Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Mona Best Build & Weapon Guide

Genshin Impact | Mona Best Build & Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact | Mona Best Build & Weapon Guide - GameWith

Mona is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Mona's, DPS build 2024 guide, best weapon tier list, artifact set, team comp, f2p team, talent materials, & tier for Mona.

Table of Contents

Mona Tier & Review

5 StarHydroHydroCatalyst
How To Get?
Can be pulled from both Standard & Limited-time Banners
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Mona!

Strengths & Weakness Of Mona

- Can provide one of the most powerful buffs in the game
- Can restrict the movements of lightweight enemies
- Alternate sprint can let her traverse across bodies of water quickly
- Short duration for Elemental Skill
- Bubble mechanics can be difficult to understand for beginners
- Taunt does not work on bosses
▼ Details about Mona below.

Mona Best Build

Mona Burst DPS Build

WeaponSkyward AtlasSkyward Atlas
Substitute1. Lost Prayer To The Sacred WindsLost Prayer To The Sacred Winds
2. Oathsworn EyeOathsworn Eye
3. Favonius CodexFavonius Codex
4. Thrilling Tales Of Dragon SlayersThrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers
5th. Hakushin RingHakushin Ring (F2P)
Best ArtifactEmblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate x4
Artifact StatsSands: ATK% / Energy Recharge
Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
Circlet: Crit Rate/DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. Crit Rate/DMG
2. Energy Recharge
3. ATK%
4. Elemental Mastery

This build focuses on increasing the damage for Mona's Burst, while also ensuring that she has a good uptime for her Burst. The damage will depend on Mona's CR/CD and Energy Recharge instead of through her ATK%.

Mona Hydro Main DPS

WeaponLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsLost Prayer To The Sacred Winds
Substitute1. Skyward AtlasSkyward Atlas
2. The WidsithThe Widsith
3. Solar PearlSolar Pearl
4. Oathsworn EyeOathsworn Eye
5. Mappa MareMappa Mare (F2P)
Best ArtifactHeart Of DepthHeart Of Depth x4
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Hydro DMG Bonus
Circlet: Crit Rate/DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. Crit Rate/DMG
2. ATK%
3. Energy Recharge
4. Elemental Mastery

Related Links:

Mona Best Weapon

Burst DPS Build

BestSkyward AtlasSkyward AtlasATK 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Elemental Damage Bonus will benefit all of Mona's attacks
- Better because of non-conditional Elemental DMG Bonus
2ndLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsCRIT Rate 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- High Crit Rate sub-stat makes building CR/CD easy
- Requires Mona to stay on the field, not that good for a Burst DPS build, but will work as a stat stick
3rdOathsworn EyeOathsworn EyeATK 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Provides both ER and ATK increase to Mona
4thFavonius CodexFavonius CodexEnergy Recharge 45.9% (Lvl. 90)
- Both ER sub-stat and weapon skill will help Mona to have a good Burst uptime
5thThrilling Tales Of Dragon SlayersThrilling Tales Of Dragon SlayersHP 35.2% (Lvl. 90)
- HP Sub-stat will not benefit Mona
- Main use is its weapon skill wherein it increases the ATK of the character you switch to when you switch off Mona
Hakushin RingHakushin Ring Energy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Free to Play option
- Best with an Electro-charge team, but can work with any other team comp as a stat stick weapon

Either Go For ER or CR/CD

The goal is to have Mona's Burst available as much as possible so having an Energy Recharge is good for Mona. She also converts ER to Hydro DMG. If you have any CR/CD weapons available, that would also work seeing as Mona's Burst does Crit!

Hydro Main DPS Build

BestLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsLost Prayer To The Sacred WindsCRIT Rate 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- High Crit Rate sub-stat makes building CR/CD easy
- Mona as main DPS will be able to take advantage of the Elemental DMG conditional weapon skill
2ndSkyward AtlasSkyward AtlasATK 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Elemental Damage Bonus will benefit all of Mona's attacks
3rdThe WidsithThe WidsithCRIT DMG 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- All of the weapon skill's random effect all benefits Mona
- Crit DMG sub-stat will make building CR/CD easier
3rdSolar PearlSolar Pearl CRIT Rate 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- With Mona as main DPS, you can juggle between her Normal ATK, Skill, and Burst to increase the DMG between all of them
4thOathsworn EyeOathsworn EyeATK 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% sub-stat is good for increasing overall ATK
Mappa MareMappa MareElemental Mastery 110 (Lvl. 90)
- Good for running an Elemental-focused team comp
All Weapon List

Mona Best Artifacts

Mona Burst DPS Build Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Burst DPS Build

BestEmblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate
Substitute 1Emblem Of Severed FateEmblem Of Severed Fate
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige
Substitute 2Heart Of DepthHeart Of Depth
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Sands IconMain: ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Goblet IconMain: Hydro DMG Bonus
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Crown IconMain: Crit Rate/DMG
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / Energy Recharge / ATK%

Build At Least 180% Energy Recharge

For a Burst DPS Build, you need to have at least 180% Energy Recharge in order to have a good Burst uptime. With the Emblem of Severed Fate set, you can even get an increase in your Burst DMG depending on the Energy Recharge.

