Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Xinyan Best Build & Weapon Guide

Genshin Impact | Xinyan Best Build & Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact | Xinyan Best Build & Weapon Guide - GameWith

Xinyan is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Xinyan's, best build, Shield support build, best weapon, best artifacts, talent materials, best team comp, & tier for Xinyan.

Table of Contents

Xinyan Tier & Review

4 StarPyroPyroClaymore
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

Rate Xinyan!

Strengths & Weakness Of Xinyan

- Can cast a shield for protection.
- Can also inflict intermittent Pyro damage to nearby enemies when it hit at least 3 enemies upon casting
- Her shield and damage requires different stats.
↳ Defense for Shield, ATK for Damage.
▼ Details about Xinyan below.

Xinyan Best Build

Xinyan Sub-DPS Build

WeaponWolfWolf's Gravestone
Substitute1. Serpent SpineSerpent Spine
3. Prototype ArchaicPrototype Archaic
4. Snow-Tombed StarsilverSnow-Tombed Starsilver
Best ArtifactPale FlamePale Flame x2
Bloodstained ChivalryBloodstained Chivalry x2
Artifact StatsSands: ATK%
Goblet: Physical DMG Bonus
Circlet: Crit Rate/DMG
Priority Sub-Stats 1. Crit Rate/DMG
2. ATK%
3. Energy Recharge

This build focuses on increasing the Physical One-shot that Xinyan does during her Elemental Burst enabling her to be an amazing Physical Sub-DPS.

Shield Support Build

WeaponSacrificial GreatswordSacrificial Greatsword
Substitute1. WhiteblindWhiteblind
2. Skyward PrideSkyward Pride
3. Luxurious Sea-LordLuxurious Sea-Lord
Best ArtifactTenacity of the MillelithTenacity of the Millelith x4
Artifact StatsSands: DEF% / Energy Recharge
Goblet: DEF%
Circlet: DEF%
Priority Sub-Stats 1. CRIT Rate or DMG
2. ATK%
3. Energy Recharge

This build focuses on creating tanky shields and increasing their up-time.

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Xinyan Best Weapon

Physical Sub-DPS Weapon

Best Weapons For Sub-DPS Build

BestWolfWolf's GravestoneATK 49.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Gives additional ATK%
- Can periodically increase ATK% of the team for a duration
└ The buff gets triggered if Xinyan hit an enemy with less than 30% HP
- Competes with many characters for the weapon.
2ndSerpent SpineSerpent Spine CRIT Rate 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- CRIT DMG makes it convenient to achieve good CRIT stat ratio
- Stacks let you deal more damage to the enemies but the damage you receive is also increased (5 stacks at max)
└ Stacks are reduced whenever you get hit.
3rdSkyward PrideSkyward PrideEnergy Recharge 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- ER substat is convenient for Burst uptime
- Increases the damage output of Xinyan
└ After using any ability, it can produce 8 vacuum blades when attacking
Luxurious Sea-LordLuxurious Sea-LordATK 55.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Increases Elemental Burst DMG
└ Guaranteed to inflict an Aoe damage periodically
- Event-exclusive weapon which makes it easy to R5
5thLithic BladeLithic BladeATK 41.3% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% increases overall damage
- Can provide additional ATK% & CRIT Rate
└ Passive is situational since it only takes effect when team members hail from Liyue
Snow-Tombed StarsilverSnow-Tombed Starsilver Physical DMG Bonus 34.5% (Lvl. 90)
- Free to play option
- Physical DMG sub-stat benefits Xinyan

CRIT Stats, ATK and Physical DMG Stats Works Best

When using Xinyan as a Sub-DPS you want to maximize the damage providing outputs of Xinyan which can be increased via CRIT, ATK and Physical DMG. Energy Recharge is good for higher up-time.

Shielder & Support Build Weapons

Best Weapons For Shield & Support Build

BestSacrificial GreatswordSacrificial GreatswordEnergy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- ER substat is convenient for Burst uptime
- Chance to reset Skill
└ Can produce additional Energy upon using Skill
2ndRedhorn StonethresherRedhorn StonethresherCRIT DMG 88.2% (Lvl. 90)
- One of the few weapons that significantly increases Defense.
- Also great for Hybrid Sub-DPS and support because of its amazing CRIT DMG.
3rdSkyward PrideSkyward PrideEnergy Recharge 36.8% (Lvl. 90)
- Energy Recharge helps with up-time of Burst..
- Increases overall DMG slightly.
- High Base ATK
F2PWhiteblindWhiteblindDEF 51.7% (Lvl. 90)
- Free to Play option.
- Provides amazing DEF Buff.

Defense & ER Stats Are Recommended

For Xinyan's Shield, you need to increase your Defense for it to be tankier. ER is also important for up-time of shields especially at C2. Sacrificial Greatsword fixes the long cooldown of shields making it the best option.

