Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Yelan Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Yelan Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Yelan Build & Weapon - GameWith

Yelan is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Yelan's, best artifacts, best teams comps, talent & boss material, best weapon tier list ranking, & best and F2P build for Yelan.

Table of Contents

Yelan Tier & Review

5 StarHydroHydroBow
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes (Limited Banner)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

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Strengths & Weakness Of Yelan

- Powerful and consistent Off-field Hydro application through her Elemental Burst.
- Elemental Skill deals powerful damage and is great for gathering energy.
- Fairly easy to build because majorly of her kit scales from HP.
- Increases the DMG of the on-field character with her Passive.
- Her Normal Attacks does not scale from HP and produces little damage.
- High Energy Charge requirement for a consistent uptime of Elemental Burst.
 ↳ It is recommended to have her Energy Recharge at 175%~
▼ Details about Yelan below.

Yelan Best Build

Yelan's Build Should Focus On CRIT, HP and Elemental Burst DMG

Since the kit of Yelan focuses on Elemental Burst. For best build, focus on Elemental Burst DMG and Energy Recharge artifacts. For detailed guide check below:

Yelan Hydro Sub-DPS & Support Build

WeaponAqua SimulacraAqua Simulacra
Substitute1. Elegy For The EndElegy For The End
2. Fading TwilightFading Twilight (F2P)
3. The StringlessThe Stringless
4. Sacrificial BowSacrificial Bow
Best ArtifactEmblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate x4
Artifact StatsSands: HP%
Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
Circlet: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT DMG
2. CRIT Rate
3. HP%
4. Energy Recharge

Elemental Skill and Burst of Yelan all scales from HP so increasing HP with a balance of CRIT Stats is great for Yelan when increasing DMG.

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Yelan Best Weapon

For Yelan Focus On CRIT Or Support Weapons

Yelan can produce powerful damage through Elemental Burst off-field. You can either focus on increasing the damage with HP and CRIT stats or increase Energy Recharge for higher up-time. For Ranking, Comparison and F2P options, check the list below:

Hydro Support Sub-DPS Weapon Rankings & Comparison For Yelan

BestAqua SimulacraAqua SimulacraCRIT DMG 88.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Yelan's Signature Weapon
- Amazing CRIT DMG stats.
- Increases HP and DMG of the wielder making it perfect for Yelan.
2ndElegy For The EndElegy For The EndEnergy Recharge 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Great energy recharge stick.
- Elemental Mastery Buff.
- Provides amazing Elemental Mastery & ATK Buff to the team/
Fading TwilightFading TwilightEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Increases DMG produced by Yelan.
- Buff in Energy Recharge making Elemental Burst to be active fast.
4thSacrificial BowSacrificial Bow Energy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Allows you to use Elemental Skill twice.
- Great Energy Recharge Sub-Stats.
- Allows Yelan to recover Elemental Burst easily since you get more energy from Skills.
5thThe StringlessThe StringlessElemental Mastery 165 (Lvl. 90)
- Increases DMG of Skill and Burst DMG.
- Amazing for reactions because of Elemental Mastery Sub-Stats.
Recurve BowRecurve Bow HP 46.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increases HP%.
- Can heal when defeating enemies.
- Slightly lower Base ATK making it a weapon not suitable for Main DPS.

Weapons That Increase CRIT Stats, Energy Recharge & HP Works Great

For an Off-Field DPS Build, to increase damage it's essential to have weapons that will have either Crit Rate, Crit DMG, or HP% as their main stat. Energy Recharge also works great if you are using 4 Piece Emblem Of Severed Fate which is also great for higher up-time of Elemental Burst.

All Weapon List

Yelan Best Artifacts

Choose Artifacts That Increase Burst DMG, Energy Recharge Or HP For Yelan

Yelan's main source of damage is from Elemental Burst so increasing Energy Recharge and Burst DMG is important. HP% is also needed since the damage scales from HP.

