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Xianyun Guide

Genshin Impact | Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Best Build & Weapon Guide

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Genshin Impact | Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Best Build & Weapon Guide - GameWith

Xianyun is a character of Genshin Impact 5.5. See Xianyun's, best build guide 2024, best weapon, materials, Xianyun artifacts set for Xiao, team, & talent material for Xianyun.

Table of Contents

Xianyun Latest Information & News

Xianyun Is Currently Available For Pick-Up!

Xianyun Banner
Pick-Up DurationMarch 26, 2025 11:00 - April 15, 2025 17:59

Xianyun is currently available with a higher chance of dropping from March 26, 2025 until April 15, 2025! Xianyun is a great Plunging Attack support. Do not miss this chance to get Xianyun or her Constellations!

Xianyun Gacha Banner Guide

Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Tier & Review

5 StarAnemoAnemoCatalyst
How To Get?
Obtained through Wishes (Limited Banner)
All Character Tier List

**The Tiers above are ranked in 6 levels. With SS being the highest and D the lowest.
Tiers: SS → S → A → B → C → D

** Tiers above are at Zero Constellations

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What Kind Of Character Is Xianyun?

Xianyun Is A Healer & A Plunge Enabler

Xianyun is an Anemo healer that heals the whole team periodically and allows various characters to use Plunge Attack consistently by increasing the jump height of characters. She also has the ability to greatly increase the damage of Plunge attack and deal additional Anemo DMG from them.

Useful For Exploration

Xianyun is able to jump tall heights with her Elemental Skill and quickens the gliding speed of characters. With her healing, she becomes an amazing character for exploring various areas in the game.

Strengths & Weakness Of Xianyun (Cloud Retainer)

- Amazing sustain for the team because of Elemental Burst.
↳ Works amazing with Furina
- Amazing at Explorations since its jumps can reach great heights.
- Greatly boost the power of Plunge Attacks.
- Support buff capabilities is very niche and only buff one hit.
- Support capabilities competes with non-limited characters.
- Fairly high Elemental Burst cost.
▼ Details about Xianyun below.

Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Best Build

Xianyun Is Best Built As A Healer & Buffer/Debuffer

WeaponCrane Crane's Echoing Call
Substitute1. Skyward AtlasSkyward Atlas
2. Oathsworn EyeOathsworn Eye
3. Memory Of DustMemory Of Dust
4. Wine And SongWine And Song
Best ArtifactSong Of Days PastSong Of Days Past x4
Artifact StatsSands: Energy Recharge or ATK
Goblet: ATK%
Circlet: ATK%
Priority Sub-Stats 1. ATK%
2. Energy Recharge

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Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Best Weapon

Best Weapons For Xianyun's Healer Build

1stCraneCrane's Echoing CallATK 16.5% (Lvl. 90)
- Signature weapon of Xianyu.
- Greatly increase ATK of Xianyun for buffs and healing.
- Boost DMG of Plunge ATK of the team and recovers energy.
- High base ATK is great for boosting ATK.
2ndSkyward AtlasSkyward Atlas ATK 33.1% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increase ATK stat of Xianyu for healing.
- Amazing Stat stick for healing but the effect of the weapon does not help with the ability.
Oathsworn EyeOathsworn Eye ATK 27.6% (Lvl. 90)
- ATK% is great for boosting healing.
- Greatly boost Energy Recharge especially at R5 for higher Burst Uptime.
- Best F2P Option for Xianyun.
4thMemory Of DustMemory Of Dust ATK 49.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Greatly increase the ATK stat of Xianyun.
- Needs shields to maximize ATK buff.
5thWine And SongWine And Song Energy Recharge 30.6% (Lvl. 90)
- Energy Recharge sub-stat is great for Elemental Burst up-time.
- Can boost ATK for 5 seconds when dashing.
6thFavonius CodexFavonius Codex (Lvl. 90)
- Allows Xianyun to battery the team.
- Energy Recharge also helps with the uptime of Elemental Burst.
- You need to invest on CRIT Rate for consistent activation of the effect.

Focus On ATK% And Energy Recharge

The only stat that you need for Xianyun for her buffs is ATK and Energy Recharge for faster activation of Elemental Burst. Focus on using weapons that increases those stats for Xianyun.

All Weapon List

Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Best Artifacts

Xianyun Healer & Support Artifacts

Choose Depending On Team

General BufferSong Of Days PastSong Of Days Past
General DebufferViridescent VenererViridescent Venerer
SubstituteOcean-Hued ClamOcean-Hued Clam

Artifact Stat Priority

Flower IconMain: Flat HP
Sub: ATK% / Energy Recharge
Feather IconMain: Flat ATK
Sub: ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sands IconMain: ATK% / Energy Recharge
Sub: ATK% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Goblet IconMain: ATK%
Sub: ATK% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery
Crown IconMain: ATK%
Sub: ATK% / Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery

Viridescent Venerer Is The Best Pick If the Main DPS Has Swirlable Element

Viridescent Venerer is the best artifact to pick for boosting the damage of the team because of the resistance shred it provides. However, this can only be used on comps with Main DPS that reacts with Anemo (Pyro / Hydro / Electro / Cryo). On teams outside those elements, it is better to use other Artifacts that provides buff or damage.

Songs Of Days Past For All Teams Including Non-Swirlable Elements

Outside Swirl Comps or for a flexible buff, it is recommended to use Songs of Days Past. Xianyun's healing should be enough to take full advantage of this Artifact.

