Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Lyney Best Build & Weapon

Genshin Impact | Lyney Best Build & Weapon

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Genshin Impact | Lyney Best Build & Weapon - GameWith

Lyney is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Lyney's, best build guide, f2p build, best weapo, 4 star weapon, tier, kit, rating, best team comp, & talent materials for Lyney.

Table of Contents

Lyney Tier & Review

5 StarPyroPyroBow
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes (Limited Banner)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Lyney!

What Kind Of Character Is Lyney?

A Charged Attack Pyro DPS

What Kind

Lyney is a Pyro DPS whose main damage source is his Charged Attack. His playstyle is through stacking "Prop Surplus" up to four (4) with his Charged Attacks then using his Burst for the last one. After getting five (5) stacks, using his Elemental Skill will have a damage increase and consume all stacks to deal Charged Attack Damage.

Shines the Best in Mono-Pyro Teams

One of his passives increases his damage by 100% when there are two (2) more Pyro characters aside from him. While this requirement seems strict, you can choose to bring two (2) non-Pyro support characters to increase his damage greatly. Kazuha and Xilonen are great picks for non-Pyro support

Strengths & Weakness Of Lyney

- Great Pyro infliction and damage.
- Does not require reactions like Vaporize to deal powerful damage.
- Has self-healing and amazing taunt that deals additional damage.
- Expensive to build since he uses all of his skills to deal damage.
- To maximize his passive, you need to use 2 Pyro Characters in the team limiting the team comps you can use.
- Can be difficult to use since he requires a pretty strict rotation and using Charged Attacks.
▼ Details about Lyney below.

Lyney Best Build

Lyney Works Best In A Pyro DPS Build

WeaponThe First Great Magic The First Great Magic
Best Artifact Marechaussee HunterMarechaussee Hunter x4
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Pyro DMG Bonus
Circlet: Crit DMG
Artifact Sub-Stats1. CRIT DMG
2. CRIT Rate
3. ATK%
4. Energy Recharge

Lyney is a character that produces damage mainly using Charged Attack and the combination of Elemental Burst and Skill.

Because of Lyney's self-heal and damage, he is able to get 2~3 stacks of Marechaussee Hunter giving him 24~36% CRIT Rate. Because of that, you can focus on increasing CRIT DMG when building Lyney.

Energy Recharge is important because Elemental Burst also contributes a huge percentage of Lyney's total damage.

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Lyney Best Weapon

Lyney Works Best With CRIT Weapons That Boost ATK & Elemental DMG

BestThe First Great MagicThe First Great MagicCRIT DMG 66.2%
- Effects greatly increase movement and ATK of Lyney.
- Fits the passive and aesthetics of Lyney.
- CRIT DMG and Charged ATK Buff is great boost the DMG of Lyney.
2ndAqua SimulacraAqua SimulacraCRIT DMG 88.2% (Lvl. 90)
- Strong weapon for any kind of DPS. Convenient for attaining good CRIT stat ratio
- HP bonus is useful as Lyney consumes HP from time to time.
- Low Base ATK does not matter much since you have many attack sources from Supports like Bennett and Pyro Resonance.
3rdAstral VultureAstral Vulture's Crimson PlumageCRIT DMG 66.2% (Lvl. 90)
- While Lyney cannot trigger one of the effect, it is still a powerful weapon to use.
- Lyney deals plenty of Elemental Burst and Charged Attack which is also boosted by this weapon.
4thPolar StarPolar StarCRIT Rate 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Crit Rate is great for Building.
- You can easily get full stacks with Lyney since he uses all part of his skills during rotations.
5thScion of the Blazing SunScion of the Blazing SunCRIT Rate 18.4% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT Rate sub-stat is decent for building.
- Passive works amazingly with Lyney's Charged Attack.
6th Sacrificial BowSacrificial BowEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Energy Recharge stat is great for a higher up-time of Burst.
- Allows Lyney to use Elemental Skill more frequently which is a good source of boosting damage.
- Decent Base ATK Stats for DMG Boost.
F2PBlackcliff WarbowBlackcliff Warbow - Amazing CRIT DMG sub-stat for Stat Building.
- Can easily boost attacks when faced against multiple enemies.
- Weaker against single-target or Boss Enemies.
F2PSlingshotSlingshot - Great Free-To-Play weapon for CRIT Rate.
- You need to have many sources of ATK Bonus outside Lyney to make up for its very low Base ATK.
F2PPrototype CrescentPrototype CrescentATK 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- Can provide movement SPD & ATK bonus
- Lyney can optimize this weapon's effect.
- A lot weaker when against enemies that does not have a weakpoint.

Go For CRIT Stat & ATK

As a main DPS, it is usual to go for CRIT stat & ATK to improve Lyney's damage output. Aside from the weapon's sub-stat, you also need to consider the weapon's effect if Lyney can fully take advantage of it.