Best Artifact Set For Yelan Sub-DPS Support Build

BestEmblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate
Substitute 1Tenacity Of The MillelithTenacity Of The Millelith
Heart Of DepthHeart Of Depth
Substitute 2Tenacity Of The MillelithTenacity Of The Millelith
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / HP%
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / HP%
Sands IconMain: HP%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet IconMain: Hydro DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / HP%
Crown IconMain: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / HP% / Elemental Mastery

HP/Hydro/CRIT Produces Most DMG

HP/Hydro/CRIT Produced most DMG but you may experience Energy Issues if you do not invest in Energy Recharge. Try to aim for 175 Energy Recharge or more if not, use an Energy Recharge weapon.

If Using Emblem 4Pc., Increase Energy Recharge To 200

The Elemental Burst is the most important aspect of Yelan's Kit. With Emblem Of Severed Fate, it increases the damage of Burst based on Energy Recharge making the Burst not only have a high uptime and also powerful.

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Yelan Best Team Comp

Best Team Comp For Yelan

Yelan excels in dealing off-field Hydro DPS. Her elemental burst works with the active character's normal attacks and an elemental reaction involving Hydro can be triggered periodically.

- Since Yelan's elemental burst synergizes with the active character's normal attacks, she is great to pair with a character that can perform swift normal attacks.
- Wriothesley can take full advantage of Yelan's Burst, being able to proc it easily with his Normal Attacks. Together, they can deal high Cryo & Hydro damage, while also freezing enemies
- Kazuha can proc Elemental Shred for the team.
- Diona can support the whole team with a shield & an AOE that can simultaneously heal and deal Cryo damage to the enemies.

Other Characters That Works With Yelan

WriothesleyWriothesleyHu TaoHu Tao
- Any Main DPS that are Normal Attack-centered are great with Yelan
- Zhongli provides a durable shield that shreds the elemental & physical resistance of nearby enemies.
- Lynetter will increase overall team dmg with an ATK buff, while also providing Elemental Shred
DionaDiona SayuSayu - Sayu can heal while dealing Anemo damage that can cause swirl reaction. She can also shred the enemy's elemental resistance by using 4-pc set Viridescent Venerer.
Best Team Build & Party Compositions

F2P Friendly Team For Yelan

YelanYelanBeidouBeidou FischlFischl BennettBennett
- Yelan can deal powerful Hydro damage that gives assistance to the active character.
- Beidou stands as the main DPS that deals Electro DMG and can periodically trigger electro-charged damage to the enemies. She can parry enemy attacks with her elemental skill which increases the survivability of the team.
- When equipped with Favonius Warbow, Fischl can provide additional energy for Yelan. Although her elemental burst does not much damage, it allows her elemental skill, Oz, to deal consistent Electro DMG.
- Bennett increases the overall damage of the team and provide healing when needed. Since he does not apply Pyro too much, the Electro-Charged chain can't be broken easily.
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Yelan Ascension Materials

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Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Starconch Locations & Farming Route

Starconch Locations & Farming Route

Talent Materials For Yelan

Yelan 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Stealthy Bowshot★★・・・
Lingering Lifeline
(Elemental Skill)
Depth-Clarion Dice
(Elemental Burst)

Yelan Skill Guide & How To Use Yelan

How To Use Yelan?

Yelan Is An Amazing Sub-DPS That Deals Off-Field Hydro Damage

Yelan Is A Sub-DPS

Yelan is a sub-DPS that can provide DMG buff and additional off-field attacks. Her Elemental Skill allows you to move quickly and is very good at various reactions like Electro-Charged and Vaporized. You can deal powerful damage with reactions or just simple personal damage. She is a highly picked as a support and Sub-DPS in various teams.

The Continuous Damage From Elemental Burst Is The Best Part Of Her Kit

The Elemental Burst of Yelan gives 15 seconds of coordinated attacks that triggers when the on-field deals Normal / Charged Attacks. The damage scales from Yelan's Max HP to deal continuously deal Hydro damage. You will usually use Yelan's Burst → switch to DPS to deal reactions.

