Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Neuvillette Best Build & Weapon Guide

Genshin Impact | Neuvillette Best Build & Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact | Neuvillette Best Build & Weapon Guide - GameWith

Neuvillette is a 5-star Hydro character of Fontaine that uses a Catalyst from Genshin Impact. See his best build, artifacts and weapon, ascension materials, kit and more about Neuvillette.

Table of Contents

Neuvillette Tier & Review

5 StarHydroHydroCatalyst
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes (Limited Banner)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Neuvillette!

What Kind Of Character Is Neuvillette?

A Charged-Attack Main DPS That Scales On HP


Neuvillette is a character that focuses on using Charged Attacks to deal high damage to enemies. Neuvillette has amazing personal damage that is further increased by triggering Hydro reactions.

Strengths & Weakness Of Neuvillette

- Powerful Charged attack that does powerful damage and has a huge AoE.
- Capable of self-healing that is strong enough to sustain himself.
- One of the best DPS in-game.
- At C0, Neuvillette can be prone to interruption.
- Weak against Hydro Resistant enemies.
▼ Details about Neuvillette below.

Neuvillette Best Build

Neuvillette Works Best When Built As An On-Field DPS

WeaponTome Of The Eternal Flow Tome Of The Eternal Flow
ArtifactMarechaussee Hunter Marechaussee Hunter x4
Artifact StatsSands: HP%
Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
Circlet: Crit DMG
Artifact Sub-Stats 1. CRIT DMG
2. HP%
3. CRIT Rate
4. ER or EM
Recommended Team NeuvilletteFurinaBaizhuKazuha

Neuvillette is a powerful character that deals on-field Hydro DMG from Charged Attack. His damage scales from HP so increasing CRIT Stats and HP is important to increase those stats.

Because Of Marechaussee Hunter Set, Neuvillette already gains 36% CRIT Rate with very high up-time so you can focus on increasing the CRIT DMG of Neuvillette. Other than CRIT DMG, increasing his HP and Energy Recharge is good so that Neuvillette's damage is powerful and consistent.

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Neuvillette Best Weapon

Neuvillette Works Best With CRIT, HP & Elemental DMG Bonus Weapons

BestTome Of The Eternal FlowTome Of The Eternal Flow CRIT DMG 88.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Signature weapon of Neuvillette.
- Amazing HP and Charged Attack DMG buff boosting the damage of Neuvillette.
- Amazing CRIT DMG is also amazing for building.
1stSacrificial JadeSacrificial JadeCRIT Rate 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Neuvillette uses HP buff and Elemental Mastery.
-With Crit Rate from Sacrificial Jade and Marechausse Hunter, you can get max CRIT Rate with ease.
- To keep the weapon effect up, you can only use Neuvilette on-field for 10 seconds.
2ndLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsLost Prayer To The Sacred Winds CRIT Rate 33.1%
- Great for increasing DMG and movement of Neuvilette.
- CRIT Rate is great for building.
Prototype AmberPrototype AmberHP 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Great for increasing HP of Neuvillette.
- The effect gives Energy and allows you to no longer need a healer in your team.
- Amazing F2P option but makes it difficult to have a good CRIT Balance.
4thJadefallJadefall's SplendorHP 49.6%
- Decent HP Stack weapon that gives DMG bonus for the team.
- Also helps Neuvillette to get energy for Elemental Burst.
5thEverlasting MoonglowEverlasting MoonglowHP 49.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Great for boosting HP of Neuvillette
- The Normal ATK buff is not that good since Neuvillette does not use it most of the time.
6thSacrificial FragmentsSacrificial FragmentsElemental Mastery 221 (Lvl. 90)
- Great for increasing the DMG of reactions produced by Neuvillette
- Allows you to cast skill twice producing energy and orbs for Charged Attack and Ult.
7thThe WidsithThe WidsithCRIT DMG 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Great CRIT DMG Stat Stick for The Widsith.
- 2 of the bonuses works well with Neuvillette.
- Long Cooldown of passive is not very ideal.
Mappa MareMappa MareElemental Mastery 110 (Lvl. 90)
- Great for increasing the DMG of reactions produced by Neuvillette
- Works well with Neuvillette's Passive on increasing DMG bonus.

When choosing weapons for Neuvillette, it is important to focus on CRIT Stats or HP to lessen the burden on your artifacts. If you do not have an available HP or CRIT Weapon, Elemental Mastery or Elemental DMG Boosting weapons are also an option.

