Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Primogems - How To Earn And Where To Use It

Genshin Impact | Primogems - How To Earn And Where To Use It

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This article is about Primogems. Learn how to earn Primogem and where to use it. Includes ways on how to farm and get Primogem, shop prices, redeem codes, cost & farming methods.

Table of Contents

Beginner's Guide & How To Play

What Are Primogems?

An Invaluable Resource

standard banner

Primogems are used in a variety of ways. You can use it to wish for new characters and weapons, forging mystic enhancement ores, and refilling additional original resin.

Epitome Invocation (Weapon Banner) Guide 2.5 Banner | Should You Roll It?

How To Earn Primogems?

Farming For Primogems


You can earn Primogems from different sources. Travel every region, complete trials, solve puzzles, and loot resources and you might stumble upon a treasure chest.

Complete Daily Commissions

daily commissions

You can earn up to 40 Primogems daily by completing daily commissions. You can earn additional 20 Primogems by reporting to Katheryne after clearing your daily commissions.

Daily To Do's - Activities & Reset Time

Challenge The Spiral Abyss

spiral abyss

Earn 300 Primogems per floor for the first 8 floors and 150 Primogems per floor for floors 9-12. The floors 9-12 have a reset every 1st and 16th of the month.

Spiral Abyss Guide - Portal Location & How To Get There

Participate In Current Events


Different events are available from time to time. By participating in these events, you can earn Primogems and other handsome rewards.

Event List Rewards & Guide

Character Trial

character trial

Whenever a new banner gets released, you can try the featured characters from character trial. You can earn 20 Primogems by trying and finishing the character trial of the featured 5* character.

Best Wish Banner & New Wishes (Gacha)

Daily Check-In

daily check-in

Stamp your attendance on the daily check-in to earn Primogems and other rewards. You can access daily check-in via official miHoYo site.

Daily Check In - Hoyolab Log In Event (Available For PS4?)

Complete Quests


Quests are crucial for your story progress. Finishing prerequisite quests are required to unlock further contents. Completing these quests will reward you Primogems.

All World Quest List - Locations & How To Unlock

Open Treasure Chests

treasure chest

Scour each corners for potential chests. Opening treasure chest gives you Primogems. If you are clearing treasure chests, you can use treasure compass chests for tracking.

Chest Map 2.5 | Chest & Farming Route

Complete Trials & Puzzles


Different trials and puzzles are scattered all throughout Teyvat. Complete challenges and solve puzzles to earn Primogems and other exciting rewards.

Follow The Seelie


Seelies are spirits that can be seen while traversing. Follow these seelies until they reach their designated station. You can get a chest when they reached their destination.

Mysterious Seelie / Blue Spirits - How To Unlock Chests

Activate Waypoints & Statues of the Seven

activate waypoint

Unlocking waypoints gives 5 Primogems. And while unlocking statues of the seven gives 5 Primogems too, a portion of the map will also be visible.

Genshin Impact | How To Fast Travel - Unlock Waypoints

Discover & Clear Domains


Unlocking domains for the first time gives 5 Primogems. Some domains will reward you Primogems and other resources after clearing it for the first time.

Domains & Dungeons List 2.5 Rewards & How To Unlock

Earn Achievements


Primogems can be earned through achievements. There are lots of achievements available. Other than Primogems, you can also get several namecards from it.

All Achievements List 2.5

NPCs That Give Challenges

There are NPCs scattered in different regions that give timed challenges. You can open chests after completing the challenge.

Liyue: Dandy
Inazuma: Kid Kujirai
kid kujirai

Serenitea Pot Trust Rank

serenitea pot trust rank

Earn 60 Primogems per trust rank. The maximum trust rank is 10. Gain trust rank EXP by crafting new furnishings.

Serenitea Pot Location & How To Get

Furnishing Set For Characters

furnishing set

Each character has their designated furnishing set. You can earn 20 Primogems for every character you invite in favorite furnishing sets.

Furniture List 2.3 & Furnishing Materials

Increase Adventure Rank

adventure rank reward

You can get various rewards by increasing your adventure rank. Primogems are included from the rewards. Claim your adventure rank reward from Katheryne.

Adventure Rank Farming & Rewards Guide | How To Level Up Fast

Adventure Investigations

adventure investigation

Complete the investigations in each chapter and you will be rewarded with Primogems plus other resources. This feature can be accessed from Adventure Handbook.

Learn Tutorials


You earn Primogems for every new tutorial that you open. This applies to when you encounter new enemies and discoveries.

Purchasing Primogems

Avail Genesis Crystals

genesis crystals

You can avail Genesis Crystals from the shop. Genesis Crystals comes in bundles and you can get double bonus for first time purchase.

Genesis Crystals Price List

Quantity Price
60 Genesis CrystalsUSD 0.99
300 Genesis CrystalsUSD 4.99
980 Genesis CrystalsUSD 14.99
1,980 Genesis CrystalsUSD 29.99
3,280 Genesis CrystalsUSD 49.99
6,480 Genesis CrystalsUSD 99.99

Convert To Primogems

exchange genesis crystals

You can then use Genesis Crystals to exchange for Primogems. The exchange rate is 1 Primogem per 1 Genesis Crystal.

Genesis Crystals Guide - Price, Uses, & Bonuses

Avail Blessing of the Welkin Moon

blessing of the welkin moon

Blessing of the Welkin Moon can be acquired by spending real money. Purchasing Blessing of the Welkin Moon gives 300 Genesis Crystals initially and 90 Primogems for the succeeding days for 30 days.

Blessing Of The Welkin Moon Location & Were To Buy

Level Up & Purchase Battle Pass

battle pass

By purchasing either Gnostic Hymn or Gnostic Chorus, you can get 680 Primogems and other useful resources from battle pass when you reach level 50.

Battle Pass Guide 2.3 - Weapon & Rewards

Where To Spend Primogem?

Purchase Intertwined & Acquaint Fates

primogem shop

There are two types of fates that are used to wish for new characters and weapons. By having large sums of Primogems, you can purchase fates and wish for several times.

Replenish Original Resin

replenish original resin

Original Resin is used to claim rewards from domains, weekly bosses, ley lines, and field bosses. Note that with each replenish, the cost of Primogems will increase.

Cost Of Primogems Per Replenish

2-3rd Time4th
5-6th Time
Original Resin Guide - How To Use & Check

Redeem Codes

Stay Tuned For Code Giveaways


Redeem codes as soon as possible because those might expire. Once expired, you cannot redeem it anymore. Be updated on the latest Genshin Impact News!

Redeemable Codes List

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punk 5

isnt a decent guide, if you want help farming primos, add me on discord, my tag is punk#0183

Suna 4

Lots of bad advices. This is not a guide, new players don't follow these

Anonymous 3

Under the "Primogems Amount Per Original Resin Replenish" It says first time cost is 60 Primogems, but it is 50. The screenshot above it even shows the 50 Primogem cost. 60 is how much Original Resin you get.

Anonymous 2

This is not even close to any "guide". Just some info what gives gems...

Anonymous 1

Not even one point of this list is really farming, maybe the closest one would be the dialy missions, and they are not really "Farmeable" per se.

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