Buff From Elemental Burst That Continuously Increase Is Also Amazing

Effects Of Elemental Burst
- Gives coordinated Hydro attack to the on-field character.
 └ DMG scales from Max HP of Yelan
 └ Last 15 seconds.
- With Passive, DMG Bonus of on-field character will increase.
 └ Increase 3.5% /s (Max 50%)

After unlocking the passive, "Adapt with Ease", the active character will have DMG Bonus that grows overtime. Unlike Xingqiu who focuses on defense, Yelan focuses on increasing DMG. making her an offensive option.

Elemental Skill Makes Yelan Dash, Mark Enemies, & Deal Damage

▲Dash → Mark Enemies → Deal Hydro DMG

The Elemental Skill of Yelan, Lingering Lifeline, allows Yelan to run and mark enemies and once the dash stops, the marked enemies will explode dealing powerful Hydro DMG. The damage from this skill also scales from Max HP of Yelan and can also be used for repositioning.

Elemental Skill Is Also Useful For Exploration

How To Use Of Elemental Skill For Exploration
1. Dash
2. Use Hold Elemental Skill
3. Use Dash while the Skill is on Cooldown.
4 Repeat from no. 1
※ You can use Anemo resonance for faster movement.

While on the dash mode from skill, you can recover stamina. So Dash → Hold Skill → Dash and repeat is commonly used in Exploration.

The Second Level Of Charged Attack Is Used To Start A Battle

Not Active

▲Breakthrough (special charged attack) can be shown through the bracelet of Yelan.

If Yelan is right in front of an enemy and after using Elemental Skill (with Condition) you can get Breakthrough. With Breakthrough, the Charged Time of second level is reduced by 80%. It is a skill that is not that useful in actual battle but it is a decent skill to use for exploration.

Breakthrough Effect
How To Get?- When Elemental Skill hits.
 └Increase percentage based on no. of Marked enemies.P
- While in battle, get after 5 seconds.
Effect- Charged Attack becomes an AoE Attack.
 └ Scales on Yelan's HP.
- Charged Attack time lessens by 80%

Max HP Is Important When Raising Yelan

HP Related Abilities
【HP Scaling Damage】
- DMG from Elemental Burst & Coordinated Attacks.
- Elemental Skill DMG
- Damage of Breakthrough DMG
- Depends on the number of Elemental Type Yelan's HP increases
 └Per each Element +6/12/18/30% Increase

HP increases the damage of Elemental Burst, Elemental Skill and Breakthrough DMG. Depending on the elements of the team members, Yelan's HP increases. Make use of that passive and Artifact status to increase HP.

Yelan Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Yelan?

Pull If You Need A Top Class Support & Sub-DPS

Yelan Top Class Support

Yelan is a Top Class Sub-DPS that is able to constantly inflict Hydro to enemies while being off-field. She is a great support to characters that goes well with Hydro Reactions such as Hu Tao and Ayaka.

Best Constellation For Yelan

★★・・・C1: Enter The Plotters
Lingering Lifeline gains 1 additional charge.
★★★・・C2: Taking All Comers
When Exquisite Throw conducts a coordinated attack, it will fire an additional water arrow that will deal 14% of Yelan's Max HP as Hydro DMG.
★★★★★C3: Beware The Trickster's Dice
Increases the Level of Depth-Clarion Dice by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★・C4: Bait-And-Switch
Increases all party members' Max HP by 10% for 25s for every opponent marked by Lifeline when the Lifeline explodes. A maximum increase of 40% Max HP can be attained in this manner.
★★★・・C5: Dealer's Sleight
Increases the the Level of Lingering Lifeline by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★・・・C6: Winner Takes All
After using Depth-Clarion Dice, Yelan will enter the Mastermind state.
In this state, all of Yelan's Normal Attacks will be special Breakthrough Barbs. These Breakthrough Barbs will have similar abilities to normal ones and the DMG dealt will be considered Charged Attack DMG, dealing 156% of a normal Breakthrough Barb's DMG.
The Mastermind state lasts 20s and will be cleared after Yelan fires 5 arrows.