Build CR/CD As Much As You Can

Mona's Burst crits so having a good CR/CD ratio is great for increasing her DPS. You can build around 50/100 CR/CD to ensure a good chunk of damage whenever she uses her Burst.

Mona Hydro Main DPS Build Artifacts

Best Artifacts For Hydro Main DPS Build

BestHeart Of DepthHeart Of Depth
Substitute 1Heart Of DepthHeart Of Depth
GladiatorGladiator's Finale
Any other 2-Piece ATK% artifact

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet IconMain: Hydro DMG Bonus
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Crown IconMain: Crit Rate/DMG
Sub: Crit Rate/DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery

Build CR/CD & ATK%

As a main DPS, you will need a good chunk of CR/CD and ATK% in order for Mona to deal good damage across all of her attacks. Energy Recharge and Elemental Mastery can also be built, but these can be an afterthought for the sub-stats.

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Mona Best Team Comp

Premium Team For Mona

Main DPSSub-DPSEnabler / SupportSub-DPS
MonaMonaFischlFischlKuki ShinobuKuki ShinobuKazuhaKazuha
- A electro-charged team centered around Mona
- Fischl & Kuki Shinobu will secure continuous Electo application
- Kuki can heal the team
- Kazuha will apply elemental shred and even CC enemies for Mona's Burst

Other Characters That Works With Mona

Kuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu
Yae MikoYae Miko- Can easily apply Electro with her Elemental Skill
- Will provide additional DMG with her Burst
- Both can fill Kazuha's role
- Venti's only better against small enemies since he can group them easily with his Burst

Free To Play Friendly Party

Main DPSSub-DPSEnablerSupport
- A freeze comp for Mona
- Layla and Diona together can easily do Permafreeze with Mona
- Sucrose will apply Elemental Shred

Notes About Team Comps For Mona

Mona is a versatile character. She's strong enough that she can be a main DPS and she's equipped with support abilities, allowing her to slot into a Support role. Mona can work in most Hydro-focused team comps!

Mona Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Philanemo Mushroom Farm Routes

Philanemo Mushroom Farm Routes
Philanemo Mushroom Farm Routes

Talent Materials For Mona

Mona 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Ripple of Fate★★★・・
Mirror Reflection of Doom
(Elemental Skill)
Stellaris Phantasm
(Elemental Burst)

Mona Skill Guide & How To Use Mona

Recommended Rotation For Mona

Recommended Mona Rotation
1Use Elemental Skill to build energy
2When Burst becomes available, make sure that your main DMG-dealing attack from another character is available
3Use Mona's Burst as set-up for big damage
4Switch to your main damage dealer and use their attack to trigger Mona's Burst's aftereffect
5Repeat Step 1

Uses Of Mona's Elemental Skill

Distract Enemies With Taunt

Distract Enemies With Taunt

Mona's Elemental Skill is a taunt for enemies, meaning while it's active, they will turn their attention to it instead of you. It also periodically applies Hydro to enemies around it.

Move Backwards By Holding

Move Backwards By Holding

Holding Mona's Elemental Skill displaces her to the back while leaving a phantom. It is a great move for doing a strategic setup & evasion.

Uses Of Mona's Elemental Burst

Set Up For High Damage

Set Up For High Damage

Mona's Elemental Burst doesn't necessarily do high damage by itself, but it is a great set-up for high-damage combos. This is due to the effect that it applies which increases damage taken by enemies affected by it.

Restricts Enemies

Apply Restriction To Enemies

Besides the increased damage, Mona's Burst also restricts the movement of lightweight enemies. Note that heavy enemies will be unaffected by this, but they will still have the lingering effects of the Burst.

Mona Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Mona?

No Need To Target Mona When Pulling


Mona is a great support that can boost the damage output of the whole team. However, she can appear at any banner anytime. It is recommended to focus on limited characters over Mona.