All Weapon List

Neuvillette Best Artifacts

CRIT Artifacts Or Charged ATK & Hydro DMG Boosting Artifacts Are Recommended

Neuvillette's kit mainly deals damage using Hydro powered Charged Attack. Increasing the damage of this attack using Artifacts is recommended. For best sub-stats and artifact options, check the list below:

Best Artifact Set For Hydro DPS Neuvillette

BestMarechaussee HunterMarechaussee Hunter
Substitute 1Heart Of DepthHeart Of Depth
Substitute 2WandererWanderer's Troupe

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / HP% / Energy Recharge
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / HP% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: HP%
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet IconMain: Hydro DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / HP% / Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: CRIT DMG
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / HP% / Energy Recharge

For Neuvillette, it is important to increase HP and Charged Attack DMG. Since Neuvillette can heal and damage himself while performing his attacks, Marechaussee Set is an amazing set for CRIT Rate boost.

While farming for Marechaussee Hunter set, you can use Heart of Depths or Wanderer's Troupe. Aim for 40,000 HP the focus the rest on CRIT Rate, DMG or Energy Recharge.

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Neuvillette Best Team Comp

Neuvillette Works Well With Hydro Reaction Teams

Main DPSSub-DPSSupportSupport
- Neuvillette needs multiple reaction for the DMG boost in his passive.
- Furina gives additional DMG bonus and Hydro Resonance.
- Kazuha and Xilonen both reduce the Hydro Resistance of the enemies.
- Xilonen also increases the Elemental DMG dealt by Neuvillette and mitigates Furina's HP drain with her Burst healing.
- Swirl and Crystallize reactions will happen with the two supports
Other Character That Works With Neuvillette

Other Characters That Works With Neuvillette

- Childe can provide Hydro Resonance and increases the Normal Attack level of Neuvillette. Tartaglia does not need to be on-field in this party.
- You can also use Nahida for additional Dendro reaction and Elemental Mastery boost.
- Candace can provide slight DMG bonus and Hydro Resonance.
- Jean is a good replacement for Xilonen at Furina teams. Outside Furina teams, Kachina with Cinder City set is a good substitute.
- Anemo Supports that provide crowd control or Elemental Mastery buff will be good with Neuvillette. Lynette who buffs attack can still be used for their additional DMG and VV but is not as impactful since Neuvillette scales from HP.
- Mona can be used also as a support because of Omen buff. She can also provide Hydro Resonance and Hydro energy for Neuvillette. However, this is at the expense of not maximizing the passive.

Free To Play Friendly Party

Main DPSSub-DPSSub-DPSSupport
- A generally Free-to-Play Neuvilette team comp with enough reaction to maximize his passive.
Best Teams For Neuvillette

Neuvillette Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Lumitoile Farm Routes

Farm Routes
Mont Esus East Lumitoile Route
West Of New Fontaine Lab
East Of New Fontaine Lab
New Fontaine Research Institute Underground
Lumitoile Location & How To Farm

Talent Materials For Neuvillette

Neuvillette 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: As Water Seeks Equilibrium★★★★★
O Tears, I Shall Repay
(Elemental Skill)
O Tides, I Have Returned
(Elemental Burst)

Neuvillette Skill Guide & How To Use Neuvillette

How to Use Neuvillette?

Top Tier Charged Attack Hydro DPS

Neuvillette is the current best Hydro DPS. This is due to his damage scaling and ease of use. Building a team for Neuvillette only has the requirement of being able to enable Hydro-related reactions so that his passive effect will be triggered and he will be able to obtain stacks. With how long lasting these stacks are, only a single trigger of such reactions from every member is needed for his rotations.

Things Neuvillette Can Do
★ Deal Powerful Hydro damage with his Charged Attacks
★ Makes use of Hydro-related reactions to increase Charged Attack damage
★ Create Sourcewater Droplets with his E. Skill and E. Burst
★ Absorb existing Sourcewater Droplets to reduce charging time for his Charged Attacks
★ Charged Attack' charging period can be used to float over bodies of water

Use Hydro Reactions to Increase His Damage


The passive effect of Neuvillette allows him to gain stacks each time a Hydro-related reaction happens. Each stack will increase the damage dealt by his Charged Attacks. With this in mind, there is a lot of potential teammates for Neuvillette since he does not strictly need the Vaporize reaction to increase his damage greatly.

Use E. Skill and E. Burst to Create Droplets

Both his E. Skill and E. Burst can create Sourcewater Droplets for Neuvillette to use. Aside from Neuvillette, there are only two characters that can create Sourcewater Droplets, the Hydro Traveler and Sigewinne. Though both do not have any particular synergy with his kit, making them both relatively uncommon in his team comps.