All Weapon List

Lyney Best Artifacts

Artifact Set Choices For Lyney

Marechaussee HunterMarechaussee Hunter ★★★★★
- Amazing for Lyney who can maximize the set mechanics.
- This set gives consistent 24~36% CRIT Rate allowing you to focus on CRIT DMG.
- DMG buff also helps with Lyney's DMG.
LavawalkerLavawalker ★★★・・
- Decent weapon for boosting the damage of Lyney.
- Does not work that good against enemies that has elements inflicted to themselves like Slimes.

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: ATK%
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / Energy Recharge / Flat ATK
Goblet IconMain: Pyro DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown IconMain: CRIT Rate or DMG
Sub: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG / ATK% / Energy Recharge

Lyney, especially when played with Mono-Pyro, already has multiple sources of ATK. DMG Bonus is better prioritized compared to ATK increasing artifacts. Sub-Stat matters more than the set so make sure to choose the set that has better sub-stat.

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Lyney Best Team Comp

Mono Pyro Team For Lyney

Main DPSSub-DPSSupportHealing
- Lyney is the main DPS in this team which benefits from Pyro resonance and the presence of 2 other Pyro characters.
- Xiangling is a great off-field Pyro DPS who can provide ATK buff thru Guoba's chili & Pyro-related buffs & debuffs through constellations.
- Kazuha has a crowd control that can reduce the Pyro RES of enemies thru Viridescent Venerer x4 and boost Pyro DMG.
- Bennett can provide healing & ATK buff simultaneously.

Other Characters That Work With Lyney

- Dehya has a coordinated attack that can inflict Pyro while increasing the active character's resistance to interruption
- Klee can be a sub-DPS and a support, especially when her C2 has been unlocked
- Yanfei's shield capability is locked at C4 but she is also an amazing buffer and shielder with TTDS.
- Aside from Anemo support, you can also go for another buffer such as Xilonen.
- Bennett is almost a requirement to Lyney's teams. If you do not have a Bennett or use him on another team, Jean and other Anemo healers that can use Viridescent Venerer can be used. Just make sure that you have at least 2 Pyros in other slots.

Pyro Elemental Shred Team

Main DPSSupportSupportSupport
- In this team, only one (1) other Pyro character is included
- To make up for the 40% damage increase loss, Kazuha and Xilonen are added. Both can increase Pyro damage dealt through their Elemental RES shred
- With VV and Cinder City set, Lyney can deal powerful Pyro damage.
- However, due to Kazuha and Xilonen being premium units and commonly used in other teams, a three (3) Pyro character team is more used for Lyney.

Free-To-Play Friendly Party

Main DPSSub-DPSSupportHeal
- This team functions the same as above but with easily obtained character.
- Lynette is there for VV res shred. If Sucrose is at C6, she can help with DMG Bonus so she is a preferred pick. If not Lynette with her ATK Buff is preferred.

Try To Have 2 Pyro In The Team (Outside Lyney)

Conclusive Ovation

To maximize the passive effects of Lyney, it is better to have 2 Pyros in the team while not counting Lyney. With 2 Pyro, Lyney can get up to 100% DMG Boost enough damage to match Melt and Vaporize teams while being easier to maintain.

Lyney Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Rainbow Rose Farm Routes

Rainbow Rose Farm Routes
Rainbow Rose
Rainbow Rose farming route
Rainbow Rose Location & Farm Routes

Talent Materials For Lyney

Lyney 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Card Force Translocation★★★★★
Bewildering Lights
(Elemental Skill)
Wondrous Trick: Miracle Parade
(Elemental Burst)

Lyney Skill Guide & How To Use Lyney

How To Use Lyney?

Mono-Pyro Charged Attack DPS

Lyney is a Pyro Charged Attack DPS who shines the best when two (2) or more of his teammates are Pyro. His playstyle is by stacking up his Prop Surplus stacks and then consuming it with using his E. Skill to inflict powerful Pyro damage. He also heals upon E. Skill use, the heal amount is based on how many stacks were consumed.

Things Lyney Can Do
★ Gain stacks with Charged Attack and E. Burst
★ Deal Charged Attack damage with his E. Skill
★ Increase E. Skill damage with stacks
★ Reveals Fontaine Local Specialties in Mini-Map

Use Charged Attack to Get Stacks

lyney stacks

Lyney can get up to five (5) Prop Surplus stacks. By using his Charged Attack to get them, he will also drain his HP by 20% of his Max HP. He can only obtain Prop Surplus stacks if his HP is above 60%! It is recommended that you bring a healer in his team so he can get stacks consistently.

