Mantichora Chapter: Act 1 or Dehya's Story Quest is a story quest in Genshin Impact. Guide includes a walkthrough, how to unlock, puzzles, rewards, guide, and more!
Story Quests List Dehya Story Quest - How To Unlock? Adventure Rank Farming Guide Use Story Keys to Unlock To unlock Dehya's Story Quest, you need to use story keys. You can obtain Story Keys by doing daily commissions and keep a maximum amount of 3 keys . You can unlock the story by heading to the Quest page of Menu.
Dehya Story Quest - Walkthrough Guide Dehya Story Quest Mantichora Chapter Details 1 Go to the Grand Bazaar2 Go to Caravan Ribat3 Teleport to The Dark Valley domain then go to the marked location nearby4 Defeat the enemies in the area. In this instance, you can temporarily use Dehya 5 Search thru the goods for a possible lead6 Return to Dunyarzad at Sumeru City7 Teleport to the waypoint near Sumeru Katheryne8 Adjust time to nighttime9 Approach Jawad outside Lambad's Tavern10 Teleport to Valley of Dahri11 Go to the marked location and you can latch onto the crests for convenience12 Defeat 2 waves of enemies. In this instance, you can use Dehya temporarily13 Teleport to the waypoint atop the hill west of Yasna Monument14 Glide down and make your way to the marked location. You can use the Red Feather Fan gadget for faster gliding speed15 Enter the domain. Once inside, Dehya temporarily joins your team16 Head to the marked location and defeat the 3 waves of enemies17 Proceed to the marked location and a cutscene occurs18 Go to the marked location and solve the puzzle to open the door. The solution is: Raise -> Change color. Move ahead when the door is open19 Defeat the Primal Construct to open the door. Do not forget to claim the common chest before proceeding20a Solve the puzzle to open the door. The solution is: Rotate the pyramid device x220b After rotating the pyramid device, lower the emitter with yellow beam x1. Proceed further when the door is open21 Defeat the 2 Primal Construct to open the door. Do not forget to claim the common chest before proceeding22 Defeat the 3 Primal Construct ahead and do not forget to claim the exquisite chest before proceeding23 You are going to encounter 2 sets of puzzles to open the door. Start at the puzzle to the left24a Go to the yellow beam emitter at the leftmost side then Raise x2 -> Change color24b Go to the yellow beam emitter on the other side then Change color x2. Proceed further when the door is open25 Defeat the 3 waves of enemies26 Claim the precious chest before using the elevator27 Turn around and follow the left side to the records room28 Return to the Grand Bazaar. When the cutscene is done, this ends Dehya's story quest
Dehya Story Quest - Rewards Rewards List Accumulated Quest Chain Rewards Dehya Story Quest - Release Date Act I Was Released On March 1, 2023 According to the 3.5 Livestream , Dehya's story quest becomes available starting 3.5 Update on March 1, 2023.
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