Use Charged Attack to Absorb Droplets and Deal Damage

Sourcewater Droplets can drastically shorten the charging period of his Charged Attack. Without it, he will take a good few seconds charging and shortening the golden period of dealing damage with the team buffs. His Charged Attack also decreases his health but the Sourcewater Droplet absorption heals it back

Charged Attack is Good For Floating Over Water

It may seem like a waste to use the Charged Attack without Sourcewater Droplets but it has a great purpose for exploration! The charging period and the actual attack duration makes Neuvillette float for some time which can be used to cross bodies of water.

Neuvillette Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Neuvillette?

Pull For A Main DPS

Neuvillette is an amazing on-field Hydro DPS. Hydro being a flexible element, he is a viable DPS at early until the end game. If you need an on-field attacker and likes using Hydro Element, Neuvillette is a great pick for you.

Best Constellation For Neuvillette

★★★★★C1: Venerable Institution
When Neuvillette takes the field, he will obtain 1 stack of Past Draconic Glories from the Passive Talent "Heir to the Ancient Sea's Authority." You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Heir to the Ancient Sea's Authority."
Additionally, his interruption resistance will be increased while using the Charged Attack Empowerment: Legal Evaluation and the Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment.
★★★・・C2: Juridical Exhortation
The Passive Talent "Heir to the Ancient Sea's Authority" will be enhanced: Each stack of Past Draconic Glories will increase the CRIT DMG of Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment by 14%. The maximum increase that can be achieved this way is 42%.
You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Heir to the Ancient Sea's Authority."
★★★★・C3: Ancient Postulation
Increases the Level of Normal Attack: As Water Seeks Equilibrium by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★・・・C4: Crown Of Commiseration
When Neuvillette is on the field and is healed, 1 Sourcewater Droplet will be generated. This effect can occur once every 4s.
★・・・・C5: Axiomatic Judgment
Increases the Level of O Tides, I Have Returned by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★・C6: Wrathful Recompense
When using Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment, Neuvillette can absorb nearby Sourcewater Droplets in an AoE. Each absorbed Droplet will increase the duration of Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment by 1s.
Additionally, when Equitable Judgment hits opponents, it will fire off 2 additional currents every 2s, each of which will deal 10% of Neuvillette's Max HP as Hydro DMG. DMG dealt this way will count as DMG dealt by Equitable Judgment.

C1 Is Highly Recommended

Neuvillette is particularly recommended because he is a very strong character. At C1, he becomes even stronger since it increases the number of Hydro Elemental Reaction, whil also increasing his interruption resistance. However, since this Con us highly reliant on the team comp, check your available characters first.

Cons Is recommended If You Want To Increase Neuvillette's Damage

If you want to increase Neuvillette's damage to its fullest, it is recommended to aim for C3. The effect of C2 is also strong, but since Neuvillette gains a lot from his artifacts, the increase in damage will be C3 > C2.

Neuvillette Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: As Water Seeks Equilibrium

Normal Attack

With light flourishes, Neuvillette commands the tides to unleash a maximum of 3 attacks, dealing Hydro DMG.
1-Hit DMG54.6%58.7%62.8%68.2%72.3%76.4%81.9%87.3%92.8%98.2%103.7%109.2%116%122.8%
21-Hit DMG46.2%49.7%53.2%57.8%61.3%64.7%69.4%74%78.6%83.2%87.9%92.5%98.3%104.1%
31-Hit DMG72.3%77.8%83.2%90.4%95.9%101.3%108.5%115.7%123%130.2%137.4%144.7%153.7%162.8%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack Empowerment: Legal Evaluation

While charging up, Neuvillette will gather the power of water, forming it into a Seal of Arbitration. In this state, Neuvillette can move and change facing, and also absorb any Sourcewater Droplets in a certain AoE.
Every Droplet he absorbs will increase the formation speed of the Seal, and will heal Neuvillette.
When the charging is stopped, if the Symbol has yet to be formed, then a Charged Attack will be unleashed. If it has been formed, then a Charged Attack; Equitable Judgement will be unleashed.
HP Restored16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet個16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet16%/Droplet

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a fixed amount of Stamina to attack opponents with a rupturing blast of water, dealing AoE Hydro DMG.
Charged Attack DMG136.8%147.1%157.3%171%181.3%191.5%205.2%218.9%232.6%246.2%259.9%273.6%290.7%307.8%
Stamina Cost5050505050505050505050505050

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack: Equitable Judgement

Unleashes surging torrents, dealing continuous AoE Hydro DMG to all opponents in a straight-line area in front of him.
Equitable Judgement will not consume any Stamina and last 3s.
If Neuvillette's HP is above 50%, he will continuously lose HP while using this attack.
Equitable Judgement
(Based on Max HP)
HP Loss8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s8%/0.5s

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Gathering the might of Hydro, Neuvillette plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in his path. Deals AoE Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.
Plunge DMG56.8%61.5%66.1%72.7%77.3%82.6%89.9%97.1%104.4%112.3%120.3%128.2%136.1%144.1%
Low Plunge DMG114%123%132%145%155%165%180%194%209%225%241%256%272%288%
High Plunge DMG142%154%165%182%193%206%225%243%261%281%300%320%340%360%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

O Tears, I Shall Repay (Elemental Skill)

Summons a Raging Waterfall that will deal AoE Hydro DMG to opponents in front of Neuvillette based on his Max HP. After hitting an opponent, this skill will generate 3 Sourcewater Droplets near that opponent.