Use E. Burst to Get One Stack

His E. Burst gives Lyney one (1) stack of Prop Surplus when it ends. While it is a bit difficult to see the total stacks due to the small font size, the Elemental Burst is used as soon as Lyney obtains four (4) stacks from Charged Attacks. You can cancel his Burst early by pressing on his E. Skill button! This will not active the skill.

Use E. Skill to Consume Stacks and Deal Powerful Damage

Once Lyney has five (5) stacks of Prop Surplus, immediately use his E. Skill to deal Charged Attack DMG to the enemies. This is the finishing move for Lyney in his rotation. Lyney will also heal his HP based on how many stacks were consumed.

Exploration Passive For Fontaine Local Specialty Farming

Lyney also has an Exploration Passive! He can mark the Local Specialties in Fontaine on the Mini-Map. This makes him a good choice for a Specialty farming team.

Lyney Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Lyney?

Pull For A Pyro Main DPS

Lyney is a great Pyro DPS that uses all of his abilities to do damage. In the overworld, he is a Pyro Charged Attack DPS while on higher difficulty contents he becomes a main DPS to Mono-Pyro teams. Since his rotation requires using various sections of his abilities, he can be difficult to use for beginners.

Best Constellation For Lyney

★★★・・C1: Whimsical Wonders
Lyney can have 2 Grin-Malkin Hats present at once.
Additionally, Prop Arrows will summon 22 Grin-Malkin Hats and grant Lyney 1 extra stack of Prop Surplus. This effect can occur once every 15s.
★★★★★C2: Loquacious Cajoling
When Lyney is on the field, he will gain a stack of Crisp Focus every 2s. Each stack will increase his CRIT DMG by 20%. Max 3 stacks. This effect will be canceled when Lyney leaves the field.
★★・・・C3: Prestidigitation
Increases the Level of Normal Attack: Card Force Translocation by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★・C4: Well-Versed, Well-Rehearsed
After an opponent is hit by Lyney's Pyro Charged Attack, this opponent's Pyro RES will be decreased by 20% for 6s.
★★・・・C5: To Pierce Enigmas
Increases the Level of Wondrous Trick: Miracle Parade by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★・・・・C6: Guarded Smile
When Lyney fires a Prop Arrow, he will fire a Pyrotechnic Strike: Reprised that will deal 80% of a Pyrotechnic Strike's DMG. This DMG is considered Charged Attack DMG.

Constellation 2 For CRIT DMG Bonus

Lyney's C2 lets him accumulate stacks that provides up to 60 CRIT DMG that greatly increases his DMG output.

Lyney Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Card Force Translocation

Normal Attack

Performs up to 4 consecutive shots with a bow.
1-Hit DMG38.8%41.9%45.1%49.6%52.8%56.4%61.3%66.3%71.3%76.7%82.1%87.5%92.9%98.3%
2-Hit DMG38%41.1%44.2%48.6%51.7%55.3%60.1%65%69.8%75.1%80.4%85.8%91.1%96.4%
3-Hit DMG27.3%+27.3%29.5%+29.5%31.7%+31.7%34.9%+34.9%37.1%+37.1%39.6%+39.6%43.1%+43.1%46.6%+46.6%50.1%+50.1%53.9%+53.9%57.7%+57.7%61.5%+61.5%65.3%+65.3%69.1%+69.1%
4-Hit DMG42.9%56.9%61.6%66.2%72.8%77.5%82.8%90%97.3%104.6%112.5%120.5%128.43%136.4%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG. While aiming, flames will run across the arrowhead before being fired. Different effects will occur based on the time spent charging.
・Charge Level 1: Fires off a Pyro-infused arrow, dealing Pyro DMG.
・Charge Level 2: Fires off a Prop Arrow that deals Pyro DMG, and upon hit, it will summon a Grin-Malkin Hat. When firing the Prop Arrow, and when Lyney has more than 60% HP, he will consume a portion of his HP to obtain 1 Prop Surplus stack. Max 5 stacks. The effect will be removed after the character spends 30s out of combat. The lowest Lyney can drop to through this method is 60% of his Max HP.

Grin-Malkin Hat

・Can taunt nearby opponents and attract their attacks. Each opponent can only be taunted by the Hat once every 5s.
・The Hat will inherit a percentage of Lyney's Max HP.
・If destroyed, or if its duration expires, it will fire off a Pyrotechnic Strike at 1 nearby opponent, dealing Pyro DMG. Only 1 Hat can exist at any given time.

