainsTale Of Dreams Plucked From Fire
Toward Red-Hot Adventure!To The Night, What Is The Night's
Ripe For TroubleTo Wish Upon A Star
Stride On Rainbows, Split The WavesThe Case Of The Crafting Bench
The Call Of Mystical Martial ArtsLights, Kamera, Action!
Beneath The Crystal RockRite Of The Bold
Revelations From The PastTreasures And Collectors
Special FriendsFeeling Like Fish Today!
Lies And Promises
Locations & Nations
Imaginarium Theater Guides
Genius Invokation (TCG)
Beginner's Guide
Gameplay Guides
Teapot System Articles
Future Oculus
Future Shrine Of Depths