Arkhe: Pneuma

At certain intervals, when the Raging Waterfall descends, a Spiritbreath Thorn will descend that will pierce opponents, dealing Pneuma-aligned Hydro DMG.
Skill DMG
(Max HP Baseed)
Spiritbreath Thorn
Spiritbreath Thorn
Droplet Duration

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

O Tides, I Have Returned

Unleashes waves that will deal AoE Hydro DMG based on Neuvillette's Max HP. After a short interval, 2 waterfalls will descend and deal Hydro DMG in a somewhat smaller AoE, and will generate 6 Sourcewater Droplets within an area in front.
Skill DMG
(Based on Max HP)
Waterfall DMG
(Based on Max HP)
Energy Cost70707070707070707070707070

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Heir To The Ancient Sea's Authority

When a party member triggers a Vaporize, Frozen, Electro-Charged, Bloom, Hydro Swirl, or a Hydro Crystallize reaction on opponents, 1 stack of Past Draconic Glories will be granted to Neuvillette for 30s. Max 3 stacks. Past Draconic Glories causes Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment to deal 110%/125%/160% of its original DMG.
The stacks of Past Draconic Glories created by each kind of Elemental Reaction exist independently.

Discipline Of The Supreme Arbitration

For each 1% of Neuvillette's current HP greater than 30% of Max HP, he will gain 0.6% Hydro DMG Bonus. A maximum bonus of 30% can be obtained this way.

Gather Like The Tide

Increases underwater Sprint SPD for your own party members by 15%.
Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.

Who Is Neuvillette?

The Iudex of Fontaine

neuvillette iudex

Neuvillette is the Iudex of Fontaine. He represents the supreme justice in the nation. With the Oratice, Neuvillette aims to judge in a just and fair manner.

Leader of the Marechaussee Phantom

Neuvillette also leads the Marechaussee Phantom, an offshoot organization of the Marechaussee Hunters. Marechaussee Phantom is a special detective force in Fontaine, consisting primarily of Melusines.

The Hydro Dragon Sovereign

neuvillette sovereign

During the Fontaine Archon Quest storyline, it was revealed that Neuvillette was the incarnation of the Hydro Dragon Sovereign. It was not until the end of the Archon Quest storyline, that he regained the full Authority of Hydro.

A Water Connoisseur

Perhaps in relation to his identity as the Hydro Sovereign, Neuvillette enjoys water tasting. Among his voicelines, he has one particular lengthy dialogue about the flavor profile of waters among different nations. In the 4.4 Lantern Rite event, Neuvillette visited the Qiaoying village and took the opportunity to taste the local spring water.

Neuvillette's Voice Actors & Notable Roles

neuvillette voice actors

English Voice Actor: Ray Chase

Notable Roles
Final Fantasy XV Noctis Lucis Caelum
Jujutsu Kaisen Ryomen Sukuna / Choso
JJBA Golden Wind Bruno Buccellatti
Fire Emblem Roy

Japanese Voice Actor: Kamiya Hiroshi

Notable Roles
Attack on Titan Levi
Durarara! Izaya Orihara
One PieceTrafalgar Law
Bungou Stray DogsRampo Edogawa

Characters With Same Role As Neuvillette 

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Anonymous 18

Hey, is the new Ash-Graven Drinking Horn Catalyst better than Prototype Amber on Neuvillete? I did some testing and its outperforming PA. Can someone confirm?

Anonymous 17

can confirm that neuvi solos the abyss with his self healing/damaging mechanic.

yeastori 16

4 piece Nymph's Dream and the Docotales works great for him

Anonymous 15

Another great free-to-play friendly party is just Neuvillette himself. Very flexible for abyss especially when the chamber consists of two halves.

In fact, Neuvillette's most used team in abyss according to multiple sources like GI Reddit, GI Pizza and AkashaData is just him solo.

Anonymous 14

Neuvillette with Raiden Shogun is good too. You can use Raiden for her off field electro dmg, Venti to **** the enemies and blast them with Neuvillette.

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