Arkhe: Pneuma

At certain intervals, the Prop Arrow will cause a Spiritbreath Thorn to descend upon its hit location, dealing Pneuma-aligned Pyro DMG.
Aimed Shot43.9%47.4%51%56.1%59.7%63.8%69.4%75%80.6%86.7%92.8%98.9%105.1%111.2%
Aimed Shot
Prop Arrow
HP Cost20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20%Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20% Max HP20%HP20% Max HP20% Max HP
Hat Inherited HP
Hat Duration
Strike DMG
Thorn DMG
Thorn Interval

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG56.8%61.5%66.1%72.7%77.3%82.6%89.9%97.1%104.4%112.3%120.3%128.2%136.1%144.1%
Low Plunge DMG114%123%132%145%155%165%180%194%209%225%240%256%272%288%
High Plunge DMG142%153%165%182%193%206%224%243%261%281%300%320%340%360%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Bewildering Lights (Elemental Skill)

Lyney does a flourish with his hat, unleashing a firework surprise! When used, he will clear all current Prop Surplus stacks and deal AoE Pyro DMG to opponents in front of him. DMG will be increased according to the stacks cleared, and this will also regenerate Lyney's HP based on his Max HP.
When a Grin-Malkin Hat created by Lyney is on the field, the fireworks will cause it to explode, dealing AoE Pyro DMG equal to that of a Pyrotechnic Strike. The DMG dealt through the Grin-Malkin Hat in this way is considered Charged Attack DMG.
Skill DMG167.2%179.7%192.3%209%221.5%234.1%250.8%267.5%284.2%301%
Skill DMG
53.2% ATK/Stack57.2% ATK/Stack61.2% ATK/Stack66.5% ATK/Stack70.5% ATK/Stack74.5% ATK/Stack79.8% ATK/Stack85.1% ATK/Stack 90.4% ATK/Stack95.8% ATK/Stack
HP Regeneration20%/Stack20%/Stack20%/Stack20%/Stack20%/Stack20%/Stack20%/Stack20%/Stack20%/Stack20%/Stack

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Wondrous Trick: Miracle Parade

Unleashing his magic, Lyney turns himself into a Grin-Malkin Cat that can move around quickly. (Not to be mistaken for the Grin-Malkin Hat. They're two different props!) When the Grin-Malkin Cat gets close to opponents, it will send flames falling down on them, dealing at most 1 instance of Pyro DMG to each opponent. When the duration ends, he will dismiss the Grin-Malkin Cat and ignite fireworks that deal AoE Pyro DMG, summon 1 Grin-Malkin Hat, and grant himself 1 Prop Surplus stack.
Grin-Malkin Cat can be actively canceled.
Skill DMG154%165.6%177.1%192.5%204.1%215.6%231%246.4%261.8%277.2%292.6%308%327.3%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Perilous Performance

If Lyney consumes HP when firing off a Prop Arrow, the Grin-Malkin hat summoned by the arrow will, upon hitting an opponent, restore 3 Energy to Lyney and increase DMG dealt by 80% of his ATK.

Conclusive Ovation

The DMG Lyney deals to opponents affected by Pyro will receive the following buffs:
・Increases the DMG dealt by 60%.
・Each Pyro party member other than Lyney will cause the DMG dealt to increase by an additional 20%.
Lyney can deal up to 100% increased DMG to opponents affected by Pyro in this way.

Trivial Observations

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Fontaine on the mini-map.

Who Is Lyney?

Lyney is a Famous Magician From Fontaine

lyney magician

Lyney is a sought after performer in Fontaine. His magic shows with his sister, Lynette, are very popular to Fontainians. Both of the siblings learned their magic tricks from a magician named Cesar.

Member of the House of the Hearth

lyney house of hearth

Lyney is one of the orphans adopted by the House of the Hearth, and by extension, by "the Knave," Arlecchino. Lynette, Freminet, and Lyney are the known playable characters from the House of the Hearth aside from its head, Arlecchino.

Lyney's Voice Actor & Their Notable Roles

lyney va

English Voice Actor: Daman Mills

Notable Roles
Dragon Ball Super Frieza
Honkai: Star Rail Blade
Pokemon Masters N

Japanese Voice Actor: Shimono Hiro

Notable Roles
Attack on Titan Conny Springer
Danganronpa V3 Kokichi Oma
Demon Slayer Zenitsu Agatsuma
My Hero Academia Dabi

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Anonymous 7

he's so fun to play with he's the best


Lyney can team up with Zhongli of course. But also losing his bonus damage from "3 pyro characters". Or replace Kazuha with Zhongli.
So zhongli + xiangling + bennet


To defeat multiple enemies better, Lyney need Kazuha. Also need DEHYA, to avoid interupt. Because Thoma and Xinyan shields are weak, and when the shield breached, Lyney can kicked out while doing Charge Atk


I have test my lvl 90 8/8/8 Lyney at domain in fontaine, also Vourukasha domain, and domain in Tsurumi island (every difficult domain with multiple enemies). So he is somehow weak at multiple targets, because CA mechanics


the summary is :

1. Charge Atk until lv2 to the enemy , that action also will add stack indicator for his explosion.
2. Detonate with ESkills

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