All Weapon List

Xinyan Best Artifacts

Physical Sub-DPS

Best Artifacts

BestPale FlamePale Flame
[2-Piece Set]
Bloodstained ChivalryBloodstained Chivalry
[2-Piece Set]
Substitute 1Bloodstained ChivalryAny Physical DMG Artifact
[2-Piece Set]
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige
[2-Piece Set]

Recommended Artifact Stats

Feather Icon Main: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Flower Icon Main: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands Icon Main: ATK%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge
Goblet Icon Main: Physical DMG Bonus
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge
Crown Icon Main: CRIT Damage / Rate
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge

This build increases the damage of Xinyan's elemental burst and enhances her energy production enabling Xinyan to spam her burst dealing tremendous damage to enemies.

Pyro Support Shielder

Best Artifacts

BestTenacity of the MillelithTenacity of the Millelith
[4-Piece Set]
Substitute 1Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige
[4-Piece Set]

Recommended Artifact Stats

Feather Icon Main: Flat ATK
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / DEF%
Flower Icon Main: Flat HP
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / Energy Recharge / DEF%
Sands Icon Main: DEF% / Energy Recharge
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK%
Goblet Icon Main: DEF%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge / ATK%
Crown Icon Main: DEF%
Sub: CRIT DMG / CRIT Rate / ATK% / Energy Recharge

This build enhances Xinyan's shields making them bulkier for your team's survival. Aim to hit 2 or more opponents to get the level 3 shield. She also works well with Physical DPS characters because of the DMG bonus (passive) she provides when shielded.

You Can Use ER Sands If You're Having Energy Issues

ER Sands is only recommended if you lack good energy recharge substats and if you're having difficulty maintaining her elemental burst's uptime. You'll want at least 150% energy recharge for Xinyan.

Related Articles

Xinyan Best Team Comp

Best Team For Xinyan

Support DPS Support Sub-DPS
XinyanXinyanAyatoAyatoKazuhaKazuhaPyro TravelerPyro Traveler
- Pyro reaction teams work well for Shield Support Xinyan.
- Pyro resonance can increase ATK that most DPS scales on.
- Kazuha with Viridescent Venerer and Pyro Traveler with Scroll set can greatly increase the Elemental DMG dealt by the whole team

Other Characters That Works With Xinyan

AyatoAyatoWriothesleyWriothesley- Reserve this spot for the DPS.
- Aside from Hydro, any Cryo or Dendro DPS can be used depending on your intended team comp.
KazuhaKazuhaXilonenXilonen- Reserve this spot for a support character.
Pyro TravelerPyro TravelerMavuikaMavuika
- Reserve this spot for a sub-DPS.
- Pyro is a recommended Element if the DPS used is not Pyro.

Free-To-Play Party

Support DPS Support Sub-DPS
- Xinyan's Shield and Mika can buff Physical DMG for Razor.
- Mika can also heal and buff ATK SPD for the active character.
- Rosaria buffs CRIT Rate and applies Cryo off-field with her Burst.

Xinyan Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Violetgrass Farming Routes

Violetgrass Farming Routes
Violetgrass Farming Route

Talent Materials For Xinyan

Xinyan 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Dance on Fire★★・・・
Sweeping Fervor (Elemental Skill)★★★★★
Riff Revolution (Elemental Burst)★★★★・

Xinyan Skill Guide & How To Use Xinyan

Recommended Rotation For Xinyan

Recommended Rotation
1Start with her Elemental Skill and switch character.
2Deal damage using other characters.
3Once Elemental Burst is available, unleash it!
4 Repeat from no. 1

Uses Of Xinyan's Elemental Skill

Use To Get A Pyro Shield

With every use of Xinyan's Shield, you will get a Pyro shield that will last until it's depleted or expired. It will stay on the field even if you switch out of Xinyan.

Apply Pyro To Enemies Off-Field

Hitting more than 2 enemies using Xinyan's Elemental Skill will upgrade the shield enabling it to deal off-field Pyro. This is great for Pyro Reactions at Swirl or Overload Comps .

Shielded Characters Will Have Increase Physical Damage

Physical Damage Xinyan

Upon unlocking the second Ascension of Xinyan, the person being protected by the shield have a Physical Damage buff.

Uses Of Xinyan's Elemental Burst

Powerful One-Shot Physical Damage

Physical Damage Xinyan

Affect Multiple Enemies With Pyro

Xinyan's Burst is an explosive release of Pyro! When you need to deal damage to enemies or if you need to apply Pyro to multiple of them, this is an easy way to do so.

At Constellation 2, It Also Provides Shield

At Constellation 2, using Elemental Burst will also provide your character with a shield. This makes Xinyan a stable Shield Provider for the team. Pre-C2 Xinyan tends to have unstable Shields without Sacrificial Greatsword.

Xinyan Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Xinyan?

Pull If You Need A DPS & Shielder


Xinyan can used as Physical DPS or Shielder. When she hit at least 2 enemies with her elemental skill, her shield pulsates which can inflict Pyro damage to nearby enemies. Although Xinyan's constellation improves her combative & supportive capabilities, it is not recommended to aim for Xinyan when pulling unless Xinyan's rate is boosted.