Constellation 4 Provides HP Increase

Constellation 4 increases the Max HP of Yelan and the Party when an opponent is hit by her Elemental Skill. This enables Yelan to deal more potent damage and also provide additional power to HP scaling DPS. Since Yelan is also HP Scaling, her personal damage will also greatly increase.

Yelan Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Stealthy Bowshot

Normal Attack

Performs up to 4 consecutive shots with a bow.
1-Hit DMG40.68%43.99%47.3%53.03%55.34%59.13%64.33%69.53%74.73%80.41%86.09%
2-Hit DMG39.04%42.22%45.4%49.94%53.12%56.75%61.74%66.74%71.73%77.18%82.63%
3-Hit DMG51.6%55.8%60%66%70.2%75%81.6%88.2%94.8%102%109.2%
4-Hit DMG32.51%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG. While aiming, flowing water will accumulate on the arrowhead. A fully charged torrential arrow will deal Hydro DMG.
Aimed Shot43.86%47.43%51%56.1%59.67%63.75%69.36%74.97%80.58%86.7%92.82%
Aimed Shot

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.


Yelan will enter a Breakthrough state after spending 5s out of combat, which will cause her next Charged Aimed Shot to have 80% decreased charge time, and once charged, she can fire a Breakthrough Barb that will deal AoE Hydro DMG based on Yelan's Max HP.
Barb DMG

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG56.8%61.5%66.1%72.7%77.3%82.6%89.9%97.1%104.4%112.3%120.3%
114%123% 132%145%155%165%180%194%209%225%241%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Lingering Lifeline (Elemental Skill)

Fires off a Lifeline that allows her to move rapidly, entangling and marking opponents along its path. When this rapid movement ends, the Lifeline will explode, dealing Hydro DMG to the marked opponents based on Yelan's Max HP.


Moves a certain distance forward swiftly.


Engages in continuous, swift movement, during which Yelan's resistance to interruption is increased. During this time, Yelan can control this rapid movement and end it by using this Skill again. Additionally, each opponent marked by the Lifeline when it explodes grants Yelan a 34% chance to reset her Breakthrough state.
Skill DMG22.61%24.31%26.01%28.27%29.96%31.66%33.92%36.18%38.44%40.7%42.97%45.23%48.05%
Max Duration3s3s3s3s3s3s3s3s3s3s3s3s3s

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Depth-Clarion Dice

Deals AoE Hydro DMG and creates an "Exquisite Throw," which aids her in battle.

Exquisite Throw

Follows the character around and will initiate a coordinated attack under the following circumstances, dealing Hydro DMG based on Yelan's Max HP:
・Can occur once every second when your active character uses a Normal Attack.
・Will occur each time Yelan's Lifeline explodes and hits opponents.
Skill DMG7.31%7.86%8.4%9.14%9.68%10.23%10.96%11.69%12.42%13.15%13.89%14.62%15.53%
Throw DMG
Energy Cost70707070707070707070707070

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Turn Control

When the party has 1/2/3/4 Elemental Types, Yelan's Max HP is increased by 6%/12%/18%/30%.

Adapt With Ease

So long as an Exquisite Throw is in play, your own active character deals 1% more DMG. This increases by a further 3.5% DMG every second. The maximum increase to DMG dealt is 50%. The pre-existing effect will be dispelled if Depth-Clarion Dice is recast during its duration.

Necessary Calculation

Gains 25% more rewards when dispatched on a Liyue Expedition for 20 hours.

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admin 15


Anonymous 14

Lol 4 piece EOSF is the best optimal choice rather than 2 piece tenacity.
You need the ER for her burst plus its additional attack bonus.

Anonymous 13

Optimal build for C1 Yelan is: Stringless Bow with Nobless Oblige (HP%/Hydro%/HP%). You need 60% energy from substats to burst every 18 seconds.

Scaranonymous 12

Accidentally my Layla HP build + abandoned Favonius bowR5 will be super very suitable for my future Yelan.
Also i have Tenacity 2set HP with high CDMG unused, become usefull

Anonymous 11

Replace Flat HP by ER and you're gucci.

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