Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Fontaine World Quest List

Genshin Impact | Fontaine World Quest List

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Genshin Impact | Fontaine World Quest List - GameWith

Check out this All Fontaine World Quest List for Genshin Impact. This list includes all Fontaine World Quest, their location, how to unlock, where to find them, and more!

Table of Contents

World Quest Per Nation
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All World Quest List

All World Quests In Fontaine

Fontaine Reputation Quests

  1. A Certain Noticea certain notice
    How To Unlock:
    Finish As Light Rain Falls Without Reason
  2. A Certain Stampa certain stamp
    How To Unlock:
    Finish A Certain Trifle Quest
  3. A Certain Triflea certain trifle
    How To Unlock:
    Finish A Certain Notice Quest
  4. A Letter Quest Guide
    A Lettera letter
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked by completing A Certain Notice, A Certain Trifle, & A Certain Stamp. Afterwards finish the quest Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating In The Rubble
  5. The Narzissenkreuz Adventure
    Ann's Storyann's story
    How To Unlock:
    Progress With The Narzissenkreuz Adventure
  6. Another Horizon Of Adventure Quest
    Another Horizon Of Adventureanother horizon of adventure
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to Katheryne after completing the following archon quests:
    Prelude Of Blancheur And Noirceur
    As Light Rain Falls Without Reason
  7. Aqueous Tidemarks
    Aqueous Tidemarksaqueous tidemarks
    How To Unlock:
    Talk To Virgil At The Court Of Fontaine
  8. Start Location
    Both Brains and Brawnboth brains and brawn
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Unfinished Comedy Quest Chain to unlock.
  9. Canticles of Harmony Starting Location
    Canticles of Harmonycanticles of harmony
    How To Unlock:
    - Head to Petrichol Island at Nostoi Region.
  10. Danger Lurks Everywhere in Fontainedanger lurks everywhere in fontaine
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete the Archon Quest As Light Rain Falls Without Reason.
  11. Map
    Daydreams Beyond Space And Timedaydreams beyond space and time
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Where His Life Lies.
  12. Echoes of the Ancient World quest location
    Echoes of the Ancient Worldechoes of the ancient world
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Dog Quest
  13. Fishing Game
    Fishing Gamefishing game
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock Merusea Village And Talk To Iara
  14. Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating In The Rubble
    Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating In The Rubblefontaine research institute, stagnating in the rubble
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock by saving Desnos.
  15. Pumpkin Soup
    Hey, This Isn't Pumpkin Soup...hey, this isn't pumpkin soup...
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Verenata after completing A Brush Of Seafoam and Crimson Quest.
  16. Latecoming Homecoming Starting Location
    Latecoming Homecominglatecoming homecoming
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Canticles of Harmony and wait for server reset.
  17. Map
    Our Purpose Is in Another Canalour purpose is in another canal
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Aigouy
  18. Road to Singularity Quest Guide
    Road to the Singularityroad to the singularity
    How To Unlock:
    Save the guy trapped in a cage.
  19. Limner Dreamer and Robotic Dog World Quest
    Seymour's Story: Prologueseymour's story: prologue
    How To Unlock:
    Will be automatically completed during the Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Dog Quest.
  20. Strange Stone Chronicle
    Strange Stone Chroniclestrange stone chronicle
    How To Unlock:
    Finish Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Dog Quest
  21. The Fountain Flows Againthe fountain flows again
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Archon Quest As Light Rain Falls Without Reason
  22. Head to Lonely Place
    The Lone Phantom Sailthe lone phantom sail
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Ahes at "A Lonely Place" underwater after finishing A Brush Of Seafoam and Crimson Quest.
  23. The Three Primary Colors of Solar Corona
    The Three Primary Colors of the Solar Coronathe three primary colors of the solar corona
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Dog Quest.
  24. Treacherous Light of the Depths
    Treacherous Light of the Depthstreacherous light of the depths
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock upon entering a hidden ruins located in the deepest underwater area.
  25. Truly Mouthwatering
    Truly Mouthwateringtruly mouthwatering
    How To Unlock:
    Defeat The Crabs
  26. Upon a Flowery Field of Grass world quest
    Upon a Flowery Field of Grassupon a flowery field of grass
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Earnshaw
  27. Villains Quest Guide
    How To Unlock:
    Automatically unlocks once you approach Blanche's location.
  28. Were It So Easy Starting Point
    Were It So Easywere it so easy
    How To Unlock:
    Complete the Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Dog quest
  29. Location
    Where His Life Lieswhere his life lies
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Canticles of Harmony and Garcia's Paean then wait for server reset.

