Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
The Chasm & Underground Mines - Map & Quest

Genshin Impact | The Chasm & Underground Mines - Map & Quest

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Genshin Impact | The Chasm & Underground Mines - Map & Quest - GameWith

The Chasm & Underground Mines are areas in Genshin Impact which includes the location, how to unlock, secret, hidden, puzzle, boss, mining records, quests, map, & locked gate!

Table of Contents

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The Chasm - Location & Map

The Chasm Map

The Chasm map appearance

Located At The Right Side of Lingju Pass & Qingxu Pool

The Chasm is located in Liyue beside Lingju Pass and Qingxu Pool. It is said to be a mining district but all work inside its mines were suspended until it's recent opening.

The Chasm Underground Map

The Chasm Underground Map

The Chasm goes deep underground, expanding in a network of tunnels and paths. Enshrouded in mystery, the Chasm's underground area offers new adventurers something to explore in every corner!

Progress Through Chasm Delvers Quest To Gain Access

In order to gain access to the Underground Mines of The Chasm, you will have to progress through the Chasm Delvers quest line. In particular, completing the Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering opens the entrance to the unground section.

Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Quest Walkthrough Guide

The Chasm - Secret Contents

SecretHow To Get
Shriveled SeedShriveled SeedCollect the seed from the small oasis south of the The Chasm: Main Mining Area
Orb Of The BlueOrb Of The BlueCollect all 9 from the named Black Serpent Knights in The Chasm
The Missing MinerThe Missing Mineryou will need to go to the Underground Waterway area and locate the Work Handbook there
Mysterious LetterMysterious LetterMysterious Letter can be obtained at the Secret Room. This secret room is only unlocked after completing collecting 9 Orb Of The Blue Depths
The Nine-Word Rumor AchievementThe Nine-Word Rumor AchievementFound in multiple locations across the world
Treasure Map FragmentTreasure Map FragmentCollect the 2 map fragments from Treasure Hoarders camp to get the Lumenspar behind the locked gate at the Underground Mines
Secret Of The Chasm 2.6 Update

The Chasm World Quests

World Quest In The Chasm
A Cliff-Side Hero's PastTalk to Tang Wuchou at the top of the Cinnaber Cliff in Liyue
A Company Vanishing Into the DeepTalk to the group of Fatui in the Underground Mines
Chasm SpelunkersUnlocks Immediately After Completing Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering
Dimming Mushroom's Call for HelpBecomes available as you explore the Glowing Narros area in the Chasm
First Miasmic ContactUnlocked During The Chasm Spelunker Quest
Hydrological Investigation in The ChasmCatch Fish In The Chasm Underground
Lost in a Foreign LandTalk to Katarina found within the Chasm
Lost in a Foreign Land: SeekingComplete Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend quest the talk to Katarina
Meeting New People... and Foiling Some BanditsUnlocked During The Chasm Spelunker Quest
Mycological Investigation in The ChasmPick up at least 2 Starshrooms
Paleontological Investigation in The ChasmTake A Photo Of One Strange Rock In Chasm
Perils in the DarkUnlock By Finishing The Heavenly Stone's Debris
Says He Who Seeks StoneTalk to Muning at the camp near Glaze Peak
Stolen, by the Rightful OwnerComplete Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Quest
Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal SunderingTalk to Yuehui during the In The Depths, An Unexpected Reunion quest
The Chasm ChartersSpeak To Lan In Liyue Harbor
The Chasm DelversComplete Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Quest
The Chasm's BountyComplete The Chasm Delvers Questline
The Heavenly Stone's DebrisUnlock By Finishing Chasm Spelunkers
The Millennial MountainsTalk To Wang At "The Chasm's Maw"
The Missing MinerRead The Work Handbook Found In The Underground Waterway
Undetected InfiltrationComplete Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Quest
Valor's AfterglowUnlock By Finishing The Chasm Delvers Questline
Valor's Afterglow: Return By SundownUnlock By Finishing Valor's Afterglow
Valor's Afterglow: The Faint Light RememberedTalk To Jinwu In The Chasm after completing Valor's Afterglow: Return by Sundown
Vibro-Crystal ProjectionsPart of the Vibro-Crystal Research.
Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?Unlock By Finishing Perils In The Dark
All The Chasm World Quest List

The Chasm - Features & Puzzle

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The Chasm - Boss

Ruin Serpent

Ruin Serpent
Ruin Serpent
Ruin Serpent

The Ruin Serpent is a new world boss added as part of The Chasm. Since it does not require any prerequisite quests to unlock, you can immediately head to its location at The Serpent's Cave inside the Underground Mines and fight it.

Characters/Weapons That Use Its Materials
YelanYelanShikanoin HeizouShikanoin HeizouKuki ShinobuKuki Shinobu
Ruin Serpent Location & How To Defeat

Black Serpent Knights

Black Serpent Knights are enemies that come in different variants. They're not as commonly found within The Chasm, but there are specific areas wherein you can find them.

Characters/Weapons That Use Its Materials
Haran Geppaku FutsuHaran Geppaku Futsu

Floating Fungus

Floating Fungus

Floating Fungus are adorable, but they are hostile creatures found in The Chasm. So far, there's only a single type of them, but there's a chance more will be added similar to what happened to the Specters.

Floating Fungus Location & Release Date
Characters/Weapons That Use Its Materials

Fungal Spores

This material drops from the new enemies, Floating Fungus found within The Chasm: Underground Mines.