Best Constellation For Mona

★★★★・C1: Prophecy Of Submersion
When any of your own party members hits an opponent affected by an Omen, the effects of Hydro-related Elemental Reactions are enhanced for 8s:
- Electro-Charged DMG increases by 15%
- Vaporize DMG increases by 15%
- Hydro Swirl DMG increases by 15%
- Frozen duration is extended by 15%
★★・・・C2: Lunar Chain
When a Normal Attack hits, there is a 20% chance that it will be automatically followed by a Charged Attack.
This effect can only occur once every 5s.
★★★・・C3: Restless Revolution
Increases the Level of Stellaris Phantasm by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★・C4: Prophecy Of Oblivion
When any party member attacks an opponent affected by an Omen, their CRIT Rate is increased by 15%.
★★・・・C5: Mockery Of Fortuna
Increases the Level of Mirror Reflection Of Doom by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★・・・・C6: Rhetorics Of Calamitas
Upon entering Illusory Torrent, Mona gains a 60% increase to the DMG of her next Charged Attack per second of movement.
A maximum DMG Bonus of 180% can be achieved in this manner. The effect lasts for nor more than 8s.

No Cons Or C1 Is Recommended

Since it's hard to acquire cons for Mona and that she's already highly viable without it, having her at C0 si okay. If you can, get her to C1 since the increase in Hydro damage is great especially when running her in Vaporize or Electro-charged comps.

Mona Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Ripple Of Fate

Normal Attack

Performs up to 4 water splash attacks that deal Hydro DMG.
1-Hit DMG37.6%40.4%43.2%47%49.8%52.6%56.4%60.2%63.9%67.7%71.4%
2-Hit DMG36%38.7%41.4%45%47.7%50.4%54%57.6%61.2%64.8%68.4%
3-Hit DMG44.8%48.2%51.5%56%59.4%62.7%67.2%71.7%76.2%80.6%85.1%
4-Hit DMG56.2%60.4%64.6%70.2%74.4%78.6%84.2%89.9%95.5%101%107%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to deal AoE Hydro DMG after a short casting time.
Charged Attack
Stamina Cost

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Calling upon the power of her Wind Spirits, Sucrose plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Anemo DMG upon impact with the ground.
Plunge DMG56.8%61.5%66.1%72.7%77.3%82.6%89.9%97.1%104%112%120%
Low Plunge DMG114%123%132%145%155%165%180%194%209%225%240%
High Plunge DMG142%153%165%182%193%206%224%243%261%281%300%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Mirror Reflection of Doom (Elemental Skill)

Creates an illusory Phantom of Fate from coalesced waterspouts.


Has the following special properties:
・Continuously taunts nearby opponents, attracting their fire.
・Continuously deals Hydro DMG to nearby opponents.
・When its duration expires, the Phantom explodes, dealing AoE Hydro DMG.


Utilizes water currents to move backwards swiftly before conjuring a Phantom. Only one Phantom created by Mirror Reflection of Doom can exist at any time.

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Stellaris Phantasm

Mona summons the sparkling waves and creates a reflection of the starry sky, applying the Illusory Bubble status to opponents in a large AoE.

Illusory Bubble

Traps opponents inside a pocket of destiny and also makes them Wet. Renders weaker opponents immobile.When an opponent affected by Illusory Bubble sustains DMG, it has the following effects:
・Applies an Omen to the opponent, which gives a DMG Bonus, also increasing the DMG of the attack that causes it.
・Removes the Illusory Bubble, dealing Hydro DMG in the process.

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.


During its duration, increases DMG taken by opponents.
DMG Bonus42%44%46%48%50%52%54%56%58%60%60%60%60%
Omen Duration4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Illusory Torrent (Alternate Sprint)

Alternate Sprint

Mona cloaks herself within the water's flow, consuming stamina to move rapidly.
When under the effect of Illusory Torrent, Mona can move at high speed on water.Applies the Wet status to nearby opponents when she reappears.
Stamina Consumption10

Passive Skills

Come 'n' Get Me, Hag!

After she has used Illusory Torrent for 2s, if there are any opponents nearby, Mona will automatically create a Phantom. A Phantom created in this manner lasts for 2s, and its explosion DMG is equal to 50% of Mirror Reflection of Doom.

Waterborne Destiny

Increases Mona's Hydro DMG Bonus by a degree equivalent to 20% of her Energy Recharge rate.

Principium Of Astrology

When Mona crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 25% chance to refund a portion of the crafting materials used.

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Anonymous 20

Why both guides are for DPS build ? Where's support ?

A person 19

Can you do a burst support pls

Anonymous 18

I found that for the hydro dps build, the Nymph’s Dream set works really well.

Anonymous 17

why do you always suggest dps build if the character is best for support? why not just suggest a support build instead?

Anonymous 17

why do you always suggest dps build if the character is best for support? why not just suggest a support build instead?

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