Fontaine Non-Reputation Quests

  1. Start Location
    A Brush Of Seafoam and Crimsona brush of seafoam and crimson
    How To Unlock:
    Rescue Mamere at Beryl Region from Ermites.
  2. A Fontainian Message
    A Fontainian Messagea fontainian message
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Aqueous Tidemarks Quest
  3. Quest Image
    A Gradient Dream and Ocre Questa gradient dream and ocre quest
    How To Unlock:
    Complete A Brush Of Seafoam and Crimson Quest to unlock.
  4. An Expected Liean expected lie
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete An Expected Plan Quest
  5. Location
    An Expected Planan expected plan
    How To Unlock:
  6. Ancient Color quest guide
    Ancient Colorsancient colors
    How To Unlock:
    Rescue Mamere at Beryl Region from Ermites.
  7. Ann of the Narzissenkreuz
    Ann Of The Narzissenkreuzann of the narzissenkreuz
    How To Unlock:
    Talk To The Lochfolk At Chemin De L'Espoir
  8. Berrypuff The Blubberbeast
    Berrypuff The Blubberbeastberrypuff the blubberbeast
    How To Unlock:
    Visit An Underwater Structure
  9. Book of Esoteric
    Book of Esoteric Revelationsbook of esoteric revelations
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Canotila at Merusea Village after finishing A Brush Of Seafoam and Crimson Quest.
  10. Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating In The Rubble
    Fontaine Research Institute Chronicles Quest Chainfontaine research institute chronicles quest chain
    How To Unlock:
    Start this quest by saving Desnos from the 2 Meka dogs.
  11. An Unmarked Quest In Petrichor Island
    For Yesterday And Tomorrowfor yesterday and tomorrow
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Canticles of Harmony and head to Petrichor Island
  12. Free Versefree verse
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to the girl on the dock south of Opera Epiclese.
  13. Good Stuff But Terrible Taste
    Good Stuff But Terrible Tastegood stuff but terrible taste
    How To Unlock:
    Defeat The Hilichurls & Activate The Mechanism
  14. Location
    Happy Birthdayhappy birthday
    How To Unlock:
    Happy Birthday can be unlocked after completing the World Quest, Pursuit. After clearing Pursuit, wait in-game for around 2 days and the World Quest should appear.
  15. Impromptu Poem Of The Crimson Dawnimpromptu poem of the crimson dawn
    How To Unlock:
    Approach the man trapped in a cage
  16. In Expert Company Starting Point
    In Expert Company? in expert company?
    How To Unlock:
    Talk to Ms. Qiu near the Fountain of Lucine
  17. In the Wake Of Narcissusin the wake of narcissus
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete the following quests first:
    - Unfinished Comedy
    - Ann Of The Narzissenkreuz
    - Ancient Colors
    - You have to go to the Narzissenkreuz Ordo to trigger the quest once you complete all the pre-requisites.
  18. Quest Image
    Initial Factsinitial facts
    How To Unlock:
    Complete Unfinished Comedy Quest Chain to unlock.
  19. Leroyleroy
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Questioning Melusine and Answering Machine then talk to Euphrasie in front of the Steambird headquarters
  20. Limner Dreamer and Robotic Dog World Quest
    Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Doglimner, dreamer, and robotic dog
    How To Unlock:
    Finish A Gradient Dream and Ocre Quest to unlock.
  21. How To Unlock Questioning Melusine and Answering Machine
    Questioning Melusine and Answering Machinequestioning melusine and answering machine
    How To Unlock:
    Approach the Steambird headquarters in the Court of Fontaine.
  22. Rowboat's Wakerowboat's wake
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Waking From The Great Dream
  23. Savior's Wakesavior's wake
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Search in the Algae Sea
  24. Quest Image
    Scene from Life in Meropidescene from life in meropide
    How To Unlock:
    Unlocked during Unfinished Comedy
  25. Map
    The Wild Fairy of Erinnyesthe wild fairy of erinnyes
    How To Unlock:
    - Interact with the Carved Stone Tablet at Marcotte Station.
  26. Quest ImageLook For 6 Looking Glass
    Through The Looking Glassthrough the looking glass
    How To Unlock:
    - Finishi Book Of Esoteric Relation and Rowboat's Wake
    - Find 6 Looking Glass
  27. Unfinished Comedy world quest
    Unfinished Comedy Quest Chainunfinished comedy quest chain
    How To Unlock:
    Get captured at Fortress of Meropide
  28. Waking From The Great Dreamwaking from the great dream
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Savior's Wake
  29. Map
    Wish-Fulfilling Treasure Huntwish-fulfilling treasure hunt
    How To Unlock:
    Unlock By Finishing Rowboat's Wake & Waiting Several Days