Fungal Spores Location & How To Get

The Chasm - Gadget

Lumenstone Adjuvant

Lumenstone Adjuvant

The Lumenstone Adjuvant is an essential gadget for exploring The Chasm. Besides providing light, it can be used to clear the dangerous Oozing Mud found within the mines.

Lumenstone Adjuvant Location & How To Get

The Chasm - Materials



Starshroom can easily be found around the underground section of The Chasm. It glows against the darkness of the mines making it visible!

Starshroom Location & How To Get

Lumenspar & Lumenstone Ore

LumensparLumenstone Ore
LumensparLumensparLumenstone OreLumenstone Ore

Lumenspar and Lumenstone Ore are used to upgrade the Lumenstone Adjuvant! The Lumenspar will show up in your minimap when nearby while Lumenstone Ore has its own set of locations.

Lumenspar Location & How To Get

The Chasm - Mechanics



Sproutrocks are rocks that can enhance your jumping ability that will help you reach a higher spot easily. Just beware that although it increases your jumps, it does not save you from fall damage.

Lumenlamps & Lucklight Flies

Lumenlamps & Lucklight Flies

These can be used to replenish the charges of Lumenstone Adjuvant. The Lumenlamps often need to be charged first before they can be used indefinitely.

Blooming Light

Blooming Light

Once your Lumenstone Adjuvant reaches level 3, you are able to destroy Oozing Concentrations and muds near you. At higher levels, it can also cleanse higher level concentrations.

Dark Mud

Dark Mud

Oozing mud will continuously drain your HP level, Lumenstone Adjuvant charges, and as well as affect your mobility.

Oozing Concretions

Oozing Concretions

Oozing Concretions can sometimes be found in some Dark Muds. This purple light thing has a certain level of emission strength. You can use the Blooming Light to destroy the concretions.

Sludge Effect

Monsters affected by sludge

There will be monsters are inflicted by the sludge coming from the concretions and dark mud, you destroy the mud and concretions you will have an advantage in battle.

The Chasm - Puzzle

Bedrock Keys

Bedrock Key

A magical array that was built by Ningguang to seal the areas of the Chasm. They must be destroyed in order to gain access to The Chasm: Underground Mines.

Cage-Shaped Geo Formations

Cage-Shaped Geo Formations

You can charge these cage-shaped Geo formations with Geogranum and use them to destroy Bedrock Keys. Hit these cages to be able to send a Geogranum to a Bedrock Key and damage it.

Unique Rock Pillars

Unique Rock Pillars

These geo pillars are said to be bearing the trauma from an ancient battle. Once these rocks got hit by explosions, it will produce a "Resonant Quake" resulting in the land shaking.

Unique Rocks

Unique Rocks

Similiar to the Pile of Rocks that we have encountered before, this Unique Rock has a twist in it. The number of symbols indicated on the rocks has something to do with the number of resonance it needs to receive.

Mechanism Plates

Mechanism Plates

You will be encountering a certain mechanism around The Chasm that is somewhat similar to the pressure plate. Activate the mechanism and locate the traces of a treasure chest.

Mutated Seelie

Mutated Seelie

Aside from the real usage of the Seelies, this mutated Seelie can also replenish the energy of the Lumenstone Adjuvant when you stay closer to them.

The Chasm - Creatures

Bluethunder WeaselBluethunder Weasel These intelligent weasels live underground within the mining tunnels and cavernous depths of the Chasm. Their fur has a unique blue sheen.
Can be captured by the Omni-Ubiquity Net
Lucklight FliesLucklight Fly These intelligent weasels live underground within the mining tunnels and cavernous depths of the Chasm. Their fur has a unique blue sheen.
Can be captured by the Omni-Ubiquity Net

Hidden Achivements - Mining Records & If Not Us, Then Who?

The Chasm Missing Records Map & Location

mr1 map
mr1 loc
mr2 map
mr2 loc
mr3 map
mr3 loc

There are 3 missing records that can be found at The Chasm & Underground Mines.

The Chasm Mining Records Achievement

The Chasm Mining Records Achievement

Locate & interact all of the missing records and you can complete the achievement: The Chasm Mining Records.

The Chasm Fatui Action Log Map & Location

fal1 map
fal1 loc
fal2 map
fal2 loc
fal3 map
fal3 loc
fal4 map
fal4 loc

A total of 4 Fatui action logs are scattered at the depths of The Chasm: Underground Mines.

If Not Us, Then Who? Achievement

If Not Us, Then Who? Achievement

Locate & interact all of the Fatui action logs and you can complete the achievement: If Not Us, Then Who?

The Chasm Release Date

Released On Version 2.6

The Chasm for 2.6 Genshin Impact update

The Chasm was officially announced during the 2.5 livestream that it will be released in the 2.6 update of the game. It was finally added with the 2.6 update's release on March 30. 2022.

2.6 Update & Patch Notes

Map & Material List

Individual Map Per Item

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Anonymous 9

400 days ago people already talk about this place lol

Anonymous 8

So.. The Chasm is part of Sumeru?

Anonymous 7

please those who are saying its not a region go check the map which leaked previously after all it will introduce the dendro element and the region is in the exact location show using your Grammer in this

Anonymous 6

Answer to the question below me:

Because it is stated in many npc's dialogue that the chasm is a mining location of liyue. But it's closed for now since there are many accidents and strange thing happens

Anonymous 5

I always thought the chasm was what they called space. like those black parts of the map is called the chasm. what made you guys think it is an actual place? did mihoyo ever said something about it? because chasm is the synonym of void.

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