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Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Best Team Comp

Xianyun Is Best Used On Plunge Attack Teams

HealerMain DPSSupportSub-DPS
- Xianyun can increase the damage of Xiao greatly while also giving a much needed healing for Xiao.
- Faruzan increases the DMG of Xiao further and also works with Xianyun in funneling Anemo energy particles.
- Furina is the sub-DPS and support that works great with Xianyun because of Xianyun's team-wide healing.
Other Recommended Characters

Other Characters That Works With Xianyun

Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun
- Characters with high Plunge DMG scalings can work with Xianyun since she can enable Plunge ATK.
Kujou SaraKujou Sara
- Choose a support that will fit the main DPS.
- Sub-DPS can be chosen based on the Main DPS instead of Xianyun. An element that can be swirled is preferred if Xianyun is wearing Viridescent Venerer.

Free To Play Friendly Party

SupportMain DPSSub-DPSSupport
- A Plunge Comp that is composed of mostly free characters.
Best Teams For Xianyun

Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Ascension Materials

Lack materials in your world? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread

Materials Needed for Level Ascension

Talent Materials For Xianyun (Cloud Retainer)

Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) 's Recommended Talent Priority

TalentLevel Up Priority
Normal Attack: Word of Wind and Flower★★・・・
White Clouds at Dawn
(Elemental Skill)
Stars Gather at Dusk
(Elemental Burst)

Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Skill Guide & How To Use Xianyun (Cloud Retainer)

Recommended Rotation For Xianyun

Recommended Rotation
1Use Elemental Skill of Xianyun and do a plunge attack.
2Use Elemental Burst and switch to the main DPS.
3Switch to the main DPS and do Plunge attacks until the buff runs out.
4Repeat Step 1.

Uses Of Xianyun's Elemental Skill

Do 3 Levels Of Jump & Deal Plunge Attack

The Elemental Skill of Xianyun does 3 jumps. You can jump up to 2 times in the air and deal a special plunge attack dealing an AoE Damage. This skill will be an amazing way to explore the new area, Chenyu Vale.

Particularly Amazing At Exploration

Xianyun's Elemental skill is a very convenient skill for exploration since it allows you to climb mountains and move to slope areas easily. For vertical climbing, she is pretty difficult to use but for flat areas or slanted areas, she can traverse them with ease.

Uses Of Xianyun's Elemental Burst

Continuously Heals The Whole Team

Upon unleashing Elemental Burst, Xianyun will heal the whole team and will periodically heal the whole team.

Allows Characters To Become Plunge Attackers

Using Elemental Burst will allow members of the team to be able to jump higher than usual allowing the characters to do plunge attacks. This ability increases the DPS options for teams with Xianyun allowing you to select characters that has high Plunge ATK multiplier to consistently plunge like Diluc.

Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) Wish & Constellation Guide

Should You Get Or Wish For Xianyun (Cloud Retainer)?

Pull For A Buffer & Healer At Plunge Attack Teams

Xianyun is a niche support that buffs the Plunge Attack of characters. She also allows characters to do plunge attacks for characters with high Plunge Attack multiplier but cannot do it on their own like Diluc. Outside Plunge teams, she is an amazing healer.

Best Constellation For Xianyun (Cloud Retainer)

★★★★・C1: Purifying Wind
White Clouds at Dawn gains 1 additional charge.
★★★★★C2: Aloof From The World
After using a Skyladder from White Clouds at Dawn, Xianyun's ATK will be increased by 20% for 15s.
Additionally, the effects of the Passive Talent "Consider, the Adeptus in Her Realm" will be enhanced: When the Starwicker created by Stars Gather at Dusk has Adeptal Assistance stacks, nearby active characters' Plunging Attack shockwave DMG will be increased by 400% of Xianyun's ATK. The maximum DMG increase that can be achieved this way is 18,000. Each Plunging Attack shockwave DMG instance can only apply this increased DMG effect to a single opponent. Each character can trigger this effect once every 0.4s. You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Consider, the Adeptus in Her Realm."
★★・・・C3: Creations Of Star And Moon
Increases the Level of Stars Gather at Dusk by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C4: Mystery Millet Gourmet
After using Skyladder 1/2/3 times during one White Clouds at Dawn Cloud Transmogrification state, when a Driftcloud Wave unleashed during that instance hits an opponent, it will heal all nearby party members for 50%/80%/150% of Xianyun's ATK. This effect can be triggered once every 5s.
★・・・・C5: Astride Rose-Colored Clouds
Increases the Level of White Clouds at Dawn by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
★★★・・C6: Cloudkeeper's Spirit
After Xianyun uses 1/2/3 Skyladders within one Cloud Transmogrification caused by White Clouds at Dawn, the CRIT DMG of a Driftcloud Wave created in this instance of Cloud Transmogrification will be increased by 15%/35%/70%. Within 16s after Xianyun has used Stars Gather at Dusk, White Clouds at Dawn will not enter CD. This effect will be canceled once she has used White Clouds at Dawn 8 times.

Having No Cons Is Good If She Will Only Act As A Healer

When using Xianyun as a healer, having no Constellations is okay. At C4, her Elemental Skill can then heal, but it is too costly to aim for C4 just for healing, so stick with no Cons.

Buff Plunging Attacks With C2

If you want to increase the damage of Plunging Attacks, aim for C2. Since the buff for Plunging Attacks with Xianyun's Burst is great, you can pair her with Gaming or Xiao.

Characters With Same Role As Xianyun (Cloud Retainer) 

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senami 10

Try Desert Pavilion Chronicle artefact set as main dps Xianyun

Anonymous 9

Why is everyone recommending songs of days past? seems like a terrible choice, as it only adds a MAX of 6000 dmg every 10 or so seconds. You get way more damage out seafoam clam.

Anonymous 8

I would say she is more Niche.. If you have xiao or like plunges go for her. Otherwise no real benifit

Anonymous 7

Bruh my dilic deals 170k per plunge and she is in s (

Anonymous 6

S tier, what ? %100 new meta (SS)

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