What Are World Quests & How To Unlock Them

Side Quests Found Around The Game's World

World Quests are Genshin Impact's version of side quests. By doing them, not only do players learn more about the world and get to know its NPCs, but they also receive rewards for completing them!

How To Unlock World Quests

Increase Your Adventure Rank

Most World Quests are locked behind Adventure Rank progression. Some of them will not show up until players reach a specific Adventure Rank or once they complete the Ascension Level quests.

Progress Through The Archon Quest

There are World Quests that are directly tied to the Archon Quests or the main story quests of Genshin Impact. Completing Archon Quests is the only way to unlock these types of World Quests.

Unlock New Regions

Some World Quests on the other hand can easily be unlocked so long as you've unlocked or cleared the fog in the area where they are found. Aim to unlock all waypoints and Statues of Seven in every region to see quests.

World Quests Per Region

Genshin Impact - Related Quest Guides


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All Story Quests List
All Story Quests
Lepus Chapter: Act 1Amber 1Pavo Ocellus Chapter: Act 1Kaeya 1Tempus Fugit Chapter: Act 1Lisa 1
Lupus Minor Chapter: Act 1Razor 1Noctua Chapter: Act IDiluc 1Trifolium Chapter: Act IKlee 1
Leo Minor Chapter: Act IJean 1Carmen Dei Chapter: Act IVenti 1Astrolabos Chapter: Act IMona 1
Princeps Cretaceus Chapter: Act IAlbedo 1Aphros Delos Chapter: Act 1Eula 1Trulla Chapter: Act 1Xiangling 1
Fabulae Textile Chapter: Act 1Xingqiu 1Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act IZhongli 1Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act IIZhongli 2
Sinae Unicornis Chapter: Act IGanyu 1Alatus Chapter: Act IXiao 1Papilio Charontis Chapter: Act IHu Tao 1
Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act IYoimiya 1Grus Nivis Chapter: Act IAyaka 1Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act 1Raiden Shogun 1
Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter: Act 1Kokomi 1Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act 1Itto 1Acer Palmatum Chapter: Act 1Kazuha 1
Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act 2Raiden Shogun 2Divina Vulpes Chapter: Act 1Yae Miko 1Cypressus Custos Chapter: Act IAyato 1
Umbrabilis Orchis Chapter: Act 1Yelan 1Vulpes Zerda Chapter: Act 1Tighnari 1Lupus Aureus Chapter Act 1Cyno 1
Lotos Somno: Act 1Nilou 1Sapientia Oromasdis Act 1Nahida 1Vultur Volans Chapter: Act IAlhaitham 1
Mantichora Chapter: Act 1Dehya 1Sapientia Oromasdis Act 2Nahida 2Lagenaria Chapter: Act 1Baizhu 1
Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act IIYoimiya 2Felis Fuscus Chapter: Act ILyney 1Cerberus Chapter: Act 1Wriothesley 1
Diluvies Chapter: Act 1Neuvillette 1Animula Choragi Chapter: Act IFurina 1Rosa Multiflora Chapter: Act INavia 1
Grus Serena Chapter: Act 1Xianyun 1Cisoria Chapter: Act 1Chiori 1Ignis Purgatorius Chapter: Act 1 Arlecchino 1
Lupus Aureus Chapter: Act 2Cyno 2Rapperia Chapter: Act 1Clorinde 1Nereiders Chapter: Act 1Sigewinne 1
Where The Springs ReturnMualani 1YupanquiKinich 1Melodious ChantXilonen 1
As The Blazing SunMavuika 1Memories Flowing With ColorCitlali 1Tapirus Somniator: Chapter 1Mizuki 1
Mushroom Realm Mystery--
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Anonymous 4

Is this all the world quests?

Anonymous 3

someone update the page please

Anonymous 2


Sienny 1

Happy Birthday quest is unlocked after the Pursuit quest. If you've already done this, advance the clock in-game for 1 day and teleport near to Earnshaw's house. This time, you'll see him right away.

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