Best Constellation For Xinyan

★★★★・C1: Fatal Acceleration
Upon scoring a CRIT Hit, increases ATK SPD of Xinyan's Normal and Charged Attacks by 12% for 5s. Can only occur once every 5s.
★★★★・C2: Impromptu Opening
Riff Revolution's Physical DMG has its CRIT Rate increased by 100%, and will form a shield at Shield Level 3: Rave when cast.
★★★・・C3: Double-Stop
Increases the Level of Sweeping Fervor by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★★★C4: Wildfire Rhythm
Sweeping Fervor's swing DMG decreases opponent's Physical RES by 15% for 12s.
★★★・・C5: Screamin' For An Encore
Increases the Level of Riff Revolution by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★・・・・C6: Rockin' In A Flaming World
Decreases the Stamina Consumption of Xinyan's Charged Attacks by 30%. Additionally, Xinyan's Charged Attacks gain an ATK Bonus equal to 50% of her DEF.

Constellation 2 For Burst Support Xinyan

With Constellation 2, the Elemental Burst of Xinyan will have a 100% CRIT Rate. With this, you can just build the CRIT Damage of Xinyan if you are only using her as a Burst Support.

Constellation 4 Furthers The Physical Damage

With the 4th Constellation of Xinyan, she can decrease the Physical resistance of enemies further increasing her already powerful Elemental Burst and becoming a descent support in Physical Comps.

Xinyan Skills & Talents Details

Normal Attack: Dance On Fire

Normal Attack

Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes.
1-Hit DMG76.5%82.8%89%97.9%104.1%111.3%121%130.8%140.6%151.3%162%
2-Hit DMG74%80%86%94.6%100.6%107.5%117%126.4%135.9%146.2%156.5%
3-Hit DMG95.5%103.2%111%121.1%130%138.8%151%163.2%175.4%188.7%202%
4-Hit DMG115.8%125.3%1347%148.2%157.6%168.4%183.2%198%212.8%229%245.2%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Charged Attack

Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous spinning attacks against all nearby opponents.At the end of the sequence, performs a more powerful slash.
Cyclic DMG
Final DMG

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Plunge DMG74.6%80.7%86.7%95.4%101.5%108.4%118%127.5%137%147.4%157.9%
Low Plunge DMG140%161%173%191%203%217%236%255%274%295%316%
High Plunge DMG186%202%217%238%253%271%295%318%342%368%394%

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Sweeping Fervor (Elemental Skill)

Xinyan brandishes her instrument, dealing Pyro DMG on nearby opponents, forming a shield made out of her audience's passion. The shield's DMG Absorption scales based on Xinyan's DEF and on the number of opponents hit.
・Hitting 0 – 1 opponents grants Shield Level 1: Ad Lib.
・Hitting 2 opponents grants Shield Level 2: Lead-In.
・Hitting 3 or more opponents grants Shield Level 3: Rave, which will also deal intermittent Pyro DMG to nearby opponents.
The shield has the following special properties:
・ When unleashed, it infuses Xinyan with Pyro.
・It has 250% DMG Absorption effectiveness against Pyro DMG.
Swing DMG170%182%195%212%225%237%254%271%288%305%322%339%360%
Shield Level 1
DMG Absorption
Shield Level 2
DMG Absorption
Shield Level 3
DMG Absorption

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

Riff Revolution

Performs different attacks based on what stance Tartaglia is in when casting.
Skill DMG340%366%392%426%452%477%511%545%579%613%648%682%724%
Pyro DoT40%43%46%50%53%56%60%64%68%72%76%80%85%
Energy Cost60606060606060606060606060

▲Use side-scroll to see percentage per level.

The Show Goes On, Even Without An Audience...

Decreases the number of opponents Sweeping Fervor must hit to trigger each level of shielding.
・ Shield Level 2: Lead-In requirement reduced to 1 opponent hit.
・Shield Level 3: Rave requirement reduced to 2 opponents hit or more.

...Now That's Rock 'N' Roll!

Characters shielded by Sweeping Fervor deal 15% increased Physical DMG.

A Rad Recipe

When a Perfect Cooking is achieved on a DEF-boosting dish, Xinyan has a 12% chance to obtain double the product.

Characters With Same Role As Xinyan 

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Anonymous 9

Nunca leve a sério as listas, isso é só pra ter uma ideia de como vc gosta de alguém invista sim

Anonymous 8

she gets 100% crit rate on her bust from a constellation... ily I hope I'll get her C6 soon

Anonymous 7

This tier is the most realistic thing I have every seen. Xinyan is the best character in genshin and you can not change my mind.

Anonymous 6

⬇ Her burst only useful as C2 because she's create a shield via burst

Anonymous 5

Pro tip: Never take tier lists seriously, they are always put together by people, hence they are biased.

How ever, why does she have to be this bad? She was one of my first units and only fire unit with amber during dragonspine, i always found her burst useless beyond belief

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